David Cunliffe’s valedictory speech party

Written By: - Date published: 7:44 am, April 11th, 2017 - 33 comments
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David Cunliffe delivers his veledictory speech tomorrow at 5:30 pm. Eanna Doyle, one of David’s most loyal of supporters (there are many tales to tell) will be hosting a veledictory speech party for Aucklanders at his bar at Toucan Bistro in Albany tomorrow starting 5 pm. Facebook details are here.

Update: And here is the video. Well said David and well played.

33 comments on “David Cunliffe’s valedictory speech party ”

  1. saveNZ 1

    What an absolute huge loss to politics.

    We have the lazy, morally bankrupt and incompetent running the country and the smart, moral and the hardworking out of parliament, like Cunliffe.

    It’s a sad day.

  2. mauī 2

    Smart, passionate with plenty of fire in the belly. A pity he didn’t become one of our greatest leaders. Instead people rather we had JK aka David Brent.

  3. Cynical jester 3

    I really liked David and wont be forgetting how labour treated him. Lets never forget the conspiracy between the likes of Annette King, Mallard, Dyson, Goff and co to undermine the party and sabotage the election campaign.

    All should have been expelled.

    Today is a crappy day. Given time i think he would have been a great leader

    Pretty much gave up on the party after this sabotage.

    • Does that mean you don’t support labour anymore?

      I get that some loved the guy and feel that factions took him out – what now though? He is gone and politically now is a footnote – what now for this election coming up

      • McFlock 3.1.1

        shades of bernie or bust. sigh.

        • Cynical jester

          Still actively support a progressive govt and volunteer in ky local labour candidates campaign

          Still many labour mps preferred a third term of national to a progressive govt and leaked and leaked.

          To me the labours neoliberal mps were the Bernie or busters.

          Also enough with the Bernie or bust analogy. Hillary lost on her own merits. Bernie is the most beloved politician in the land according to polls. It didn’t take a genius to predict hillary never had a snowballs chance in hell.

          • McFlock

            ^case in point

            • Cynical jester

              I’m not sure how saying I’m reluctantly supporting the l/g alliance makes me a bernie or buster. Reluctantly. Just like reluctantly wanted hillary to win.

              Labour are doing appalling imho, sucking up to police, racists and the willie jacksons and blokey blokes of the world, saying appallingly backwards things about mental health burning bridges with political parties. I’m supporting them but i hate them.

              The fact the lange fanatics of the party would rather lose an election than work with progressives shows who the real traitors to party unity are…. leftys who Reluctantly support or the new right who sabotagem you’re saying im the bigger problem? Lol

              • McFlock

                Great “support” you’re showing there.

                You know what? “Support” by gritting your teeth and voting for a party you’ve badmouthed for 2.5years is actually the weakest “support” you could possibly do. Frankly, your vote doesn’t count as much as who you’ve publicly attacked and hated for three years or so. It still counts, but if you’ve done that much work to keep their polling down your vote isn’t going to make up the difference.

                “Support” is campaigning for the party and its candidates, not against them. Or at least biting the acid on your tongue and then voting for them.

                How about you actually support another party, rather than one which is full of representatives you hate? They obviously don’t represent you. Let’s just for a moment say you’re correct and the “new right” have “sabotaged” Labour. That means Labour is broken. You can cling to a distant past and continue the rot with your “support”, or you can actually constructively support another group. The Alliance is still around – I get emails.

                Grieving is a process, I get that. But fucksake, you don’t need to wear deepest black veils for 1,000 days.

                • Antoine

                  Speaking as a RWNJ, if you’re on the left and ragging loudly on the left, you’re pretty much playing for our team.


        • adam

          Couldn’t happen to a better party. That said most social democrat’s left labour some time ago, realising it was a waste of time.

        • Gosman

          Shades of Corbyn

    • mauī 3.2

      How did they undermine the last election campaign for Labour? I remember the moa thing by mallard which seemed pretty dumb but what did the others do?

  4. Ad 4

    For those of you who still read political speeches, this one is pretty prescient of a lot of the stresses that we face today.

    It’s the old-time kind of speech that presumes you have the mental capacity to think:


  5. Antoine 5

    Shame to see him go. I thought if we got a left-wing Govt under Little, Cunliffe could at least be a good Minister of something gritty e.g. Energy or Telecoms.


  6. mosa 6

    David Cunliffe miscalculated when he went for the leadership.. he should have waited.

    We are losing an incredibly intelligent man who given time would have led a truly left wing progressive government.

    The left is losing one of its most capable and brightest advocates.

    • saveNZ 6.1

      +1 Mosa

      Russel Normal has gone from Parliament and been arrested too.

      Two of the best, gone from parliament.

      • mary_a 6.1.1

        @ saveNZ (6.1) … 100% agree.

        A Cunliffe/Norman led Labour/Green government would have shaken the present establishment to its core.

  7. Ad 7

    Awesome speech DC.
    We raised a pint to you at Eannas bar.

    JC didn’t get no waiata

  8. AmaKiwi 8

    The post-Helen Clark Labour party was the worst succession planning in modern history. Nine years on and Labour is still struggling. I grieve for what could have been.

  9. peterlepaysan 9

    Great (and very gracious ) valedictory by a man back stabbed by a selfish ego driven entitled caucus cabal.
    A caucus cabal that still exists. An egotistic (Do you know who I am?) bunch.
    A bunch who do not realise that a (dwindling) number of party members have worked hard to et them into parliament let alone caucus.

    A bunch who do not understand why so many people do not vote.

    The remaining rogerdouglasists in the labour caucus need to wake up that constantly giving oral gratification to the genital and excretory organs of “the market” only results in plutocracy and revolution against plutocracy.

    Labour disempowered ahuge number of people, workers businesses, farmers and ruralists after douglas attacked.

    Cunliffe had ideas that promoised dignity and respect for us non plutocrats.

    I widh you well Mr Cunliffe.

  10. Craig GlenEden 10

    Good on ya mate, a bloody good showing. Im not sure how you stayed so gracious all these years, I am not sure I could have done it. You have been a great polly, the better bloke and will always be a valued friend.

  11. Brian 11

    What a loss – to the Labour party, parliament and NZ in general. The best PM we never had – a moral, caring and conscientious MP. Go well David and thank you for all your hard work.

  12. Shona 12

    So very sad. What a waste! Fuck Labour! Gutless market worshiping blinkered boring wimps.

  13. Tarquin 13

    Sorry to see him go, I always thought he was a good bloke in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  14. Mr Tank 14

    A message for David Cunliffe…Mate…leadership is not a job title. It is action.
    I know you don’t think for a second that your journey is over, I know you know the work still needs to be done…but I will remind you, cos damn mate saying good bye in that house must have been so hard, that a great many of us were standing right there beside you. This journey goes on..and you do not walk this path alone.