Written By:
mickysavage - Date published:
9:41 am, June 22nd, 2018 - 40 comments
Categories: Donald Trump, International, jacinda ardern, Politics, twitter, us politics -
This is sort of like the effect of a royal wedding or a royal birth but for Republicans. And perhaps it is a reflection of the social media bubbles that I frequent but I cannot think of a more joyous time to be a New Zealander. And the jarring contrast between New Zealand celebrating the introduction of a brand new child and the US of A where the Trump administration is celebrating the persecution of children for political advantage is jarring.
Even David Farrar has been affected and wrote this very gentle uplifting post about the birth. I share with him through experience how special the birth of a child is and the realisation it brings that suddenly there is someone else who is totally dependent on you.
I tautoko him where he says:
Looking after a child becomes not just the most important thing in your life, but gives you a new sense of purpose. It is the most challenging and selfish thing you do, but also the most fulfilling. Her and Clarke will be experiencing all that, and I’m sure it will be transformative for them.
And some tweets that perfectly captured the nature of the event:
Jacinda Ardern arrived at hospital in her own car, with Clarke driving. No Crown limo or special ambulance. Her baby was delivered in a public hospital alongside everyone else’s. No private hospital. No extra special attention.
New Zealand, remain your understated self.
— Morgan Godfery (@MorganGodfery) June 21, 2018
Congratulations to @jacindaardern and @NZClarke on your wee girl! Here’s to all the #babies! And the former babies!
My @NZStuff @dompost #cartoon #NewZealand #Aotearoa #children pic.twitter.com/jDmHOiu6LH— Sharon Murdoch (@domesticanimal) June 21, 2018
Congratulations to New Zealand's Labour Prime Minister @JacindaArdern on giving birth to a baby girl.
It was a real pleasure to meet Jacinda with @EmilyThornberry in April in London.
The whole of @UKLabour sends you our best wishes. pic.twitter.com/7iwdJCLMCZ
— Jeremy Corbyn (@jeremycorbyn) June 21, 2018
This is who we are, New Zealand. A brief glow of happy news amid the global shitshow. pic.twitter.com/n2GKxoKKar
— Russell Brown (@publicaddress) June 21, 2018
Can we call her the Prime Miniature? 💜
— Richard Hills (@RichardHills_) June 21, 2018
Had to have a chuckle, over at that old rag Herald this morning Barry Soper calls Mike Hosking a “miserable old bugger” for his views on the PM having a baby.
It’s as amusing as any echo chamber of the entitled, mostly older men, on their well funded soap boxes can be.
Soper having an opinion on his peer and fellow paid rantster passing for content these days is very granny. More a pantomime than a news source.
Watch out for the DP memes folks they’ll be parked for a few weeks then back they’ll come. This is how the shills pass their time.
“And the jarring contrast between New Zealand celebrating the introduction of a brand new child and the US of A where the Trump administration is celebrating the persecution of children for political advantage is jarring”….what an odd comparison. maybe we should compare Trumps treatment of vulnerable children to our countries treatment of our most vulnerable children.
Like…the babies of the pregnant women who live on the street or ‘couch surf’ in NZ. Or the babies that are going home from the hospital to an unheated overcrowded home….
He still comes out worse, in fact America comes out worst under any President..but we could still do with some serious soul searching.
Congratulations to Jacinda and Clarke as with all new parents today.
But lets not pretend that their child’s life trajectory is going to be representative of the majority of NZ’s babies.
And while we are at it(in for a penny, in for a pound)…lets maybe take another look at the pitiful number of families we welcome across our border before we get too high and mighty.
+ 1
I like that comment. Yes congratulations to all and now let’s work so ALL children have the advantages and potential future that this wee girl has.
My youngest is 3 so I am rapt in the happy birth and so many memories come forth from it for me.
You were pretty quiet when Obama was doing the same thing? Selective outrage?
If Obama was doing the same thing, how come on March 7th 2017
No, wait, I get it. Obama wasn’t doing the same thing: you’re either a dupe or a liar.
Nope…I have NEVER said anything supportive of Obama..intact my lack of appreciation of that neoliberal salesman has drawn the ire of many a Standardista.
I do recall pointing out his hypocrisies and bull crap to the point I almost bored myself.
NZ provides something beautiful and life enhancing in the midst of the evils happening in other parts of the world, especially the brutalising of children in the chaotic crazyworld of the US. Wonderful news indeed and we will be celebrating here.
“NZ provides something beautiful and life enhancing”
Congrates to Jacinda and Clarke, but I am pretty sure every other country in the world had a baby born yesterday
Something about this birth makes me feel very happy so perhaps that’s why it seems special. I can’t point to exactly what it is, and I don’t much care. Wait….oxytocin by proxy?
Prime Miniature, welcome to this !world 🙂
Chris T…does it need to be spelt out? Have you not noticed we have a woman Prime Minister, who has given birth while in office, with a partner who is committed to a primary care giver role in the life of this child. Many aspects of this NZ phenomenon are unusual. My family are proud and happy about this as are many NZers. A light in the darkness of the world right now.
Not committed enough to get married though eh!
NZ phenomenon – unmarried woman, takes leave of her job to have a baby. Setting a great example. Not!
Uggh. 🙄
*distinct sound of dragging knuckles
Always nice to be reminded that there are other stupid people out there who aren’t Donald Trump and his band of cretins.
At least those kinds of other idiots don’t have executive authority to misuse – probably what galls the misogynist fools the most.
@ Dennis Merwood ( … Oh dear. Here we go … I sense the subtle hint of name calling here.
