Guns don’t shoot people, men do

Written By: - Date published: 6:33 am, November 7th, 2017 - 200 comments
Categories: gender, us politics - Tags: , , ,

With regard to the latest US shooting, I suspect we’ve already passed a marker in the road that suggests there is no turning back, and that whatever liberal solutions we have floating round in our heads about gun control are largely irrelevant, no matter how much we might like to think the US is still part of the civilised world. So this post isn’t about Sutherland Springs, nor gun control. It’s about what lies beneath.

I have a friend who lives in a self-sufficient, rural part of the US. She once asked me how women in NZ protect themselves from sexual assault if they don’t carry a gun. Where she lives that kind of protection is necessary and normal and she has a hand gun as well as her hunting rifles. It was a fair question, not easily answered, but most interesting for me is thinking about where my pro gun-control politics would be at if I lived in the part of the world she does.

It leads me pretty quickly to maybe we should be looking at the common denominator problem not as guns but men. Guns don’t shoot people, men do.

The media are reporting that there is no known motive yet for the Sutherland Springs shooting but that the victims included a pregnant woman and her children, and the town was where the man’s wife came from. No idea how much of that is true or relevant, but it led me to thinking again about the Montreal shooting in 1989 where a man went onto a co-ed polytech campus and shot fourteen women engineering students. The media covering that story at the time were complicit in downplaying the gendered nature of the crime.

Then Toronto Star journalist Shelley Page,

Looking back, I fear I sanitized the event of its feminist anger and then infantilized and diminished the victims, turning them from elite engineering students who’d fought for a place among men into teddy-bear loving daughters, sisters and girlfriends.

Twenty-five years later, as I re-evaluate my stories and with the benefit of analysis of the coverage that massacre spawned, I see how journalists— male and female producers, news directors, reporters, anchors — subtly changed the meaning of the tragedy to one that the public would get behind, silencing so-called “angry feminists.” We were “social gatekeeping,” as filmmaker Maureen Bradley later asserted in her 1995 film, Reframing the Montreal Massacre: A media interrogation.

Quebec journalist Francine Pelletier,

In hindsight, it’s obvious that the Montreal Massacre was too extreme — no one could draw a line between women being gunned down on a university campus and what women, as a rule, were being subjected to.

Unable to look the tragedy in the eye — to this day we have yet to acknowledge that this was not just a crime against women but against feminism, against women who dare go where only men have gone before — we have been paying lip service in the fight against violence against women.

So here we are nearly 30 years later. Maybe we should try and talk about it differently now. For instance there are the known connections between domestic violence and mass shooters, including with the alleged Sutherland Springs shooter (media report he was courtmartialed and convicted for domestic violence in 2012).

That video quotes a study done on 156 mass shootings between 2009 and 2016. Fifty four percent of those shootings were related to domestic or family violence. You can watch the video to see the inadequate legislative response to this despite it being a known issue.

Then there are the problems of talking about whether white loner men are terrorists. We can have another conversation about the definitions of terrorism, but in the context of the media coverage of the Montreal shooting let’s not pretend that the ways we define terrorism are determined by anyone other than the dominant culture.

The Montreal École Polytechnique shooter’s suicide note read,

“Would you note that if I commit suicide today it is not for economic reasons … but for political reasons,” it read. “Because I have decided to send the feminists, who have always ruined my life, to their Maker … I have decided to put an end to those viragos.”

(That note was not released at the time for fear it would spark copy-cat murders, but the non-release played into the ungendering of the crime)

Try arguing that’s not terrorism. Consider why we couldn’t say that it was a terrorist act against feminists thirty years ago and use that to inform our political understanding about gendered violence and mass shootings.

Think about the connections between domestic violence, my friend who carries a gun to protect herself from rape, and the phrase “shot fourteen women engineering students”. Think about what feminists of colour would be writing instead of this Pākehā feminist. Think about how it might appear if you related primarily with the class of people being shot. What if the women being shot were telling the story?

For those of us who followed #gamergate or who read and talk with outspoken and angry feminists online, that phrase about women in engineering carries immediate meaning three decades later. There are men in society who hate women and will kill them, and the ones that don’t kill will still terrorise.

Women by default live in a world where walking down the street at night carries risk of violence from men. They also live in a world where being in various kinds of relationships with men carries risk. Not all women, not all the time, but enough that we can generalise to widely shared experiences ranging from caution to hindering levels of fear.

When women then enter into traditional male territory, like tech, gaming, science, or engineering, the threat of those risks is often made plain. Prominent feminist bloggers routinely get threats of rape, murder, doxing, and attacks on their families including children. These aren’t by lone ‘nutters’, they are men operating intentionally in the context of a wider movement that has a political agenda. That political agenda promotes and sanctions violence against women.

Think I’m over-egging things? Writer Michelle Goldberg on writing as a feminist,

Feminists of the past faced angry critics, letters to the editor and even protests. But the incessant, violent, sneering, sexualized hatred their successors absorb is harder to escape. For women of color, racial abuse comes along with the sexism. “I have received racialized rape threats that I don’t think I would necessarily receive if I were white,” Wilson says. “A lot of things about anatomy — black women’s anatomy.” She talks about the online abuse in therapy. “There is trauma, especially related to the death and rape threats,” she says. Eventually, such sustained abuse ends up changing people — both how they live and how they work.

Read that again in the context of understanding that many women are actual victims of violence, overwhelmingly at the hands of man. This isn’t about getting one’s feelings hurt.

If the purpose of terrorism is in a dictionary definition – “the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims”, how is what I am describing not terrorism? Maybe it’s not unlawful enough. Maybe not enough women have been killed or raped. Maybe too many of the perpetrators don’t have a paid up membership to the club. Or maybe it’s just too common and widespread to be called terrorising. Perhaps it’s just that women don’t get to decide.

But consider this. The kind of ongoing, background fear that some in the US are now starting to experience because of mass shootings is not new to women. And feminists have been talking about this for a long time.

To be clear, I’m not commenting on the motivations of the shooter yesterday. I have no idea what that was about. But we do know he was a man out of control. This is an opportunity to rethink what terrorism is, and to move the conversation beyond the rather futile gun control debate. I still believe gun control is essential, I just think it’s a symptom and I’d rather we also look at the cause. Until we address much more fundamental issues of power, who has it and why they have it, and how it gets used, the gun debate will continue to circle impotently above people of all genders.

Because many people aren’t used to these conversations, I also need to point out that naming men as a common denominator doesn’t mean that men are inherently bad. It means that men as a class have a problem that needs to be sorted. There are whole political analyses about in what way it’s a male problem, and how men are also damaged by this, and what the solutions might be, but to have useful conversations about that we first need to learn how to talk about the gendered nature of violence.

This conversation isn’t primarily one of women against men either. Feminists have brothers, sons, fathers and male friends they love and care about, and thus most feminists have a vested interest in the wellbeing of men.

Here’s a radical thought to end on. When women have a free voice, when we not only let them talk about their experiences and politics in ways that are meaningful to them, but actively create space for them to do so, they tend to find solutions that work for all people. What would happen if we stopped and listened to women now?

200 comments on “Guns don’t shoot people, men do ”

  1. chris73 1

    I dunno, its a tough one. From what I’ve heard the guy was disqualified (under Texas law) from having a firearms licence so it was an illegal weapon and, from, witness accounts, a civilian drove the guy off by returning fire

    I own a bolt action and a semi-auto and I’m a responsible owner but what to do in the USA is difficult.

    Its difficult because the USA has more than enough gun laws but where it falls down (imho) is in its treatment of the mentally ill, I realise its not scientific but I think if you want to kill a whole bunch of people then you’re not right in the head and it seems like mental health treatment in the USA is woefully underfunded.

    But then how do you treat someone if they don’t want to be treated or go looking for treatment, we know he was discharged from the airforce for domestic violence (why he couldn’t legally obtain firearms) so maybe committing certain crimes means you have to undergo treatment but how do you make the person accept they need help?

    • Carolyn_nth 1.1

      The domestic violence charge is relevant to weka’s excellent post.

      RNZ reported that the shooter had an argument with his mother-in-law, he had previously been charged with assaulting his wife and child, and that his mother-in-law was a member of the congregation of the church where the shooting occurred.

      But the article doesn’t identify it as a hate crime because it wasn’t motivated by racism of religion – the gender component is overlooked.

    • boggis the cat 1.2

      how do you make the person accept they need help?

      There isn’t a choice. Either they take the course(s) and evaluation, or they get to sit in jail until they reconsider it. That is the rule for driving offences, so why not more serious issues?

      • Puckish Rogue 1.2.1

        So how do you make the treatment stick, like if they don’t want it in the first place then all they have to do is say the right things and get the tick in the boxes but nothings really changed

        • KJT

          So you want to forcibly treat the “mentally ill”. Now!

          Great to demonise at least a quarter of our population. Most of whom, despite being ill, do not harm other people. More likely to harm themselves, at least in part because of stereotypes about mental illness.

          Except that most crimes of violence against others are committed by “sane” people.

          • Puckish Rogue

            I don’t think its unreasonable to suggest that if someone wants to, and proceeds to, murder people then they probably do have some form of mental illness

            I also believe that if you are mentally ill and do want to murder people then yeah you should be treated

            • Matthew Whitehead

              As someone who has actually experienced mental illness, I actually do think it’s unreasonable to assume that. Not all people who commit murder are mentally ill, even if I do think that all people who would consider unprovoked murder seriously are in need of therapeutic treatment.

              It’s good to point out that some people who kill others are considered legally insane and that that’s a valid defense under the law, and these people deserve our help and compassion because they are often unable to make the necessary decisions to avoid violence. But suggesting even that everyone who commits a mass murder must have some sort of underlying condition is fundamentally incorrect. Some of them are healthy people who are merely in unhealthy situations, and this is not mental illness, it’s a symptom of a dysfunctional society. As Weka points out, misogyny and violence towards women are, as bad and preventable as they should be in their own right, also warning signs for outright murder or even mass killings, and ensuring that everyone can integrate well with the entire population, including women, brown people, queers, etc… etc… will help prevent this kind of violence. It’s one reason why it’s so important to have an inclusive society.

              Back to mential health and murder, it’s entirely possible for the motivations of these mass killers to be political, or discriminatory, or driven by alienation, and while all of these might merit therapeutic treatment, none is actually an underlying mental illness, they are simply situations that might make you come to justifiably excessive conclusions. (that’s not “justifiable” to your average, reasonable person in a healthy situation, it’s “justifiable” to someone in their frame of mind and with the same determinants of their emotional situation) Mental illness, by comparison, leads you to come to unjustifiably excessive conclusions when making decisions given the situation you’re in. For a relatively regular example, you might be a highly punctual person who never misses a bus, but you might also be constantly worried about doing so even when you arrive early. That’s a symptom of anxiety, which could have a number of causes.

    • KJT 1.3

      Except that most shooters in the USA are not mentally ill/different.

      Neither is Trump. He is simply an oversized child who has never been told he cannot have his own way.

      But, keep perpetuating the stereotype.

  2. Andre 2

    The Texas mass murderer’s history of domestic violence.

    “Guns don’t shoot people, men do.”

    While female mass murderers are very rare compared to male mass murderers, the number is not zero. In the US, where guns are commonly available, the (very few) female mass murderers commonly use guns. Outside the US, where guns are not commonly available, other weapons are used.

    No argument that most of the world has a serious problem with males perpetrating physical violence on females, much more so than the other way around. In America, the problem is severely compounded by the easy access to guns.

    • Cinny 2.1

      It’s like they get the rage on, then like you said Andre about guns been so accessible, it’s a recipe of disaster.

      Just like domestic violence, when they get the rage on they can’t stop and thank heavens guns aren’t so common in NZ homes.

      • Andre 2.1.1

        And in New Zealand, we have regulations around how guns and ammo are to be stored. So even with the rage on, and a gun in the house, there’s still the chance that the extra time it takes to actually get the gun and get it ready will cool the situation just enough to avert the murder that might have otherwise happened.

        • Cinny

          For sures Andre, for sures.

        • Matthew Whitehead

          Yeah, I think by and large our regulations around guns in New Zealand are sensible. There’s some valid debate to be had about whether there should be some additional restrictions on the number of guns a licensed firearms owner should be allowed to keep on their own property, but I like that our approach is centred around ensuring that people know how to responsibly treat firearms before they can personally own them, and that they can be denied a license on reasons of character. (which, you would hope, would include reasons like those Weka is concerned about in this post)

      • James 2.1.2

        Actually they are common – about 22 firearms per 100 people. Finland, Norway And Canada also have higher rates also without the level of gun crime.

        So it’s not gun ownership or indeed “men” that are causing the problem – there is something else I’m the mix

        • Robert Guyton

          the bullets?

        • One Anonymous Bloke

          Something else? Not exactly.

          There are overlying factors that exacerbate what we might call “mens’ issues”, cf: James Gilligan on the effects of triggers like disrespect, loss of face and humiliation. And it’s still the men committing the violent crimes.

          Although women comprise more than half the U.S. population, they committed only 14.7% of the homicides noted during the study interval.

        • joe90

          there is something else I’m the mix

          Ya reckon….

          Aurora: AR-15
          Orlando: AR-15
          Las Vegas: AR-15
          Sandy Hook: AR-15
          Umpqua CC: AR-15
          San Bernardino: AR-15
          Sutherland Springs: AR-15

          — Michael Skolnik (@MichaelSkolnik) November 6, 2017

          Instead of sensibly prohibiting civilian use of assault weapons, they are still legal in most places and in the wake of the Las Vegas tragedy, you can still make one fire automatically with a “bump stock.” The fact that only semi-automatic, and not fully-automatic rifles are legal, isn’t the point. What is the point: a tool meant for combat situations is widely available in civil society for no apparent reason other than to let civilians feel like they are soldiers. So we wind up with men carrying a legally-purchased weapon of war. No, they are not designed exactly the same, but when the bullet leaves the barrel at subsonic speeds to shred bones and organs, the results are often the same.

