‘Over 400 people attended an Fabian’s excellent event at QTheatre in Auckland yesterday. The recurring message was that we need a very major shift in thinking to stop the decline. Neoliberalism, and not challenging the conventional wisdom of Tresuryand it’s fans, has seen the real income base of New Zealand whittled away over the past 30 years. Thank you to the Fabian Society and the excellent speakers. http://thevoyage.co.nz/speakers/
Labour, as much as National, needs to break away from the rhetoric that has failed to deliver hope for our youth. Fiddling with the image of a leader, trying to appeal to transient “good bloke” or “nice guy” marketing silliness is not how we will change New Zealand. The young people want and need a strong leader who will break away from the pack and effect real change. The youth want a future in New Zealand. We want our talent to return home. None of the current party leaders have what it takes. We need change urgently.
To get the change in leadership you suggest (I agree with what you say) would take a major change in thinking and actions – of political parties, of media, and of the voting public.
Blogs could play a significant part in leading the new way, but to do that they would have to replace petty niggling and point scoring (and yes, I get involved in that too) with a robust but reasonable contest of ideas.
New Zealand’s political blogs are often little more than localised mangled moanfests.
They could be powerful – and guide a path to better political power – if they learnt to harness their collective wisdom, wit and will to make positive change.
But bloggers and commenters would have to want to break out of their bullshit bubbles.
I agree but one of the main problems as I see it is the “tribalism” surrounding both left wing and right wing parties. How many times have you heard someone say that I vote for (insert party here) because my parents voted for them etc etc
Theres something wrong when both Labour and National could virtually anyone in certain seats and win simply because they’re red or blue
That is the reality Chris73. Your assertions suggest there is no such thing as “class” and is essentially libertarian, which of itself is also a political philosophy.
Through long and at times bitter experience it has been shown beyond any doubt that National supports already wealthy areas while Labour supports poor areas.
mickysavage, I am not writing to criticise you, as in general I like your comments (and memory of the man you are named after!) What I need to say is that we do well to avoid “absolutes” in our statements; there are but variations I’m afraid, or “inclinations”. National policies, in general, definitely favour the wealthy, while Labour policies, in general, certainly are inclined toward care for poorer human beings. My fear is that these two parties are showing signs of sharing the ground of the Right, depriving voters of real choice. I hope and pray not. Consequently I have chosen, at least for the present, to go with the Greens and a fresh stance.
A considered response. Politics nowadays is a bit of a triangle, rich, poor and those who want to save our planet.
And there are shades of grey.
But things are heading more and more to class politics as the wealthy are given even more resources. And the environment adds this terrifying dimension to things. If we get environmental policy wrong then nothing else matters.
How many times have you heard someone say that I vote for (insert party here) because my parents voted for them etc etc
Um, never. Perhaps it’s the circles you’re mixing in.
Theres something wrong when both Labour and National could virtually anyone in certain seats and win simply because they’re red or blue
Now that is something I agree with and one of the reasons I’d like to see electorate seats done away with (It’d remove the inherent bias in the electorates).
“Now that is something I agree with and one of the reasons I’d like to see electorate seats done away with (It’d remove the inherent bias in the electorates).”
If we do that won’t it encourage parties to put all there efforts into the bigger population centres that hold the most votes? It would be easy to end up in a situation where communities outside of the main centres are forgotten about and without an elected representative to hold accountable.
Or perhaps if we went 100% list we could mandate that every seat must have a list mp designated to them they must have a local office etc. This could be done by looking at the relative vote percentages in each area and it would be conceivable that some seats would have mps from multiple parties allocated. If the party lists were perhaps open to all party members to rank (maybe they are?) it should discourage poor performance as the local members could conceivably vote someone down the list next election.
I do think we need geographic representaton as well as nation-wide reps as per the lists.
If there is no geographic representation, it will continue the trend for city councils being controlled from Wellington. Also poor areas will become even more neglected.
I agree – but I’ve heard claims from Greens that geographic electorates are obsolete and lists are the only way forward.
By a strange coincidence, Greens get all their seats via the list. If their party support dropped back threatening the threshold and they got one or two strong candidates with real chances winning/holding electorates I wonder if their stance on list only would change.
