Daily review 28/05/2019

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, May 28th, 2019 - 65 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:


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65 comments on “Daily review 28/05/2019 ”

  1. Kat 1

    Still leaking at parliament……………..Simon Bridges declares he is still leader of the opposition in the House today…..and the winter rain is coming.

    • JanM 1.1

      As has been pointed out all three of the budget leaks, both current and historic have been against Labour by National. How on earth can nitwits like Jessica Mutch-Mckay sheet that hope to Labour when the evidence shows that the ratbags doing the leaking belong to the right?

    • Fireblade 1.2

      Simon says: "Keep looking Paula, there must be something we can use!"


    • Gabby 1.3

      Is there mitch chance that merk might have some contacts with passwords?

    • joe90 1.4

      Keith's onto it.


      But honestly though, this seems like a terrible and ill-conceived idea. If the breach is technical (incl accidentally leaked via website), then questions ought to be raised about why National didn't disclose it responsibly to Treasury.


      If there was some circumvention involved – even if it's at the level of putting extra strings in the URL – then it could be considered "unauthorised access"; again – sooo much obligation to report.


      It's not party vs party "fair play" stuff here. It's Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition vs apparatus of state. Soooo much responsibility.

    • Cinny 1.5

      Via twitter… LMAO !!!!!

      Can someone explain me National's tactics here?

      "We're going to OWN the Government by TELLING EVERYONE about their laudable new initiatives SLIGHTLY EARLIER THAN PLANNED mwahahahahah"

    • Fireblade 1.6

      Budget leak referred to police.

      "Treasury has referred the National Party budget release to police and says there’s sufficient evidence to indicate its systems have been deliberately and systematically hacked".

      "The matter was referred to police on the advice of the National Cyber Security Centre".


      • The Al1en 1.6.1

        If true, that's a big stuff up by Bridges being associated with criminal hacking, and one he just may not recover from. Treasury hacked and stolen files land up in Simon’s lap is so much more a story than we know the numbers.

        And I bet he thought it was all going so well.

        • Charlie

          Simon Bridges is dead meat standing. Either he has been set up or he insanely thinks his mouthing off is all tickety boo. In any event he is buggered. Next we will see calls for that schoolboy Act wanker for natz leader.

          • The Al1en

            All that gloating earlier in the day for nothing. Now only more scrutiny placed on him and his party. What did he know? Who does he know? When did he know it?

            Talk about reversal of fortunes.

            • Booker

              It’s good that treasury have been so onto it and figured out what happened quickly and put it out publicly, stops National in their tracks and days of media coverage of speculation.

              • SHG

                Must've taken a real genius to work out that all you had to do was google for the budget

  2. CHCoff 2

    All the same, would like to see our Armed Forces NZ Defense combined with NZ sports club culture into a 'reserves' type of organisation that gets together once in a while for those type of army games.

    There are some guys here working on rockets ( i think in partnership with US) have seen, and that's all NZ really needs, combined with armed reserves, for worst case scenarios. Some fortified rocket sites around the country that have a range to keep things out of bay, and a good armed reserves system that can be called upon, is all NZ would ever really need in terms of worst case scenario national defense situations.

    Then there are the immeasurable benefits that a thriving sports club culture can overlap & give to society, reduced crime, the community voluntary sector, local democracy etc.

  3. adam 3

    The centre-left of the ALP win the fight for leader. So much better than Shorten.

  4. Anne 5

    Going to have to buy a Herald tomorrow. This should be an interesting read.


    • A 5.1


      Just buy the book ♥ (if you can stomach the title)

      • Cinny 5.1.1

        Re the article…. dang!

        Good idea re buying the book over the Herald. Wonder where I can get it and when?

        Woah it came out tonight, good on the couple, sad that they had to go through all the crap. Will def buy a copy to support them.

        Edit.. more info…


        And a local publisher, yays !
        Whale Oil, written by Margie Thomson, is published by Potton & Burton.

        And found another link about it via The Spin Off…

        Sweet no need for buying the herald at all 🙂

        Edit again 🙂 The Spin Off link/article is a goodie (informative)

        • Rosemary McDonald

          The Spin Off link/article is a goodie (informative)

          Not bad for a quick read…god this saga has gone on forever…please let it end.

          (Quick note to Sam from the Spin off Lofty Blomfield was not only a real person, but an actual legend. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lofty_Blomfield)

          • A

            Legend – nice!

          • AB

            Hi Rosemary

            Yes Lofty was a real person. A family member of mine worked a lot with him in setting up and running Northland IHC. I remember once as a kid going out to Whangarei airport with mum to pick up Lofty and he seems in my childhood memory to have filled up half the car – so his nickname was well-chosen.

            Aged about 5 or 6 I also went into the bar of the Whangarei hotel where Lofty hand built his famous "penny pile" of thousands of donated pennies for IHC. He made great show of sleeping in the bar overnight to guard the penny pile from thieves – but actually as a brilliant stunt to get publicity.

            A wonderful guy from all accounts – representing a set of values swept away in the Rogernomics revolution.

            • Rosemary McDonald

              Heh! I heard about Lofty from an elderly alcoholic I was involved with 'rehabilitating' some thirty years ago. A short, barrel- chested fellow mitts of steel who had been in the fight scene back in the day. Hard to know how much of the brain damage was the booze and how much due to being punched. When others (especially those in authority) were being unkind or thoughtless he used to comment…"He ain't no fucken Lofty Blomfield is he?!" I made it a mission to find out from this guy (in his more lucid moments) who exactly Lofty Blomfield was.

              That ties in well with your recollection AB. The impression I got was Lofty was big and hard….yet had real heart and a sense of fairness.

