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notices and features - Date published:
11:59 am, November 23rd, 2011 - 12 comments
Categories: election 2011, humour, john key -
Tags: election debates
Download debate-bingo and see if you can be the first to mark off John Key’s hollow catchphrases in the final Leader’s debate tonight.
The winner will be all of us if we choose a better government on Saturday. Let’s see if Phil Goff can make it three from three in the leaders’ debates
Hopefully Phil can skewer Key re the announcement today that one of the first acts of a re-elected national will be to CUT wage rates for certain young people. Hello… did the natz spinners not see the Bruce poverty doco? they did of course, and in advance of the public, they just don’t care.
I’m getting an empty tab when I click on “debate bingo”.
Key will have Guyon protecting him tonight, so I’m expecting he’ll be allowed to talk over Goff and get away with more of his slippery tactics. Key will also want to come out stronger after the TV3 debate.
Hmm… can get the debate bingo to open on Opera but not on firefox.
Not on the bingo card: at the end of the day. kick the tyres
My Firefox on Apple is a bit strange over the last 4-5 days but did download bingo.
I have got Stephen Fry’s trip across America to watch so will give yet another leaders debate a miss.
You should’ve let them know you had plans, they probably would’ve shifted it.
I notice that the right wing blogger’s aren’t commenting much about the debates… apart from some complaining that the worm was rigged, they are most notably silent on the issue of John Key getting downtrowed in public.
Funny that 😉
Sky, sorry prime news, cut in twice with the headline that there was a left wing bias despite a news story on a unbias competing TV network that said three people who were left leaning would not have. Prime News has been an outlet for some crap in its time.
Farrogoblog had the email sent by the ‘worm’ organisers fairly quickly after the debate finished.
More than likely they had their own ‘uncommitted’ voters jump at the chance to turn up. But of course they are keeping quiet on that one
bingo card is missing “mum and dad”
Great bingo sheet but you have forgotten his most used words including this morning, when asked critical questions-replies in a patronising manner….. ” IT’S COMPLEX”.
Subversive undermining of the citizens’ intelligence. Translation of JK’s “You wouldn’t understand you morons so I won’t bother to tell you (…. because I’m a slick, duplicious sidewinder).”