One of these things is not like the other

Written By: - Date published: 4:30 pm, April 3rd, 2009 - 64 comments
Categories: humour - Tags:


One of these things is not like the other…

One of these things is not quite the same.

Can you guess which one is not like the other…

Can you tell me before I finish the game?

64 comments on “One of these things is not like the other ”

  1. Lew 1

    Ooh, ooh, let me:

    One of them is black and white!


    One of them is a woman!

    and …

    One of them is a Nat!


    One of them oversaw the most brutal right-wing economic reforms NZ has ever known!


    None of the above statements is true for any more than one of the people pictured!


  2. jtuckey 2

    Only one of them didn’t have a prior job in the private sector.

    • Patrick 2.1

      Key has the least hair on his chest

      • the sprout 2.1.1

        yes he does look like he’d be a regular visitor to the waxing clinic.
        i expect he gets his nails manicured frequently too.

      • BLiP 2.1.2

        Interesting that he had those blond tints put in his hair just before attending the Big Gay Out – plus that pink polka dot tie he so loves. You don’t suppose he’s actually . . . . well, you know . . .

  3. simon 3

    One of them worked at a Freezing Works before becoming PM
    One of them wasn’t born in New Zealand
    One of them was nicknamed the smiling assassin by collegues
    One of them was New Zealand’s first ELECTED female PM

  4. Lew 4

    So, colour me cynical, but I’m trying to figure out the gratuitous anti-Key angle here, but I can’t. Anyone got any ideas?

    simon: Technicality – PMs aren’t elected, they’re appointed by the G-G.


  5. Schwule 5

    One of them plays pass the dildo?

  6. The two men in the glasses are the greatest prime ministers we have ever had, the other man is making the right choices no matter what left wing bloggers say, and the lady started out well, but then got a attitude of “We know what is best for you” she didn’t understand that that we didn’t need an aunty looking after us, that is why she is now working for an extreme corrupt organization that doesn’t work.

  7. Doug 7

    One of them was New Zealand’s first ELECTED female PM.
    Sorry to say no PM is elected.

    • BLiP 7.1

      No one can be Prime Minister unless they are elected.

      • Ari 7.1.1

        That doesn’t mean they’re elected as Prime Minister, however, as the position is an appointment, not an elected office.

  8. dave 8

    One of them had an affair
    One of them got married to a man
    One of them was related to me.
    One of them is not a former Prime Minister
    One of them is not looking at the camera
    One of them is able to smell uranium on ones breath.

  9. John Dalley 9

    Could it be that one is a Dick named John Key?

  10. Schwule 10

    Could it be that I use a plastic dick?

    [sprout: edited for accuracy]

  11. toad 11

    One of them allowed us to be Rogered!

    The one below him is only threatening a Rogering (or maybe a Garrotting) yet.

    It’s time to stand up and fight back before it happens again!

  12. gobsmacked 12

    Three of them were fluent in the English language.

  13. Paul Robeson 13

    one of them is a raving paternalist socialist who likes to tell the banks, private citizens and the reserve bank what to do?

  14. monkey boy 14

    Helen Clark was not born into a workng class environment.

  15. Schwule 15

    [sprout: DELETED, BANNED one week]

  16. gobsmacked 16

    Three of them are thinking “I wish this bloody photographer would hurry up so I can get back to doing my job.”

    The other one thinks this IS his job.

  17. Irascible 17

    The key is that one is an invention by a perception management company and therefore hasn’t had an original idea in his head that he can’t read from a crosby textor handout.

  18. logie97 18

    one of them is supported by the likes of Schwule and his vile thinking – I’m surprised you haven’t banned this creep.

  19. Doug 19

    Three old people, one comparatively young.

  20. Easy.

    Three of them (us?) thought their job was as important as it gets and they wanted to create a better New Zealand.

    The fourth wanted a line on his CV.

    • gingercrush 20.1

      So you having the name, “Mickey Savage” the PM who brought sweeping social reforms in this country think Lange made a better New Zealand. Even though under his LEADERSHIP the roots of New Zealand’s social system was destroyed? (Now I don’t think that was a bad thing but your position is very murky). Did he really create a better New Zealand in your eyes even though he changed so many things Mickey Savage created.

      That doesn’t really make sense.

      • Mello C 20.1.1

        What do you mean by ‘New Zealand’s social system’, exactly, and how was it destroyed?

  21. Doug 21

    Two deceased, Clarke will be a US citizen. Only leaves one in New Zealand.

  22. gingercrush

    You have no understanding of history.

    David Lange received a poisoned chalice. The week after he was elected the foreign exchange markets closed because the country had run out of money. Rob Muldoon refused to devalue the dollar after he had been voted out of office and NZ faced a constitutional crisis. From there the country floated the dollar and kept deregulating. I have some sympathy with what happened because it may have been the only option but one that went against every instinct that a Labour Politician ought to have had.

    Lange also had the decency to call for a “cup of tea” and a halt to the privatisation process that had been started. Without him and Helen Clark the Labour party would have imploded. David deserves credit for this.

    Under his leadership the roots of the social system were preserved and not destroyed. It could have been far worse.

