National Government’s “drum roll” for privatisation

Written By: - Date published: 11:52 am, July 1st, 2009 - Comments Off on National Government’s “drum roll” for privatisation
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Fran O’Sullivan had some interesting things to say in today’s Herald on Mark Weldon’s recent address to SOE board members, telling them to develop strategic plans for part-privatisation, first mentioned by Trevor Mallard on Red Alert.

This was the most revealing comment:

Of course, Weldon’s thesis fits exactly with the drum roll the Government is keen to get under way within the business sector to support a wave of partial privatisations after the 2011 election.

But if the drum roll is to get under way – and not be sabotaged by National’s opponents – it needs to be better grounded. On this score, Weldon has not been helpful.

Fran also considered Weldon’s comments had “more than a whiff of self-interest” as the NZ Stock Exchange which he heads would be the main beneficiary of new capital listings.

Mark Weldon was chosen by John Key to head up the Jobs Summit. According to Trevor’s source, the speech was given on behalf of John Key. Presumably it’s Key’s drum that Weldon is beating. As Fran says, he’s in Key’s kitchen cabinet

Somebody should be asking Key what are National’s plans for privatisation if they get a second term in government.

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