Daily Review 26/07/2016

Written By: - Date published: 6:16 pm, July 26th, 2016 - 28 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

bernie Sanders bird2

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28 comments on “Daily Review 26/07/2016 ”

  1. Pat 1

    So the Government is to given kudos for its “Predator free NZ” announcement and the allocation of the massive sum of $28 million over 4 years on a two for one basis for private /community funding……. I think not.

    “ECO co-chair Cath Wallace said the Department of Conservation has admitted that among the staff positions to be axed include science, legal and technical support. “This follows budget cuts of $54 million over 4 years and future budget cuts in natural heritage management of $9.3 million per year.”

    “Cath Wallace said the Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment’s (PCE) report on 1080 noted that less than one-eighth of conservation land is controlled for possums, rats and stoats. “The current budget cuts the area under active possum control by 35,000 hectares.”


    • mickysavage 1.1

      Thanks this is such a clear pattern. Cut the hell out of important public service infrastructure and then get a photo opportunity by declaring a “new” programme.

      Besides it is a joke. The budget is at least 1/500 of what is required. Although by 2025 I guess we will no longer wonder about it …

  2. Macro 2

    When is NZ going to stand up and tell our neighbours across the ditch enough is enough!?
    The Australian torture chambers and gulags have to go! Not only are the abusing those who mistakenly seek refuge, and those who look different, but they have consistently abused their indigenous peoples and still do so. It’s about time the Australian govt was given the message to buck up or become the pariahs of the western world.

    • weka 2.1

      Too right. Almost unbelievable that this is still going on.

      Do you know if the detention centres are govt or privately run?

      • mickysavage 2.1.1


      • Rosemary McDonald 2.1.2

        “Almost unbelievable that this is still going on”

        Back in 2013, there were equally horrific accounts of abuse and torture in New Zealand facilities for people with disabilities.


        An excellent piece by the truly awesome Kirsty Johnston.

        One of these torture and neglect pits was allowed to remain open, and shit loads of extra ‘supports’ were put in place by the Misery of Health.

        Yet their audit in 2015 showed little improvement in the attitudes of the staff towards the significantly disabled and vulnerable clients.

        “5 – Rights –The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumer’s (HDC) Rights were displayed in all houses, and those people living in the services that were capable of understanding, did know about their rights, as did their family/whanau. Complaints were not always evidenced as having been resolved. There is a contracted dedicated person to investigate all complaints. Unfortunately, some of the complaints have been in relation to support staff being abusive. In Canterbury, there were four support staff currently suspended in relation to abusive behaviour.
        6 – Health and Wellness – Families interviewed indicated they would like better communication. Attitudes and behaviours of some support staff demonstrate that there is still an abusive tendency evident, which is being dealt with. Documentation in relation to restraint approvals was not always completed. Leadership and team building with training opportunities for support staff to encourage job satisfaction and stability was not clearly evident in all houses. There were several houses without appointed House Leaders. ”

        From here… http://www.health.govt.nz/our-work/disability-services/contracting-and-working-disability-support-services/audit-and-evaluation-disability-service-providers/developmental-evaluation-disability-support-services

        and click on Te Roopu Taurima o Manukau.

        Right here, in good old Godzone.

      • Macro 2.1.3

        The detention centres in this latest expose are government run – as are the gulags on Nauru and Manus Island (PNG) But the Gulags of the latter – essentially for refugees from boats seeking asylum are like our private run prisons run by offshore companies. There have been muttering in recent days that these companies and the personnel responsible could face charges against humanity .
        IMHO the charges should be laid firmly at the foot of the minister responsible for this whole sorry saga – Peter Dutton.
        As for the detention centres – its the same sorry story we have here only more so. Particularly in the Northern Territory – and increasing so in WA the state government are cutting funding to indigenous folk who are at the bottom end of the socio-economic spectrum with the predictable result of increasing societal disruption.

    • whispering kate 2.2

      I heard on the news this evening that the Australian PM Turnbull is calling for a Royal Commission of Enquiry, its the very least he can do. He can also get rid of the detention centres and the expelling of citizens to NZ for the paltry reasons of knowing a person in a biking club.

      Our PM could also act like a PM and show his utter displeasure of how the Australian Government are acting instead of peeing in their pockets whenever he can. We used to have guts and pride in this country, now our leader is just a patsy to all and everybody and wants to be everybody’s friend. We have no ethics or values left, just a husk of what we used to be. The world gets darker and nastier by the minute.

      • tc 2.2.1

        Only after the public broadcasters flagship current affairs show ran the story.

        They’ve effectively known for years, it’s implausible they didn’t as its been reported on before just not nationally like the ABC just did.

