Written By:
- Date published:
5:30 pm, November 28th, 2018 - 49 comments
Categories: Daily review -
Daily review is also your post.
This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.
The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).
Don’t forget to be kind to each other …
Tax something for the sake of it stinks . A cgt on bachs is where it should end .
How many people, as a percentage of the population, own a bach?
Why do people think that they have a right to own a bach?
Yeah, that’d be the point.
High probability that not a single, ordinary family owns a bach.
It’s just an envy tax .
Why should a tax bother you? Either you haven’t got a bach so it doesn’t affect you, or you have and it would be based on a percentage of the valuation . If you have a true old-fashioned corrugated iron wall bach it wouldn’t be much and the tax might be money for the roads or water or toilets. Some of the ‘baches’ are two storey with ranchsliders at the front and glassed in balconies. They are beach houses and very tasty too. They are built on land that is a resource, used resources in the construction, and require basic services. If the owners can’t pay a reasonable tax, let them sell some derivatives.
So for it is an envy tax . Bachs a very often in places were there is no employment so they aren’t taking up housing that could be better used . They will have paid tax on all resources they used in building and ad to the rates of the district.
Don’t you understand anything about why we have tax and how a nation gets it? We are supposed to pay towards the running of the country that we live in. The government gets it from people who can afford to pay it. They have since GST got 15% from all of us paid on top of all purchases. That’s on everything.
People with infrastructure as houses are very likely to be looked at as possible contributors. We already borrow enough for helping to keep the nation going. We should be getting to a position where we borrow less, and fund more from within the country. It will happen some time and it is best to get used to the idea.
A section used for a bach is one less section available for housing.
To put it another way, a bach is uneconomical.
Ohakune and reatihi would be host towns without the Bach owners houses would be cheaper but there would be no economy
Which just means that those towns are uneconomical and thus shouldn’t exist.
Why should the rest of the country support them?
You of course realise that DTB is contentious, and utterly logical.
Now the new way of thinking has to be that citizens have to stir the economy along at their level and make sure that cash trickles down. A certain amount of self sufficiency plus inputs of outside dollars can help the locals do well. It is apparently very interesting to mark a $5 so it’s recognisable and don’t bank it, but everyone keep a note of who has received it in the district and then paid out to someone else; and see how many times it passes from hand to hand after a tourist pays with it initially.
While the corporates are drawing the cream off at the top for their purposes, we work with the skim milk and whey at the bottom. For example, we would look at that situation along this way – I believe whey is used for casein which is good for something I can’t remember, also you get buttermilk which has properties for baking, and skim milk is good for the market of people who are avoiding fat.
So find a way of monetising your resources i.e. those baches, and turn them into a boost for locals. What can you offer the owners? If they let you know when they are coming, you could air their places, and check where the rats have got in and repair. Is there water in the tanks, what groceries do they need from the local store; (there is a tendency for people to bring all their stuff with them and not shop locally, and the locals need to cut that in the bud). Tell them about the new bush honey that is being made locally, fresh eggs, asparagus etc etc.
Scare mongering.
The committee has not even reported. Why form such strong conclusions?
I just hate envy taxes. Next it will be the hideous inheritance tax raising its ugly head .
(I don’t own a bach have no inheritance coming my way)
You just like thinking of yourself as a hard-working, self-made man who earns his money the hard way and just wants to be left alone in his own bubble in the midst of the NZ community.
Mate I will never own property again after recent events in my life . I’m the least money oriented person I know and will probably go out as naked and broke as I arrived.
You came in pure and beautiful, hope you can remain unsullied by worldly problems like taxes and other botherations bwaghorn. And I hope you have a good Christmas, I see the good vibes going around then as shining through pure and beautiful through anything crass around. I’m thinking of going to evening carol singing with candles which I have enjoyed in the past.
And as for the picture above ,let me guess some bunch of morons think Mars should be left alone and humans should huddle on this rock till time ends?
“Simon believes aliens would welcome us to colonise Mars.”
If you are not following the news humanity landed a spacecraft on Mars recently.
The photo I thought was funny because it suggests that intelligent people on other planets this we are making a real hash of our own planet and should not be trusted o theirs.
I would think the new viruses on any habitable planet would make moving there unfeasible. But setting up on barren rocks hell yes.
Do you know why young men top the suicide stats. ?
It’s because they see no great adventure s life is just drudgeing on the pinnacle of which is buying a house ,wipee .
We need great adventure it’s in our DNA. There’s nothing left on earth that fits the bill.
Sorry for rambling
The referee’s always right. She sees what she sees and makes the call. Some get upset when the ruling doesn’t match what the rules say. When it’s a judgement call the ref’s always right.
Except if you’re the Minister of Immigration.
