Written By:
QoT - Date published:
7:00 pm, February 20th, 2013 - 10 comments
Categories: ACC, Satire -
It has recently come to the attention of the recruitment team that employees working within the sensitive claims unit may not be fully aware of the expectations of their role and the unit in general.
Given our unstated practice of never correcting the behaviour of current employees, given this will very likely incite them to leak even more sensitive material to external parties, the [redacted] Committee has determined the following policy:
1. Review current recruitment processes for the sensitive claims unit and institute a holistic end-to-end process for ensuring global best practice is implemented within the recruitment framework
2. Allow natural attrition to gradually downsize the potential risk profile of future incidents through replacing sub-optimal occupants of roles within the unit.
New recruitment procedure
The [redacted] Committee has determined that the following additional steps will be mandated in the recruitment process for the sensitive claims unit. The new process will be in place as of 1 March 2013 notwithstanding current recruitment underway.
1. Candidates will be asked to confirm that they realise they are applying for a role within the sensitive claims unit.
2. Candidates will be asked to explain in their own words the implications of the name “sensitive claims unit”.
3. Candidates will be asked if they understand what “sensitive” means. If a satisfactory answer is given in (2), recruiters may choose to skip this step.
4. Candidates will be placed in a scenario dealing with a medical report submitted relating to a sensitive case. They will be given the options of:
a. Filing the report as provided by the medical practitioner
b. Filing the report as provided by the medical practitioner in the bin
c. Randomly amending the report and making no note of the changes made
d. Deliberately amending the report and making no note of the changes made
e. Spinning round and round in their chair for an hour then go for drinks without locking their workstation.
Only candidates who answer (a) or (e) will be progressed to further stages of the recruitment process.
H/T: Aww on Open Mike
Is this for real?
I once applied for ACC jobs, and I still get these dumb job alerts.
After what I heard, read and learned about ACC last year, I will NEVER work for that outfit EVER.
This is truly “corporate”, “dictatorial” style staff selection, but so many do it these days, that is part of the reason why people are so submissive, cowardly and non responsive these days. Few if any dare to speak their minds, talk about what they honestly think about anything, not just politics.
We truly live in a commercially dominated, controlled and dictatorial system!
Been reading some books on job interviews and stuff recently and the message clearly coming through in all of them is:
Thou Shalt Conform.
There is no room for being even slightly different in today’s corporate world.
I worked for ACC for 3 and a half years and must say that they were actually possibly the best employer I’ve had, the difficulties the PSA had with them excluded.
Of course, I worked on the levy side of the business rather than claims… some of the people I saw transfer from our dpt. to Sensitive Claims made me feel extremely sorry for sensitive claimants.
The “satire” tag might be a clue, x.
Yes, I got it a bit too late, as I only glanced at your post last night, before commenting and pushing the submit button. So I will be more careful next time.
Minister in charge then overruled the committee and ruled responses b, c, and d will be acceptable. Also added acceptable responses “t. harass applicant for already supplied information” and “Q. append medical report to another applicant’s file before couriering the package to a third patient” . Minister’s handwritten amendments semi-legible.
ACC still applies its discredited “Sensitive Claims Pathway”, in spite of three reports from Dr Barbara Disley telling it that its decision-making process is legally flawed and exposes claimants to serious risk of harm. Why? As Disley reported, under the Pathway, the number of sensitive claims lodged with ACC dropped by over 50% Which Party was in Government when the Pathway was first implemented? Take a bow, Labour, and shame on you for not pledging to clean the Sensitive Claims Unit out of all those responsible for the Pathway.
ACC was given too much power over sexual assault survivors in October 2009. Funding was restricted to those with a diagnosed mental injury resulting from sexual abuse. The decision was partly reversed for those with a new sensitive claim or were awaiting a decision could have up to 16 hours with a counsellor.
DSM V is due out in May 2013 and this is going to affect any ACC claim when it comes to assessing what the axis damage is. There is to be a change to the axis system.
I want to see complex PTSD included in the DSM V as there are six features found in complex PTSD which differ to PTSD . Complex PTSD is not currently a recognised free standing diagnosis, but is instead presented as associated features of PTSD.
I think that the six features found in complex PTSD are found under DESNOS (ICD 10) in the current DSM 1V.
Unless the Sensitive Claims unit can be trusted by those who use it there is no point in being there. Transparency to the claimants is also important e.g. when a false statement is made by an assessing psychiatrist and the proof is on file ACC need to follow this up when ACC have been informed.
What happened after all those exposures about the “exit strategy” that ACC has used for sensitive claims over recent years? I read and hear NOTHING in the media, and I hear also virtually NOTHING from the politicians anymore, who were asking the hard questions then.
Have the highly paid assessors sent their lawyers out to send letters threatening legal action for alleged “defamation” perhaps?
In any case, most of what was written and talked about re ACC was the “privacy breaches”, not much else.
The same is happening with the extremely draconian, in part even illegal social welfare reforms before Parliament now, under the Social Security (Benefit Categories and Work Focus) Amendment Act.
It is as if this is not considered stuff worth raising and debating! So those belonging to those suffering under ACC’s appaling strategies and WINZ’s inhumane and unjust treatment of many beneficiaries, are apparently people NOBODY really cares much about.
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