Geographic representation should actually be through the local councils. This would mean strengthening those councils and making them more democratic (binding referendums could actually be more easily put in place) but I don’t see any real problem with that. Of course, as their actions in ECan and the CERA legislation show, NACT would.
If we do that won’t it encourage parties to put all there efforts into the bigger population centres that hold the most votes?
This could be done by looking at the relative vote percentages in each area and it would be conceivable that some seats would have mps from multiple parties allocated.
Or we could have a local office in each electorate from each party with the office itself funded by the government but staffed from the party. Even a minimum sized party has enough people in it to do that. The MPs of the parties would then make rounds of the offices.
“If we do that won’t it encourage parties to put all there efforts into the bigger population centres that hold the most votes?”
They do that now. But if it becomes too big a problem, and particularly under a 100% list system, I’d expect to see a ‘Provincial Party’ form pretty quickly. Done right they’d quite concievably hold the ballance of power in perpetuity sitting on about 10-15%.
I once heard a woman tell someone that she didn’t need to bother about politics as her husband always decided who they would vote for. To make matters worse she was a secondary school teacher and this was 2008.
How many times have you heard someone say that I vote for (insert party here) because my parents voted for them etc etc
My mother said that once, and was shocked that I was shocked!
However, she is and was the only one… We all thought that her statement was completely mad! 😀
Once David Cunliffe’s clients-only speech to Philips Fox tonight goes public, you will I think see the results of someone who has survived within the Labour Party and is still forging his own independent economic style and direction.
Really encouraging to hear about the Fabians, given that a recent thread on this site complained about how useless economists were. There really is an alterantive in this country.
And speaking of alternatives, OMG the Socialists and the greens are about to own the entire House in France!
That, together with the polls, makes me feel more hopeful this morning than I have in, oh, four years.
Cunliffe needs to speak to the long term issues. The undelying fundamentals need to be changed. We need strong vision. We need a leader who has the capability to interpret the real world for the youth of New Zealand: make the strong decisions; and have the capability to execute.
I think you may be pleasantly surprised, Bill. It may well cover the last time New Zealand faced an economic crisis this big, the Great Depression, and the scale and unity of national purpose required to get out of it. He may well also compare to those small countries like Denmark that are doing all right, have really clear cross-party 10 year plans and operational plans to get there. If you liked the Blockhouse Bay one, this is going to be stronger, and to a business audience.
Good for you, ad. I am gratified to see your views here. Because I am inclined to be a bit of a cynic, I desperately want you not to be disappointed or disillusioned. Never mind, keep yourself on this most positive track. Well spoken!
Mr Judge backed the Senior staff but had not listened to the tape.
The number of ACC payments has plummeted.
The $3billion profit is a fact, yet ACC claim no money.
Minister Collins is nowhere and she must stand and front.
3 months before the complaint was made to the police.
There have been numerous documented cases of erroneous mail outs of confidential info.
The collusion between “Independent” doctors is serious.
Illegal access to Pullar’s file sackable.
At least there is an appearance of serious problems with ACC. http://ondemand.tv3.co.nz/60-Minutes-The-Eye-of-the-Storm/tabid/59/articleID/6789/MCat/22/Default.aspx
Actually Pullar/Boag claimed that he had listened to the tape as played by one of their legal reps. Judges claim was he hadn’t ever had a copy of the tape. So it’s strange ACC is still standing by their original claims.
I think there is a major problem with ACC following some sort of systematic guidelines to pay out as little as possible. My experiences with ACC (over physiotherapy) are in keeping with Pullar’s to the extent that ACC make you feel you are claiming something you are not entitled to – even when you are entitled.
I think there is a problem with insecure computer systems – others have experienced similar acquisition of documents sent to them in error.
But there are things that seem to me to not add up, or to be exceptional with the Pullar case. It seems that Pullar and Boag are taking the opportunity to make claims beyond their experiences of ACC, and beyond the evidence they have. They seem to be aiming to completely undermine ACC, possibly in support of the government’s privatisation agenda?
