Daily review 30/06/2023

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, June 30th, 2023 - 38 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

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38 comments on “Daily review 30/06/2023 ”

  1. Mac1 1

    Why does National limit to 5 or six years their reactions to ram raiders policy?

    Is this why? https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/regional/303755/gas-stations-hit-by-%27epidemic%27-of-robberies

  2. SPC 2

    NZ Labour Party makes a tweet boasting about having a number one ranking for work life balance.



    New Zealand ranked first out of the world’s top 60 GDP countries on factors including annual leave, sick pay, maternity leave, average working hours, healthcare availability, and inclusivity


    National Party plans response whining that its not such a great place for those who hire workers … and this won't continue under NACT.

    • satty 2.1

      Yep. I lived / worked in UK, Germany, Australia, Sweden and always consider NZ preferable:

      • work / life balance
      • low tax (for high earners)
      • easy to do business
      • great outdoors
      • good beer, wine and food

      Close to a job in Germany. Made it clear it’s 100% remote. Not worth going there, not even for short-term (it’s at least 60 hours travel for a 40 hour work week, which is insane anyway).

      Let the “bitch and moan” faction, mainly farmers, NZ Herald, excessive car drivers (and other polluters), the National Polluter Party, oh and Sir Ian Taylor, be ignored. NZ has much to offer, however it’s essential to make it inclusive and work / affordable for people living here.

    • Gaynor 2.2

      Pity about our dreadfully failing education system, large proportion of population on welfare , substandard housing, woke – Marxist culture in tertiary institutions which are counter to the average citizen 's thought, large and increasing gap in SES, Maori language splattered inappropriately everywhere, lack of free speech on controversial topics like climate change, covid vaccinations, transgender issues and Mataurangi Maori in the school science syllabus and a racist and failing health system. Then there is the cost of living crisis with many people reliant on food banks.

      • Patricia Bremner 2.2.1

        Dreadfully failing Education System… Just had all our Universities improve their World rankings. laugh

        I guess if you choose to call retired people beneficiaries…

        As for things Maori, they have improved our lives with another Language, sharing caring and open Marae in bad times, music art creativity and sport… just to name a few things.

        But then a sour body goes looking for things to be critical of.

        • Gaynor

          You have no idea who I vote for. What I mention is the fault of all parties for decades. Here is some of what Michael Bassett wrote this week in 'Dealing with the Underclass', " according to one estimate about 20%of NZ's working age were on a Social Welfare benefit. The cost of it all to the taxpayer is through the roof". The likes of Professor Chapman of Massey University and other academics describe NZ's failing education in the basics this century as recorded nationally and internationally as 'appalling' and 'catastrophic.' We have the longest tail of underachievement in the developed world. These underachievers include Maori who make up about one third of the lowest SES . Maori also, make up about half our prison population. Future prison planning is based on the failure in reading of 10 year olds. The PERLS for 10 year olds, records us as 27th. In 1970 we were top. Two out of three students who fail to reach competence in reading will end up in prison or on welfare.

          The number of Maori in prison or welfare because we have a failing education system and the present policies that don't address the real cause of our dreadfully failing education should bother everyone. Sugar coating, sentimentality and moving some deck chairs around should be called out for what it is.

          [You are in Pre-Mod until you provide support for your assertions, including links.

          You quoted from a piece by Michael Bassett in quote marks but it was not a verbatim quote and there was no link – it removed highly relevant context such as the time point the claim relates to. People, Mods in particular, get a little sensitive & suspicious when they find out that you have been altering authentic text. For context: https://www.rnz.co.nz/programmes/news-extras/story/2018893905/rnz-editorial-audit.

          You’ve made many claims of fact without any supporting info.

          If you don’t fully comply with this Mod note I will shift you to the TS Black List indefinitely – Incognito]

          • SPC

            What estimate?

            Michael Bassett is to the right of most of the National Party and ACT Party caucus, not a source of useful information.

          • Incognito

            Mod note

          • Gaynor

            Here are the the references to the facts I mentioned- Michael Bassett 'Dealing with the Underclass ' Wednesday June 28, 2023 Breaking Views Blog BreakingViews.co.nz.

            Regis College- Child Illiteracy in America Stats , Facts,and Resources ' May 8 '23.