      • mosa 2.2.2

        Considering Key did not stand up to the Aussies over denying working kiwis state assistance and treat them as we treat Aussies living here i dont hold out much hope of him or his government making a stand on anything concerning ex pat New Zealanders over the ditch.
        We are just a soft touch and the Aussies know it !!

    • mauī 2.3

      I sought out the doco, and I think its one of the most ghastly things I’ve ever watched. Don’t recommend 🙁

  3. joe90 4

    WTF is this shit.

    Yes — this “leak” actually contains spreadsheets of private, sensitive information of what appears to be every female voter in 79 out of 81 provinces in Turkey, including their home addresses and other private information, sometimes including their cellphone numbers. If these women are members of Erdogan’s ruling Justice and Development Party (known as the AKP), the dumped files also contain their Turkish citizenship ID, which increases the risk to them as the ID is used in practicing a range of basic rights and accessing services. The Istanbul file alone contains more than a million women’s private information, and there are 79 files, with most including information of many hundreds of thousands of women.

    We are talking about millions of women whose private, personal information has been dumped into the world, with nary an outcry. Their addresses are out there for every stalker, ex-partner, disapproving relative or random crazy to peruse as they wish. And let’s remember that, every year in Turkey, hundreds of women are murdered, most often by current or ex-husbands or boyfriends, and thousands of women leave their homes or go into hiding, seeking safety.


    • Shit, that’s awful stuff. Completely irresponsible.

    • Draco T Bastard 4.2

      I’m surprised by this. Usually Wikileaks are scrupulous about removing identifying information:

      We do not censor our news, but from time to time we may remove or significantly delay the publication of some identifying details from original documents to protect life and limb of innocent people.

    • adam 4.3

      Silly question as I’ve had a wee look online, you realise the huffington post are the only ones running with this story.

      Also having read their story, I was looking for proof and found that lacking a bit too. With a lot of lines like; it appears, and this seems to be the case.

      Also another silly question, rather than make news about it would not the responsible thing to do would have been to tell wikileaks, and get them to remove the information rather than let is sit on their servers? Then tell the story. Rather than release the story like it looks they have done.

      And the timing at the start of the rubber stamping period, and the howls of rage over the DNC dump.

      I don’t know, feels contrived. More evidence would be helpful.

      • weka 4.3.1

        Have a look at her tweets, and maybe check out who she is and what her background is,


        More evidence? Well one of her critiques is that the MSM haven’t looked critically at the leak and what it was doing. So fat chance I’d say, until now when she’s raised the issue. I’d guess there will be some coverage over the next few days.


        • Colonial Viper

          This person has drawn global media attention to those databases and what details are in those databases for her own career purposes and media presence, when no one else had noticed them.

          In other words, she has caused the very damage to those women that she claims to be so upset about.

          A smear strategy using a planted author against wikileaks is my bet.

          And they are using the same smear strategy against wikileaks re: the DNC email dump.

          • weka

            Do you know anything about her that suggests she would do that?

            • Colonial Viper

              She’s done it. Damaged all these women she claimed to be protecting, by bringing to light the contents of these otherwise obscure databases to the global MSM.

              And now she’s built up her own media cred and professional.

              While blaming Wikileaks.

              I’ve surmised why. Of course it’s only speculation.

              But her actions speak for themselves. Either as thoughtlessness or as a directed attack against wikileaks. Regardless, she threw those Turkish women under the bus.

        • adam

          Not much coverage so far weka, not sure there will be.

          I think this argues against doing dumps without removing identifying information. How hard would it have been to get someone to check at least the big files, especially if you don’t read the language.

          That said, the link was removed when it was made know to the posters, which is a good thing.

          Let me just say after having slept on it, the way it was presented here was awful, and actually could have been discussed better. Except it just came across as another dishonest joe90 post, again from them, just another way to attack anyone who opposes their demagogue h.r.c. Which is what joe90 then chose to do in a follow up comment. I saw no pathos with the women involved, but a cheap shot at their expense.

          • weka

            I hadn’t picked joe as a Clinton supporter, are you sure about that?

            Interestingly for me it was the reactions from left wing men yet again prioritising the perceived cause over women that I found distasteful. CV’s response doesn’t surprise me, yours did.

            Let’s keep an eye out over the next few days and see if anything else is covered.

            • adam

              I will, I’d like to see this not happen again.

              I wish the author of the article at Huffington post piece had written it better. It left doubt, and was hesitant. That is what fueled my doubts. Or was it a case of translation getting in the way again?

              That said this morning I read the researchers link, which I grabbed from you twitter link by the way, it spelt out the issue in a much more precise manner.

  4. joe90 5


    Phew, for a second there I thought people in the UK weren't going to take Boris as the Foreign Secretary seriously. pic.twitter.com/nlesQXjro0— Stansaid Airport (@StansaidAirport) July 25, 2016
