Written By:
lprent - Date published:
3:30 pm, January 29th, 2010 - 43 comments
Categories: admin, blogs -
This was a little tricky because I used the e-mails to select the top e-mails, but then found that some people used more than one e-mail (yes – I mean you BLiP). Sometimes there were different pseudonyms used on the same e-mail (BLiP!).
But through the powers of SQL and some sub-selection cunning, I pulled them together. I used the most common pseudonym for each e-mail. Then merged the values for same pseudonyms. This gives something that is pretty close to an accurate result. Of course the required sub-queries were a bit hard on the MySQL, and locked everyone out of the database for a few minutes 😈
But I thank you one and all, and the thousands of others that aren’t mentioned here for helping make this site the dynamic and often pretty raucous place that it is to meet in.
The top 50 suspects are overleaf. But I have one query.
Felix probably has the most cutting comments designed to disrupt the underlying precepts of whomever he remarks on. But does he ever sleep?
Suspect | Comments | Bytes | |
1 | Felix | 2276 | 495,797 |
2 | lprent | 1882 | 1,105,815 |
3 | Pascal’s bookie | 1882 | 849,429 |
4 | BLiP | 1746 | 538,327 |
5 | Draco T Bastard | 1303 | 414,218 |
6 | Tim Ellis | 1249 | 613,108 |
7 | burt | 1240 | 455,386 |
8 | r0b | 1184 | 559,326 |
9 | RedLogix | 983 | 729,650 |
10 | Lew | 854 | 391,128 |
11 | vto | 840 | 319,635 |
12 | mickysavage | 828 | 352,603 |
13 | Bill | 794 | 467,603 |
14 | gingercrush | 772 | 441,555 |
15 | the sprout | 747 | 140,409 |
16 | Maynard J | 745 | 331,966 |
17 | Ianmac | 686 | 178,248 |
18 | Tigger | 674 | 183,274 |
19 | Quoth the Raven | 667 | 387,360 |
20 | jarbury | 650 | 294,381 |
21 | gobsmacked | 632 | 257,664 |
22 | IrishBill | 615 | 165,138 |
23 | snoozer | 601 | 167,306 |
24 | Daveski | 598 | 262,645 |
25 | Pat | 594 | 200,169 |
26 | outofbed | 584 | 135,897 |
27 | Rex Widerstrom | 570 | 530,471 |
28 | Anita | 539 | 195,115 |
29 | Swampy | 530 | 241,127 |
30 | George D | 504 | 159,215 |
31 | toad | 496 | 229,472 |
32 | So Bored | 471 | 177,605 |
33 | Zaphod Beeblebrox | 467 | 178,552 |
34 | tsmithfield | 452 | 276,097 |
35 | mike | 441 | 98,209 |
36 | prism | 436 | 205,630 |
37 | Eddie | 436 | 125,505 |
38 | Bright red | 410 | 118,447 |
39 | roger nome | 396 | 117,821 |
40 | gitmo | 391 | 88,852 |
41 | Ari | 383 | 139,864 |
42 | Killinginthenameof | 382 | 110,177 |
43 | The Voice of Reason | 379 | 189,373 |
44 | travellerev | 372 | 234,726 |
45 | Tane | 371 | 108,042 |
46 | Redbaiter | 362 | 192,355 |
47 | TightyRighty | 359 | 120,728 |
48 | Daveo | 356 | 124,252 |
49 | Marty G | 327 | 97,487 |
50 | ben | 321 | 193,003 |
Dammit, beaten by redbaiter, but then again, if i was a provocative person, i’d require more comments too.
Guilty. I changed providers and it took me a wee while to learn to use the dot net thingy instead of dot com. Thanks for doing all the work.
Gee did I make that many comments?
If I put that time into billable work …
I am thinking the same thing. 2010 better be the year of Stop-Fucking-About-On-Blogs.
Me too. What method are you considering? Cold turkey?
There should be a support group.
I know, someone could start a blog for compulsive bloggers! We could have online support meetings!
I really do need help …
Just get some goddamned self-discipline, you wanton libertines. It’s mind over matter. Kids these days.
“What method are you considering? Cold turkey?”
Yep. Although I think I’ll consign myself to just Dimpost as some sort of nicotine patch while I wean myself off all the others.
