Daily review 28/07/2023

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, July 28th, 2023 - 5 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

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5 comments on “Daily review 28/07/2023 ”

  1. Corey 1

    The Maori party is interesting, because of MMP overhangs, TPM is probably the only party that becomes more powerful the less party votes it gets.

    Can you imagine the rage from Tory's if National/act get 51% of the vote and 61 seats but because the Maori party wins all 7 Maori electorates on only 2% of the party vote it causes a 3 seat overhang allowing Lab/G/TPM to govern.

    The Maori party causing an overhang is the left's best shot at re-election. The Maori party should run a staunch electorate vote only campaign and try get all their electorate voters to vote Green.

    The larger the overhang, the more impossible it is to govern without TPM.

  2. adam 2

    A tax policy that leaves no one behind.


    1 odd million pakeha and pacific peoples directly added by this policy.

    Or you could party vote labour and maybe get gst off food, or the nats and get a really shitty tax cut, along with a cut in services.

  3. gsays 3

    I have got Country Life going on the tranny.

    There is a snippet about the recent Education Ministry decision to get synthetic floor covering (I refuse to call that stuff carpet) from the US as opposed to a local wool product.

    It kinda highlights all that is foul and wrong with this market driven way of doing things. It serves the interests of the few abroad not the many locals..

    Apparently there is a 5000 strong petition being considered at Select Committee level to have all Govt Dept buildings etc to have local wool carpets used. There is no word on progress from the state.


    There is no down side and a big upside. Upside being Labour showing that they can listen and build a bridge towards a voting block that has classically been out of reach.

    Edit, The Nats can hardly reverse that decision without putting the primary produces nose out of joint.