A blind man on a fast horse would have decided to send Sourbek home!
ILG either needs to front up and say, whoops I made a mistake, else the rumours of something sinister / corruption will continue in the back ground ie. was he told to make that decision?
Gender fluid gets maced.
I have to say if you look like a boy and still have a dick go to the men’s!
I don’t know, going to the men’s could result in a serious beating.
Why? Looks like a dude, has a dick.
Unless the guy walks through the door and loudly pronounces he’s transgender/Non-binary? or whatever no one would look at this individual twice
This guy/woman? is a virtue signalling, grandstanding, look at me ass hat.
Use the proper toilet, you complete wanker, or wear protective glasses.
I’m not 100% sure (what the fuck do they like to be called ) has a dick I should have put and or in there.
But he /she seems ok just abit dumb.
They look like a transgender person to me.
Really? looks fairly nondescript to me.
Time to update toilets so that they’re not gendered. Been to several places that have non-gendered toilets and it seems to work fine.
I am particular who I wee with.
Each toilet has its own closed stall and wash basin branching off an open hall.
Why is all this so suddenly such a major part of the news feed?
It’s not. If you focused on more than Climate Change, veganism and your mate Putin you would have noticed that it is one of main sociological issues of our time. You would know that transgender rights had made large gains in the US only to be flicked away by Trump. You would know a select committee here recommended in August that changes be made to make changing ones gender on a birth certificate easier. You would know that schools here as well as the US have been struggling with this issue.
I think climate change is a far more important news story.
and that makes your ignorance of everything else OK?
Wow! So hostile.
If you can’t be bothered engaging in a civil manner, I shall not bother replying to your comments.
Ed, you have NEVER replied to a comment from me in a substantive manner.
I wonder why…….
I tend to ignore people who abuse me on this site.
Agree. And you know now you can lead on that and sokta knows everything about everything else. So all covered.
Anyone notice if Barry Soper or Heather has come out with any deep and meaningful analysis of the ‘Sroubek Affair’ yet? I’d rather read than have to listen if possible.
Edit: (/sarc)
Congrats. Best sarc I have seen for a while.
Better for the PM and Minister ILG to clarify what information they had that was the basis for the comment “read between the lines ”
“While he hasn’t been able to share all the information that sat behind that, I think just glancing back at some of the past coverage of his entry into New Zealand, reading between the lines you can probably ascertain why the Minister made the decision that he made,” Ardern said.
Nothing that has been released can in any way be construed to supporting this comment.
I don’t think Jacinda should have made the comment “read between the lines” as that is now exactly what everyone is doing. They have not come up with a sensible reason as to why ILG granted residency. So reading between the lines, either ILG incompetent or there is corruption and he was doing what he was told. I think he’s still going to have to hide behind a few pillars yet as Hoskings will ensure this gets more air time.
Glad to see Chris Finlayson is leaving parliament. He’s a cut above the current bunch of second-rate Nat politicians.
Oh I dunno. Chris Penk seems to be one to watch. Certainly not as hysterical as the rest of them. I’m starting to rate him…
flash floods in Sydney
Exclusive: China envoy warns of dire consequences if U.S. hardliners hold sway
China isn’t fighting for their interests. Their fighting to get dominance through debt to China.
Simple fact of the matter is that, with such a massive trade deficit,the Chinese yuan should be well above the value of the US$. China will never allow that and the correction of the trade balance that would come with it.
The White House isn’t going to operate economically either. They will try to maintain the US$ at a high value despite the trade imbalance. They will also try to maintain the US$ as the ‘Reserve Currency’ which it actually cannot be because it’s a floating currency.
The actions of China and the US are fully uneconomic. In fact, they’re mercantilist.
There’s two options that the world has here:
1. Institute the Bancor or
2. Set a formula that automatically sets exchange rates defined by trade.
IMO, it will be a cold day in hell before either of these two things happen because the capitalists want to build and maintain their empires that are destroying life on Earth.
What do we do as a tiny Pacific nation sandwiched between two megapowers.
How do we regain our independence and sovereignty from the US and China?
Do we follow Cuba’s model? Malaysia’s route ?
Fortunately we’re not directly between them.
Basically, the tried and true small nation response is to try to keep the fuck out of it, lol. Think Brazil or Turkey in WW2.
The messages about the state of the climate are becoming ever more urgent and ever more serious.
We have 12 years.
System change not climate change.
“Countries must raise emissions targets fivefold to stop disastrous global warming, UN warns ‘If the IPCC report represented a global fire alarm, this report is the arson investigation’
In a new report, UN environment specialists predict that if this “emissions gap” is not closed by 2030, the world will never meet these targets, which are set out by the Paris climate agreement.“