            Opinion:'Why are NZ's literacy results so appalling in latest PIRLS international reading tests ? 'Massey News ' 8 Dec. 2017

            'Maori even more over represented in Prisons, despite $98m strategy '.May1 '22, latest quarterly figure showed that 53.4 % of prisoners were Maori.

            'Critical Failure'. Dr Michael Johnston Insights Newsletter. 24 March, '23

            'Reading Level of 10 year olds Tested against International counterparts' PIRLS 10 May '23 .

            If there are more details you require then I am happy and able to supply them. Regards Gaynor

            • SPC

              Three pages down through an omnibus of right wing posts, a cadaverous and noxious and odious collection of opine – ZB Heraldines to Slater to find it.


              • PsyclingLeft.Always

                The Bible tells us in several places that the poor will always be with us.


                I'm sure Bassett and his fellow NAct travellers have got ideas how to resolve THAT problem.

                Fkn sanctimonious arsehole.

                • SPC

                  Bassett's attack lines

                  A whole industry has formed up around welfare led by the likes of the Child Poverty Action Group and its membership of hopeful social workers and wonky economists

                  All sorts of additional social problems followed the easy money gravy train for what was becoming a rapidly ballooning underclass. A Women’s Refuge Movement got underway with 50% of the users being Maori women. Male partners made up more than 70% of their abusers. Mum’s new de facto was too frequently a threat to her children

                  Carmel Sepuloni seems totally without understanding or empathy for the children being born into this serpents’ den. She has pushed up basic benefits to levels that mean no one in today’s underclass can improve their incomes by working. Having another baby is more lucrative.

                  Factually untrue as anyone on a benefit can work part-time (especially those with children – who have part-time work tests from when the child is 3) and earn quite a bit free of any abatement.

                  It's just a rehash of the 1990's National blame the victim for the loss of jobs where Maori lived in the 80's and 90's – an the cuts to benefits levels and consequences of raising a generation in poverty (including unhealthy homes).

                  The old PEP, Taskforce Green type programmes are ideal for areas with high gang membership and unemployment. And in our post pandemic, motel housing and truancy age.

                  As John Carter noted back in 2017 about what actually worked pre Rogernomics.


            • SPC

              The estimate …

              By the turn of the century, Unemployment Benefits were being paid to 154,000, Sickness Benefits to 33,000, and Invalids’ Benefits to another 50,000. According to one estimate, about 20% of New Zealand’s people of working age were now on a Social Welfare benefit of some kind.

              The welfare numbers reference was to 1999 after the National government of 1990-1999 and that after Rogernomics.

            • Incognito

              Sigh – this is my Mod note-continued:

              It appears that this is just a list of RW diatribes but I made an effort to dig up the webpages.

              Where are the links and where’s your explanation & excuse for misleading us by altering that quoted text?

              SPC has already pointed out that this was not the only misrepresentation in your comment.

              So, it’s PIRLS, not PERLS. Again, either you don’t care about being sloppy & lazy or it’s intentional.

              Regis College- Child Illiteracy in America Stats , Facts,and Resources ‘ May 8 ’23.

              This is irrelevant to NZ and a distraction (or diversion?).

              The opinion piece by Michael Johnston provided no links, facts, or data, just another whiny RW opinion.

              No thank you, I don’t want more RW reckons from you; we’re here for robust debate, not a string of factoids by/from ACToids.

              Your commenting behaviour and non-compliance with the Mod note mean that you will stay in Pre-Mod a little longer until I see a major improvement or until I park you in the TS Black List indefinitely, as I previously mentioned in my Mod note.

      • PsyclingLeft.Always 2.2.2

        Kia Ora. What a ray of sunshine you must be…..a veritable one person black hole, negatively whining all the positive energy out of your proximity.

        Hope you have a good day .

        And we… will carry on the fight against NAct. The true enemy of NZ's future.

        • Patricia Bremner

          yesdevil PLA We know who the wet and whiny are, laugh the glass half empty crowd.

          Why look at what isn't in the glass instead of what is? Oh and blaming everything and everyone else is just a waste of energy.

          We have an Election to win. L/G/TPM. (Incognito would say confirmation bias lol)

          Otherwise we are going to get negative put downs from Luxon and congregation… (I mean Woodhouse??? et al Real gems there Luxy.!! So truthful….)

