
Written By: - Date published: 10:41 am, August 29th, 2010 - 11 comments
Categories: admin, The Standard - Tags:

The site has now been reconfigured to be a multi-site system. This will allow us to start setting up child sites for more specialized topics in the future. It should allow us to keep expanding our range of posts with the ever increasing number of authors.

There will probably be a few multi-site configuration quirks that I will either correct or leave. For instance the main site will always now show as being rather than

Let me know if you see anything wrong about the site in this post.

11 comments on “Multi-site ”

  1. lprent 1

    Looks like there is a display setting wrong. It is displaying posts with UTF-8 characters incorrectly.

    • r0b 1.1

      Also problems loading images for a post I am writing!

      Edit: Ok – working now.

    • The Voice of Reason 1.2

      And taken the ‘comments RSS’ back a day. Also blanked the ‘Leave a Comment’ fields, but that’s no biggy unless you’re a RWNJ who can’t keep track of which troll persona was last used.

      • lprent 1.2.1

        And taken the ‘comments RSS’ back a day.

        Yeah it is a new site – not (it redirects internally)

        Also blanked the ‘Leave a Comment’ fields

        I don’t see that. Are you logged in or not? Umm I’ll log out and try that

    • lprent 1.3

      Ok I’ve figured out what happened with the gobblygook post and comment characters. I fixed them by doing site search and replace. If anyone notices any that I’ve missed – leave a link and I’ll fix whatever I missed through the site.

  2. lprent 2

    Test if it remembers my details in a logged out state

    Update: Yes it does. The site on the cookie changed so the details used on are lost on the client browser.

    No biggie…

  3. Bill Browne 3

    No scroll bar for opinions – there is one for comments

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