Daily Review 23/11/2018

Written By: - Date published: 6:03 pm, November 23rd, 2018 - 32 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).

Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

32 comments on “Daily Review 23/11/2018 ”

  1. Gabby 1

    Wafflish Champer can’t get his head around the idea that some people can’t afford teh internets.

  2. bwaghorn 2


    Slater and co slowly being roasted in court🤣🤣🤣

    • Draco T Bastard 2.1


      Interlocutory declarations are determined in a defamation suit by three medical professional plaintiffs:
      (a) Mr Cameron Slater’s application to exclude evidence is declined;
      (b) a version of the plaintiffs’ application for particular discovery by Mr Slater and Mr Graham is granted;
      (c) the plaintiffs’ application for particular discovery by Mrs Katherine Rich and the New Zealand Food and Grocery Council is granted only to a limited extent;
      (d) Mrs Rich’s and the NZFGC’s application for particular discovery by the plaintiffs is declined;
      (e) the plaintiffs’ application to examine Mr Slater and Mr Graham orally is granted because they have made insufficient answer to interrogatories.

    • James 2.2

      Not looking good for the whale.

  3. adam 3


    • Draco T Bastard 3.1

      Yep. The west hasn’t really changed that much in the last 100 years. Still so willing to eff over the rest of the world for their own comfort.

  4. SPC 4

    I wonder if National is going to back its opposition to the free years tertiary education by ending it, should they return to government in 2020.

    The cost is $900M pa

    For comparison the teachers pay increase is under $200Mpa.

    So National could offer pay increases for nurses and teachers double what the government has and still have money left over for staff increases and housing support for those working in Auckland – all for the same $900M pa.

    Note – Labour has the same offer for 2021 and 2024 they will not be better placed tio increase pay and staffing in those terms either.

    The question for National, are they prepared to prioritise the money for health and education, or just attack the free tertiary education and hand out the money in tax cuts to the parents of the better off students?

    The question for Labour, why do they think being a smidgeon above appalling (National) is acceptable?

  5. greywarshark 6

    This wee song can be interpreted as a message in code about our politics and life, or just be a little break in the serious discussion. My Marvellous Little Toy from Peter Paul and Mary. Mary Travers RIP 2009.

    • adam 6.1

      You know it not 1967… 😉

      • David Mac 6.1.1

        As we age our tendency to hark back to our halycon formative years increases. We pine for the ways things used to be. We all have a soft spot for the music we listened to as 15-25 year olds.

        Reading the posts of the older contributors to this blog an international observer could easily deduce that of the 198 countries in the world we are living in the biggest shit-hole of all.

        No child had their legs blown off in NZ today, nobody starved to death, nobody was imprisoned for life for criticizing the government.

        We don’t know how lucky we are.

        • Draco T Bastard

          So, what you’re saying is that because it’s so bad over there we shouldn’t make it better here?

        • greywarshark

          We live in a global world now David Mac. You are the one living in the past. We know from our far and near history that we can’t afford to sit back and be complacent and disassociated from harm happening to other humans.
          We are all human, and all capable of being cruel; unfortunately we are linked by this propensity, but also that of being empathetic and understanding.

          The fact that you say it is a matter of luck that we are not in the dire or difficult conditions experienced by others displays your knowledge of our reality, though you wish to dismiss it. You compare our NZ life to that of a country being attacked in war, and imply that we are unreasonable to consider that we should not complain because that is not happening here.

          You don’t set a very high bar for us in our supposedly informed, humanised and developed 21st century. And these things you have named as not happening here under our present political system, they actually have all been mirrored by violence and authoritarianism in NZ.

          We are critical about what has been, and is happening in NZ because we have observed a noticeable and worrying decline. If we show no reaction and attempt to change but instead display your type of smug acceptance, then we have lost our spirit in this country; we have no integrity.

      • greywarshark 6.1.2

        Some words attempting to be wise adam…..?

        • adam

          Nah, just being cheeky.

          • greywarshark

            That’s ageism adam! It’s not alloweed, not PC, and I might sue you so watch it. But seriously, the 1967 concerns are still current, and we could do with the same idealism and wit that was circulating then. Refer to my comment on the post-1960s of the video series on Daria which are built around that term, what was it, ironic detachment I think. We actually need passion for creating a good community that works for all, and irony is a tool in exposing style over substance, but doesn’t achieve anything without action, so irony can’t be followed by detachment.

  6. Anne 7

    Thank God PM, Jacinda Ardern has intervened:


    Reading about the case was upsetting enough. Then to see the NZDF and the perpetrator were planning to sue the victim for costs was beyond shocking.

    Male dominated govt, agencies still have a long way to go when it comes to understanding the ongoing effects on women who have been abused and victimised in work-places under their jurisdiction.

    • Grey Area 7.1

      Totally. I still have major doubts (more than that) about this neoliberal Labour-led coalition government and Ardern’s “this is our our nuclear-free moment” stance on the climate crisis but it is so refreshing to see we have a leader with a moral compass and a spine. So unlike the ponytail puller.

      Someone who can tell those NZDF neanderthals (oops sorry that maligns neanderthals) to do the right thing and stop persecuting a victim of sexual offending.

      This sort of action makes a mockery of BM’s attacks on Ardern for being a snowflake (or words to that effect). I have reservations, but this woman is anything but a snowflake.

      • DJ Ward 7.1.1

        I think it was a given that someone was going to intervene in this case.
        At the end of the day the person is being punished and the taxpayer rightly supported the victims in the costs of investigation, prosecution, costs of imprisonment, and post release conditions. Probably $1.5 million all up.

        There is a lesson here, also similar to the MeToo movement. When something happens that’s illegal, tell someone. If that doesn’t work go to the police. Waiting 20 years enables the offender and makes justice profoundly more difficult.