      • SPC 2.2.3

        Thanks for running through the National Party talking points for social media dissemination.

        The fact is the numbers on welfare are lower than they were for the entire 1990-1999 and 2008-2017 periods.

      • scotty 2.2.4

        A clever parodying of the angry resentment Nact supporters are currently feeling.

        Well done Gaynor – despite the lack of free speech .

      • mary_a 2.2.5

        @ Gaynor … NZ is not the only country going through a cost of living crisis. Keep that in mind, when you wallow in the depths of despair.

        We have to try and make the most of the hand we have been dealt, not only personally, but also for our nation as a whole. Whinging and whining is so negative and highly contagious as well!

        We all pull together then times get tough.

        Go NZlaugh

  3. Mac1 3

    Bugger! Happy workers? 3.4% unemployment? Anarchy!

  4. adam 4

    Love to our Brothers and Sisters in Canada.

  5. Jack 5

    In the continued theme of positive news, it looks like the horrible weather of the past three years is about to clear

    An El Niño pattern – which tends to slow down, or even reverse, the trade winds that usually blow from east to west across the tropical Pacific – is taking over from the La Niña system that has driven New Zealand's weather patterns for the past three years.

    It will take a few months, but come mid October the forecast for the country is generally very positive


    • Belladonna 5.1

      I'm not that much reassured.

      While we're less likely (according to the prediction) to have the intense rainfall from the tropical moisture plumes; 'normal' winter weather for Auckland is wet – that's when, traditionally, we fill up the dams (certainly not needed this year) – before the dry summer months.

      It sounds like it's going to be another 3 months or so of rain, on already sodden ground (I don't see how soil moisture levels are going to reduce substantially, while we continue to have persistent rain).

      Also, packing Northland and Auckland together in a prediction is not exactly useful. The typical climates are quite different. There are many, many occasions when Northland is in drought conditions, while Auckland is having rain much as usual (isthmus conditions).

      • Anne 5.1.1

        It sounds like it's going to be another 3 months or so of rain, on already sodden ground (I don't see how soil moisture levels are going to reduce substantially, while we continue to have persistent rain).

        It shouldn't take that long. Only a few days ago Jim Salinger (well known climatologist now semi retired) was predicting the first El Nino affected weather system in about two week's time. We will recognise the change as we move into more consistently westerly quarter wind regimes.

        You are correct about the soil moisture. Its going to take a lot longer for it to dry out. Not likely much significant improvement until the end of winter.

        Still, its going to be a huge relief when this period of incessant rain is over. My outside area looks more like a duck's paradise these days – rivers of mud, slush and mini lakes appearing after each downpour.

        • Belladonna

          If this is going to be a 'normal' Auckland winter – you can expect 3 days out of 7 of rain for the next 2 months. I don't see any significant drying until well into Spring.

          My garden is also a bog – squelching through it to the lemon tree this morning….

  6. tWiggle 6

    If you're interested and near Wellington, these two Royal Society lectures are relevant to TS recent dicussions:. Free, but you need to register online for tickets.

    https://www.royalsociety.org.nz/events/beyond-growth/ Beyond Growth – How to create an economy that doesn't cost the Earth. July 6…'visiting UK ecological-economist and writer, Tim Jackson, will discuss his latest book Post Growth: Life After Capitalism with specialist in disaster risk reduction Christine Kenney, and public policy expert Jonathan Boston. Broadcaster and environmentalist Lynn Freeman chairs the conversation.'


    'More Home Truths'. Research on the direct link between poor housing and health, and how policy measures were taken up by the government to address this (eg, healthy homes and electricity winter subsidy). Rutherford Lecture on 12 July.

  7. tWiggle 7

    I've been cruising twitter without a login, but now I only see the login page. Is this new policy of twitter, or is there some free time limit I've reached?

    • roblogic 7.1

      There's a limit to how much you can scroll it anonymously. Unless you install a browser extension.

    • UncookedSelachimorpha 7.2

      I use a brower extension to look at twitter without a login – after months of use it broke today. So twitter have got more aggressive in enforcing their login wall. Hopefully the extension makers release a fix.

      Now to see if Nitter still works…

    • UncookedSelachimorpha 7.3

      Nitter is still up!

    • tWiggle 7.4

      Thanks guys. T

  8. Patricia Bremner 9

    smiley great.

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