          (my bold)

        • Cinny

          So if that’s the case James, maybe it’s because of the storage and accessability of firearms that it’s not so common here.

          In NZ the arms holder has to be registered and checked, it’s quite a process, the police come around and ask questions of the person applying for the license and check out their firearms storage etc, also the firearms holder has to do a mountain safety course etc etc. Not the case in the USA, from my understanding the weapon is registered rather than the owner and with gun shops a dime a dozen.

          The corolation between domestic violence, mass shootings by men etc is really interesting, would be good to see such findings acted upon. Would take a miracle in the USA for that to happen, gun lobbyists and all that.

          I guess what makes things even more difficult when analysing certain situations is the shooter often is either shot dead or kills themselves, so everyone essentially is guessing as to their motive and thinking at the time. Guns seem to be the preferred male weapon of choice over there.

          Edit… Joe is on to it, just read your comment Joe, makes sense to me.

          • joe90

            The corolation between domestic violence, mass shootings by men etc is really interesting

            The majority of mass shootings—54 percent of cases—were related to domestic or family violence.

            Mass shootings significantly impacted children: 25 percent of mass shooting fatalities (211) were children. This is primarily driven by mass shootings related to domestic or family violence, in which over 40 percent of fatalities were children.

            In nearly half of the shootings—42 percent of cases—the shooter exhibited warning signs before the shooting indicating that they posed a danger to themselves or others. These red flags included acts, attempted acts, or threats of violence towards oneself or others; violations of protective orders; or evidence of ongoing substance abuse.


          • james

            “it’s quite a process..”

            No its not. Ive done it – and its as easy as pie.

        • tracey

          Do tell James, on what basis did you eliminate “men” as a cause of the problem and what might the “something else” be?

          • james

            Well – if you think its just guns, or just men that are the problem you are being simplistic.

            Yes – Men are involved in Gun killings more than women – but women still a reasonable number of people using guns.


            There are more factors at play – Picking on gender is I think not the primary reason.
            Mental state / financial pressures / drug use are issues that could be causes of gun crime more than just because of their gender.

            • tracey

              Citations? Of course it is complex but your certainty that men are not a central part of the cause invites a request for supported reasons in reply.

              For example do men suffer from financial pressures, mental illness and drug use in much higher numbers than women?

              I note you seem to refer to more men involved in killing than women using guns. They are separate issues not to be conflated in the context of wekas post?

            • weka

              “There are more factors at play – Picking on gender is I think not the primary reason.”

              No-one is suggesting that there aren’t multiple factors. The post is saying that it’s about time we looked at gender in mass shootings.

              If mental state, financial pressures, drug use were factors that overrode gender, then we’d see women committing mass shootings in much greater numbers. You might want to argue that there are specific ways that men respond to mental and financial stressors or use drugs, but then we are having a gendered conversation again.

              I suspect you are worried that looking at men means that men are somehow bad or wrong. But really that’s not what I am saying.

  3. Cinny 3

    Really good post Weka, very well written, fascinating and interesting.

    • One Anonymous Bloke 3.1


    • tracey 3.2


      I do think in 2017 it is sad that when we put forward a view like this, or sexual violence against women, and we are female writers, we have to bend over backwards to point out we are not men haters, have brothers, fathers, sons, and partners we love.

      Great piece weka. Am reading about Charlotte Perkins Gillman at the moment. Her basic treatise (and to sum it up as succinctly as I am about to try is trite) was women are Humanists.

      • weka 3.2.1

        I should look her up again. I read Herland a number of times as a young woman, would be interesting to revisit it now and see what was influential.

        “I do think in 2017 it is sad that when we put forward a view like this, or sexual violence against women, and we are female writers, we have to bend over backwards to point out we are not men haters, have brothers, fathers, sons, and partners we love.”

        quite. It’s getting better I think.

      • Matthew Whitehead 3.2.2

        Yeah, it’s unfair for sure. Hell, I had to be similarly careful when writing about pathological masculinity, because even as a man you’ll be accused of being brainwashed by “shrill feminists” and “not having a mind of your own.”

        Existing while female is still a bloody trial and men underestimate just how different it is on a social level. I have a lot of respect for women who put their hands up for being in the public spotlight and how much more difficult that is than for people like me.

        We just have to keep putting the complainers and harassers in their place over and over again, talking to people who are more moderate in that excessively reasonable way, until they come around and start telling off their less liberal friends to be behave like adults around women.

        And like all of these problems, it’s men talking to men that’s what’s needed to change it, and even though we’re beginning to make progress, (it’s a little surreal, for instance, watching people coming forward with stories of sexual abuse or harassment being treated seriously more often all of a sudden now) it’ll still be a while before that necessary attitude shift solidifies.

        • tracey

          “And like all of these problems, it’s men talking to men that’s what’s needed to change it, and even though we’re beginning to make progress, (it’s a little surreal, for instance, watching people coming forward with stories of sexual abuse or harassment being treated seriously more often all of a sudden now) it’ll still be a while before that necessary attitude shift solidifies. “

      • Tony Veitch (not etc) 3.2.3

        Tracey, I’ve just finished reading Charlotte Gilman’s novel ‘Herland.’ Available through in a digital form.

        A bit dated, but the humanitarian and compassionate nature of women is stressed.

        Snap – just noticed Weka’s comment.

  4. Puckish Rogue 4

    NZ has pretty good gun laws, a good balance between the individual and society but then we have one set of laws for the entire country whereas the USA has different laws between the states

    One of the best things the USA could do (they won’t of course) is to one set of gun laws across the entire country

    • Andre 4.1

      And the reason the US won’t is that the Second Amendment starts “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State…”

      So the argument that the Second Amendment is about states rights to regulate guns as they see fit is a lot stronger than the argument that it is about an individual right to bear arms.

      • Puckish Rogue 4.1.1


      • boggis the cat 4.1.2

        Parsing the Second Amendment as a ‘State’s rights’ issue is incorrect.

        At the time of writing, militia were envisaged to be required and were to be under local State control (“well regulated militia”). This was intended to prevent establishing a Federal army, which the early ruling elite were leery of (having just fought such an armed force). For practical reasons, the USA ended up creating an army and navy that came under Federal control.

        No militia exists now, however the National Guard is a close analogy.

        Individual right to own weapons is not guaranteed explicitly by the Second Amendment. If it were so, then why can’t a US citizen buy whatever weapon they see fit, up to and including nuclear devices?

        • Puckish Rogue

          Because, contrary to what some believe, there is gun control in the USA but gun control means a lot of different things to a lot of different people

        • Andre

          The US had the Continental Army over the relevant time period

          The bill of rights including the second amendment was introduced in 1789 and ratified in 1791. Considering there was effectively a federal army before, during, and immediately after the second amendment was introduced and ratified, preventing such an army doesn’t seem to have been the intent. But ensuring states retained the power to stand up to a federal army on the other hand …

          • tracey

            You kind of need to be armed when you have been committing a genocide on those who occupied the land before you… angry retaliation and so forth.

            Interestingly however that Rights have been ammended so if the only reason given for holding on to something is that we can’t change the bill of Rights, we know that is not true.

            • Andre

              By 1790 the risk of retribution from dispossessed and displaced original inhabitants had passed for white male land-owners on almost all of the coastal region from Norfolk through Baltimore, Philly, New York and Boston. Which is the vast majority of those whose interests shaped the constitution and early amendments.

              To be sure, genocide was ongoing on the edges of those areas. But I’m not aware of anything written in the constitution that appears intended to encourage and assist that genocide and land-grab. (However I’ve never read it with the intent of looking for provisions like that, so they may be there and I’ve skimmed over)

              It’s not impossible to amend the constitution, it’s just very difficult. Difficult enough that a few committed nutters can easily derail a proposed amendment. And gun nuts are as nutty and committed as they come.

              • tracey

                I didnt mean that the law was to help genocide but rather if you piss off enough people they get angry and might come after you so you need guns. I absolutely bow to you on this as you have hufe knowledge that I do not.

          • Exkiwiforces

            You would find the Continental Army slowly became a small cadre of Officers and NCO’s, rather like the NZ Army before WW1 and WW2 and backed up with semi/ under trained troops from the Militia or in the case of NZ the Territorials.

            But that all change after the war of 1812 when some “bright spark of the president” decide to invade Canada, which went pear sharp rather quickly and if it wasn’t for the Royal Navy and the British Army tied up fighting old Boney over in Europe at the time. As it could’ve been a lot worst than just the White House being “Burnt Down” (just a side note some my Anglo Canadian relatives were there when they Burnt the bloody thing down) as the Anglo Canadian Forces lack the number in both men, material and Ships to push home the advantage over an under trained, under equip, poorly led US Army. During the defensive battles along the Great Lakes (The Battle of the Great Lakes) as the Anglo Canadian Forces withdrew as they need to shorted their supply line for the coming winter and with the UK fighting old Boney in Europe and additional men and supplies etc were to hard to come by. The Anglo Canadian Force though outnumbered still manage to out fight US Forces, but couldn’t push home the attack due to a lack numbers and material.

            The end result of the war of 1812 the apart from the current US/ Canadian Border and a few other things was the US Congress standing up full time Army, increased funding to the state militias (now known at as the State National Guard which have an Army and a Airforce to back up the Federal Army and USAF. Another side note is that Federal Army and USAF cannot be deployed operational within the United States only the Guard can) and expanding the US Navy with some really good designed Frigates.

            The standing up of a Federal Army and the State National Guard pretty well make’s the second amendment an outdated piece of history, that need’s to be amended reflect a more modern meaning. But I think I’ll more likely too see a four term Labour led coalition than the US House of Congress amend the 2nd amendment.

          • boggis the cat

            No, the federal army was disbanded following the Revolutionary War — excepting a small contingent set to guard the artillery stored at West Point, and another small force tasked with securing the western frontier. Distrust of standing armies is precisely why the Second Amendment exists, to codify the right of individual States to maintain an armed militia.

            Note that the vagueness of the wording could be interpreted to allow for any weaponry, but in practice the States did not procure heavy armaments or naval forces.

      • Matthew Whitehead 4.1.3

        The second amendment is not the actual reason that US gun law is so ridiculous. No reasonable judge would have interpretted the second amendment as anything other than a right to own a weapon to participate in the armed forces, back when you had to bring your own weapon, because at one time the US was that small and under-developed a country.

        For one thing, there probably wouldn’t have been a second amendment if it weren’t for slavery and the compromises to it that the US offered before the civil war. For another, there would never have been the modern interpretation of the second amendment as granting a right to firearms for personal defense as opposed to communal defense, if not for the NRA’s transmutation from an organization promoting gun skills in the northern US into what it essentially is now, an advocacy group for manufacturers of firearms. Combine that with the rampant culture of political corruption (sorry sorry, “legal use of money in political campaigns”) in the US, and you have a recipe for stonewalling of any sensible gun control measures despite their overwhelming popularity with voters. (This isn’t to say that the sorts of half-baked gun control measures that have been passed previously in the US are popular, rather that further reforms with common-sense rules poll well even among Republicans)

        • Andre

          Uh, what’s the connection between slavery and the civil war, and the second amendment’s existence? The second amendment was signed and ratified in 1791, the civil war was seventy-ish years later.

          But yeah, the current judicial interpretation of the second amendment guaranteeing an individual right to own just about whatever weapons they want only goes back a couple of decades at most.

          • Matthew Whitehead

            The connection is that a lot of the job of early militias was to put down slave revolts and pursue escaped slaves in the slave states. Guaranteeing people the right to own arms to participate in those militias was one of the compromises that kept the slave states part of the union in the early days, so the second amendment is deeply connected to slavery, well before the era of the american civil war. The slave states probably (but not definitely) wouldn’t have felt the need to enshrine their right to form militias in the constitution if it weren’t for the context of slavery, and then the modern day NRA wouldn’t have had the same legal leverage to oppose regulation of handguns, nor would they have had the social leverage of white men being so keen on firearms because of the traditions that started in a culture of trying to intimidate and control African-Americans.

            • Andre

              Ok, I’ll need to look into that a bit more. Most of the articles that come up on a quick google seem to be very recent, rather than it being an interpretation going back decades.

              Gotta love that the most common citation is a dude named Bogus 🙂 !

            • Andre

              Ok, had a bit more of a look into it. Seems to me the case has been made that the role state militias had in keeping slavery sustainable is an important piece of context for the time, and that it has been understated.

              But that argument is a long way short of making the case that slavery was a dominant factor, or even anything more than a minor contributing motive for the second amendment. It appears to rely heavily on inserting words [in brackets] into historical documents in some sort of modern interpretation of what those documents “really were saying”.

              If Bogus and Hartmann and co expect to achieve the extraordinary feat of revising the centuries-old understanding of the second amendment, they need extraordinary evidence. But they haven’t presented it.

  5. Antoine 5

    So true, violent men are the problem.


    • One Anonymous Bloke 5.1

      …and those who stand by and pretend it’s nothing to do with them.

    • boggis the cat 5.2

      The issue is societal, I think. Our culture produces damaged people.

      Men are conditioned to be ‘in control’ and so anything that undermines that expected reality causes stress. Women are the obvious target for male rage because their lower status and expected subservience has been internalised by men.

