Daily review 22/04/2014

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, April 22nd, 2015 - 61 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:

John Key ponytail

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61 comments on “Daily review 22/04/2014 ”

  1. mickysavage 1

    And the word of the day is trichophilia …


  2. Philip Ferguson 2

    World War I – a hundred years on, what’s changed?

  3. Clemgeopin 3

    Has Key apologised yet saying,

    “I am sorry for being a compulsive pony tail puller?”

    • idlegus 3.1

      tv1 6pm news had yet another clip of key touching a little girls hair…weird.

      • emergency mike 3.1.1

        With him telling her, “The boys don’t pull it do they? No. That’s good. We don’t want that to happen do we.”

        Creepy just got creepier.

        Disappointingly the TV1 item left out the point that Key pulled the waitress’ hair even after being told by her and her manager explicitly that she didn’t like it.

        Also I wish they would stop saying that Key apologized. Dumping a couple of bottles of wine saying ‘sorry I didn’t know’ with a big grin and legging it before she can reply is not an apology. It’s a butt covering PR exercise straight out of a Bret Easton Ellis novel.

        An sincere apology involves sticking around and make sure that your apology is accepted – i.e. facing up to whatever the other person might have to say to you in reply like an adult.

        As for Key’s conflicting claim that she said “It’s all fine” or whatever. Who shall we believe? The victim who has brave enough to come forward? Or Mr Pony Tail Lover the known reflexive liar?

        • rawshark-yeshe

          plus another Key ponytail pulling and this time featuring on Amy Adams’ website last year .. scroll down for the photo .. and I guess there will be more to come ..


          Hope the waitress makes an official sexual harrassment complaint, and sooner than later.

          • emergency mike

            Wow that makes four different pony tails, (that we know of), that Mr Key has found an excuse to fondle.

            Meanwhile the TV3 news item managed to find some giggling fool on the street saying that he could pull her pony tail anytime. Maybe she can expect a phone call.

            • rawshark-yeshe

              Four ? I only know three ..

              1. Parnell waitress

              2. From Campbell Live clip

              3. The Amy Adams posting

              Can you detail the fourth pse ? Thx

              • rawshark-yeshe

                Got it .. the TVNZ clip you mention above .. sorry !

                Wow. This is very serious and beyond creepy.

                • yep beyond creepy alright – serial hair toucher and compulsive liar – time to bring the hammer down on this wanker

                  • rawshark-yeshe

                    Every mother and father of young daughters with pony tails will now be watching for him like hawks and viewing him through very different unblinkered eyes. I think this can bring him undone at last.

                    I so wish for the young waitress to lay a sexual assault complaint under the tort mechanism outlined elsewhere today by Tracey.

              • emergency mike

                Watch the lead item from tonght’s TV1 6pm news. It shows him touching a girl’s pony tail and saying to her, as I said above “The boys don’t pull it do they? No. That’s good. We don’t want that to happen do we.”

                http://tvnz.co.nz/news Scroll down a bit to the ‘ONE News Video’ section. The use the arrows to find the video named “I went back, gave her some wine”.

              • ianmac

                Get this one? Key and another ponytail.

                • rawshark-yeshe

                  Thx ianmac .. that is what we have called the Amy Adams incident from her website. Let’s see if it remains !

                • Clemgeopin

                  Bloody hell! How many more are there? And what else is there!

                  I am guessing all his female Nat MPS and Cabinet ministers will be extra careful now or may even cut their hair a little short! Keep an eye out!

              • Alpha z

                only small white girls only ya?

                • rawshark-yeshe

                  someone has posted on the Guardian UK that they remember Key pulling on David Beckham’s pony tail … any one recall any of that ??

                • ropata

                  FJK wouldn’t dare to touch Valerie Adams hair, she would squash the pasty middle aged weirdo

              • philj

                There is a 4th one which was broadcast on TV3 (?) news last which had the girls face blurred out.

          • Hami Shearlie

            Hair Hair, rawshark-yeshe!

