Daily Review 27/09/2017

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, September 27th, 2017 - 37 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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37 comments on “Daily Review 27/09/2017 ”

  1. tracey 1

    Such interesting articles coming out post 23 Sept. I am a bit surprised cos theg must be so busy imagining about coalition relationships yet have time for research… especially when those farmers were “protesting” in Morrinsville

    First Fonterra’ s CEO’s big pay increase…

    Then it turns out awful townies are outstripping farmers contributions to clean up water


  2. Anne 2

    While all around are losing their heads and finding ogres and witches where none exist:
    Bryan Gould does it yet again.

    A must read!

    • JanM 2.1

      Excellent! I so enjoy wisdom on the rare occasions it is applied to our current circumstances

    • Carolyn_nth 2.2

      Gould ignores the NZF line on a referendum on Maori electorates.

      And the NZF line on rural water.

      • Anne 2.2.1

        Negotiable. Everything is negotiable, even “bottom lines”.

          • Exkiwiforces

            Winnie’s, comment second from the bottom should that beringing alarms for a lot people just not in NZ but here in Oz as well. It’s the economy stupid as they say in Oz or the comment made by a former U.K. post war Prime Minister who once said “Events my dare boy, Events that decides what happens old boy” or words to that effect and I can’t remember the blokes name (Geo- political/ Military history nut like me should know the name of this bloke).

            As I’ve been saying of late “This dairy boom in NZ is one great big Ponzi scheme that’s about to go tits up in a big way” from the big end of town to the small end of town are going to get smash. As debt levels both in NZ and China are unsubstantable and if old fat boy starts throwing around his so called big boys toys, it might be the straw that breaks the camels back for NZ and to some degree China as will. As the Northern Asian block contains four of NZ’s major export markets and the figures I presented a couple of mths to McFock on shipping tonnage that pass though South East Asia including the greater Pacific region to the Northern Asia block is huge. If some country or countries halt or degrade the ships heading to those Northern Asia countries in warlike scenario is going cause major problems to a lot in the Pacific rim, if not most other parts of the world and especially those countries that primary relay in exports as it prime income aka good old NZ.

            Winnie, is right if the two major political parties don’t have a firm grip on the economy when China finally goes tits, NZ is going to to have some serious problems on its hands and it’s probably going to a lot worse than here in Oz.

            PS, NZ did have a dairy boom many many yrs ago and it was very similar to what’s happening now and that ended very ugly indeed or as a Neo Lib suit of today would call it a market correction.

            • Eco maori

              That’s why the banks got sold same neo liberals tricks which are happening now they no we are unhappy about the election results and my fellow bloggers are letting them use this emotional response against us come on stay on our quest for change of government WAS IT A COINCIDENCE THAT JOYCE WAS ON THAT FLIGHT NO IT IS A PLANED PLAY BY national I can that dick head joyce
              Like a book I’d like to see him try and play me face to face . Well you see people it is easy for ass holes like Joyce to use HUMAN emotions as a tool to manipulate US the fn Ass holes have been doing it for century’s and this is why so much power/money ends in the 1 percentage this was the main tool in there box of tricks to win election but now the have a as social media as there main tool to steal off us because winning election by cheating and making laws for the 1 percentage is stealing in my book Ka Pai.

    • ianmac 2.3

      Thanks Anne (and cleangreen). Bryan reeks of sanity. Refreshing and optimistic.

    • … ” Winston seems to have a more up-to-date understanding than most of recent developments in modern monetary policy and theory. The widespread use, post the Global Financial Crisis, of “quantitative easing” to bail out the banks has removed some of the mistaken phobias concerning an obvious (and Keynes-endorsed) tool for funding productive investment and stimulating economic activity.

      Why, forward-looking observers ask, should government-created new money be reserved for bailing out the banks? Why not use it for other purposes – like new infrastructure projects – that serve public and not just private banking interests?

      Paradoxically, perhaps, Winston may be more likely than today’s Labour party to recall the successful precedent set by Michael Joseph Savage’s government in the 1930s, when thousands of state houses were built to house the homeless, using money created by that government for that purpose ” …

      And this is the heart of it all. This is a big chunk of the equation that has been downplayed for decades with this infatuation with neo liberalism , and leaving things to ‘ market forces’. There is no reason on earth why govt’s and economy’s should be suffering such pathetic impotence when the economic theory already existed and was proven to have been highly successful.

      Excellent piece by Bryan Gould.

    • CoroDale 2.5

      Therefore NZF will go with whichever coalition offers the most Peoples’ Public Credit. Green policy supports it in principle, but would seek a Commission, which may slow the process. Gnats will have to ask the higher ranked Mason, Grant Spenser of RBNZ, who has already promised the Darkest Lords of Switzerland it won’t happen. Looks like a LAB-NZF-GRN Govt!

      RBNZ Spenser’s promise speech to BIS Basal (Aug2017): http://www.bis.org/review/r170809b.htm “…NZ’s permissive… vanilla economy… needs no change…” Spenser.
      Pack your bags Spenser!

      • CoroDale 2.5.1

        ps. Winnie clearly flagged the risk of the Nazi label regarding Social Credit. So if you neo-bolsheviks here want a progressive left govt, keep a lid on your antifa bs.