My experience is not of the “out of control” ACC organisation that Pullar and Boag are claiming. I have no experience or personal knowledge of the systemic leaking of unorthorised documents – it doesn’t seem to be happening to the extent Pullar is claiming…. and how would she know beyond a few cases? My experience is of a very tightly run ACC ship, aimed first and foremost at saving money. And from what I’ve sen in the media, this has really become quite mean and vicious under NAct’s watch. It wasn’t so much like this in the earlier, Labour years, when Pullar first ran into difficulties with ACC.
In my experience, the clinical advisor and other ACC people seemed to skew their reports to get the outcomes they want (denial of funding). But the collusion between people, emails claiming Pullar is trying to rort the system etc, goes way beyond that.
While Pullar is fully entitiled to full ACC coverage, it seems to me she isn’t in as much need as the majority of claimants. For instance, I haven’t claimed some things I’m entitled to because I figured I can manage quite well without. How much does Pullar need full income replacement at a level in keeping with the high wages she was getting before her accident? That would be a sizeable sum.
Pullar has been badly treated, as have many ACC clients. But the Pullar/Boag agenda seems to be aimed at totally undermining ACC, so I don’t think they are being totally transparent.
“Pullar has been badly treated, as have many ACC clients. But the Pullar/Boag agenda seems to be aimed at totally undermining ACC, so I don’t think they are being totally transparent.”
I didn’t think that that was what Pullar was claiming Carol. She was I thought, claiming for Medical Support/Treatment to continue as she tried to extend her work days. But I don’t think it was really just about Pullar. She was speaking out on behalf of all those who had been not given the support that they were entitled to under the Act. Whistle-blowers do get a hard time as the System beats them up to protect the system. No doubt it is argued that the System is more important than the individual.
They know and we know that there are always a few who rort the system, but that should never be an excuse to deny to the majority of reasonable people. ( Bad parents. Abuse. Crime. Beneficiaries ripping off. Fraud. etc)
ianmac, they were talking about a system completely out of control, and generalising well beyond what they have evidence of.
This has not been my experience. It is quite a controlled system, but an imperfect one that, first and foremost, aims to save money. I have dealt with some helpful people within that system, and others who just follow the organisation’s mean agenda. Also, ACC has been pretty good in funding my immediate emergency and hospitalisation, as well as my continuing review appointmenst with specialists.
It seems to be provisions for recovery and substantial long-term support where this current government is trying to save money.
I’m not so inclined to take at face value Boag & Pullar’s claims to care so much about all the Kiwis who are not getting the service they are entitled to from ACC. They are handing NAct and the media the weapon to continue to undermine ACC and move it towards privatisation. They maybe also are taking the opportunity to provide the means to further undermine Collins.
60 Minutes tends to give a very selective, one-sided view of such issues.
There’s things in their claims that make me suspicious. However, I’m with Hague on the way to respond:
Green Party ACC spokesman Kevin Hague told the media last night Ms Collins needed to act decisively to restore public trust in the corporation.
“The further revelations about shonky assessment and claims handling practices … mean that, at the very least, the ACC Minister should remove John Judge as ACC chair.”
Carol I fell off my ladder once, and caused a huge bruised buttock. I went to the doctor just to register the event in case there was a repercussion. The doctor could only tick hip as glutomous maximus wasn’t on the list. It is my only experience with ACC but it certainly seems that there are many who have had to fight, and lose, especially with cases of sexual damage.
It seems that ACC has at least to answer some questions, especially since it is a unique and successful system and worth keeping.
Although lawyers might resent missing out on the American style litigation!
I’m not very familiar with the history of the ACC, ianmac. But it seems to me that it has been making it really hard for people to get assistance since National came to lead the government in 2008.
I don’t think there’s a big problem with ACC’s limited list of classifications. On many forms, eg physio referrals by my specialist, s/he often just writes the place of fracturing eg fractured X, which could just mean one fracture. In fact, for one of the fractured areas, there is a complicated multiple fracturing. But anyone just has to look at my hospital discharge papers to see along list of fracture here, fracture there, displaced fragment there etc.