To remind you this is 2018, where we have progressed from where your mind is … somewhere early/mid last century, or perhaps the century before that.
Catch up and celebrate the fact NZ has a PM in Jacinda Ardern who represents the strengths and capabilities of working women and mothers everywhere, as well as their child carer partners, regardless of marital status, something which has been ignored for far too long.
Love Dennis you don’t know what love is.
You know what hate is though in your thinly disguised moral outrage.
Most likely the happiest day for Jacinda and Clarke, you can see they love each other dearly.
Oh, Dennis @ You’ll get over it. Was a time in NZ when fathers of pregnant unmarried teenagers had them ‘sent up North for a while’. We got over that shit. Try harder man !
What seriously depresses me Venezia is that some thirty years ago I was being constantly reminded by all and sundry how grateful I should be that the father of my babies took care of them while I pottered off to ‘my little job’ in the evenings.
You’d think it wouldn’t be such a big bloody deal in 2018.
Yes but this is like a royal birth!
I cannot think of a more joyous time to be a New Zealander
Not much thinking going on then, MS…
Comments and perspectives such as this are a serious part of the problems faced…
Will the polyannas hold their hands up when NZ child poverty in real terms does not improve on the back end of the PM having a baby…
That was my thought as well One two. A bizarre comment from Greg indeed.
I imagine it is the most joyous time for Jacinda and Clarke, but the most joyous time to be a New Zealander – Really??
Who cares. People have babies all the time.
I don’t think you should dispel the birth a white privileged child so easily!
All the time? More frequently than every 9 months? Crumbs! Who knew?? And people do? Males? Octogenarians are people too! Crickey, Hum!
“All the time”.
There are about 360,000 births every single day Robert.
Somehow that seems to me to merit a description of “all the time”.
It is certainly more than a description of say, occasionally, isn’t it?
People have babies all the time
Yeah, but Prime Ministers don’t. It is unusual – and from that other interesting things follow, such as:
– the PM is a woman
– the PM is young enough to have a baby
– the PM is young enough to not be a greedy old neoliberal who is content to throw the young into a lifetime of debt serfdom through housing bubbles, student debt, disappearing middle-class jobs and low wages
– the PM will have that profound sense of obligation to future generations that comes with being a first-time parent. (i.e. climate change)
These things make some people feel hopeful – for a short while anyway. Don’t diss it or you just look bitter.
It is possible to enjoy a fragment in time. Just for a moment remember the joy of our own child’s birth.
Sure, other demons will crowd us in but just for now, out of empathy, enjoy.
I’m delighted. We can do with more reasons for delight, I reckon. Being delighted is really good for your soul. I’m going to celebrate tonight, with my family; wife, sons, daughters, grandchildren and anyone else who comes along.
Well – this thread has certainly flushed out the misogynists and the trolls. Are they paid to troll here I wonder?
My guess is yes.
I notice a couple who have dragged their knuckles (and monikers) all the way here from Stuff.
Any guesses as to the hourly rate?
Yeah, the same people would would beam and take breath delightedly and feel warm all over whenever John Key giggled. Or drank a steinie from the bottle FFS.
Maybe it releases oxytocin when somebody pays them attention online?
Well that was a short spell of kindness. Some begrudge others any happiness.
Hoskins thinks it is OK to drool over a car, Soper thinks it is a time enjoy, while others feel somehow we shouldn’t feel pleased because, A. “It happens all the time” B. We’re ga ga” if we do C. Trump is treating children badly….. Get a life!!
Jacinda has worked through always mentioning her good fortune and helpers.
She is straight up, kind and genuine. The opposite to some of the trolls and meanies.
May the PM and Clarke treasure the coming few weeks she is allowing herself to enjoy her baby and her partner Clarke’s company.
Most people see this as an uplifting gift, a joy.
A time to reflect on the meaning of “the village”.
I’m glad it’s a nice event befitting our multi-talented P.M. for New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, & congratulations are well deserved for new parents and baby girl.
I would also say it’s a good idea all round if Jacinda (& perhaps baby) shared the stage with Ivanka Trump in some high profile event in U.S. or world stage related to this sort of thing & general corporate culture at some time.
It’s exciting and uplifting today to be a woman in NZ.
There are still myths and stereotypes to be busted, and this birth busts a few. A few big ones.
For a woman to be in the most powerful position in our country, and give birth while holding that position, then return to that position and her partner to look after the child… is momentous for NZ women.
It busts the myth that women shouldn’t be appointed to powerful decision making positions because babies and biology. And this is one of the myths that keeps women underrepresented in those powerful areas in our society.
IMO this needs to be spelled out for the knuckle draggers amongst us.
> For a woman to be in the most powerful position in our country, and give birth while holding that position, then return to that position and her partner to look after the child… is momentous for NZ women.
Hold on a minnit, she ain’t gone back yet
Could it be that you misspelt “Minotaur”?
Lara, that is so right!!
We find “knuckle draggers” in the most surprising places.
As a newly appointed Deputy Principal, I was taking a turn in our very modern staff room, to load the dishwasher after lunch.
A voice says “Hello Deary, can you point me to the Deputy Principal’s Office?”
I looked up, smiled and said “Sure.”
I took him to the door pointed to my Office and added, “Go in that door and take a seat, the Deputy Principal will be with you shortly.”
His look of utter shock when I joined him caused me to crack up. He apologised, and I pointed out how much things had changed since he was at school.
He admitted he had assumed I was the Office Lady/Tea Lady.
I said “Only Corporations have those! Here we have to make do!!”