Open mike 07/02/2010

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, February 7th, 2010 - 3 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:


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Step right up to the mike…

3 comments on “Open mike 07/02/2010 ”

  1. BLiP 1

    I was wondering how Aroha was getting on. Well done The New Zealand Herald!

    As I’ve said before and will say again:

    . . . for so beloved were the underclass by King John The Clueless of Charmalot that he decreed they shall multiply many fold . . .


  2. prism 2

    John Key quotes from his page – see more by clicking on clueless in Blips post.
    First the sweet PR – NZ has “some of the best schools, teachers and students IN THE WORLD” – then “too many children slip through the cracks.”
    “I am simply not prepared to tolerate up to one in five New Zealand children leaving our schools without the literacy and numeracy skills they need to succeed.”

    So what is needed to change this King John?
    “National Standards will ensure that all parents, not just the lucky few, can expect their school to regularly test their children against national benchmarks in reading, writing and maths. They will ensure all parents have this information reported to them in plain-language. And they will ensure all parents are properly informed about what is being done to support their child’s progress.”

    That’ll larn those pesky teachers who swan around playing at work, with only 30 children, all different and at different levels of receptivity to knowledge and study, to impart knowledge to and lead to understanding. And who work on at home marking, and planning lessons and strategies on how to deal with disruptive children who know no controls and prevent the rest of the class concentrating on work.

    Feelgood final statement “New Zealand deserves a future with more highly-skilled citizens, who have better job prospects, greater life choices, and, in turn, who live in a society with less dysfunction, unemployment, welfare dependence and crime.”
    Yes, but what help will further testing be? You have already stated the problem of a proportion of education failure, we don’t need another test to confirm that. It’s a waste of money, and doesn’t offer any meaningful methods of change.

    “I see our education system as one of the fundamental tools for delivering this brighter future.”
    Well If that is the most important action Nats will take to advance the country, we’re are stuffed.

  3. A notice for those who may be interested

    The Government of the Plurinational State of Bolivia calls on the peoples of the world, social movements and Mother Earth’s defenders, and invites scientists, academics, lawyers and governments that want to work with their citizens to the Peoples’ World Conference on Climate Change and Mother Earth’s Rights to be held from 20th to 22nd April 2010 in Cochabamba, Bolivia.

    more info