Written By:
IrishBill - Date published:
6:40 pm, October 21st, 2011 - 42 comments
Categories: capitalism, Economy -
Tags: andrew little, david farrar
xA good interview with Andrew Little on the Nat’s failed attempt to smear him over facebook comments. Nice comments about David Farrar and strong support for the occupy movement. Good to see.
By the way, is it just me or is National’s obsession with opposition social media starting to look less like straight political research and more like creepy stalking?
nah it’s not just you…Slater needs to get a real life not some fake internet substitute
It’s not him that needs a life. There’s some poor bastard in the nat’s research unit tasked with monitoring opposition social media and then this kind of thing gets passed along to Slater via the usual suspects in the campaign team. Your tax dollars at work, eh?
Andrew had the opportuntiy to impress us and failed. Unreliable and not a man of his word.
Who’s us, truth? Have a listen to the interview, it’s actually pretty good stuff.
Great interview, Andrew tells it like it is. I hear New Plymouth is his for the taking and with the Nats given him air time around this he will be saying thanks for coming.
LOL, you hear? Really? Which voice is telling you that?
it’s not the same voice which keeps telling you to burn down your grandmothers house because she’s a witch and eats babies bob……that’s your uncle…
Ah, even more delusional folk, I lol’d. Visit NP and you will understand the feeling, I live there. Great place. Little stands no chance in hell. We smell carpet bagger. But he will scrape in on the list, bless him.
Funny thing is bob – that’s not what National’s internal polling is telling them. I suspect you’ll be getting a few visits from Key to drum up support in the next few weeks.
The Voice of Reason,
There is no truth in ‘turth’.
Yeah, I saw that, Jum, but I was trying to be diplomatic, so didn’t mention it. I also spotted that at the heart of the phrase afewknowthetruth is the word nowt, which seems rather apt.
The Voice of Reason
Many a slip twixt cup and lip points to a deeper truth.
Slater and Farrar perfected the art of creepy stalking on new zealands most popular auction site. Basically both of them are paranoids who need to know about other people in the vain hope that they will then be able to deflect inquiry into their own proclivities which aren’t very nice and pathologically suspect.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have some political satire on TV. I heard that NZ On Air wanted to commission some but no took it up as they were scared of offending the government. As Andrew Little says, the right cannot cope with being laughed at.
What, like the way Darien Fenton laughs at supporters of the “right”? BTW how is LITTLE Andrew’s humorous campaign going here in NP? Fizzer from start to finish
Ah, you’re one of those trolls that pretends to be from a particular electorate.
Be charitable Irish. After all there aren’t many native Aucklanders like myself. Most of them immigrated from elsewhere – even New Plymouth.
i wish you would stop referring to your penis size so often luvvy boy…. you just need to find a partner that loves you for your “personality”….
less like straight political research and more like creepy stalking?
creepy stalking. definitely
I recall being in Bellamys in July 1981 and hearing a National Party Cabinet Minister say, as he was watching the anti-Apartheid protesters on Molesworth Street, “Hitting them with a baton is all that rabble will understand.”
It doesn’t take too much to connect the dots to today’s NACTional Party conviction that violence is all that is needed to stop any criticism of their policies.
They don’t need a humour by-pass they never have had a sense of humour or an understanding of satire as that requires intelligence.
you can take that further if you like irascible….violence is what’s needed to stamp out “violent” crime…the only acceptable violence is state sanctioned…. murder..whipping…birching….solitary confinement…politically motivated torture….police harassment….it’s all to the good if it’s done by the government…….
Is that National cabinet minister still in cabinet?
My giddy aunt!
The right dish it out, but when someone starts giving back, they react with the indignation of a school bully who has just had his nose bloodied by his perennial victim.
Funnily enough thats my view of the left.
When did the right protest about anything that resulted in any physical struggle or have the force of the state used against them Chris 73?
More referring to the lefts tactics of sneer and innuendo then crying unfair when it happens to them
what planet did you come from again chris? you have to have spent most of your life off planet… or in a nunnery to be so badly misinformed…..
or are we looking at a complete moron without the wit to recognize propaganda when you see and hear it….”sneering and innuendo” are the standard tools of trade for any self respecting tory…. which i suspect you know deep down….. but no doubt you have avoided listening, and watching any and all items and newscasts/articles that could have informed you of reality as it exists for the vast majority of humans….
the only other alternative is to assume you are nothing more than a mindless hypocrite… i say mindless because i fail to see anywhere any evidence of any kind of intellectual vigour brought to bear on any subject you try to interfere with…. i looked up “reactionary halfwit” in my dictionary this morning, and ther was a reference at the end saying “refer chris 73”.. i thought it a bit odd till you reminded me of your existence..
I met with Invercargill’s “Occupy” group and was impressed with the support they were receiving from a range of people. I didn’t agree with all of their views but feel their protest has the value of making people think and question what is wrong with our governance and financial institutions.
Seems to me that the biggest problem is Labour candidates saying really stupid, sometimes offensive, and usually arrogant things via social media.
Who catches them doing it is a bit irrelevant really – I mean, it’s social media, any one of thousands could have.