      The solution is feminism: accepting that all human beings are of equal worth, regardless of gender or other distinctions.

      • Puckish Rogue 5.2.1

        Not quite

        “Of the 12,996 murder victims in 2010 for which supplemental data were received, most (77.4 percent) were male. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 1.)”

        • One Anonymous Bloke

          A narrow focus on crime and punishment deflects from the issue Weka raised in the OP:

          men as a class have a problem that needs to be sorted.

          And I don’t think the solution is that women should carry handguns, although I don’t think I’d die in a ditch to stop them.

          • Puckish Rogue

            No but I was responding to this: “Women are the obvious target for male rage because their lower status and expected subservience has been internalised by men” whereas the reality is that 77% of victims of murders by gun are male

            • Draco T Bastard

              But how many of those 77% were because of rage? And then compare that to how many of the 23% were.

              In other words, you got your comparison wrong.

              • Puckish Rogue

                I’ll admit this is conjecture but I’m guessing that most murders are committed by someone in a rage

                • McFlock

                  In NZ, probably.
                  In the US – well, maybe, but also a mix of drug deals, gang issues, and status issues that wouldn’t really count as “rage” (seeing red, sort of thing). Probably a higher proportion of calculated/semi-calculated murders than in NZ. Robberies gone wrong, too.

            • tracey

              How many of the women murdered by men are partners or spouses? How many of the victims of men’s rage, both convicted and not convicted have been domestic violence?

              • Puckish Rogue

                From the same link:

                Of the female murder victims for whom the relationships to their offenders were known, 37.5 percent were murdered by their husbands or boyfriends. (Based on Expanded Homicide Data Table 2 and 10.)
                rom the same link

        • Matthew Whitehead

          Have you stopped to consider that maybe men killing men is also driven by some of the societal attitudes opposed by feminists that are often known as “toxic masculinity?” That in fact, if we got the equality that feminists and their allies want, that men would also feel less responsible for high-pressure jobs, less isolated, and more able to solve problems without violence?

          Just because men are the majority of murder victims doesn’t entirely undermine Boggis’ point- it is likely the men with toxic attitudes to women who are disproportionately committing the violence, even if their victims are more often men.

          • boggis the cat

            Women are simply an easier target (and more ‘logical’ — especially if they are not conforming to the expected subservient role).

            There is no good evidence for men being innately more aggressive and predisposed to violence without the acculturation / indoctrination that occurs. You just need to read the comments thread below any YouTube video that attacks (or supports, or sometimes doesn’t even mention) ‘feminism’ to see an outpouring of rage predicated on expectations that young men develop. They don’t come up with this by themselves, in a vacuum: it is cultural.

            • Matthew Whitehead

              I didn’t say innately more agressive. I said conditioned to be more aggressive by societal attitudes to the place of men, so you don’t even disagree with me.

            • tracey

              Or when a party with 44% of votes doesnt get to form a govt!

      • Fred H 5.2.2

        Let’s see if boggis’s rational argument works when we substitute a couple of words:

        The issue is societal, I think. Our culture produces damaged people.

        Southerners/Nazis are conditioned to be ‘in control’ and so anything that undermines that expected reality causes stress. Jews/Slaves are the obvious target for Southern/Nazi rage because their lower status and expected subservience has been internalised by Southerners/Nazis.

        The solution is equality/abolition: accepting that all human beings are of equal worth, regardless of religious beliefs/ethnicity or other distinctions.

        Looks like it stands up, I think Unichem sells some creme for all those butthurt ‘what aboutism’ men out there…grow up and see your bullshit culture for what it is…f**kin misogynstic

    • james 5.3

      “are” the problem?

      What about Violent women? could they not be part of the problem also?

      I dont think that this is a subject that can have the “problem” referred to in absolutes.

      • weka 5.3.1

        By all means bring forth an argument about women doing mass shootings, but I’d prefer you put it in the context of the post.

        There are very obvious differences in how men and women do violence. That apparently needs restating.

        I did refer to the problem in an absolute. I said that male violence is a male problem I don’t see what’s particularly controversial about that.

        • Matthew Whitehead

          Indeed, a good starting point is actually looking at the disparity in how women who commit violence do so. For instance, women are much more likely to use poisoning than men, and it’s often (although not always) in response to men taking away their autonomy or commiting violence against them first, and therefore a desperate attempt to escape.

          Naturally women committing mass murders and using firearms is going to be more common in the USA because of the other compounding factors not related to toxic masculinity.

      • tracey 5.3.2

        Would you like to see a reduction in violence in society?

      • Antoine 5.3.3

        > What about Violent women? could they not be part of the problem also?

        Not a big part, no.

        Tell you what, if you could first sort male violence out, I’d be happy for the focus to shift 100% on female violence after that


  6. greywarshark 6

    Humans need to understand ourselves inside and out. The primitive drives, what has been found about the unconscious and subconscious. How our minds are programmed. The quiet perceptions of the powerful and how they influence the politicians that we elect because we think they are worthwhile people with their own minds and skills, and often they are not, just puppets and filled with entitlement talk.

    One thing that appears important is that there is likely to be in every society a scapegoat person or entity that people blame for their misfortune, or for society being under par. At present in NZ it is housing – the idea that all people who need housing should get it and that every social problem will then go away. Also it is beneficiaries, many of whom are women. And so those women get a double dose of disdain, and if they are Maori, probably a triple dose. The ideas are like an addiction that people go to first when there is dissatisfaction, unease, difficulty. Add drugs and alcohol that provide the outward chemical addiction to the inner one and domestic violence is sure.

    And social systems are set up here in a way that goes beyond men being irritated by women in the main, to being declared to be fathers and being landed with responsibility to pay for having a child, which they never wanted. So unsatisfactory men, because they have never learned to be thoughtful, responsible, kind etc. are forced by the state to take responsibility but have no abilities or commitment to gain them. And the woman is saddled with this male with festering dislike, that can turn to hatred – she, they spoil my life. It’s all her fault, she caught me, she should have been taking the pill.

    The rigid, moralistic style of National epitomised by Shipley and Richardson and probably most of the females and males too, also in some Labour pollies, has led to a rotten social system that is part of the drop in services and humaneness towards narrow Victorian times.

    • tracey 6.1

      Perhaps our social, political and financial systems, devised by men to serve and favour men, are at the root of the problem? That is not to say I blame all men today for that.

      Sadly, it is hard to unwind, in a democracy, something so embedded and to get those whom it favours to agree it needs to change. As important as being able to recognise our prejudices, bias etc is being able to acknowledge our privilege and how we do or do not use it.

      Thanks for your thoughtful piece. The love of money seems to be at the root of alot of problems and in NZ it certainly forms the basis of our definitions of success in private and public discourses. Education matters IF it leads directly to a nameable job for example. Health is immediately accessible to, and of a quality, those who can afford medical insurance…. even ACC has become something you need a lawyer to fight for…

  7. JanM 7

    It seems he’d just had a row with his mother-in-law and the church was the one she attended – just happens she wasn’t there that day

    • mpledger 7.1

      Yea. I thought his reason for driving away and not killing himself at the church was because he hadn’t killed who he wanted to.

  8. Bill 8

    Until we address much more fundamental issues of power, who has it and why they have it…

    Well, we know that society focuses power through a cultural lens of patriarchy.

    So (and this is just a loose thought) if men are to be the main benefactors of that arrangement – the ones who can expect to be ‘lifted up’ and advantaged – then maybe deeper senses of hopelessness, anger and/or alienation result when that “rightful” position is shifted out of reach, or if cultural or social markers for it are taken away – or when there’s a perception that “the other” is threatening avenues to attaining that supposed apex of entitlement?

    The higher we are, or perceive ourselves to be – or are “expected” to be – the higher we fall. And similarly, perhaps, the further we are from where we believe we rightfully ought to be, the deeper the perceived shortcomings bite and gouge.

    Power’s essentially a zero sum game.

    If we concentrate it in fewer hands, it’s always by way of taking it away from other hands. One potential reaction to dis-empowerment is violence, to oneself as well as to others, that can find form and expression from across a spectrum that runs from the psychological/emotional through to the physical.

    Anyway. Why do we tolerate this nonsense that sees some of us being systemically and disproportionately empowered in relation to others – whether by way of expectation or in actual fact?

    It seems to me it isn’t working out too well.

    • RedLogix 8.1

      When power and authority are lodged with the individual, almost always there is a corrosive downside. Part of the humanity of this person dies, and almost always that power is misused, either intentionally or carelessly.

      Yet outside the rarefied circles of anarchists, most people acknowledge the critical need for sufficient power and authority to order and regulate society.

      The big idea is to formally decouple the individual from power. I would argue that authority can only be legitimately vested in a collective institution, be it family, community or political in scope. The individual’s role is to serve the institution and the community it works for.

      It is this inversion of thinking which is the path forward. We already have many examples of great leaders, selfless and sacrificing people who have made their special mark on history for their service to humanity. We know it is possible, yet the general adoption of it eludes us. We still suffer the abuses of power at all turns in life.

      But it is fear that holds us back; we grasp at every vestige of power in order to attempt to control the world we live in, to tame it’s unpredictable whims, protect from the rapacious, defend from the outsider and define our social status, roles and identity. There are deep mammalian instincts at work.

      What we struggle with is trust, trust that if we serve others selflessly that we in turn will be looked after ourselves. Not so much in terms of a simple transactional reciprocity, but that if we work to build better, healthier and more connected communities, that this long-term investment will be repaid with the joy of living happily and wisely with all around us.

      • Bill 8.1.1

        So you don’t understand, or you mis-understand anarchy. All good. (Hint – it’s not about individualism)

        Or, perhaps more constructively, as AB suggests (below) [Power is] inherently illegitimate unless it stems from profoundly democratic processes and contains an element of consent.

        And then you drop (yet again) into arguing biological essentialism. Which is a hopeless and pointless perspective. (“It’s in our inescapable nature/genes. Help us God!” 🙄 )

        • RedLogix

          So you don’t understand, or you mis-understand anarchy.

          Fair enough I did skate very quickly past an entire political edifice there. Apologies.

          But to be honest the rest of you comment eludes me and I prefer to leave there.

      • weka 8.1.2

        Red, can you please pop into the back end, I left a note there for you.

    • Carolyn_nth 8.2

      My understanding of the meaning of patriarchy, is that it is a hierarchical system, with some men having more power than other, while generally speaking women have less power than all/most men.

      The original meaning is “rule of the father” or chief. It has tended to be extended to mean a system where men have rule over women. But, I think all or most patriarchal systems are hierarchical, while also privileging most men over most women. Some women can be deemed honorary men and given pretty high status within the system.

      But, within contemporary patriarchy, it seems to me, there is a tendency for society to socialising men into measuring their power against each other, and part of that includes the status achieved in controlling, or being higher status than, the women in their lives.

      And this is often the source of male-on-male violence.

      • marty mars 8.2.1

        Well patriarchy is brutal. For instance women are ridiculed – all women. Ridiculed because they are not considered even in the race. They are an appendage to a man. And a commodity – an item of exchange or value to the man, a status symbol, a direct fuck you to other men. Obviously a lot of men don’t or can’t fit into this and the system also abuses them, as well as men abusing them. They are in the game but as cannon fodder.

        So this is the situation that must be changed. This is the toxic meta culture men and women are born into – we fight this shit every day in support of our mothers sisters and daugters and for our fathers brothers and sons too.

      • Bill 8.2.2

        I might extend that idea of power out beyond “rule” and throw some other stratifiers in there – like notions around “social standing” and ideas of what marks someone as “better” or of what constitutes “success” etc.

        Not so long ago, subjugated/exploited/oppressed pink skinned men could nevertheless imagine themselves as ‘belonging’, and experience a sense of power (however vicariously) simply because “pink skinned’ – no matter how ‘done in’ or ‘done over’ they were a part of “what mattered”

        Now, for a host of reasons, there’s turmoil and fall-out.

        And I guess we can choose to ‘row through it’ and wait for a new hierarchy to bed itself in – the makeup of the strata perhaps altered somewhat (eg – less white, less male or whatever) – but fundamentally just the same shit.

        Or maybe we’ll discover it just collapses in on itself, if or when enough of us find the wherewithal to simply walk away…

  9. One Two 9

    Human beings, kill/maim/displace/violate other human beings..

    The ‘weapons’ used are, as you point out..not ‘the cause’…

    Nor is the sex of the abuser…

    Every human being walking in this world, is being abused in some way..

    • greywarshark 9.1

      Bit of an empty argument. More substance please.

      • One Two 9.1.1

        Hello GW, thanks for the offer

        What was it about the comment you feel is missing?

        Something attracted you to ask for more..

        I would be interested to hear what that was, as my thoughts on the matter are succinct, as per the comment..

  10. joe90 10

    Religious loon – god was answering the prayers of the victims and fully defeating evil, eternally, by letting them get shot. Sick.

    Despite the horror that madman made the saints of First Baptist endure, those who endured it with faith in Christ have received his victory. Although the murderer filled their eyes with terror, God has now filled them with his glory. Although he persecuted them with violence, God seized that violence and has now used it to deliver his faithful into a kingdom of peace. Although this madman brought death to so many, God has used that death to give them the eternal life won for them in the blood of Jesus.

  11. Keith 11

    Wow, men eh? Bastards.

    Take one massacre in the US and all Klan-like, use it to the max to denigrate the race/gender/religion for your own purposes. Muslims will know how the evil creature men feel!

    For your friend in the States who carries a gun to prevent her being raped, is that not the reason for arming oneself in the US, to stop the theoretical boogeyman coming into your trailer at night and doing all kinds of bad things? Its worked brilliantly for politicians over there, instil fear, fear and more fear and then say you have the answer.
    Then have the NRA back you up, Second Amendment style.

