
Written By: - Date published: 9:41 am, June 19th, 2008 - 17 comments
Categories: humour, Media - Tags: ,

For everyone who says apostrophes don’t matter, try telling that to the Bioethics Council.

17 comments on “Oops ”

  1. T-rex 1


  2. Matthew Pilott 2

    “babies” plural – more sick than sick.

    So was that their wording, or Granny’s?

  3. Lampie 3



  4. Billy 4

    You see. That’s why this stuff is important.

  5. Lew 5

    The Society for the Prevention of Misuse of Apostrophe’s (SPOMA) salute’s you.



  6. Billy 6

    SPOMA, Fukcing splitters. We at the Peoples Popular Front For the Use of Proper Grammar (PPFFUPG) are much more militant.

  7. r0b 7

    ‘Sod? Billy? I think this one was just for you.

    (Is ‘Sod’s week up yet?)

  8. Billy 8

    ‘Sod’s got the hump.

  9. Ari 9

    Thanks Tane. Apostrophes are definitely underrated. 🙂

  10. Lew 10

    Billy: It was those fools at the People’s Front for Popular use of Proper Grammar who started it!

    (Or was that the People’s Front for the Proper use of Popular Grammar?)


  11. r0b 11

    Billy, indeed, but there’s plenty of ‘Sod to go around (here, newzblog, robsinsod blog), so I’m hopeful he’ll be back.

  12. Billy 12

    I’ve just noticed “Peoples” needed an apostrophe. Damn you Skitt’s Law.

  13. I missed sod already why did he get a week off?

    [lprent: He used the opportunity to start up his own blog (look at ‘sodblog on the left blogs on the left). Predictably the first post started with ‘Fuck em.’ But it is pretty good.]

  14. r0b 14

    I missed sod already why did he get a week off?

    The usual, for crossing the line from funny to offensive. It’s a tricky line, and ‘Sod does like to push its boundaries!

    I have a lot of sympathy for the blog editors / admins too. They want this to be a forum for constructive debate. I’m all for that. So there do have to be limits, and they do have to apply to all.

  15. Matthew Pilott 15

    I’d like to see more punctuation- and grammar-based bannings (or ‘fatal beatings’, for the Atkinson fans out there).

    r0b speaks of a tricky line regarding the transition between funny and offensive, yet such a line is pretty clear when it comes to this.

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