  3. patricia bremner 3

    Enjoying Tamati Coffey’s catch-ups on Facebook. He makes it come alive.

  4. RC 4

    I have got to say i was more in favour of a NAT/NZF coalition on election night but the constant shrieking from the National Party supporters and their Media surrogates have pushed me well into the Labour coalition camp. I wonder if they even realise the damage they are doing or have they just gone blind with rage?

  5. Andre 5

    It seems wool is no longer ethically acceptable. Any PETA/animal rights types on here want to explain what is still acceptable to wear?


    Anything plastic-based continuously sheds microplastics that end up in the ocean and fuck up micro-organisms there disrupting the eco-system.

    Cotton – well that keeps Monsanto well in business and sucks up enormous amounts of water.

    Maybe we should just all go naked, and if everyone looked like Alicia Silverstone that would probably be OK. But one look at me naked would instantly quash that idea.

    What to do?

    • Robert Guyton 5.1

      Body suit?

      • Andre 5.1.1

        Awesomely boring.
        Definitely not enough.

        About all I can see that’s left is to go find a cave somewhere to subsist and cover myself with whatever our vegetative friends cast off when they’re done with them. Plants have feelings too, you know, so you shouldn’t just go brutalise them either.

        • CoroDale

          Join the Greens and bring them down from the inside 😉
          They genuinely like the challenge of diversity, its Charted.

    • Robert Guyton 6.1

      “The theft of value by people or companies who did not create it is called enclosure.”

      Yep. We suffer that here, in Godzone.

  6. JC 8


    So the farming lobby can again run riot over Local Regional Council!

    Just like ECAN. Perhaps Nick Smith will consider abolishing Council and nominate his own

    “Legal challenges ”inevitable” if proposed Water and Land Plan goes ahead”


    “A proposal in the plan to limit the intensification of farming practices in some areas of Southland was based on “grossly inaccurate” physiographic zoning and would have enormous financial effects on farmers, Fraser said.

    The rules would result in decreased property values in the affected areas and he believed legal challenges would result…

    Federated Farmers, represented by leaders including president Allan Baird at the hearing on Tuesday, say parts of the proposed plan are inappropriate, impractical, unworkable and not economically feasible for some farmers.”

    Too Bad about the environment! And other ecosystems!! the rules will result in decreased property values!”

    • So the farming lobby can again run riot over Local Regional Council!

      Yep, been happening for awhile and the courts have been backing them because central government law isn’t good enough to protect the environment.

  7. ianmac 9

    “It was an enduring story in the run-up to the election: a chasm between town and country, two groups shouting hopelessly across a divide.

    Election data shows not only is the rural/urban divide not growing, it is shrinking – to the point where the South Island has edged further to the left than the North Island.”

    So Bill English you lied – again!

  8. newsense 10

    So what does it all mean? Is it more magic?

    We’re in a second election season, where the results can go any way, but now the public no longer has any say?

  9. Eco maori 12

    My only carer was my greatgrand MOTHER and she died when I was 9 . So since then I have had to fend for my self sure I stayed with family but there was no love or caring going on like I do for my children and moko so she is my guide I live my life to make this great Maori lady PROUD of me and my family she was the back bone of the family and when she died my family fell to pieces so I think that is a good code of conduct to live by unlike the Muppets neo liberals whom have no code of conduct they will do anything to get there way to fuck me up and to keep stripping us of our money and assets Ka Pai

  10. Eco maori 13

    I’ve had my truck for ten years I’ve rebuilt the gear box I change the motor and replaced a lot of parts I used it on farms one day I have a look under the bonnet a well some one had un pressurised the cooling system well one can guess who did that so the motor is a about to grenade any day now so I found a second hand motor and went to the bank to get my OD razed these people no I no the Muppets have been in there interfering in my finances Now this bank does not want me to name and shame them on this site as they mite lose good will the bank all ready sent me a letter 5 months ago saying I could borrow ten grand so I don’t see a problem with my credit I could just hire purchase a vehicle but I DON’T do dum shit like that I have a floating telly of my finances so I no I can not afford that as I would have no spare cash to give my children in times of there need Ka Pai

  11. Eco maori 14

    I no there are photos out there of me I no the Muppets are spinning shit as to why I support lady’s equal rights but they are all shit the reason I’m supporting lady’s is we are at a tipping point with our environment and society and in my view the only that the wrongs can be corrected is when lady’s get equally rights and they have the power to kick these dum ass males ass sthat are in control of Our world and make them do the right thing and treat all people as human equals and fix our environment Ka Pai.

  12. Barfly 15

    Just removed the NZ Herald from my favourites list – the final straw was too much Hosking (mind you any Hosking is probably too much) despite being a news addict I will try to no longer give them any clicks I had been waiting for a paywall to break me of this terrible habit but I will have to rely on willpower instead

    • JC 15.1

      kia ora Barfly. I, (mostly), gave up on them years ago.

      Find the ODT, as the only independent national Newspaper, (despite it’s bias and parochialism) a Go to among others..

      Not having a T.V also helps to avoid the worst of MSM, and the likes of Hosking.

    • patricia bremner 15.2

      Shouldn’t be too hard Barfly!! Just say “Oh the relief!!”