Yeah, but in Little’s case it was just a bit of political satire poking fun at the right, which no one actually found offensive. Read the article in the Herald, even the dude he was making fun of didn’t have a problem with it. This is just another case of the Nats shopping out a fake scandal to a couple of fat loser bloggers to try to create controversy. Fortunately Little’s stood his ground and called them on their shit.
that’s only your opinion baronette… and not very relevent….just like most opinionated tories, you havn’t bothered to use your intellect rather than rely on your “lizard mind” to dictate your politics…
good……… point…….. bbfloyd………………… though i think……… with my reptilian mind……… and with my direct mental link to the crosby…………………………… textor…………………………………………………………….. mothership…………
… that your keyboard is broken. Thanks for the intelligent and insightful response though. I particularly enjoyed how you insinuated I am a woman – hoh, cos we all know they’re crazy right?! Nothing like a good bit of casual sexism to highlight a well thought out point.
The Baron,
Actually, women have gotta be crazy to vote for the neo-conservative misogynist known as John Key, when he has actively sought to remove any gains they have made under Labour/Progressive/Greens programmes.
Remember 1986 when legal rape in marriage was stopped through Labour government legislation, Baron? No you’re right; I couldn’t believe it had taken so long to achieve that human right for women either!
The rest of the news is bad.
Key is a member of a conservative group of leaders and other wealthy influential manipulators that are proactive in bringing women’s rights to an end. Lord Ashcroft is one of them.
He threw in the bribe pre-2008 election on a cancer drug extension that had not been proved to be effective over a greater length of time, probably on his wife’s suggestion. Yet he stopped the progress of pay equity; he has followed a deliberate policy to get rid of women workers – the newly unemployed rates in 2010 were thousands higher for women than for men. He has deliberately sacked women public servants and taken away home care for the mainly female senior citizens, as they live longer than men.
He is attacking women’s progress or even decent lifestyles in so many different ways.
He is attacking teachers because they are a strong union, many of them women teachers that have power because they use it collectively and they insist on keeping it because it is the only way they can secure good education (not factory training) for their girl children. That can always be improved, but not reversed as NAct is doing at present with its elitist national standards which treat pupils like cogs rather than individuals with different strengths.
He’s not attacking Doctors that are mainly men.
He is intending to fund non-government organizations to manage welfare which affects mostly women and we all know how those organizations like to judge and give out help only to those ‘deserving few’.
Remember when you had deserving women and non-deserving women. You were deserving if your husband died, but non-deserving if your husband left you. You either ate or you starved dependant upon the charity or judgment of an official. Lots of chances there for abuse of power.
He’s not attacking CEOs which are mainly men; instead he’s bailing out their incompetence with taxpayers’ money (that’s women and men) and giving jobs for the boys – anyone from Simon Power through to NZX, all with an agenda to feed off the asset sales going on next year if Key gets back in.
Not sure why your gender-stereotype analysis is aimed at me here, Jum.
JK doesn’t attack doctors because they are mainly men? I don’t even know where to start…
That’s some bizarre shite you’ve frothed there Jum – and by the way Herceptin in the adjuvant setting has only been proven to be effective over the longer period not the shorter period as promulgated and intially funded by PHARMAC.
I am always interested in evidence and that link looks compelling.
Yet the most interesting aspect for me of this study and others is that someone very, very close to me was given the option of the Her2 Herceptin drug, for a rapid onset of breast cancer, providing chemotherapy was undertaken. The person decided to have only radiation treatment – no chemotherapy and therefore no Herceptin and that person is now cancer free – so far – each year the result is clear.
We also know that PHARMAC has limited funding. If this government is so concerned about women having the longer treatment then they should provide the funding for PHARMAC to agree to all the other wishlists they have sent to them by men and children.
What does amuse me more than anything about your pretended concern about women’s health is that if NAct gets into government again, the hospitals will be PPP or sold, the medical care will be charged for, the doctor visits will increase exponentially, as Ryall let slip, pre-2008 election, and private hospitals will be the norm, such as America swears by while its poor cannot afford health insurance and die without access to medical care. That ultimately means even less women, children and men will receive all the care they need.
TPPA, via America, will control PHARMAC under a John Key government and all costs will go up. I’m quite sure mothers would always be more interested in their children having a healthy, secure future, yet this government seeks to ensure that only a few will access that healthy, secure future.
Try again, and this time at least try to sound as if you genuinely care about women. In election campaigns and in wars women and children are suddenly the most important people in the world.
another leaked info share showing your dirty tricks mates at work again.
Exactly! The ‘grassroots” Herceptin campaign was just what I believe is called “astro-turfing”!
now the creeping is smothered in bumbling and fumbling and diverting the argument but the creeps are still there. THey beleive that their money gives them the right to do any dam thing they please.
especially owning women and humiliating them.
and in fact the reason they desire so much money is so they can work their wills on people who haven’t got much.
so there you have it. the creeps bible.
I find it amusing how you can join most National MP’s Facebook pages, and as soon as you ask a question or post a link critical of their doctrine you are instantly banned from posting. There is even a Facebook group for all those poor souls banned from National pages.
(Disclaimer – banned from JK, Bill English, Simon Bridges)
We should make those into badges, Ianupnorth? 😉
Might be a good little ‘earn’ as a fundraiser for the Party of your choice?