Daily review 23/05/2022

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, May 23rd, 2022 - 17 comments
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17 comments on “Daily review 23/05/2022 ”

  1. Ad 1

    That Quad meeting this week is going to be weird when they admit that Russia have essentially won the East of Ukraine and all their modern weapons weren't enough.

    Pretty brutal moment for us all in the social democratic states that see the evil of what Russia is doing.

    • Blazer 1.1

      Not to worry NZ is sending troops to the theatre to teach the Ukrainains how to operate ..howitzers.

      No pressure..all done in..the best ..possible ..taste.

    • joe90 1.2

      From the heady aspirations of the war’s early days to talking heads rolling back expectations and a modest win costing thousands of Russian lives. Now they'll be occupiers facing a well supported, western backed, Ukrainian insurgency. It's going to break the bank.


    • Stuart Munro 1.3

      I wouldn't call it just yet – Ukraine is throwing most of its weight into the northeast, with some success. Russia still ostensibly has a little under a hundred battalion tactical groups – but many are well under strength, and morale is becoming an issue. To win on the ground, Russia needs to hold its positions at least until winter, when a strategic pause will let them solidify. But there are issues to resolve – like how long Russia is to be allowed to blockade Ukrainian ports, and how long Belarus can shelter Russian forces with impunity.

      The Quad will be pleasantly surprised by Russia's declining ability to project power, though India seems to want a bob each way. Biden having solidified the promise to defend Taiwan will go down well, even if his staffers try to walk it back. If Russia founders, there will be windfalls in many border disputes – Japan's Kurils for one. China might settle down for a generation if they garner territory northward, which may be their least risky play.

      Erdogan may be a man to watch – he's played a better game than expected since the coup, and prospered without committing irrevocably to either side. Whether that position ia astute, or unrealistic, remains to be seen.

  2. joe90 2

    The new lords doing a cracking job decentralising wealth and power.


    But a new study by the National Bureau of Economic Research reveals that a minuscule group of investors control more of the supply of Bitcoin. Researchers found that 0.01% of the cryptocurrency’s holders control 27% of the supply.


  3. SPC 3

    Meanwhile lying in wait for our PM the great grandmaster, the Biden, has once again demonstrated he has learnt the lesson of Dean Acheson by saying the USA would defend Taiwan, as well as South Korea and Japan (all supporting NATO on Ukraine). The White House again explains official policy is more ambiguous.

    He also announces a new economic group – QUAD plus South Korea, New Zealand and ASEAN. One that does not involve the US lowering tariff barriers, so is not a trade deal. Given the QUAD includes India, and the USA of course, it does add to existing arrangements.

    Expect the PM to go beyond Howitzer training for Ukraine’s soldiers, and inform the Americans of a continued multi-decade long programme to export medical staff to Oz in case of a future war – such is our long term strategic planning. And possibly the exploration of joint basing in Oz, as part of our defence/security partnership, with Oz.

    Ardern goes armed by our elite foreign policy experts with intel that 4 is a lucky number in China, so it would be unlucky to add a new member to the Quad.

    The Circuit breaker will probably get a Congressional medal this time.