That’s what happens when a non-profit, pay as it goes, system is changed to act like a profit driven insurance company – save money and cut costs. One day I hope the economists and politicians wake up to the fact that everything must be paid for out of the currently available resources and that saving money makes no difference to this. Which means, in practical terms, that emergencies require slack in the economy so that society can respond to them.
As I said in reply to you on another thread, Pullar was clearly talking from her experience as a long -term client aka (from ACC management reports) a “swamp dewller” as in the “swamp is being drained”. I don’t think your experiences as someone who experienced an injury requiring short-term support (albeit severe) should be compared to those of people who have been on the receiving end of ACC’s liability-limitation policies for many years. Especially when you use your (different kind) of experience to challenge her lived experience and that of many others.
My last ACC claim was for a scratched cornea. I have no complaints and certainly received nobody else’s private information as a result of it. I think most who have brief encounters with ACC are reasonably happy. In my experience, most of those who have had long experience with the corporation have horrifying stories over many years, with very similar themes to Pullar’s.
That’s a fair comment, just saying. It just seemed to me that Pullar/Boag were claiming that the problems were widespread throughout the whole of the ACC system.
I do think most of the issues are about money and saving costs. Injured people who need long term support will be the most costly for ACC.
Also Pullar seemed to be saying most ACC clients had received some documents relating to other people. I think there is clearly a problem with leaky systems, which probably also is related to cost-saving. But I think only a small number of clients have received such private documents related to other people.
I am concerned that Pullar and Boag are completely undermining ACC, whereas some aspects of it work well.
And on top of his out of touch (deluded?) media comments earlier today, Key wades into the Pullar/ACC issue again without having watched the 60 minute programme
This morning Prime Minister John Key waded into the saga, suggesting Pullar was upset because she had a pre-existing condition before she suffered head injuries in a cycling accident in 2002.
Key this morning said Pullar’s case was an operational issue and he hadn’t seen last night’s interview.
”What is clear is that ACC deals with a huge number of complaints, a huge amount of data and there are always people who feel the system hasn’t treated them fairly and that is partly because the big dispute always comes around the definition of a pre-existing condition,” he told Newstalk.
”That at one level is at the heart of what sits with this Bronwyn Pullar claim.”
Boag said today Key had been misinformed if he believed Pullar had an illness before her accident.
”I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt. I think he’s (been) overseas, was talking in general terms about these issues. If he was talking specifically about Bronwyn, he’s been misbriefed… which would not surprise me in the current circumstances.”
The pre-existing condition one has become a dubious strategy for ACC. When I was had trouble getting more physio, I asked my specialist & physio if it was due to this pre-existing condition approach that seemed to be prevalent. They both strongly assured me my case was cut & dried. My injuries were due to a significant injury impact/trauma.
And yet, when I was in my last round of (eventually successfully) hassling over more physio, one person at ACC pretty much told me that one of my more recent symptoms (strongly highlighted by the clinical adviser) could be due to a non-injury cause and was a sticking point for ACC.
But then the next person I talked to at ACC said that the extent and nature of my injury would have been very likely to cause that symptom, so it was not an issue. That person was involved in over-seeing me being, finally, given some funding for more physio.
As far as I’m concerned, this “pre-existing” business is the last refuge of scoundrels.
Yes Key is somewhat ignorant regarding Pullar’s medical and legal case with ACC. I have personally approached Key regarding an extensive medical and legal case with ACC and he referred it onto Power and Power told me to go to the IPCA. Power was misled by the police in 2006 so I chose not to go to the IPCA in 2009.
The medical diagnosis in the DSM IV which ACC use to determine the level and cause of injury is insufficent for a person who has Complex PTSD. There is a six symptom cluster that people have with Complex PTSD (the features are listed under DESNOS in the DSM 1V, but not the treatment or the term Complex PTSD) which a person with regular PTSD does not have, (Herman is the expert).
When it comes to medicine if a person does not have the correct diagnosis how can they receive the correct treatment?
It is my personal opinion that legal issues can prolong and intensify a persons medical condition. A person cannot settle their ACC case until there is TOTAL agreement in what the level of injury is, the cause, the ongoing assistance required. From time to time a review is required but this should not be adversarial.
