Daily review 18/06/2019

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, June 18th, 2019 - 17 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:


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17 comments on “Daily review 18/06/2019 ”

  1. adam 1

    God Bless Megan Rapinoe

    • Incognito 2.1

      Character references are not what they used to be and psycho-metric evaluations have taken over but these don’t work well with outliers, i.e. individuals who deviate from the norm so much that they’re off the scale. The saying that you can’t manage what you can’t measure does apply in this context. Good fodder for future historians and cartoonists.

      • Stuart Munro. 2.1.1

        It's a curious thing but back in the day I was told psychometrics were best at finding the outliers (or strong indicators), and least reliable with folk who demonstrated fewer outlying traits. Then again, language is treated as a psychometric trait for testing purposes (for profit testing that is), and I repose no particular trust in the likes of TOEFL, the leader in that class. Their current use in HR is probably not quite as robust as horoscopes, which they no doubt displaced.

        • Incognito

          Body language is where it’s at nowadays, just ask Simon the Prosecutor.

  2. Macro 3

    Brexit has made this country as anxious as I have ever known it

    I have been listening to people in focus groups since the late 1980s and I cannot recall a time when the national mood was more despairing. “Broken”, “sad”, “worried”, “angry”– the negatives tumble out, as does the long list of grievances.

    I’m hearing anxieties voiced in a way I haven’t heard since the 1990s: a rundown NHS, job insecurity, teacher shortages. Seven out of 10 feel pessimistic about homelessness, 68% are gloomy about rising poverty, and a staggering one in five think it likely that they, or someone close, will be a victim of violent crime in the next year. This rises to almost a third in London.

    We’re a deeply divided nation, too – and nearly three-quarters of us expect that to get worse in the year ahead. Forty-eight per cent self-identify as a “have-not” while 52% see themselves as a “have”. We’re torn apart by social class, by geography, and by how we vote – especially on Brexit.

    The starkest divide, though, is age: 52% of over-65s feel optimistic about the future of the UK, contrasting with just 23% of under-34s.


  3. joe90 4

    Surprise surprise…

    But according to an article in the Israeli daily Ha’aretz and multiple reports in the Israeli press, it’s more Potemkin village than Trump Heights. No actual town or village has actually been founded at all. It appears to be little more than a PR stunt to curry favor with the President who continues to openly support Netanyahu as the country moves toward new elections in September. No money has been budgeted for the new town. Nor is there specific location. Indeed, there’s no commitment to build a town at all. The decision will be left to the government that takes power after the next election. In the words of Israeli journalist Barak Ravid: “A settlement by the name of “Trump Heights” or “Ramat Trump” doesn’t exist. It my exist in the future but the Israeli cabinet still hasn’t even decided to do it. For now there’s only a sign.“


    • SPC 5.1

      The "evidence" so far is

      1. a hole above the waterline in two tankers and a mine attached to one of them. The crew of the tanker said the mine was one reason why they got off the tanker.

      2. an Iranian patrol boat arriving afterwards and taking the mine off the tanker.

      3. the more evidence is a photo of supposedly the same patrol boat travelling afterward.

      Removing a mine off a tanker, which was a danger to it, is the same evidence that occurs when a fire crew put out a fire (as if that proves they started it earlier). And a photo of the fire engine being driven away afterwards is not furhter evidence of guilt of being involved in arson.

      This is another WMD farce, to justify another act of war by a nation with a UN veto.

      PS How do mines cause a hole above the waterline? The original reports were of "torpedos" in the air. How does a magnetic mine get to be attached to a hull that far above the waterline?

      • Anne 5.1.1

        The problem with the Trump regime is that you can't believe anything they say. It's just lies, lies and more lies plus 'fake' news.

        If Trump is desperate enough he would arrange for faked pictures of Iranian hostilities as a pretext to go to war with Iran. And enough of the impossibly gullible Yanks will believe it and hail him as a war hero.

        I'm not saying this is what is happening, but nothing can be ruled out with this lot.

        • SPC

          The only plausible scenario from reports so far, is a lobbing of magnetic mines at these tankers, they either hit, or they fall short and if close enough then jump out of the water onto the hull.

          This would explain why some reported something come through the air (another early report was of a torpedo). But we have no coverage of the attacks to note any actual evidence of who did this.

          Just the usual suspects, Pompeo … (Tea Party into Congress, funded by Koch forever), wanting to pin it on Iran. Hilarious that a CIA Director got to be Secretary of State. I wonder how, "it would be nice if we could pin something on Iran to get the world onside with our programme" said before the right former colleague might play out. We might well be watching.

    • Sabine 5.2

      are we not lucky that Clinton is not president?

      • adam 5.2.1

        It's quite sad your continual support of one warmonger over another.

        How about you start opposing this war, rather than partake in partisan shit-fuckery?

  4. CHCoff 6

    This is quite a revealing arrangement in a number of ways


    For NZ & Chinese people, it would be good for both if we can have a added value win win cultural province to province approach of relationship identities & go about things that way i'd say.