Daily Review 20/02/2017

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, February 20th, 2017 - 16 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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16 comments on “Daily Review 20/02/2017 ”

  1. Election-time question: Will National raise GST again?

    • The decrypter 1.1

      Look-nothing has been decided yet. If it was decided to increase it by a small amount sanitary products and such like would naturally be exempt .

  2. weka 2

    Selwyn River:
    Whitecliffs – health warning
    Glentunnel – health warning
    Chamberlains Ford – drying up
    Coes Ford – gone
    Hutts – unswimmable

    Charlie Mitchell ‏@comingupcharlie 23m

    Those are all the swimming spots on the river. Health warning at Whitecliffs today completes the set.


  3. weka 3

    Words have meaning people. Actual meaning, when we choose and use them. So we can use them to increase understanding and facilitate better communication, or we can use them in other ways that inhibit understanding and communication. Just saying.


    • BM 3.1

      My advice to you weka is to take stuff at face value, especially with posts guys have written.

      Try not to look for hidden meanings, you’ll get the wrong end of the stick 90% of the time, this will save you a lot of confusion and wasted effort.

      • weka 3.1.1

        What happens when the face value level doesn’t make sense?

        If people use the word ‘deal’ to mean something that isn’t an actual deal, that’s a problem because it means we all end up talking past each other. It’s not just that word either, it’s more that people use language that IMO is designed to mislead. Propping up being the phrase du jour. If I take that at face value, it means that HH is intending to give confidence and supply to National. Is that what is really meant?

        • BM

          What happens when the face value level doesn’t make sense?

          Maybe whoever wrote the post didn’t quite manage to convey their thought process particularly clearly? instead of you just missing the meaning.

          Also, no one knows what HH is going to do, it’s all just predictions and guesswork,.

          • weka

            “Maybe whoever wrote the post didn’t quite manage to convey their thought process particularly clearly?”

            Yes, that is what I mean. Then the issue becomes whether that was intentional, and whether they want to clarify.

            “Also, no one knows what HH is going to do, it’s all just predictions and guesswork,.”

            I agree. Lots of opinion being stated as fact at the moment.

  4. Draco T Bastard 4

    New Zealand appeals court upholds Kim Dotcom extradition ruling

    An appellate court in New Zealand has upheld a lower court’s 2015 decision that Kim Dotcom and his co-defendants should be extradited to the United States to face criminal copyright-related charges involving his former website, Megaupload.

    In a ruling issued Monday afternoon local time (late Sunday night, Eastern Standard Time), Justice Murray Gilbert of the High Court of New Zealand ruled that while he agreed with one of Dotcom’s attorneys’ primary arguments—”that online communication of copyright protected works to the public is not a criminal offence in New Zealand”—the judge noted that nevertheless, Dotcom and his co-defendants remain eligible for extradition based on other elements in the case.

    “Wilful infringement of copyright can properly be characterised as a dishonest act,” Justice Gilbert wrote. “Such infringement deprives the copyright holder of something to which it may be entitled.”

    “The conduct alleged in count 2 therefore constitutes the offence of conspiracy to defraud in terms of art II.16,” he concluded, referring to a particular section of the extradition treaty between New Zealand and the United States that stipulates under what formal criminal allegations extradition “shall be granted.”

    Need lawyers because this sounds like the judge upheld it on a technicality.

    Under the terms of the 1970 extradition treaty between New Zealand and the United States, neither country is required to send their own citizens abroad to face criminal charges, “but the executive authority of each shall have the power to deliver them up, if, in its discretion, it be deemed proper to do so.”

    If he’s not allowed to become a citizen is the justice system allowed to send a non citizen to another country under extradition?

    • millsy 4.1

      They wont be measuring up the orange jumpsuit just yet. This will be dragged out through the courts for years.

      I am picking that the charges will be quitely dropped in return for certain assurances from KDC.

  5. Wayne 5

    KDC still has two more levels of appeal. The Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court. He will, if necessary, use both, so there is 2 more years of appeals. In fact if the Crown (standing in for the US) losses at the Court of Appeal they will also appeal. If KDC wins at the Supreme Court that is the end of the matter. He does not get extradited.

    In the event he looses at the Supreme Court and the Minister of Justice authorises his extradition he will seek judicial review of the Ministers decision. That will also go to the High Court, and then to the Court of Appeal. In my view he will definitely loose at both these levels since I would expect the Minister to be meticulous in how the matter is dealt with. But it will be around a year or so for these appeals. I reckon the Supreme Court would not give leave to appeal on the judicial review. They will think the case has been fully argued with no more new points of law to be argued.

    Incidentally I do not believe any Minister of Justice, whether from the current government or from a Labour led govt, will stop his extradition. They will consider the matter has been fully argued in the courts, and if the courts say he should be extradited, that is what will happen.

    Probably in 2020.

    The US will not give up. They will use all possible legal avenues. The FBI has a saying, “they always get their man”. Even when they don’t.

  6. Whispering Kate 6

    What is wrong with the MSM media these days. Twice tonight in the news my partner and I have been subjected to sensationalist voyeur type ghastly stuff. The North Korean brother’s demise at KL airport, seen seconds before his death and then being suffocated by some substance and then not much later on the crazy driver who deliberately ran his car into an oncoming car and we saw the moment of death of the lady driver who innocently got in his way. I turned to my partner and said this is the closest the MSM media can get to showing us snuff movies and getting away with it.

    Why can we not see news which is relevant and meaningful – its awful enough that these people had to die but why can’t they be given some dignity and not be put on display world wide for all to see. It is lacking courtesy for the victims, insulting to the TV audience and sickening that the MSM seem to think this is relevant news. It also displays a complete lack of laziness on behalf of the reporters who cannot get off their backsides and do the relevant hard yards and bring us information that teaches and advises us of what is going on which is important to us especially being election year. I feel bloody sorry for the news readers who have to read this tripe. There should be some sort of standard which has to set – unfortunately that isn’t so, here in NZ.

    We turned off the TV disgusted.

    • gsays 6.1

      well done with the off switch, wk.
      the trick now is not to pick up the remote again.

    • weka 6.2

      That’s really bad. I don’t have a TV and this is one of the reasons.

    • mauī 6.3

      It’s mostly fake news now. I find it best to go to RT for real international news and I’m not sure where to go to watch real domestic news as of yet.

  7. adam 7

    1985 Frank Zappa interview with Larry King. How things have got worse.