    No one admits becoming aroused by having a gun, oh no, its to protect me from the …… just add whatever is topical or feels good.

    Just like brown/black people need to take a look at themselves because they are over-represented in crime statis and jail.
    Just like the Jews were to blame for Germany’s woes.
    Just like homosexuals are sick.
    Just like the Tutsi’s.
    Just like Muslims
    Take your pick, there’s an awful lot of examples to enjoy!

    “Men” (the word is written with contempt) are the last bastion for trouble free biggotry/racism/stereotypical prejudicial rant, you can write up a good ol’ storm about these arseholes whilst equally insanely writing the virtues of the angelic blamefree female.

    But just like any other bullshit like that it is wrong, way wrong

    • One Anonymous Bloke 11.1

      That isn’t what Weka said. So yeah, what you wrote is bullshit and wrong.

      There’s not one ounce of contempt in the OP. That’s all you.

      provoked by the experience of feeling shamed and humiliated, disrespected and ridiculed

      And look at the angry pushback!

      • tracey 11.1.1

        Thanks for saying it so articulately OAB. For what it is worth I took “men” to be in quote marks to emphasis it was not a universal condemnation of every man on the planet, but there you are.

        Cos Wow, just wow Keith.

    • weka 11.2

      What OAB said re most of your comment.

      But this requires more response,

      “For your friend in the States who carries a gun to prevent her being raped, is that not the reason for arming oneself in the US, to stop the theoretical boogeyman coming into your trailer at night and doing all kinds of bad things? Its worked brilliantly for politicians over there, instil fear, fear and more fear and then say you have the answer.
      Then have the NRA back you up, Second Amendment style.”

      Given my friend is a rape survivor, the threat isn’t theoretical, it’s literal. And she wasn’t raped by a bogeyman she was raped by an actual man. Like most women, she knows other women who have also been raped by men. She works in an area where women are at particular risk from men, including risk of death. At times she has lived in places where I’m pretty sure the incidence of rape is much higher than the US as a whole, but the incidence of rape in general in the US is still high. Her carrying a gun seems entirely reasonable to me.

      For liberals there’s a conflict there, because if they take the guns away then what happens to women who are at risk? I still support gun control, and I’d guess the US would be a safer place if it had a similar laws for being in possession of a firearm as NZ does. But that still doesn’t protect women. From men.

      Fear of men doesn’t come from politicians. It comes from eons of experience with men. Men can of course choose to do something about that.

      And it’s always useful to have out in the open the men who blame women for being victimised. The rest of your bigoted rhetoric is abhorrent and noted too. I suggest you read the Policy.

  12. KJT 12

    Of course, endless US movies about the “gun totin” cowboy, whether the old Western version or the new cop/spy/soldier/disgruntled right winger, solving his problems, and angst, by “shootin the shit” out of them, have no bearing on the matter.

    • Cinny 12.1

      Add the kill em all video games etc and the electronic babysitter (devices tv etc) in to that mix please.

      • Puckish Rogue 12.1.1

        Except that these movies, games and everything else are readily available in NZ and yet we’re not seeing the same (not even close) results in NZ or anywhere else

      • Descendant Of Sssmith 12.1.2

        You understand that those games are pixels on screens and we gamers know the difference between what is real and what is not.

        If you don’t know the difference between the two then I would worry.

        Next we’ll be blaming rock and roll music or comics.

        I also see the economic violence perpetrated on society as part and parcel of the physical violence. The aggressiveness shown economically quite easily manifests itself as physical violence.

        Violence begats violence begats violence.

    • weka 12.2

      I think how society socialises men absolutely has bearing on the matter, including how popular media does that (and is used to do that). I think the context that socialisation happens within is important.

      • One Anonymous Bloke 12.2.1

        I’d like to see some breakdown of by-country statistics. Or rather, a useful breakdown.

        For example, Business Insider confidently states that NZ is in the top 23 “least sexist” countries, based on economic and political participation, education and health, and yet our rate of domestic violence is pretty high.

        Sweden scores very high on sexual violence, but that’s because Sweden takes the issue seriously.

  13. AB 13

    “Until we address much more fundamental issues of power, who has it and why they have it, and how it gets used, the gun debate will continue to circle impotently above people of all genders”

    Yes, and I think that insight will apply to just about every significant problem if you widen it to consider all types of power – physical, emotional, economic, political, the workplace etc. So in this case there is not only the assumed power of men in a patriarchy to control the behaviour of others (especially women) by force, but also the economic and political power of the NRA and the arms manufacturers.

    The place I increasingly start from is to regard the power of any individual over another as inherently illegitimate unless it stems from profoundly democratic processes and contains an element of consent. (Parents and children being a limited exception)

    • tracey 13.1

      Well said.

      ” So in this case there is not only the assumed power of men in a patriarchy to control the behaviour of others (especially women) by force, but also the economic and political power of the NRA and the arms manufacturers.”

      …and that economic and political power of the NRA and Arms manufacturers is inherently driven by masculine perspectives.

  14. McFlock 14

    Thanks weka, very interesting post.

    • Puckish Rogue 14.1

      I’ve been impressed that no one here has called for the banning of MSSAs and/or semi-autos in NZ

      • weka 14.1.1

        Probably because that’s not what the post is about.

        Cheers McFlock.

        • Puckish Rogue

          Its not (and that’s good) but you know topics like this can be somewhat…contentious at times 🙂

          • weka

            I’ll stick up a post sometime about guns in NZ and then I can pick your brains about various things where I have unanswered questions 🙂

            • Exkiwiforces

              Look forward to that post weka.

              • weka

                cheers, your input would be great too.

                • Exkiwiforces

                  Not during late Nov as i’m going to be in NZ for a RNZAC Reunion and i’m more likely to have very sore head and it was bad enough after lay up the NZ Scots colours in Dunedin last yr. Lol

                  BTW, if you in wellington I have a few hours on the afternoon of 22nd or around Palmy from 23 to 29th Nov, but not the weekend as i’m in Waiberia.

            • Puckish Rogue

              Probably fair to point out I have a slight bias in this area although one law change I would make, in NZ, is that I would remove the MSSA classification altogether and instead make the E endorsement apply to all centre fire semi auto rifles

              Shot guns and rimfires would still be exempt but it just doesn’t make sense, to me anyway, when a couple of minor adjustments turns a MSSA AR-15 into a rifle you can buy on a firearms licence

              • Exkiwiforces

                Some MSSA’s are very easy to convert to full auto and some require the skills of a Gunsmith/ Armourer. Unless you have a heavy barrel fitted to the weapon its rather pointless as you wear the barrel more quickly and you would be lucky to hit the side of a barn door unless you have a stable fire position aka bipod or firing control bursts of 2-3 rds. The only time I’ve full auto is when I’ve been a lead scout or doing Close Quarter Battle Drills aka Force entry into buildings, bunker type complex’s where its the quick or the dead in those scenarios.

                • Puckish Rogue

                  Best times was always getting rid of ammo instead of returning it but yeah its interesting comparing Hollywoods depiction compared to real life especially the concept of recoil

                  As I say you take an AR-15 and its an e endorsement but make some changes to the stock or magazine size or whatever and suddenly its considered the same as a bolt-action, doesn’t seem right to me

                  • Exkiwiforces

                    “Best times was always getting rid of ammo instead of returning” yeah it was always good especially when you are on the gun (Machine Gun), but now’s it a chargeable offence to have yippee shoot unless its under sanction training and even then its with blanks for safety reasons.

                    • Puckish Rogue

                      Yet at the same time the army is getting some really good weaponry in, .338 Lapua and .50cal sniper rifles and M4 rifles

                    • Exkiwiforces

                      You’re found they are Lewis Machine Tool Rifles (a very bespoke version of the M4) not M4’s. What I found funny about the new Rifles that NZDF are getting is our EF90 Rifle the ADF are getting didn’t even pass the NZDF paper broad selection.

                      .338 Lapua is very round and actually I use their .308 round to zero my Howa 1500. By god you pay though the nose for a box 20 full jacket, but again I have a mate who shoots buffalo using .445 or .455 I can’t remember and anyway he pays close to a $100 bucks a box.

      • joe90 14.1.2

        I guess people have confidence in our licensing system and a police force intent on enforcing the laws around the security of weapons and hoovering up as many illegal/illegally possessed firearms as possible.

        • Puckish Rogue

          I agree with your first but I think the police are a bit lax when it comes to enforcing laws in this country and the penalties in courts around illegal firearms need to be toughened up

          • Exkiwiforces

            You’ve hit the nail on the head with that one: “police are a bit lax when it comes to enforcing laws in this country and the penalties in courts around illegal firearms need to be toughened up”

            • Puckish Rogue

              I’ve always felt owning firearms is a privilege and we have opportunities here others around the world are envious of so to protect that I think its better to come down hard on those that want to ruin it for others

              • Exkiwiforces

                Since I was kid shooting the Slug gun and later the .22 single shooting bunnies from the lounge room (can’t do it now as the area where parents live it all built up), later on in the Air Scouts, Army Cadets and later as I got older on the coast or up around Nelson area. I was taught the Owning a firearm was a Privilege not a God given right and I still hold that value to this day even when I lost my privilege after I was section under the NT Mental Health Act after Australia Day during PTSD induce Suicide attempt.

                • tracey

                  Thanks for your insights. It is great to get input on topic/s I know bugger all.

                  Sorry to hear of the impact of your service. Kia kaha

                • Puckish Rogue

                  I’m sorry to hear that, if you ever need help let me know and I’ll help as best I can

                  • Exkiwiforces

                    Thank guys, for your support. My treatment team and the NT Firearms Section is happy for me to re-apply for my licence once my treatment team gives the ok, I still have issues here and there until i’m stabilise with my PTSD which might next yr in 3-4 yrs time etc.

              • tracey

                Where do you sit with respect to the possible (probable) push by the Police Association under its new Union boss toward arming all police? You too exkiwiforces if you see this

                • Puckish Rogue

                  As I understand it most police cars have weapons stored away but its a tough one. On the one hand we expect police to protect us from criminals yet we don’t give them the adequate tools to do the job (especially sole charge coppers) on the other hand theres a more than a few people that don’t want police walking around with pistols on their hips in the belief it will embolden criminals to arm themselves

                  I err towards keeping the police safe so if they feel they need to be armed then I’d, grudgingly, support it as long as they get a lot more time on the range to practice

                  • tracey

                    Bugger wrote a long reply and it disappeared.

                    I will support side arms for sole charge IF IPCA gets resourcing to ensure much quicker decision times and police statements taken at same time as they would if civillian involved in shooting. And we try and have an evidence based discussion rather than polarised he said/she said….

                  • Exkiwiforces

                    It’s tough one, on one hand they there to protect the public and uphold the law, but they need all the right tools in their tool box as the government and public put an awful lot of pressure on the Police force when they have to deal with people up to their eyeballs in drugs aka ice, the rundown of mental health sector within our public health system, the under staffing of the police as well and that’s leads too a WHS issue.

                    I think and still believe the current system in NZ and like the UK one is still the best model for arming Police. But they really need to spend more time on the range or as we called “train the way you are doing to fight” it may sound a bit hash. But there is evidence to back this up by reading:

                    On Killing and On Combat/ Law enforcement both are by the same author. Where he talks about training, during the shooting event and the after effects from active shooting event.

                    There one thing I do really hate about NZPF (well its not their fault its funding issue from central Government) is their one man stations and one man police cars attending possible accidents that may involve someone being armed. Then we are pretty awful lot of pressure on some poor sod, who has to have a split second to decide what tool to use and if he or she opts to use a firearm its shoot to kill policy none of this Hollywood bullshit of shooting in the leg or arm etc as this is more chance of shooting a bystander than actual target.

                    • Exkiwiforces

                      Whoops, that was for Tracey’s comment.

                    • Fred H

                      No, it’s an easy one. Considering the vast majority of corpses(that have died in a traumatic manner) the police encounter, are killed via suicide or murder box collision this makes the necessity for being constantly armed questionable at best. Remember murders number between 40-50 per annum and the majority don’t involve firearms.
                      Secondly the belief that firearms or deadly levels of violence are an effective deterrent has to got to be the biggest joke that only the most sheltered of morons could think up.
                      Picture you’re a member of the taleban in pashtun country, firstly you haven’t received formal education, are highly religious, believe in the afterlife and your cause, disagree with foreign occupation, have lived through 30 years of civil war, and suffer from a myriad of mental health issues making your appreciation for life threatening situations a little muddy. To top it off you know that western conventional armies in the late 20th and early 21st century have proven to be as effective as tits on a fish(though they like to think otherwise) when it comes to forcibly dictacting the will of a people who choose to fight in an asymmetrical manner. How is answering this person with violence somehow going to bring about a nice cordial relationship? He speaks fluent violentese there’s plenty more where he came from and you can’t negotiate with an IED…
                      Or picture you’re a drug dependent, mentally unwell New Zealander, you suffer from a neglectful, violent, and poverty stricken background, at times you don’t think rationally, you’d like to receive some help, you aren’t concerned with long term consequences such as assets and liberty, so the concept of a cop with a glock or a life sentence doesn’t hold quite the same respect as it does for the lovely law abiding homeowner with wifey, 2.1 kids, and a picket fence. And you’ve previously attempted to top yourself and are also relatively fluent at violentese, but not as proficient as terry that we described above…
                      The concept that the Police should act in an ultra violent and adverserial manner with their own citizenry undermines the reason for their very existence, a society that seeks to dress the wounds of it’s own people can do far more than one that believes it is at war with itself, a society with decent mental health provision, rehabilitative justice, and a comprehensive ‘free’ education can prevent and bring about changes that will see the absence of such high levels of violence that cause such reactionary statements as ‘shoot them’, ‘lock em up’, ‘execute them’. A broken person with nothing to lose cannot be reasoned with with more violence.