    Because of David things are far better than they might have been. We could have ended up with Act in control of the country (shudder …)

    • gingercrush 22.1

      Well I don’t think that argument washes. You praise Lange for putting a halt to it? By then it was too late. And you are playing revisionist history. Helen Clark didn’t put a stop to a damn thing. During that time her support was firmly with the neo-liberalists. Her opinion may have changed later. But she wasn’t like Cullen who opposed things. I also don’t buy your argument about floating the currency. That is one thing. They didn’t need to deregulate. Now I’m actually fine with the changes they actually did in government. But you seem to want everything. How can Lange be admired as a leader when it was under his LEADERSHIP when this happened. He clearly wasn’t a good leader, since he allowed changes that he really never agreed with but he just sat there while it all happened.

      The idea that you lead a party but allow everyone below you to step on you is absurd. That isn’t leadership. And is in particular contrast to Muldoon and Clark and I suspect with John Key as well. Clark and Muldoon lead from the front. Its their policies they espoused. They’ll listen to other ideas. But at the end of the day. They decided what would be policy and what wouldn’t be policy. They might have made mistakes along the way. And for Muldoon at least he should have consulted with his party more. But they lead. Something Lange certainly didn’t do.

  23. Red Horse 23

    Only one of them has dead eyes.

  24. getstuffed 24

    One liked milk so much he made school kids drink it (un-flavoured too – bastard).

    One liked his secretary to the extent she controlled government policy.

    One liked league but not rugby. At least is wasn’t the pony’s eh.

    One likes to try very hard to be your mate, even when you didn’t ask him to.

    On the facts of it they are all different. Then again they are were all an NZ Prime Ministers.

    Helen wins because shes a woman and not a man like the other three.

    Your games rigged for stupid answers like mine . . . and everyone elses

  25. ROFLcopter 25

    One of them is a painter….. oh wait… just signs them.

    • QoT 25.1

      You know, I think I’m just going to link to this comment every time a rightwinger tells the Standard bloggers to “get over losing the election already”.

  26. toad 26

    Macro said: only 1 week! But maybe we can pass a law in an hour to retrospectively extend that to 10! – AND TO HANG WITH THE BORA!

    Good point Macro. I have blogged about that issue here.

    I wonder how long he can remain a senior Cabinet Minister in this Government – given the Nats’ ignoring his advice as Attorney General and showing blatant disregard for human rights, natural justice, and due process – before his conscience gets the better of him.

    From what I’ve seen of him so far, I think he would be more comfortable with the Greens than he must be having to cowtow to the Nats licking Garrotte’s [substitute whichever part of his anatomy you choose]!.

    • Joshua 26.1

      It is interesting how Finlayson can be pointing out these significant BORA issues, yet still his party ends up voting for them. I guess at the votes are made by the parties rather than as conscious votes, his vote is counted as contradicting exactly what he’s previously stated as being important. A very weird situation I imagine.

      Reading a bit more about the BORA, it was originally designed to be “supreme law” when first proposed by Geoffrey Palmer. Yet it was somehow decided NZ wasn’t ready for that. I wonder if we’re ready yet?

  27. Phillips 27

    One of them is not normal looking, whilst the rest are…

  28. Ag 28

    My guess is that Savage is the odd one out. He’s the only one who never obtained a university degree, although Donkey’s B Com in Accounting shouldn’t really count as a university degree.

    Savage is the only one of them who was ever working class.

    • Allan Speedy 28.1

      You ignorant half-wit. A BCom in Accounting is a very solid degree.

      Allan Speedy, BCom, MCom (in Accounting)

  29. coge 29

    Only one of them said, “Where Britain stands, we stand”

  30. bryonny 30

    Only one will ever accept a british royal honour

  31. Which one of them begged Roger to stay in Govt? 🙂

  32. Snook 32

    One of them looks like a furtive 13 year old who’s been holed up in a closet with a load of whack magazines for too long, who’d be better to take elocution lessons instead.

  33. r0b 33

    One of them is a total banker.

  34. Santi 34

    The one that said will return NZ to the top of the OECD list. Yes, the UN appointed one.

  35. Only Michael Joseph Savage governed like a real social democrat.

  36. Tane 36

    Please don’t say it’s because Lange is any kind of social democrat, the man let Roger Douglas loose on our country and sold it to us with a smile and a few cheap laughs. He’s got more in common with Key than he does with the other two.

  37. ak 37


    One is our highly intelligent and internationally-acclaimed Greatest Living New Zealander.

    The other three share a near-identical capacity for empathy, credibility and intelligent comment and contribute to society solely by a minute addition to soil fertility.


      Haha greatest living NZer ..he he hohoho titter snuffle.

      [lprent: An idiot troll]

  38. Te PC 38

    Three of them were experienced politicians who worked their way through the democratic system, believed in the values of their Party, and took on the role of leadership in order to try to make New Zealand a fairer and better place for all its citizens. They held responsible and respected views on international affairs too.

    The fourth is a self-regarding right-wing opportunist who wanted to see if he could fake his way into top office and can’t believe his luck.

  39. Ianmac 39

    One of him smiles constantly with his mouth but never with his eyes. The eyes have it!

  40. pk 40

    Only one is a black and white photo

    keeping true to the original programme 🙂