Daily Review 18/08/2015

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 pm, August 18th, 2015 - 11 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Murray McCully and owl


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11 comments on “Daily Review 18/08/2015 ”

  1. Clemgeopin 1

    I found this article ‘Why Jeremy Corbyn is Terrifying The London Elite’ By Craig Murray interesting.


    Equally interesting were many comments under the article.

    Four of the comments:

    [1] Corbyn is a good man,a righteous man, an old school Socialist with the well-being of humanity on his mind and in his heart — but the establishment will NEVER let him play that kind of role in the world — NEVER.

    So, we are led to assume that Corbyn is just ONE MORE DISTRACTION to keep the enslaved population hoping and dreaming, just like they threw a few scraps to us with the Greek ‘revolt’ against Europe, Varoufakis’ ‘resistance’ et al.

    The political class USED TO have room and space for people like Corbyn, say, from the early 1900s when Europe was striving towards a just welfare state ( politics with social justice and conscience ) and that righteousness continued right up until the 80s, when Thatcher, Reagan and neo liberalism ripped the guts out of such a beatific vision.

    Corbyn is a distraction to keep us believing and hoping, and trusting, no more….

    It’s over, it’s done — Corbyn is the ‘Sermon on the Mount’ for our day — and real politik and globalisation and the ultra hard hearted cynicism and cruelty of heart is the great satan of our day.

    [2] I don’t live in the UK but it seems to me that Corbyn has them by the gonads and they are starting to feel the pain. Bravo!

    [3]I won’t count the chickens until they are hatched.
    I’ll support Corbyn if he lives up to his promise to oppose and reverse neo-liberal policies and will oppose him if he does an “Alexis Tsipras” on the British people.

    [4] Let’s see if Corbyn is open to monetary reform! He, understanding it [but so far he doesn’t] could resurrect the idea of full employment. Once upon a time both parties were for it and now both parties are against it. Well, full employment, which is an easy policy to make work effectively, would differentiate the parties enough for a real choice.

  2. Clemgeopin 2

    Brian Edwards’ comment about Hosking:
    Hosking’s ability to reach audiences so frequently was unique, according to media commentator and former Labour Party advisor Brian Edwards.

    “This is a relatively unusual situation that someone is able to propagandise…across so many media.”

    Hosking was one of the more disliked commentators in New Zealand, Edwards said.

    “I think the reason for that is his perceived arrogance.”

  3. sabine 3

    Labour on the new powers for Bennett and English to flog of state housing.


    and yes, its Phil Twyford speaking.

    • Ad 3.1

      Good workmanlike performance there Mr Twyford.
      Far better if you keep fronting the housing debate, not Little.

      • Clemgeopin 3.1.1

        Mr Twyford is the housing spokesperson for Labour, not Mr Little. That is why he fronts it, just like Shearer does for energy, King for health, Goff for trade, Hipkins for education etc.

        • Ad

          Not that you would have known if from Little getting sucker-punched by Morning Report on overseas investment, knowing the subtext was housing, because Little has co-led the entire anti-foreign-Chinese hunt with Twyford from the get-go. Clearly you need these points spelling out for you.

          • Clemgeopin

            No, Mr Little did not ‘co-lead’ the ‘ the entire anti-foreign-Chinese hunt’ as you say.
            The Auckland housing issue was led by Twyford but when reporters asked for his views, Mr Little gave his views supporting Twyford. Different to how you are framing it.

  4. Clemgeopin 4

    “I don’t mean to be rude here. I am running for president of the United States on serious issues, OK? Do you have serious questions?”

    The question

  5. Draco T Bastard 5

    Münster’s iconic ‘waste of space’ photo keeps on giving

    n 1991, a photographer commissioned by the City of Münster’s planning department took a series of photographs for a three-panelled poster that showed the space required to transport 72 people by either car, bus or bicycle. Taken on Prinzipalmarkt, Münster’s High Street, the transportation triptych has since become iconic and is often wheeled out as the main representation of how single-occupancy cars take up a disproportionate amount of road space.

    And it really can’t be shown enough as it shows a large part of the dis-economics of personal cars.

    Münster’s iconic photograph is much copied (the Comic Sans font used on a 2001 version of the pic led to a call for remixes without the offensive font) but was itself based on an earlier illustration. The original was published in a 1979 book from the Ministry of Culture, Recreation and Social Work of the Netherlands. De Recreatieve Stad (‘Towards a recreational city’), by R Dufour, was published to “stimulate the growing interest in…improvement of the city character, [via a] decrease in motorized traffic, increased freedom for citizens to build or rebuild their housing, construction of bicycle and walking paths, availability of open air recreation, cultural programmes and shops.”

    And that is how our cities should be. Somewhere for people and not cars.

  6. greywarshark 6

    I loved the duplex image above of McCully and the Owl.
    Was it the result of the old rhyme coming to mind about the wise owl?
    The wise old owl, sat in the oak,
    The more he saw, the less he spoke,
    The less he spoke, the more he heard,
    Why can’t we be like that wise old bird.

    Apparently McCully has adopted that approach. Radionz this morning – Guyon said they had been trying for a week to reach him for comment I think mainly on the Saudi affair,
    but he is overseas.

    Someone should tell McCully – that a rolling politician gathers no gloss!