Daily Review 21/06/2017

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, June 21st, 2017 - 20 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).

Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

20 comments on “Daily Review 21/06/2017 ”

  1. lprent 1

    Movers swapping us between apartments in the same block with a walk in the outdoors.

    Hoping that the weather holds off raing until after the mattresses and beds get walked over.

    Don’t like the look of those forecasts.

    On reflection moving on the shortest day was a tactical error.

    • r0b 1.1

      On reflection moving on the shortest day was a tactical error.

      At least you had the sense to hire movers!

      • lprent 1.1.1

        3 flights of stairs to her apartment. And she has been accretting physical books ever since we moved in back on 2012.

        I shifted my collection to epubs because I was sick of moving paper… I am not moving sookie stackhouse 😉

    • weka 1.2

      professional movers, shouldn’t they have waterproof covers?

      • Anne 1.2.1

        Just make sure when you move The Standard you don’t drop it in a puddle of rain water.

        • lprent

          The Standard got moved weeks ago. Apartments aren’t habitable without a high speed link.

          Plus Lyn had an assignment due at the time she settled on the apartment. So I moved the standard early to reduce the risk.

          Brought a 4g dongle to plug into the router at the old.aparyment while it cleared the move. Chorus only allows a single order on a line at a time….

      • lprent 1.2.2

        Yeah. But the stairs are a bit narrow and the mattress is great but unmanageable.

        3.5 hours and we are moved. Good movers. Plus we packed using ecomove rented plastic boxes. Both excellent value.

    • Sacha 1.3

      better view?

    • tc 2.1

      Along with many closed schools in areas that now require them reopened simply on population growth.

      Not that they should have been closed in the first place but once again national showed a comprehensive approach to smashing capability whilst not addressing their leaky legacy.

    • Pete 2.2

      You’re most generous to her. If only that was the sum of her legacy. That was just a bit of her typical bullying around the edges not the full frontal attack on teaching and learning and the brain dead lack of real insightful educational leadership.

  2. weka 3

    “One thing which is just worth having in mind, and you can’t do anything about it, 2 per cent of the older part of the electorate die every year – they are 70 per cent Conservative,” Lord Heseltine told Sky News.

    ”Another 2 per cent come in at the young end of the electorate – they are about 70 per cent Labour. That’s about 2 per cent change each year. There isn’t that much time.“


  3. “What a day,
    Oh what a day.
    My baby brother ran away,
    And now my tuba will not play.
    I’m eight years old
    And turning grey, Oh what a day, Oh what a day.”

  4. as suspected…

    Two researchers at the University of Kansas have conducted a study suggesting that “explicit racial prejudice is a reliable predictor of the ‘free speech defense’ of racist expression.


    • Draco T Bastard 5.1

      Yep, arseholes tend to think that they have a right to be arseholes. They don’t understand that harming others, no matter the method, is a right that nobody has.

    • mac1 5.2

      Racists defend their racism by condoning it in others and call it free speech.

      Meanwhile there’s a  whole bunch of people who shut up because of the racism and the threat of racists’ behaviour. No freedom of speech for them.

  5. Draco T Bastard 6

    81% of voters on the RadioLive poll think Bill English should resign over this Todd Barclay thing. Jeepers.

    Unscientific self-selecting poll but, yeah, this looks like it may be the final nail in the coffin for this government.

  6. Oh the webs we weave when we seek to deceive …

    Something tasteless.

    Clinton, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman… – YouTube
    Video you tube▶ 0:26