        In this case they did tell someone, although denied by those people. So there is probably liability from the employer but no real evidence exists other than he said she said.
        However the law is the law. She cannot take a case against the employer to test her claim. Courts cannot change the law. Parliament would need to change the law but retrospective law is generally manifestly unjust.

        The person responsible for the events that have unfolded is her lawyer who has given her extremely bad advice. She was going to be billed for costs because of that incompetence.

        So yes Jacinda has done the right thing. The lawyer needs a proper telling off.

        • Draco T Bastard

          When something happens that’s illegal, tell someone.

          You don’t understand psychological damage do you?
          You don’t understand that someone who is treated like this right out of the blue with no warning has no comprehension as to how to react. This is especially true for the young.

          The correct thing to do here is to drop the statute of limitations on rape and sexual abuse.

          • WeTheBleeple

            The only correct engagement for that moron is to not engage. Possibly a student bot designed to be half redneck to convince us its human.

            If I were making a(n undercover) Troll bot I’d teach it to spell badly, to comment incessantly, to have an opinion on every matter, and to push boundaries of offensiveness consistently so as to normalise trumpian values (aka no values).

            It’s been done before, the new iterations must be floating around already.

            • Robert Guyton

              You are quite correct, WTB. That expose though, will be like water off a duck’s back to the bot described; part of its programming.

            • DJ Ward

              Maybe I’m and AI experiment gone wrong (grammar and spelling errors). Analysed all the facts, and due to my “bot” nature are not stupefied by the matriarchy and cultural indoctrination. Your just struggling with the unbiased analysis of the truth.

          • DJ Ward

            You could say the same thing for a young male who is subject to a female getting pregnant without his consent then leveraging having a relationship with the child to force him into a marriage.

            I’ve got a pretty good idea that my understanding of psychological damage, and the ability for these young men to comprehend what’s going on is profoundly greater than yours.

            The fact that this group of males report experiencing suicidal thoughts in most cases probably is of no concern to you, or you have no concept of the psychology taking place that causes the large actual suicide rate in this group.

            Surprisingly unlike females that can go to the police and have a male get 7 years for a squeezed bum, this group of victims of psychological harm, and crimes get laughed out of police stations and have no services that help deal with the psychological harm.

            Conversely you could say that statute of limitations should be strengthened so defendants are not subject to trial involving time destroying evidence that proves there innocence. Inherently making prosecutions less trustworthy, and increasing rates of travesties of justice, with false accusers, false memories, and revenge based acts.

            Letting this stuff rot away in a persons mind for 20 years rather than having it dealt with at the time, is what’s causing the psychological harm. Getting justice quickly after the event creates empowerment for the victim, and connects them with caring trained people, lessoning the harm caused.

            I don’t know of a single young person who is not aware of the boundaries on male sexual behavour, or that people will listen and help if they speak out.

            • Cinny

              dj, you are REALLY hung up about this.

              Apart from making noises on a blog what are YOU doing to make change?

              You’ve been exceedingly busy on this blog all week.

              It’s the weekend, spend some time with your family.

              Family should be your priority, especially considering the topic you keep raising. Kids grow up fast, don’t miss out.

              • DJ Ward

                Yes I think about missing out at Christmas. All the fathers banned from giving their children presents, seeing them, talking with them on the phone. The children indoctrinated by mothers and society into thinking there fathers are dead beat dads. That don’t care about them when really they are just broken and helpless, desperately wanting to be parents to them.

                Best interests of the child. (Laughing)

                • Cinny

                  Thinking about things is very different from being the change you want to see in the world.

                  Don’t forget to think about the best interest of YOUR child/children, you said you were busy changing a nappy the other day. Give that child all the love you can as a parent and give your partner all the love you can as well, it’s up to us to show the children how adults should care about each other.

                  Not everyone is painted with the same brush DJ.

                  Some things I’ve been through no one should have to suffer, but I won’t be bitter at all men because of the actions of a few.

                  We are the teachers for the next generation, leading by example, whether it’s your kids, my kids, or every other kid in the neighbourhood, in the country, in the world.

                  So many people here are offering you advice, because they can see you are calling out for help on here.

        • Anne

          When something happens that’s illegal, tell someone. If that doesn’t work go to the police. Waiting 20 years enables the offender and makes justice profoundly more difficult.

          Lets pick that apart and I’m talking from some personal experience.

          1) You try to tell your bosses what is going on and they virtually laugh in your face and proceed to punish you for telling lies.
          2) After a period of time you manage to pluck up the courage and go to the police. They do nothing. They don’t tell you why, but in my case I had a pretty good idea. That is another story.
          3) In the end you are so traumatised you are too afraid to tell anyone.
          4) Twenty years down the track you pluck up the courage to go back to the police only to be told too many years have passed and its too late to investigate.

          So, the victim does the right things from Day One but instead of being taken seriously is cast aside as being a liar and in many cases a nutter.

          The situation has improved a lot since the 80s and 90s, but there’s still a long way to go yet. And it includes male victims who are less in terms of numbers affected, but are just as vulnerable to serious trauma as a result of their experiences as women.

          • DJ Ward

            I think your comment highlights the real issue.
            You went for help, you told someone.

            20 years ago is not today.
            I, and I assume you, are happy seeing societies culture changing on this issue. That if your experience happened today, that first step you made, would have resulted in action. That if you go to the police it’s not just ignored, no matter who the offender, or accuser is, that a backstop exists with the Police Comlaints system.

            This is such a complex issue, because of the he said, she said dilemma, and the enormous number of events, and the fact that hidden amongst the significant majority of real victims is bullshiters out for revenge.

            • Anne

              Yes, I agree with that summation.

              These case are always complex affairs which can end up having a variety of twists and turns that only serve to make them longer and harder to solve.