Do ACC care at all about PTSD? I don’t know anything much about PTSD. But in my experience, ACC has no interest in the emotional or psychological impact of an injury. In my case, I do think my ability to cope with stress, and my energy level was much lowered for several months after my injury. I think I haven’t yet returned to my pre-injury state.
The measure of the impact of the impact of the accident on my general well-being, is that, for the few hours between the accident, and being put under anesthetic in the operating theatre, my body was continually trembling uncontrollably. This trembling returned intermittently in the first few days after the accident.
As soon as I got out of hospital, ACC people were talking to me about returning to work ASAP (because it’s best for people to be working). They only wanted to know about the physical requirements of my work, and whether I was physically up to it. They seemed to have no interest in whether I was emotionally or psychologically up to it, or whether I was up to dealing with the level of stress I would encounter at work.
Carol the most telling comment for me which came out of Pullars mouth (re 60 Minutes) was how she said that her case was medical and legal. The medical side is the accident and the ACC errors are the legal side AND there is cross over between medical and legal. My solution for Pullar is in Open Mike 06/06/2012 comment 18 & 18.1.1
I agree the CEO should be replaced, and ACC needs a do-over, and to be returned to its original mission. I do not trust either NAct, Boag or Collins to be working towards that.
I do have quite a bit of sympathy for Pullar’s situation, and feel ACC has treated her very badly.
But this case seems far from straightforward, and I feel various people have been opportunistic in jumping in.
I also am not trusting that Labour would work to improve ACC enough, though I think that they would work to provide a better service than NAct.
I don’t know all the details about Pullars case, so far I do not fault her. Everything she says about defamatory statements, that is how ACC including clinical assessors and the Office of the Police Commissioners operate when it comes to misleading Ministers/MPs.
Labour is intolerant to foolish CEOs/Chairpeople compared to National, I approached Clark in October 2008, I recieved a reply in 10 minutes. The change in government sabotaged my case and I did not act earlier as a family member had to come first.
Professor Grant Duncan has just been talking about the ACC scandal on Radio NZ The Panel.
Yes, it’s that programme but can someone get it up here as soon as available? (I’ve yet to learn how to do radio links.)
It’s a brilliant analysis. You won’t believe (until you hear it) what he says about Key’s character assassination attempts on Pullar. His prediction? John Judge is gone. I detected a hint of panic in Jim Mora’s voice. 🙂
Thanks. Good stuff about how ACC is a very cost effective scheme, is in a good financial state, and needs to restore confidence and not treat everyone as if they are out to rort the system.
The situation with Pullar is partly because ACC see her as expensive: ie was on a high wage, so expensive to keep supporting her with a high proportion of her previous salary, over the long term.
Also, Mora mentioned there’s been issues with ACC’s unwillingness to fund on-going physiotherapy over a long period.
Duncan says Judge is gone, but to a certain extent is a sacrificial lamb. however, that’s necessary.
Also he queried the whole degenerative, pre-existing wear and tear – of course anyone will have some degenerative wear as they get older. It shouldn’t stop older people getting funding for injuries.
Perhaps a new Treaty should be created. Nothing to do with te tiriti, but a brand new one between the current peoples of these islands and all immigrants from this point onwards. After all, it seems many most of the reasons for te tiriti apply today for same similar reasons.
I’ll jump to the conclusion then you can work back. You like doing that.
To ask is a presumption of power.
To ignore your negotiating partner is not an act of goodwill.
If you have all the power, enough to enforce a treaty when one is not required, you’re only intent on oppressing people.
Tired of it VTO. See a doctor. The constant need to “talk negatively” about a group of people – any group you happen to choose… maori, americans, environmentalists… It’s you that has the problem. Be honest or take your self loathing elsewhere.
I’ve never seen vto talk negatively about environmentalists. From what I gather he spends a lot of time in the natural environment and understands the environmental challenges we face first hand in a way that many can only intellectualise about.
he may well know something about the environment but he knows fuck all about tangata whenua and there ain’t much intellectualising that i can see from his input in that area – but it takes all types so kei te pai.
oh you poor little vot I am not uturn, we just agree on some things mainly on our opinion of you and your input. It’s okay remember there are a few of us who are less than impressed by your trojan horse technique of generating controversy.
