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8:04 pm, October 18th, 2016 - 7 comments
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Michael Cullen and Margaret Wilson will speak at the Fabian Society Seminar “5th Labour Government – Lessons from a time of Challenges” at Owen Glenn Centre, Grafton Road, Auckland on Sunday October 30 from 1-5pm. Michael and Margaret will be joined by Mike Williams, Dot Kettle and David Parker. Everyone welcome to discuss and debate.
The full programme is as follows
1pm Welcome: Paul Chalmers : The government we worked hard to get
Hon Sir Michael Cullen: A Return to Orthodoaxy
Hon Margaret Wilson: Fulfilling an Agenda
2.15pm Panel.
Dot Kettle: Prime Minister’s office
Mike Williams: Campaign and Presidency
Hon David Parker: Unfinished business
3pm Question and Answer
4pm Michael Cullen: Issues for the future
Paul wraps and thanks
Wine and pizza outside the theatre.
5pm end
It will be very interesting. If you would like to attend it would be appreciated if you would register here for catering purposes.
The full programme listed in this post does not quite seem to match the one listed on the Fabian website!?
Stop quibbling – there’s wine and pizza outside after 4 pm .
What if the 5th Labour Government was the last ever? So many assume that there will of course be a 6th. The past however does not predict the future. When Labour lose again in 2017 will it still be assumed that they will inevitably win in 2020 or 2023? NZ society in the 21st century is not the same as in the 20th century when arguably there was a need for Labour and indeed I was a Labour voter then till I realised that I was just voting fodder. No one, for instance, has ever tweeted “NZ Labour win”.
You used to vote Labour?
No surprise there when you think about it.
Labour used to be the party of the working classes as I was. Then they became the party of the beneficiaries and the trade unionists and the LGBTQ and the strident feminists and other motley crew. Once I had a child I had to think about their future and thus I joined National. I’ve been proven correct.
This looks like a great pre-Conference teaser.
Hope I can make it.