  4. bernard 4

    on radio live Duncan Garner had Julia Hartley-Moore on,think she is or was a Private investigator.She was adamant it`s a case of Key being attracted to the waitress

  5. Hateatea 5

    The unexpected effect of Pony tail Gate has been nil appearances by fisiani telling one and all how grateful we should be to ‘Honest John’ for his sterling efforts on our behalf 😉

  6. Philip Ferguson 6

    Civil rights and Philippines solidarity activist on the ramping up of state powers in relation to ‘terrorism’ and the inclusion of large and genuinely progressive movements under this designation:

  7. rawshark-yeshe 7

    I dropped in on Seven Sharp to see Hoskings’ defence of Key .. but he had none. Worse, he explained the downfalls of third term governments … goodness, the faithful are rattled.

    Guess the black stuff on the floor is teflon falling off.

    And three recorded instances of Key’s ponytail pulling ( counting the waitress as only one) … at the end of the day, it is even more creepy than it seemed this morning.

    This won’t get smaller anytime soon.

    • Anne 7.1

      Very good post by Chris Trotter:


      … let me leave you with this little thought experiment. Had the man doing the pony-tail pulling not been John Key, but the Leader of the Opposition, David Cunliffe, and the story had broken before election day (let us say, for the sake of argument, on the Whale Oil blog) how do you think the mainstream news media would have responded? Would David Cunliffe have been permitted to get away with an admission and an apology? Would his political opponents have conceded that he was guilty only of a little playfulness, a little friendly fun? Of course not! Every honest New Zealander knows that if it had been David Cunliffe who’d repeatedly pulled a waitresses pony-tail, and been found out, then the story could only have ended one way – with his resignation.

      What does it say about John Key and his relationship with both the news media and the wider New Zealand electorate that, public admission and apology delivered, he will almost certainly walk away from this scot free?

      He may appear to get away with it scot-free – its been my experience that sociopaths usually do – but I think he has been irrevocably damaged this time.

      • Chris 7.1.1

        “He may appear to get away with it scot-free – its been my experience that sociopaths usually do – but I think he has been irrevocably damaged this time.”

        I hope you’re right, Anne, and I had exactly the same feeling. But then I reminded myself of the many other times I’ve had that feeling and nothing’s happened. That’s the thing about Brand Key, and is precisely what Totter’s talking about. Nothing touches him.

    • b waghorn 7.2

      I almost dropped the remote when hosking’s said “that’s why you don’t get 4 th term governments”

    • David H 7.3

      “Guess the black stuff on the floor is teflon falling off.”

      And the brown stuff on top is the Rust.

    • fucken hope so – dirty little creepkey

      • Malconz 9.1.1

        Let’s not get our hopes up. History has shown that he can get away with just about any bloody thing. The apathetic electorate still think he’s wonderful.

        • rawshark-yeshe

          not when it’s their daughters’ hair he’s fondling. this is likely the game changer. no parent blue enough to ignore it.

        • emergency mike

          I was pretty saddened to see that both the TV1 and TV3 lead news item on ponygate pointlessly contained clips of women saying they would be stoked to get their hair pulled by John Key…

          • rawshark-yeshe

            because, absurdly, they are bound to present two sdes of same story …. but yes, how pointless. but chances are the women concerned did not know the full creepy stories as they have unfolded … they might regret it now. I have to hope so anyway. No-one can support him doing this repeatedly to young and very young girls. It’s filthy.

          • ianmac

            Of course there is a difference between women wanting Key to tug their hair, and waitress who doesn’t.

          • RedLogix

            I guess it’s a modern form of ‘fore-lock tugging’.

        • marty mars

          just about anything – it is time to go nuclear on creepkey

          • rawshark-yeshe

            more than 630 comments under the Guardian story about Ponytailgate … one says they remember when Key pulled David Beckham’s pony tail .. just before Key told the Dunedin school kids he thought Beckham was ‘thick’.

            Anyone recall such a photo or report of the story ?

  8. RedBaronCV 10

    Well the Guardian has a better balanced story than the Telegraph which starts raving on about how popular the Key government is as it has a rare third term .
    Maybe it needs a better class of stringer.

    • Lanthanide 10.1

      3rd terms might be quite rare in Britain, since there’s are 5 years long – so a 2-term government for them is already longer than a 3-term one for us.

  9. Murray Rawshark 11

    Look who else has a ponytail. Aroha Ireland, taken to Waitangi by FJK. That story now becomes creepier than it was before.