                    • Exkiwiforces

                      Fred, there is no need to lecture me about the Taleban which date right to the time Soviet Russia invaded the Gan and I’ve had Ex troops who transferred to RAAC and was blown up twice in one day while conducting a bullshit political task that had no reason to undertaken. This poor lad is more **** up than I am atm.

                      As for the second question,

                      We are putting an awful lot of pressure on our police force who like every other government department that has been run into the ground. These guys every need tool in the toolbox and why is it Fred? It because they are last line in public safety because mental health/ drug rehabilitation clinics are broken. IRT drug related and mental health call outs, the government and joe public thinks it Safe for a single PC blogs to attend to an incident where member or members are or armed due to drug or mental health issue. PC blogs has to make a life or death decision in a split second the because no else wants accept responsibility for the individual or individuals. We are really asking to much from our police forces to make what is really heath system problem.

                      Thirdly I take umbrage that you have brought my mental health problems in the picture which is way below the belt.

                      i’ve Been to hell and back. There are days I wish I wasn’t here or somewhere else. Than having to put with shit from might tough key broad warrior like you when The Department of Dead Veterans Affairs is bad a enough as the police have a union I don’t. In your spare time go to a PTSD clinic to the mess we put our people in or going Peacekeeping like South Sudan, the Congo and my case it East Timor as I handle the Gan Middle East Shit. But Peacekeeping is something else you Muppet.

                      People who PTSD suffer are fighting for there life everyday for the rest of their life regardless of who they are.

                    • Sam aka clump

                      (Supposed to go here)

                      Like my grandfather said. “It’s never the machines fault, it’s always the operators fault.” And. “To forge a weapon you need 3 things, 1) the right metal, temperatures over 1400°, and you need some one who is willing to kill.”

                      Believe it or not. A weapon is also a machine with complex moving parts. An energy source (chemical explosives) and some one with the imagination to use it.

                      People have fantasies of driving machines like Ferrari’s really fast. People also need to have fantasies about hunting rifles in order to select the correct weapon for the job. Some may choose a bow for the silence, some may choose .22 calibre for rabbits. Others may choose a semi auto for use on aerial deer hunts when it’s essential to maximise your shots per fly over in helicopters that typically cost $400 per hour just in fuel. But when some one fantasisiese about purchasing a semi auto with out consideration of the practical purposes in obtaining the correct license. Then you have to question that persons sanity. And his eligibility to purchase the weapon.

                    • Exkiwiforces

                      I had a two .22 mag’s (bolt action& semi auto) fitted with a silencer for the rabbits, ferrets and posiuims.

                      .308 Parker and Hale bolt action for Thar and deers etc.

                      SKS for pigs and goats. Got some good scars from using a old .303 Martini Henry rifle as a youngster and hence why I use a SKS after that.

                      SLR, and M14 for Heli shooting, they were use also for service rifle match shooting to maintain a my shooting/ marksmanship standard due to the defence cuts in 90’s under the National Government and it was the same for the L4 Bren Gun (the 7.62mm version of the old .303 Bren Gun)

                      When I was living in NZ before I left in 98 and my dad took care of them before his license expired as I was only expecting to be away for 10yrs.

                    • Sam aka clump

                      Pig dogs was my style back in NZ all those years ago. Went for a walk mostly. But when it was time to deliver my dogs new what to do. Styles make fights I suppose. Kept my dogs in a caged enclosure with a balcony. Never let the kids fumble around with them, not at all. But when I put there impact vests on they all respected what needed to get done in order to make a delivery of prime New Zealand wild pork.

                      Got into bow hunting for abit. Found it a different kind of chase. Quite technical in many respects, just took a bit more time to set everything up. Iv got some found memories of my APEX bow. Now I just dive for crays off the west coast of Australia. Never could quite kick the habit of just taking off for a bit.

                    • Exkiwiforces

                      I never use dogs and fact they are one our biggest problems atm in almost of all the state pastoral area which gone feral either by dumb redneck piggers or feral camp dog from the communities as attack young stock and evidence suggests they cross breeding with native dingo. The wild pig the second biggest issue in the NT followed horses/ donkeys camels down south of New Castle waters and the buffalo in the very top end.

                      I have mate that does bow hunting for buffs, pigs etc and I think he bloody mad as they are as blind as a bat, but then again I use a 12g double barrel coach Gun with solid shot and he thinks I’m the crazy one.

                      With the wet season slowly upon us, I’m usual out with the 30.30 lever action rifle stalking the wee piggy”s for the spilt, the smoker and goes towards my carb bit / fishing bait. But since I was section I’m now using traps and a bloody big knife which is a bit hit miss.

                    • Sam aka clump

                      Yeah, I keep all my tools locked away in its proper place including my chefs knives and power tools and just take the correct tool out for the appropriate occasion. One of the reasons I don’t hunt wild boar in Australia is because they are diseased. So I don’t put my dogs on them, prefer to keep them locked away just in case they catch something ill, worms and all that.

                    • exkiwiforces

                      The wild pigs around where my bush block are pity good to eat, but I always check first and any waste goes into the crab pot or fishing bait. Further south and around QLD/ NSW where the big razor backs live are full of worms which only good for baiting wild dogs and wild cats. Once I get firearms licence back I’m hoping to try get into Arnhem Land and have crack at the wild cats as they causing all sorts of problems along with wild dogs to the native birds and other native animal species.

                    • Sam aka clump

                      Ah yes. New an old soldier who talked like that. Stalking brought the best out of him as well.

                    • KJT

                      The job of the police is to protect the public.

                      Beating, tasering, chasing them into a tree and shooting them to make it 100% convenient for themselves, is not the job description.

                      It seems from most deaths when the police have guns, that armed police, in most cases make the public, and police, less safe.
                      The USA may not be a good example considering their shoot first culture, but Armed police in Australia havn’t been as effective as some would think.

                      Just as the police were once required to be large and intimidating, (Bigger weapons) it has been found that less physically imposing people, especially women, are more effective in defusing dangerous situations.

                    • exkiwiforces

                      I love the stalk as I was taught by my elders and was later re-enforce when I joined the Army as assault trooper (now called Recon Scout) in NZ Scots Sqn especially when we still had a lot of Vietnam/ South East Asia era guys in at the time like Sam Hoki, a teacher in the fine/ or the dark art of tracking, basic battle/ field craft, Mr Giddens an ex RM from 3Cdo and few others I can’t remember there names. How find sign to track, use the wind to track, smell, understand the weather, vegetation to find water/ what’s eatable and when vegetation is used to cam a ambush site or as a cache site.

                      The Stalk is battle of skill and wits against the animal or human and it’s probably why VC/NVA soldiers in South Vietnam hated the Kiwi’s more than Aussies. Two yrs ago I was the Nui Dat, Dat Do area and I got to talk to some VC vets when I visited VC/ NVA war cemetery off the cuff. The stories they said were wonderful to hear especially where I told that was trained by Vietnam Vets in the NZ Army and later with RAAF ADG’s as they passed on info there was a wee smile from the VC Vets. There was a lot of respect for the ANZAC’s who served in Nam as they knew they were there for Political reasons.

                    • exkiwiforces


                      It comes down to training, there was case in NSW last yr at Hornsby when a female copper use a whole mag from he 44mag Glock on a person carry a knife run towards her. Of the 80% of the rounds fired only 2 or 3 rd hit the knife carrying person and rest hit 3 to 4 bystanders or into the gardens/ shop fronts.

                      With drugs like ice and this Zombie/ Hillbilly heron on the streets now the cop’s have to make really fast decision’s on what their course of action is and when they the poor copper is by her or his self like they do in NZ unlike here in OZ or UK and Canada etc. They really don’t have many options left to them especially when the last NZ government has ran the health, mental health systems and Drug Rehab clinics into the ground. It then left to the cops to pick up the pieces because the everyone doesn’t give a crap about some dope up drug or mental health individual until after the poor copper has either tasered or shot the dope up drug individual or if its mental health patient where both person should under the care of the health or their family.

                      If see me go off, I go from Zero to Warp 10 in less than a second, my partner and others who have seen go off say its very scarier and no wonder the poor bloody copper has to use a taser, pepper spray or has use a firearm.

                      It’s going to be fun in late Nov when I travel myself to NZ for a Army reunion especially if I lost the plot at the Airport either in Oz or in NZ over something.

                    • Sam aka clump

                      We called him ‘Dingo. Sir, yes sir, right away sir. My pleasure sir. Or would you like that in a pint, stubby, or stubby holder.’ Thoroughly enjoyed his freedom. Was very honest about enjoying his Liberties. I recall Dingo standing around the entrance to a pub with a few of his boys, some of whom were working the doors when a drunk stumbled over. The drunk looked like he had just come off his swing (rostered hours/days/weeks of work) still in his dirty work gears. So the drunk was denied entry into the pub. An argument ensued, the guy started saying “I earn more money, I’m an MMA fighter blah blah blah.” Angry the drunk pulled a knife and started swinging. Every one immediately stepped back. As that happened the drunk fell to the floor. What happened to the guy happened so fast no one noticed the blade sticking out of the guys bum (his own knife), but not to deep so the guy could hobble home under his own steam. In that respect Dingo was very wise.

                      So it is the responsibility of intellectuals to expose lies and truths. Exposing the deepstate neoliberalism masquerading as capitalism is a primary concern, hopefully no one agrees neoliberalism is wonderful. Never the less capitalism is imperialisms older brother which is a stupid development, no doubt about it. So where does all this come from? Was it developed 30 years ago?

                      It came from colonisation and imposing on the indigenous inhabitants from all over the world, trade barriers, fines, draconian labour laws. And a system of power and control over the population, most notably the police force. Just to protects the rights of foreign interests to control land and profits derived from the land and we are puzzled about how to deal with it.

                      Police brutality didn’t come out of no where. Actions have consequences.

                      So when any one threatens the rights of capitalist to control the population the police will move in and shut the whole game down. But if you ask police officers themselves and they put out plenty of publicly available surveys about what some of them might be thinking. Overwhelming the notions of community policing and reducing harm to the public emerge. But that has nothing to do with the functions they are ostensibly payed to do.

                      What police where payed to do from the beginning was to protect the rights of settlers to till the land that was important to Auckland or any other big capital city globally. It was the responsibility of the police to arrest those that interfered with this form of capitalism. And push every one up into the hills that didn’t conform to the way settlers spoke, thought, or acted. Any one who deviated from the settler way of doing things was labeled a rebel. Today they are typically labeled activists and terrorists, who threaten the rights of transnational corporations to make profit. Never mind that it might destroy the prospects of future generations.

                      If the opinions of the public to protect the prospects of future generations was reflected in the policies that governed the constitution that controls the police. Then a useful set of land rights will have been enabled.

                      So now the shadowy lies are not so opaque and we can go about finding out the truth for an informed decision come the next 2020 elections.

                    • Fred H

                      Firstly you clearly didn’t read the statements I made or counter answer the argument but just doubled down on a non-existent ad hominem attack, which you then proceeded to rebut with an ad hominem response yourself, ‘key broad warrior’ I think you wrote, both an assumption and poor spelling.
                      And where did I mention you personally or your mental health? Or did you want to see that to avoid answering the question?
                      Secondly, claiming you know about the taleban because someone you once knew ran into them (probably more like some cheapo sympathisers that planted a device or shooted and scooted I’d imagine if it was against the kiwi forces) is like saying Rachel Hunter knows loads about music because she used to shag Rod Stewart?
                      And the taleban were formed in 1994-1995 by Mullah Omar and some former Mujahadeen in Kandahar Province in response to the devastation and extortion by the warlords that took power following the Russian occupation….clearly needed a lecture, and how would you know I haven’t served, and maybe in places clearly more horrible than you’re describing? Maybe I just don’t chops off about it and see the failings in thinking that getting rounds down is going to fix domestic issues?

                    • Sam aka clump

                      What was that mountain down south? Maybe you might know. You know the one with the volcanic rock and if you made the mistake of digging in a place that had already been dug up you were informed where to go? It’s on the tip of my tongue just can’t get it out.

                    • McFlock

                      Damn, I quite enjoyed that hunting discussion.

  15. Sparky 15

    More men are actually victims of gun homicide than women but more women are victims of homicide at the hands of spouses and partners in the US.

    So yes guns are a problem for people in the USA both male and female.

    • weka 15.1

      In both cases overwhelmingly the person shooting is a man. People of all genders are victims of violent crime. Who commits violent crimes is specifically gendered.

      Because women are particular victims of violence by men, I’m suggesting we spend more time listening to what women, feminists in particular, are saying about this. In this case, mass shootings, where the violence is overwhelmingly done by men and there is a clear link with gender in terms of victims.

      • Keepcalmcarryon 15.1.1

        We can break this down all sorts of ways weka
        Above, you unfairly label Keith’s comments bigoted but insist on the title you have given the above piece and it reads like “blame men”
        That’s fine and you have form on such issues.
        We could equally look more broadly at gun violence than just multiple shootings and realize in America gun deaths affect men and in particularly black men more than women.
        This doesn’t mean men aren’t the main perpetrators, but it does mean we should concentrate on social factors and sensible gun control ( such as we already have) rather than beating all men around the head with this ( and yes that is exactly what you are doing)

        • weka

          I’m really happy to amplify the voices of other classes of people who are victims of male violence too. Black men, transgender people, children, men in prisons, all have useful things to share about their experiences and what needs to change.