            • Marcus Morris

              My Dad was in the Navy during the war and based at Philomela. He and his friends regarded it as a good night out to go to the Auckland Town Hall and watch the pro wrestlers in action. Lofty Blomfield was certainly a favourite.

  5. A 6

    How many homeless could you house for 1.5 million a month?

    Or…you could have a stadium in ChCh apparently.

  6. Chris T 7

    So is Mallard going to address his "Mispeak" anytime soon, or is it too much to expect from him?

    • joe90 7.1

      Either Mallard is guilty of a serious lapse in judgment for calling a parliamentary worker the equivalent of a rapist, or Parliament is harbouring a criminal and doesn't feel like a safe place.

      Can Bennett make up her fucking mind?.

  7. Gabby 8

    Jeez christy, which one?

    • Chris T 8.1

      That is a fair point

      But in this case freaking every woman out who works at the joint by claiming there is a serial rapist working at parliament, who turned out to be a hugger and cheek kisser in front of his wife

  8. Anne 10

    Well I never… it's a feast or a famine. Today is a feast.

    Somebody hacked Treasury for budget info:


    It was my initial reaction. (Yes I know, I'm so clever. 😎 )

    Robertson tells Bridges not to release any more info. because it is now in the hands of the police.

    Edit: Muttonbird beat me by one one minute.

    • Muttonbird 10.1

      Yikes. Would National really hack Treasury for political points (which have been clumsily made)?

      Perhaps not, but did they not think to check the source of the leaked information?

      Edit: Mine wasn’t very good forumming though, Anne. ☺️

      • Anne 10.1.1

        I expect it came to them anonymously and they were so excited they never stopped to think how the person got the info. in the first place.

        Serves them right! It shows National are lacking integrity.

        • mary_a

          Hi Anne I think after this revelation from Treasury, we won't be hearing too much from Si for a while. He will be busy answering questions, such as his intentions for releasing an obvious official confidential document to media. Don't think he will be able to slide out of this one.

          Oh how the worm turns in such a short space of time. Popcorn time coming up soon.

    • SHG 10.2

      Never attribute to hacking that which is more easily explained by incompetence.

  9. dv 11

    Well well well


    'Budget leak' referred to police after Treasury finds evidence of hacking

    "We (police) have contacted the National Party to request that they do not release any further material, given that the Treasury said they have sufficient evidence that indicates the material is a result of a systematic hack and is now subject to a police investigation.


    • mpledger 11.1

      He must have known the only way he could get the information was if it was stolen. He must have known that using stolen information lawfully has very strict rules around who can make use of it and for what purpose – he is/was a lawyer after all. Unless he is a whistle blower or a journalist he could be in a spot of bother.

  10. Peter 12

    A former Crown Prosecutor would always look wise and ethical wouldn't he? No doubt he took counsel before using the information he used. All the questions would have been asked, like, "What happens if the info comes from a hack of Treasury?"

  11. Fireblade 13


    Simon Bridges twitter

    The National Party has acted entirely appropriately. Grant Robertson has falsely smeared us to cover up his and The Treasury’s incompetence. When what has occurred is revealed, he will need to resign.


    • Muttonbird 13.1

      Umm. Reveal it then, Simon. 😈

    • Anne 13.2

      Fireblade has now beaten me by one minute. 🙁

      Bridges is off his rocker! Robertson has not smeared anybody. He's acted in a totally dignified way.

    • Pat 13.3

      Gone in a fortnight?

      • Anne 13.3.1

        Is Bridges trying to infer there was a conspiracy between Robertson and Treasury to set up the Nats and make them look like asses?

        Good grief. 😯

        • Pat

          I dont think Bridges is that coherent….he is flailing

          • Fireblade

            I agree. Bridges tweet makes no sense. He's panicking.

            Newshub are reporting:

            "Treasury secretary Gabriel Makhlouf says the breach is serious, and the matter was referred to police on the advice of the National Cyber Security Centre."

            • The Chairman

              Bridges tweet makes no sense.

              Perhaps he's confident it didn't come from a hack.

          • Drowsy M. Kram

            Maybe Bridges' is desperately seeking a way to step down from his role as leader of the opposition – certainly looks that way.

            He is, however, a convenient placeholder, and so will be required to suffer in that role for at least another 18 months.
            Hope I’m right smiley

            • Pat

              I think his convenience has evaporated….hes now a consistent liability.

    • The Chairman 13.4


      This story just keeps on giving.

    • joe90 13.5

      Those replies!

    • SPC 13.6

      Poor Simon, it’s possible such a hacking and supply of information to him is part of a plot to remove him as leader.

      To shore up his support in his own party he chooses to resort to an attack on Labour, but he will be wondering whose knife it is – it might well be related to the expense leak faction (that he presumed, without much credibility, he identified last time).

    • mary_a 13.7

      Fireblade (13) … Unbelievable!

    • SPC 15.1

      The site update request – DPF must have left his deskfile behind and someone used one of his old tricks.

    • Anne 15.2

      That was 18 years ago. I doubt loop holes like the one he describes are still accessible – surely. The penguin is in damage control mode?

        • McFlock

          Mind you, organisations make basic web mistakes every day.

          But if it were as simple (and stupid) as prematurely publishing data, that's almost as bad as a data leak or server hack, let alone if Robertson is correct and some of the data they accidentally released was wrong.

          We seem to have entered a Heisenbergian state of scandal these days, what with "rapist vs hug" and "hack vs multilevel incompetence". Is the opposition/Soper boldly calling out government/speaker travesties, or is it the op[position and Soper who are fecking jerks? Only time will tell.

  12. joe90 16

    Premiering 2020 on Faux: The tRump Trials