That one is the P tab of blogs. He had a genius post on Winston Peters 18 months ago, and I keep going back looking for the same hit.
Yep. know what you mean. I got hooked with that John Key interview.
Me too. I’m joining you Pat.
I’m guessing bytes is in regard to how much we’ve actually wrote? My bytes seem rather high but then I’ve never been able to write succintly (sp) only waffle.
Which means Rex Widerstrom writes the longest posts – 930 byte average.
Most of them in regards to, “When I met Winston”.
If only I had your erudition, gc…
Yeah I did think of doing the maths, but decided it’d be more fun for other people to have the fun.
You want a file compressor? What are you planning on compressing? 😉
Didn’t you win 100,000th comment too? You da felix! Keep up the good work…
Onya, mate. I marvel at your ability chop-dice-slice and deliver humour with such economy.
Lynn, I’m sure it wouldn’t be hard to chart volume (and byte size) of comments for certain commenters in hour intervals.
That way we’d also be able to see who comments during work time >:)
I think that falls under the privacy provisions 😈
The top poster , is about equal to the last 6 or 7 in the top 50.
Funny how he still seems invisible ?
I quite like the fact there are so many right-wingers in the top fifty. I’m not so sure I like the fact Burt probably writes more words on the standard in a year than I do. I either need to start writing more or start banning Burt more often 😉
The latter isn’t a sufficient reason. 🙂
Besides you really don’t have the patience to keep up with burt. Do you remember that post with a couple of hundred huge comments in it largely between burt and r0b out the legal position on retrospective legislation.
My fingers got worn out on the trackball.
It’s not so much keeping up I don’t have patience for as explaining the same thing ten times while he willfully misconstrues every second word.
Burt probably writes more words on the standard in a year than I do
Mostly just the same handful of words over and over though isn’t it?
You know, retrospectively, I think you may be correct.
Sadly, that word has a whole new meaning for me… something like the view from between your own knees.
Seeing as how Pascal’s Bookie and I took out the byte count (not including the bastard sysop playing with trolls)….can we borrow your magic file compressor felix?
Hey Lynn does your byte-count include the additions and notes you make on other people’s comments? Cos if not, that would put your score through the roof.
Nope. They’re allocated to whoever received them…
Oh dear. 504 comments. Top 30.
I wonder how many of them weren’t criticising Labour.
Both of them?
try using your fingers and toes next time as well as your hands for counting micky
Sorry not expressed very well. I wanted to suggest that there were more than one post that did not criticise Labour …
try writing something that is not a putdown of somebdoy else.
I make it 17 ish Green voters amongst the top 50
Wow I’m quite surprised that I’m that high up. I guess I wrote quite a lot earlier in the year. Awesome work putting this list together lprent.
Just SQL..
Ah that’s all gobble-di-gook to me, makes me think of the word “squirrel” for some reason. A pity as I’d be curious who were the most common commenters on my blog.
I assume there were more comments in 2009 than 2008, just like there were many more posts?
You’re running WordPress 2.9.1, same as I am. The query will work on that.
You have to have access to running a SQL query on your system. You should be able to do it if you have a web access to your SQL server. I used Navicat because I happen to like the tool.
I’ll put the code up if I remember when I open the laptop. The SQL on the comments wasn’t particularly efficient (I was more interested in the results of a one-off query), so expect it to slow or disable your access to the database while it runs.
As far as I’m aware there were more comments in 2009.
Ok – here is the query. Bear in mind this is grossly inefficient because it was a one-time query and I didn’t bother to optimize. On this site with 150k comments it effectively disables the MySQL while running. The problem is in that top subquery if anyone wants to optimize it. It has to pick up all comments in the top 500 commentators.
(SELECT comment_author FROM wp_comments AS C
WHERE B.comment_author_email=C.comment_author_email
GROUP BY comment_author
SUM(B.Number) AS Comments,
SUM(B.Bytes) AS Bytes
count(*) as number,
sum(length(comment_content)) as Bytes
wp_comments AS A
comment_date >= "2009-01-01 00:00:00"
comment_date < "2010-01-01 00:00:00" AND comment_approved=1 AND length(comment_author_email) > 0
length(comment_type) = 0
number DESC
) AS B
Would you be able to tell me how many comments I’ve made this year… Please… For your favourite blog reviewer 😛