          But you appear to be saying that we shouldn’t look closely at the perpetrators of male violence. You haven’t said why. Is there is reason?

          “you unfairly label Keith’s comments bigoted”

          The man said that homosexuals are sick and Jews were to blame for the problems in Germany. How is that not bigotry?

          As for blame, I’m sorry you’ve taken it that way, because I went to some trouble to make it clear that in order to talk about solutions we have to be honest about the gendered nature of violence but that this isn’t about making out that men are inherently bad.

          I think men have a particular accountability, you can call that blame I guess but it begs the question of why you appear to want to let men off the hook.

          “but it does mean we should concentrate on social factors”

          Agreed, gendered violence is one of those factors.

          “and sensible gun control ( such as we already have)”

          Which is pretty much what I’ve said, I just don’t think focussing on it in the US situation is going very well.

          “rather than beating all men around the head with this ( and yes that is exactly what you are doing)”

          Interesting how most of the men in this thread didn’t take it that way.

          • Keepcalmcarryon

            A reasoned response and I thank you for that.
            I think you misunderstand What Keith was saying.
            What I inferred was that it is prejudice to frame a situation as ” men kill people” just as it is to say “muslims car bomb people ” because the huge majority of people in those subsets do not.
            Keith’s examples were- I think- illustrations of the same point. That you found such claims bigoted might further illustrate his whole point.
            Because most men here didn’t claim offense doesn’t make something inoffensive.
            Think of a man cracking sexist jokes that most women at the party didn’t object to but which quietly offended others as a comparison. Also (fortunately or not) the subset of men who post here are not a balanced representation of either the population of nz or the web.
            Lastly yes, repressed feelings of disempowerment are all too often mixed with macho aggression with violent consequences and that cycle should be broken.

            • Carolyn_nth

              Probably most guns don’t kill people, either. But guns do kill a helluva lot of people – one of the main weapons used to kill people.

              Weka didn’t say ALL men kill people. Statistically, it’s mostly men who kill, especially these mass public shootings – and that was what weka is referring to – and it has been discussed well here today.

              Car bombs have been used a lot in recent years in the Middle East, but, over time, there have certainly been a lot of non-Muslims using them, including the IRA, Vietnamese, Colombian mobsters…

              But, more usually the negative stereotype is that Muslims are terrorists – and basically, there are people from diverse groups using terror tactics, and against civilians – it’s no predominantly a Muslim thing.

            • weka

              It’s possible I misunderstood Keith’s comment. I did read it a number of times and found it hard to parse. When I called him a bigot that was me taking his words at face value, that he thinks homosexual people are sick. He’s welcome to come and clear up what he meant.

              You still didn’t answer my question,

              “But you appear to be saying that we shouldn’t look closely at the perpetrators of male violence. You haven’t said why. Is there is reason?”

              Other than it looks to me like you are taking personal offence at something I am not doing (blaming all men for the acts of a few). I might be wrong about that but what I am seeing from you is a number of assertions (e.g. about what I am doing) without backing that up or demonstrating why you might be right.

              I’m also not seeing much in the way of refutal of the post apart from getting that you don’t like it.

              IME these conversations can’t really go anywhere unless both sides are willing to dig deeper and explain what they mean.

  16. Priss 16

    Americans could live in a more peaceful society if they didn’t insist on playing with their lethal toys. Here in NZ we can walk along a street, go to a mall or theatre or church or college, and not risk being shot by a crazed gunman.

    It is a crazy situation, allowing lethal weapons to be freely available and then being surprised when lunatics go on a shooting rampage. What did they expect would happen??

    The “right to bear arms” should have gone out with “the right to own slaves”. Both are way past their use-by date.

    Until Americans realise this simple truism they will continue to live in a blood-drenched society.
    What a place to raise children in!

  17. Cinny 17

    Wows I’ve sure learnt something today… NRATV… no bloody wonder there are problems.

    Check out how the marketing is directed, this is highly crafted propaganda from every angle.

    • Cinny 17.1

      Far out…

      • Puckish Rogue 17.1.1

        On the other hand we have this:

        I’d ask each and everyone of these celebrities how much money they made from movies or TV shows that glamourized the use of firearms or how many of their security are armed, how many live in gated communities, how many have the police close by

        • Cinny

          Good point, do they walk the talk with this ad? Thanks for posting it PR

          I’m still amazed at the lengths of the NRA propaganda machine

        • Fred H

          So that bullsh*t ad hominem argument somehow invalidates their point?? Peter Dinklage glorified dragons, he so can’t criticize the illegal trade of komodo lizards the hypocrite as he somehow benefited, I heard Beyonce benefited from glorifying 1970’s British spies with bad teeth so she can’t criticize terrorism laws or the MI6

          • Cinny

            Fred, it carries a bit more weight if they walk the talk, don’t you think?

            A Dutch take on the NRA

            • Fred H

              Without a massive platform(the above individuals all have one) walking the talk is merely going to get you heard at the local bar/church/blogsite, it’s why so many personalities with platforms get elected as heads of state and the honest sorts are ignored…walking becomes irrelevant in a world of mass media

  18. mpledger 18

    The first segment of This American Live episode 545 is about a women who talks to a man who had been trolling her and they talk quite openly about what his motivations were.

    It’s worth listening too.

  19. Juno 19

    Hi, The evidence is that carrying a gun will not protect against gun crime. You are buying into an NRA fuelled myth that has contributed to the current situation in the USA. I cringe to see the following paragraph presented in this country as sensible comment. Very few USA women carry guns and the vast majority of USA women support gun control. There is a concerted ongoing effort to persuade women to buy and carry guns but it appears to be largely a failure. I feel deeply sorry for your friend and her fantasies about self-sufficiency.

    “I have a friend who lives in a self-sufficient, rural part of the US. She once asked me how women in NZ protect themselves from sexual assault if they don’t carry a gun. Where she lives that kind of protection is necessary and normal and she has a hand gun as well as her hunting rifles. It was a fair question, not easily answered, but most interesting for me is thinking about where my pro gun-control politics would be at if I lived in the part of the world she does.”

    I recommend subscribing to and reading The Trace if you are interested in firearms issues and research in the USA.
    Here is there archive.
    They have reported directly on research about the impact of owning guns on outcomes but I can’t see that as a topic. You might want to email them and ask.
    Kind regards,

    • weka 19.1

      Thanks Juno. I wasn’t suggesting that women in the US carry guns to protect themselves, nor that they should have to. Nor was I suggesting that my friend’s situation applies to all or most women in the US. It’s not a fantasy for her, she lives that shit and makes her choices accordingly. She’s not been propagandised by the NRA either, but simply lives in a part of the country where women having guns is normal. Given her lifetime of experience with male violence I don’t think you get to tell her she’s fantasising.

      The reason I wrote about her situation was in the context of the overall point of the post. That violence is gendered, both in that men commit most of it, and often they target women. I’m not saying women in the US should arm themselves, I’m suggesting to NZ liberals who react to another mass shooting by exclaiming ‘gun control!’ that they also need to focus on solving male violence. Yes gun control is needed and will save lives, but it’s not sufficient. I personally no longer believe that the US will be able to do anything substantial about gun violence and mass shootings until it addresses male violence in general.

  20. Angel Fish 20

    Meanwhile in Saudi Arabia, women are only now enjoying their right to drive vehicles!
    But yeah, let’s make no mention of the degeneracy of Ideologies like Islam
    and it’s oppressive effects on women. Let’s just vilify all men by the actions of a few lunatics, eventhough there is literally nothing that connects all men in general, other than possessing certain sex organs… What a joke.
    Women are thriving in the west, especially in higher education.

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    Losing The Room: One can only speculate about what has persuaded the Coalition Government that it will pay no electoral price for unreasonably pushing ahead with policies that are so clearly against the national interest. They seem quite oblivious to the risk that by doing so they will convince an increasing ...
    1 day ago
  • Supreme Court weighs in on name suppression
    Name suppression decisions can be tough sometimes. No matter your views on free speech, you have to be hard-hearted not to be torn by the tug of the competing arguments. I think you can feel the Supreme Court wrestling with that in M v The King. The case for ...
    1 day ago
  • Is This A “Merchants” Government?
    The Merchants of Menace: The Coalition Government has convinced itself that the Brahmins’ emollient functions have become much too irksome and expensive. Those who see themselves as the best hope of rebuilding New Zealand’s ailing capitalist system, appear to have convinced themselves that a little bit of blunt trauma is what their mollycoddled ...
    1 day ago
  • This is what corruption looks like
    When National first proposed its Muldoonist "fast-track" law, they were warned that it would inevitably lead to corruption. And that is exactly what has happened, with Resources Minister Shane Jones taking secret meetings with potential applicants: On Tuesday, in a Newsroom story, questions were raised about a dinner Jones ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    1 day ago
  • Take that, Vladimir – and be warned: we have plenty more sanctions (at least, we hope so) in our ...
    Buzz from the Beehive One day – hopefully – we will push that Russian rascal, Vladimir Putin, beyond breaking point.  Perhaps it will happen today, when he learns that Foreign Minister Winston Peters is again tightening the thumbscrews. Peters announced further sanctions, this time on 28 individuals and 14 entities ...
    Point of OrderBy Bob Edlin
    1 day ago
  • More Harm Than Good.
    How Labour’s and National’s failure to move beyond neoliberalism has brought New Zealand to the brink of economic and cultural chaos.TO START LOSING, so soon after you won, requires a special kind of political incompetence. At the heart of this Coalition Government’s failure to retain, and build upon, the public ...
    1 day ago
  • The Ombudsman fails again
    In 2020, the Operation Burnham inquiry reported back, finding that NZDF had lied to Ministers and the New Zealand public about its actions in Afghanistan. The inquiry saw a large number of documents declassified and released, which raised another problem: whether they had also lied to the Ombudsman in his ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    1 day ago
  • No Time To Think: Ageing Boomers, Laurie & Les, Talk Politics.
    Members of Parliament don’t work for us, they represent us, an entirely different thing. As with so much that has turned out badly, the re-organising of MPs’ responsibilities began with the Fourth Labour Government. That’s when they began to be treated like employees – public servants – whose diaries had ...
    1 day ago
  • Bryce Edwards: Lobbying for Waikato’s Medical School causing problems for the Govt
    It’s becoming a classic case study for why lobbying deals with politicians need greater scrutiny. Former National Minister Steven Joyce runs a lobbying company with a major client – the University of Waikato. The University desperately wants $300m+ of taxpayer funding to establish a third medical school in New Zealand, ...
    Democracy ProjectBy bryce.edwards
    1 day ago
  • Picking Sides.
    Time To Choose: Like it or not, the Kiwis are either going into AUKUS’s  “Pillar 2” – or they are going to China.HAD ZHENG HE’S FLEET sailed east, not west, in the early Fifteenth Century, how different our world would be. There is little reason to suppose that the sea-going junks ...
    1 day ago
  • Universities offer course in self-serving cowardice
    Henry Ergas writes –  When in Randall Jarrell’s Pictures from an Institution, a college president is accused of being a hypocrite, the novel’s narrator retorts that the description is grossly unfair. After all, the man is still far from the stage of moral development at which the charge ...
    Point of OrderBy poonzteam5443
    1 day ago
  • The teacher trainee challenge
    David Farrar writes –  Radio NZ reports: The Education Review Office says too many new teachers feel poorly prepared for their jobs. In a report published on Monday, the review office said 60 percent of the principals it interviewed said their new teachers were not ready. ...
    Point of OrderBy poonzteam5443
    1 day ago
  • Words and (in)actions
    New Zealand’s economic performance and the PM’s vision   Michael Reddell writes –  When I wrote yesterday morning’s post, highlighting how poorly both New Zealand and its Anglo peer countries have been doing in respect of productivity in recent times (ie, in the case of New ...
    Point of OrderBy poonzteam5443
    1 day ago
  • What do you hope for/fear from the budget?
    Hi all,Firstly - thank you! You guys are awesome. The response I’ve received to last night’s mail has been quite overwhelming. It’s a ghastly day outside, but there are no clouds in here.In case you didn’t read my email and are wondering what on earth I’m talking about you can ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    1 day ago
  • Gordon Campbell on ACT’s charter schools experiment
    If there was still any doubt as to who is actually running this government – and it isn’t the buffoon from Botany – then this week’s announcement of a huge spend up on charter schools has settled the matter. While jobs and public services continue to be cut in the ...
    2 days ago
  • Drought fuels wildfire concerns as Canada braces for another intense summer
    This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Gaye Taylor As widespread drought raises expectations for a repeat of last year’s ferocious wildfire season, response teams across Canada are grappling with the rapidly changing face of fire in a warming climate. No longer quenched by winter, nor quelled by the ...
    2 days ago
  • Bernard’s Dawn Chorus and pick ‘n’ mix for Thursday, May 16
    Half of Christchurch City Holdings Ltd’s directors and its chair resigned en masse last night in protest at Christchurch City Council’s demand to front-load dividends File Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāTL;DR: The chair of Christchurch City Council’s investment company and four of its independent directors resigned in protest last ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    2 days ago
  • Controversial proposal could threaten coalition
    The University of Waikato has reworded an advertisement that begins the tender process for its new $300 million-plus medical school even though the Government still needs to approve it. However, even the reworded ad contains an architect’s visualisations of what the school might look like. ACT leader David Seymour told ...
    PolitikBy Richard Harman
    2 days ago
  • Of Rings of Power Annatar, Dramatic Irony, and Disguises
    As a follow-up to the Rings of Power trailer discussion, I thought I needed to add something. There has been some online mockery about the use of the same actor for both the Halbrand and Annatar incarnations of Sauron. The reasoning is that Halbrand with a shave and a new ...
    2 days ago
  • The future of Nick's Kōrero.
    This isn’t quite as dramatic as the title might suggest. I’m not going anywhere, but there is something I wanted to talk to you about.Let’s start with a typical day.Most days I send out a newsletter in the morning. If I’ve written a lot the previous evening it might be ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    2 days ago
  • The PM promises tax relief in the Budget – but will it be enough to satisfy the Taxpayers’ Union...
    Buzz from the Beehive The promise of tax relief loomed large in his considerations when  the PM delivered a pre-Budget speech to the Auckland Business Chamber. The job back in Wellington is getting government spending back under control, he said, bandying figures which show that in per capita terms, the ...
    Point of OrderBy Bob Edlin
    2 days ago
  • Fucking useless
    Yesterday de facto Prime Minister David Seymour announced that his glove puppet government would be re-introducing charter schools, throwing $150 million at his pet quacks, donors and cronies and introducing an entire new government agency to oversee them (the existing Education Review Office, which actually knows how to review schools, ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    2 days ago
  • Setting things straight.
    Seeing that, in order to discredit the figures and achieve moral superiority while attempting to deflect attention away from the military assault on Rafa, Israel supporters in NZ have seized on reports that casualty numbers in Gaza may be inflated … Continue reading ...
    KiwipoliticoBy Pablo
    2 days ago
  • Far too light a sentence
    David Farrar writes – Newstalk ZB report: The man responsible for a horror hit and run in central Wellington last year was on a suspended licence and was so drunk he later asked police, “Did I kill someone?” Jason Tuitama injured two women when he ran a red ...
    Point of OrderBy poonzteam5443
    2 days ago
  • Unwinding Labour’s Agenda
    Muriel Newman writes –  Former US President Ronald Reagan once said, “Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation.” The fight for ...
    Point of OrderBy poonzteam5443
    2 days ago
  • Sequel to “Real reason Waitangi Tribunal could not summons Chhour”
    Why Courts should have said Waitangi Tribunal could not summons Karen Chhour Gary Judd writes – In the High Court, Justice Isacs declined to uphold the witness summons issued by the Waitangi Tribunal to compel Minister for Children, Karen Chhour, to appear before it to be ...
    Point of OrderBy poonzteam5443
    2 days ago
  • The Govt’s Fast-Track is being demolished by submissions to Parliament
    Bryce Edwards writes –  The number of voices raising concerns about the Government’s Fast-Track Approvals Bill is rapidly growing. This is especially apparent now that Parliament’s select committee is listening to submissions from the public to evaluate the proposed legislation. Twenty-seven thousand submissions have been made to Parliament ...
    Point of OrderBy poonzteam5443
    2 days ago
  • A generation is leaving at a rate of one A320-load per day
    An average of 166 New Zealand citizens left the country every day during the March quarter, up 54% from a year ago.Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāTL;DR: The economy and housing market is sinking into a longer recession through the winter after a slump in business and consumer confidence in ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    3 days ago
  • NZUP RORS back to life
    The government has made it abundantly clear they’re addicted to the smell of new asphalt. On Tuesday they introduced a new term to the country’s roading lexicon, the Roads of Regional Significance (RoRS), a little brother for the Roads of National (Party) Significance (RoNS). Driving ahead with Roads of Regional ...
    3 days ago
  • School Is Out.
    School is outAnd I walk the empty hallwaysI walk aloneAlone as alwaysThere's so many lucky penniesLying on the floorBut where the hell are all the lucky peopleI can't see them any moreYesterday morning, I’d just sent out my newsletter on Tama Potaka, and I was struggling to make the coffee. ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    3 days ago
  • How Are You Doing?
    Hi,I wanted to check in and ask how you’re doing.This is perhaps a selfish act, of attempting to find others feeling a similar way to me — that is to say, a little hopeless at the moment.Misery loves company, that sort of deal.Some context.I wish I could say I got ...
    David FarrierBy David Farrier
    3 days ago
  • The Rings of Power: Season Two Teaser Trailer
    I have hitherto been fairly quiet on the new season of Rings of Power, on the basis that the underwhelming first season did not exactly build excitement – and the rumours were fairly daft. The only real thing of substance to come out has been that they have re-cast Adar ...
    3 days ago
  • At a glance – What ended the Little ice Age?
    On February 14, 2023 we announced our Rebuttal Update Project. This included an ask for feedback about the added "At a glance" section in the updated basic rebuttal versions. This weekly blog post series highlights this new section of one of the updated basic rebuttal versions and serves as a ...
    3 days ago
  • Talking Reo with the PM
    “The thing is,” Chris Luxon says, leaning forward to make his point, “this has always been my thing.”“This goes all the way back to the first multinational I worked for. I was saying exactly the same thing back then. The name of our business needs to be more clear; people ...
    More Than A FeildingBy David Slack
    3 days ago
  • Waitangi Tribunal’s authority in Chhour case is upheld – but bill’s introduction to Parliament...
    Buzz from the Beehive It’s been a momentous few days for Children’s Minister Karen Chhour.  The Court of Appeal has overturned a High Court decision which blocked a summons order from the Waitangi Tribunal for her. And today she has announced the Government is putting children first by introducing to ...
    Point of OrderBy Bob Edlin
    3 days ago
  • Australia jails another whistleblower
    In 2014 former Australian army lawyer David McBride leaked classified military documents about Australian war crimes to the ABC. Dubbed "The Afghan Files", the documents led to an explosive report on Australian war crimes, the disbanding of an entire SAS unit, and multiple ongoing prosecutions. The journalist who wrote the ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    3 days ago
  • Some “scrutiny”!
    Back in February I blogged about another secret OIA "consultation" by the Ministry of Justice. This one was on Aotearoa's commitment in its Open Government Partnership Action Plan to "strengthen scrutiny of Official Information Act exemption clauses in legislation" (AKA secrecy clauses). Their consultation paper on the issue focused on ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    3 days ago
  • TVNZ is loss-making, serves no public service due to bias, and should be liquidated
    Rob MacCulloch writes –  According to the respected Pew Research Centre, “In seven of eight [European] countries surveyed, the most trusted news outlet asked about is the public news organization in each country”. For example, “in Sweden, an overwhelming majority (90%) say they trust the public broadcaster SVT”. ...
    Point of OrderBy poonzteam5443
    3 days ago
  • The conflicted Covid Chair
    David Farrar writes –  Kata MacNamara reports:    Details of Tony Blakely’s involvement in the New Zealand Government’s response to the pandemic raise serious questions about the work of the Covid-19 Royal Commission of Inquiry over which he presides. It has long been clear that Blakely, a ...
    Point of OrderBy poonzteam5443
    3 days ago
  • Attacking the smartest and most resilient people in the room is never a good idea
    Chris Trotter writes – Are you a Brahmin or a Merchant? Or, are you merely one of those whose lives are profoundly influenced by the decisions of Brahmins and Merchants? Those are the questions that are currently shaping the politics of New Zealand and the entire West. ...
    Point of OrderBy poonzteam5443
    3 days ago
  • A fortune-telling failure, surely, if the tarot cards can’t see a bulldozer coming
    RNZ reports –  It’s supposed to be a haven of healing and spiritual awakening but residents of the Kawai Purapura community say they’ve been hurt and deceived. It’s the successor to the former Centrepoint commune, and has been on the bush block opposite Albany shopping centre since 2008. It ...
    Point of OrderBy Bob Edlin
    3 days ago
  • The climate battleground heats up
    TL;DR : Here’s the top six items climate news for Aotearoa-NZ this week, as selected by Bernard Hickey and The Kākā’s climate correspondent Cathrine Dyer. Usually we have a video chat to go with this wrap, but were unable to do one this week. We’ll be back next week.Several reports ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    4 days ago
  • Bernard’ s Dawn Chorus & Pick ‘n’ Mix for Tuesday, May 14
    The Transport Minister has set a hard 'fiscal envelope' of $6.54 billion for transport capital spending. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāTL;DR: The economy is settling into a state of suspended animation as the Government’s funding freezes and job cuts chill confidence and combine with stubbornly high interest rates to ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    4 days ago
  • Gordon Campbell on why anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitic
    To be precise, the term “anti- Zionism” refers to (a) criticism of the political movement that created a modern Jewish state on the historical land of Israel, and to (b)the subjugation of Palestinians by the Israeli state. By contrast, the term “anti-Semitism” means bigotry and racism directed at Jewish people, ...
    4 days ago
  • Climate change is making hurricanes more destructive
    This is a re-post from the Climate Brink by Andrew Dessler Because hurricanes are one of the big-ticket weather disasters that humanity has to face, climate misinformers spend a lot of effort muddying the waters on whether climate change is making hurricanes more damaging. With the official start to the hurricane ...
    4 days ago
  • Wayne Brown’s PT Plan
    Yesterday the Mayor released what he calls his “plan to save public transport” which is part of his final proposal for the Council’s Long Term Plan (LTP). This comes following consultation on the draft version that occurred in March which showed, once again, that people want more done on transport, especially ...
    4 days ago
  • Potaka's Private Universe.
    And it's a pleasure that I have knownAnd it's a treasure that I have gainedAotearoa’s coalition government is fragile. It’s held together by the obsequious sycophancy of Christopher Luxon, who willingly contorts his party into the fringe positions of his junior coalition partners and is unwilling to contradict them. The ...
    Nick’s KōreroBy Nick Rockel
    4 days ago
  • Our slow regional councils
    The Select Committee hearing submissions on the fast-track consenting legislation is starting to become a beat-up of regional councils. The inflexibility and slow workings of the Councils were prominent in two submissions yesterday. One, from the Coromandel Marine Farmers Association, simply said that the Waikato Regional Council’s planning decisions were ...
    PolitikBy Richard Harman
    4 days ago
  • Ministers are not above the law after all
    Back in April, the High Court surprised everyone by ruling that Ministers are above the law, at least as far as the Waitangi Tribunal is concerned. The reason for this ruling was "comity" - the idea that the different branches of government shouldn't interfere with each other's functions. Which makes ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    4 days ago
  • NZTA takes the wheel after govt gives it the road map for regional roads (and puts a speed governor ...
    Buzz from the Beehive  Tolling was mentioned when Transport Minister Simeon Brown announced the government was re-introducing the Roads of National Significance (RoNS) programme, with 15 “crucial” projects to support economic growth and regional development across New Zealand. All RoNS would be four-laned, grade-separated highways, and all funding, financing, and ...
    Point of OrderBy Bob Edlin
    4 days ago
  • Change in Catalonia?
    or the past 14 years, ever since the Spanish government cheated on an autonomy deal, Catalonia has reliably given pro-independence parties a majority of seats in their regional parliament. But now that seems to be over. Catalans went to the polls yesterday, and stripped the Catalan parties of their majority. ...
    No Right TurnBy Idiot/Savant
    4 days ago
  • Having an enrolment date is not depriving anyone of a vote
    David Farrar writes –  Radio NZ report: Labour Party leader Chris Hipkins said the Electoral Commission should make sure the system ran smoothly and “taking away the right of thousands of people to vote” was not the answer. “Thousands of people enroled and voted on the day. If ...
    Point of OrderBy poonzteam5443
    4 days ago
  • Perhaps house prices don’t always go up
    Don Brash writes –  There was a rather revealing headline in the Herald on Sunday today (12 May). It read “One in 8 Auckland homes on market were bought during boom, may now sell for loss”. The first line of text noted that “New data shows one in ...
    Point of OrderBy poonzteam5443
    4 days ago
  • Can’t read, can’t write, can’t comprehend – and won’t think…?
    Mike Grimshaw writes –  At a time when universities are understandably nervous regarding the establishment of the University Advisory Group (UAG) and the Science System Advisory Group (SSAG) it may seem strange – or even fool-hardy – to state that there are long-standing issues in the tertiary sector ...
    Point of OrderBy poonzteam5443
    4 days ago
  • Time for some perspective
    Lindsay Mitchell writes –  A lack of perspective can make something quite large or important seem small or irrelevant. Against a backdrop of high-profile, negative statistics it is easy to overlook the positive. For instance, the fact that 64 percent of Maori are employed is rarely reported. For ...
    Point of OrderBy poonzteam5443
    4 days ago
  • Will NZ Herald’s ‘poor journalism’ cost lives?
    Earlier this year, the Herald ran a series of articles amounting to a sustained campaign against raised pedestrian crossings, by reporter Bernard Orsman. A key part of that campaign concerned the raised crossings being installed as part of the Pt Chevalier to Westmere project, with at least 10 articles over ...
    5 days ago
  • The Kaka’s diary for the week to May 19 and beyond
    TL;DR: The six key events to watch in Aotearoa-NZ’s political economy in the week to May 19 include:PM Christopher Luxon is expected to hold his weekly post-cabinet news conference at 4:00pm on Monday.Parliament is not sitting this week. It resumes next week for a two-week sitting session up to and ...
    The KakaBy Bernard Hickey
    5 days ago
  • Webworm Popup Photos!
    Hi,Thanks to all the beautiful Worms who came to the LA Webworm popup on Saturday.It was a way to celebrate the online store we launched last week — and it was super special.As I talk about a lot, I really value our community here — and it was a BLAST ...
    David FarrierBy David Farrier
    5 days ago
  • 2024 SkS Weekly Climate Change & Global Warming News Roundup #19
    A listing of 35 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, May 5, 2024 thru Sat, May 11, 2024. (Unfortunate) Story of the week "Grief that stops at despair is an ending that I and many others, most notably ...
    5 days ago

  • DJ Fred Again – Assurance report received
    "On the 27th of March, I sought assurances from the Chief Executive, Department of Internal Affairs, that the Department’s correct processes and policies had been followed in regards to a passport application which received media attention,” says Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden.  “I raised my concerns after being ...
    5 hours ago
  • District Court Judges appointed
    Attorney-General Judith Collins has announced the appointment of three new District Court Judges, to replace Judges who have recently retired. Peter James Davey of Auckland has been appointed a District Court Judge with a jury jurisdiction to be based at Whangarei. Mr Davey initially started work as a law clerk/solicitor with ...
    10 hours ago
  • Unions should put learning ahead of ideology
    Associate Education Minister David Seymour is calling on the Post Primary Teachers’ Association (PPTA) to put ideology to the side and focus on students’ learning, in reaction to the union holding paid teacher meetings across New Zealand about charter schools.     “The PPTA is disrupting schools up and down the ...
    10 hours ago
  • Craig Stobo appointed as chair of FMA
    Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Andrew Bayly today announced the appointment of Craig Stobo as the new chair of the Financial Markets Authority (FMA). Mr Stobo takes over from Mark Todd, whose term expired at the end of April. Mr Stobo’s appointment is for a five-year term. “The FMA plays ...
    10 hours ago
  • Budget 2024 invests in lifeguards and coastguard
    Surf Life Saving New Zealand and Coastguard New Zealand will continue to be able to keep people safe in, on, and around the water following a funding boost of $63.644 million over four years, Transport Minister Simeon Brown and Associate Transport Minister Matt Doocey say. “Heading to the beach for ...
    13 hours ago
  • New Zealand and Tuvalu reaffirm close relationship
    New Zealand and Tuvalu have reaffirmed their close relationship, Foreign Affairs Minister Winston Peters says.  “New Zealand is committed to working with Tuvalu on a shared vision of resilience, prosperity and security, in close concert with Australia,” says Mr Peters, who last visited Tuvalu in 2019.  “It is my pleasure ...
    1 day ago
  • New Zealand calls for calm, constructive dialogue in New Caledonia
    New Zealand is gravely concerned about the situation in New Caledonia, Foreign Minister Winston Peters says.  “The escalating situation and violent protests in Nouméa are of serious concern across the Pacific Islands region,” Mr Peters says.  “The immediate priority must be for all sides to take steps to de-escalate the ...
    1 day ago
  • New Zealand welcomes Samoa Head of State
    Prime Minister Christopher Luxon met today with Samoa’s O le Ao o le Malo, Afioga Tuimalealiifano Vaaletoa Sualauvi II, who is making a State Visit to New Zealand. “His Highness and I reflected on our two countries’ extensive community links, with Samoan–New Zealanders contributing to all areas of our national ...
    1 day ago
  • Island Direct eligible for SuperGold Card funding
    Transport Minister Simeon Brown has announced that he has approved Waiheke Island ferry operator Island Direct to be eligible for SuperGold Card funding, paving the way for a commercial agreement to bring the operator into the scheme. “Island Direct started operating in November 2023, offering an additional option for people ...
    1 day ago
  • Further sanctions against Russia
    Foreign Minister Winston Peters today announced further sanctions on 28 individuals and 14 entities providing military and strategic support for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.  “Russia is directly supported by its military-industrial complex in its illegal aggression against Ukraine, attacking its sovereignty and territorial integrity. New Zealand condemns all entities and ...
    1 day ago
  • One year on from Loafers Lodge
    A year on from the tragedy at Loafers Lodge, the Government is working hard to improve building fire safety, Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk says. “I want to share my sincere condolences with the families and friends of the victims on the anniversary of the tragic fire at Loafers ...
    2 days ago
  • Pre-Budget speech to Auckland Business Chamber
    Ka nui te mihi kia koutou. Kia ora and good afternoon, everyone. Thank you so much for having me here in the lead up to my Government’s first Budget. Before I get started can I acknowledge: Simon Bridges – Auckland Business Chamber CEO. Steve Jurkovich – Kiwibank CEO. Kids born ...
    2 days ago
  • New Zealand and Vanuatu to deepen collaboration
    New Zealand and Vanuatu will enhance collaboration on issues of mutual interest, Foreign Minister Winston Peters says.    “It is important to return to Port Vila this week with a broad, high-level political delegation which demonstrates our deep commitment to New Zealand’s relationship with Vanuatu,” Mr Peters says.    “This ...
    2 days ago
  • Penk travels to Peru for trade meetings
    Minister for Land Information, Chris Penk will travel to Peru this week to represent New Zealand at a meeting of trade ministers from the Asia-Pacific region on behalf of Trade Minister Todd McClay. The annual Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Ministers Responsible for Trade meeting will be held on 17-18 May ...
    2 days ago
  • Minister attends global education conferences
    Minister of Education Erica Stanford will head to the United Kingdom this week to participate in the 22nd Conference of Commonwealth Education Ministers (CCEM) and the 2024 Education World Forum (EWF). “I am looking forward to sharing this Government’s education priorities, such as introducing a knowledge-rich curriculum, implementing an evidence-based ...
    3 days ago
  • Education Minister thanks outgoing NZQA Chair
    Minister of Education Erica Stanford has today thanked outgoing New Zealand Qualifications Authority Chair, Hon Tracey Martin. “Tracey Martin tendered her resignation late last month in order to take up a new role,” Ms Stanford says. Ms Martin will relinquish the role of Chair on 10 May and current Deputy ...
    3 days ago
  • Joint statement of Christopher Luxon and Emmanuel Macron: Launch of the Christchurch Call Foundation
    New Zealand Prime Minister Christopher Luxon and President Emmanuel Macron of France today announced a new non-governmental organisation, the Christchurch Call Foundation, to coordinate the Christchurch Call’s work to eliminate terrorist and violent extremist content online.   This change gives effect to the outcomes of the November 2023 Call Leaders’ Summit, ...
    3 days ago
  • Panel announced for review into disability services
    Distinguished public servant and former diplomat Sir Maarten Wevers will lead the independent review into the disability support services administered by the Ministry of Disabled People – Whaikaha. The review was announced by Disability Issues Minister Louise Upston a fortnight ago to examine what could be done to strengthen the ...
    3 days ago
  • Minister welcomes Police gang unit
    Today’s announcement by Police Commissioner Andrew Coster of a National Gang Unit and district Gang Disruption Units will help deliver on the coalition Government’s pledge to restore law and order and crack down on criminal gangs, Police Minister Mark Mitchell says. “The National Gang Unit and Gang Disruption Units will ...
    3 days ago
  • New Zealand expresses regret at North Korea’s aggressive rhetoric
    Foreign Minister Winston Peters has today expressed regret at North Korea’s aggressive rhetoric towards New Zealand and its international partners.  “New Zealand proudly stands with the international community in upholding the rules-based order through its monitoring and surveillance deployments, which it has been regularly doing alongside partners since 2018,” Mr ...
    3 days ago
  • New Chief of Defence Force appointed
    Air Vice-Marshal Tony Davies MNZM is the new Chief of Defence Force, Defence Minister Judith Collins announced today. The Chief of Defence Force commands the Navy, Army and Air Force and is the principal military advisor to the Defence Minister and other Ministers with relevant portfolio responsibilities in the defence ...
    3 days ago
  • Government puts children first by repealing 7AA
    Legislation to repeal section 7AA of the Oranga Tamariki Act has been introduced to Parliament. The Bill’s introduction reaffirms the Coalition Government’s commitment to the safety of children in care, says Minister for Children, Karen Chhour. “While section 7AA was introduced with good intentions, it creates a conflict for Oranga ...
    3 days ago
  • Defence Minister to meet counterparts in UK, Italy
    Defence Minister Judith Collins will this week travel to the UK and Italy to meet with her defence counterparts, and to attend Battles of Cassino commemorations. “I am humbled to be able to represent the New Zealand Government in Italy at the commemorations for the 80th anniversary of what was ...
    4 days ago
  • Charter schools to lift educational outcomes
    The upcoming Budget will include funding for up to 50 charter schools to help lift declining educational performance, Associate Education Minister David Seymour announced today. $153 million in new funding will be provided over four years to establish and operate up to 15 new charter schools and convert 35 state ...
    4 days ago
  • COVID-19 Inquiry terms of reference consultation results received
    “The results of the public consultation on the terms of reference for the Royal Commission into COVID-19 Lessons has now been received, with results indicating over 13,000 submissions were made from members of the public,” Internal Affairs Minister Brooke van Velden says. “We heard feedback about the extended lockdowns in ...
    4 days ago
  • The Pacific family of nations – the changing security outlook
    Foreign Minister, Defence Minister, other Members of Parliament Acting Chief of Defence Force, Secretary of Defence Distinguished Guests  Defence and Diplomatic Colleagues  Ladies and Gentlemen,  Good afternoon, tēna koutou, apinun tru    It’s a pleasure to be back in Port Moresby today, and to speak here at the Kumul Leadership ...
    4 days ago
  • NZ and Papua New Guinea to work more closely together
    Health, infrastructure, renewable energy, and stability are among the themes of the current visit to Papua New Guinea by a New Zealand political delegation, Foreign Minister Winston Peters says.   “Papua New Guinea carries serious weight in the Pacific, and New Zealand deeply values our relationship with it,” Mr Peters ...
    4 days ago
  • Driving ahead with Roads of Regional Significance
    The coalition Government is launching Roads of Regional Significance to sit alongside Roads of National Significance as part of its plan to deliver priority roading projects across the country, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.  “The Roads of National Significance (RoNS) built by the previous National Government are some of New Zealand’s ...
    4 days ago
  • New Zealand congratulates new Solomon Islands government
    A high-level New Zealand political delegation in Honiara today congratulated the new Government of Solomon Islands, led by Jeremiah Manele, on taking office.    “We are privileged to meet the new Prime Minister and members of his Cabinet during his government’s first ten days in office,” Deputy Prime Minister and ...
    5 days ago
  • New Zealand supports UN Palestine resolution
    New Zealand voted in favour of a resolution broadening Palestine’s participation at the United Nations General Assembly overnight, Foreign Minister Winston Peters says.    “The resolution enhances the rights of Palestine to participate in the work of the UN General Assembly while stopping short of admitting Palestine as a full ...
    7 days ago
  • Speech to the 2024 Infrastructure Symposium
    Introduction Good morning. It’s a great privilege to be here at the 2024 Infrastructure Symposium. I was extremely happy when the Prime Minister asked me to be his Minister for Infrastructure. It is one of the great barriers holding the New Zealand economy back from achieving its potential. Building high ...
    1 week ago
  • $571 million for Defence pay and projects
    Defence Minister Judith Collins today announced the upcoming Budget will include new funding of $571 million for Defence Force pay and projects. “Our servicemen and women do New Zealand proud throughout the world and this funding will help ensure we retain their services and expertise as we navigate an increasingly ...
    1 week ago
  • Climate change – mitigating the risks and costs
    New Zealand’s ability to cope with climate change will be strengthened as part of the Government’s focus to build resilience as we rebuild the economy, Climate Change Minister Simon Watts says. “An enduring and long-term approach is needed to provide New Zealanders and the economy with certainty as the climate ...
    1 week ago
  • Getting new job seekers on the pathway to work
    Jobseeker beneficiaries who have work obligations must now meet with MSD within two weeks of their benefit starting to determine their next step towards finding a job, Social Development and Employment Minister Louise Upston says. “A key part of the coalition Government’s plan to have 50,000 fewer people on Jobseeker ...
    1 week ago
  • Accelerating Social Investment
    A new standalone Social Investment Agency will power-up the social investment approach, driving positive change for our most vulnerable New Zealanders, Social Investment Minister Nicola Willis says.  “Despite the Government currently investing more than $70 billion every year into social services, we are not seeing the outcomes we want for ...
    1 week ago
  • Getting Back on Track
    Check against delivery Good morning. It is a pleasure to be with you to outline the Coalition Government’s approach to our first Budget. Thank you Mark Skelly, President of the Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce, together with  your Board and team, for hosting me.   I’d like to acknowledge His Worship ...
    1 week ago
  • NZ – European Union ties more critical than ever
    Your Excellency Ambassador Meredith,   Members of the Diplomatic Corps and Ambassadors from European Union Member States,   Ministerial colleagues, Members of Parliament, and other distinguished guests, Thank you everyone for joining us.   Ladies and gentlemen -    In diplomacy, we often speak of ‘close’ and ‘long-standing’ relations.   ...
    1 week ago
  • Therapeutic Products Act to be repealed
    The Therapeutic Products Act (TPA) will be repealed this year so that a better regime can be put in place to provide New Zealanders safe and timely access to medicines, medical devices and health products, Associate Health Minister Casey Costello announced today. “The medicines and products we are talking about ...
    1 week ago
  • Decisions on Wellington City Council’s District Plan
    The Minister Responsible for RMA Reform, Chris Bishop, today released his decision on twenty recommendations referred to him by the Wellington City Council relating to its Intensification Planning Instrument, after the Council rejected those recommendations of the Independent Hearings Panel and made alternative recommendations. “Wellington notified its District Plan on ...
    1 week ago
  • Rape Awareness Week: Government committed to action on sexual violence
    Rape Awareness Week (6-10 May) is an important opportunity to acknowledge the continued effort required by government and communities to ensure that all New Zealanders can live free from violence, say Ministers Karen Chhour and Louise Upston.  “With 1 in 3 women and 1 in 8 men experiencing sexual violence ...
    1 week ago

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