You know, it is a curious fact that since smarty mars turned up again a couple days ago every single post of his has been an attack at me. He has not made one single post on any other subject.
You are on a smear campaign so bloody obvious it has instant tedium.
All because you are Ngai Tahu and you do not like anything Maori being questioned. It’s history, the place and quality of te tiriti, whether first-in-first-served has a place, etc etc. You are conflicted. You have a vested interest. You are on a mission to shutdown debate. Well good luck with that because censorship has never worked.
good observation vot – yes you are on a smear campaign and although it is tedious i consider that i must oppose the bullshit you smear – stop smearing and leave your bigotry behind, just like you left your rightwing voting pattern behind – you can learn and grow and improve, you’ve done it before.
There has been no bigotry, and you have provided no proof for such despite about a dozen barren claims in the last couple days.
The bigotry rests solely with you, as is evidenced by your relentless attacks on me. As I said and you have admitted, it is you who comes at all of these issues from a predetermined Ngai Tahu position. It is you who is conflicted. It is you who has a vested interest.
And it seems you must have used up all your big swear words and abusive terms by now. Got anymore?
is that your new one vot – “little blind racist”? Bit useless but you got the offensiveness about right – and yes i am proud of my heritage and all my whakapapa – could you say the same shamewearer?
You’re pathetic Uturn. And predictable. I suspect you are in fact some previous poster under a newish name.
“To ask is a presumption of power.”
Bullshit. And to ask what? I look forward to applying your claim elsewhere.
“To ignore your negotiating partner is not an act of goodwill.”
What negotiating partner? If you refer to Maori, then I suggested that te tiriti be left as is. A new treaty would come underneath current constitutional and other arrangements. There was no ignoring, fool.
“If you have all the power, enough to enforce a treaty when one is not required, you’re only intent on oppressing people.”
What on earth are you talking about? Full of assumptions as usual. And as for “… when one is not required…”, well you need to wake up and see what is going on in the world. It is volatile times. There are treaties of all kinds going on all over the place all of the time. It is nothing new (although the fact you seem to think it is speaks to your own eye glasses)
“Tired of it VTO. See a doctor.”
Then fuck off and ignore me.
“The constant need to “talk negatively” about a group of people – any group you happen to choose… maori, americans, environmentalists… It’s you that has the problem. Be honest or take your self loathing elsewhere.”
Perhaps you would care to provide a reference to where I have talked negatively about maori, americans or environmentalists. Because I haven’t and you are making shit up again to try and discredit me. This is a marty mars trick – are you marty mars? I asked you to do the same the other day when you made up similar bullshit about what I posted, and you didn’t provide any reference.
You uturn are stuck in a world where everything is already decided isn’t it. Your views are set. Any challenge to your tiny world gets you all hot under the collar.
Treaties are nothing new. In case you haven’t noticed NZ is negotiating several treaties right now, such as the TPP.
The world today is awash with treaties. The EU is a form of treaty, North America has one, CER was/is another. There are countless. Most of them come under the guise of trade etc but they do in fact impact on soveriegnty (witness Australian government’s battles with big tobacco) and our ability to make laws for ourselves (witness Euro folk complaining about Brussels making laws for them without any input).
Underneath these trade treaties is a push for global ‘security’ which can be read as ‘governance’ without much difficulty. Even John Key last week referred to global security and our (his) desire to be part of that. He even signed some other new treaty with, I think, Nato of all groups.
In addition, with global volatility and looming financial firestorms there is the bogey of potential massive immigration, either controlled or uncontrolled.
Against this I suspect a substantial majority of New Zealanders do not wish to see their world altered too much from what it is now. The perception and probably reality of such alteration is that the effect would be negative. We have a way of life, a culture/s, heritage, etc that is worth preserving and enhancing.
So why would we not make moves to protect it? After all, we would only be looking to our own interests, which is exactly what big countries and big business and big people do. Play their own game straight back at them.
(and for the likes of uturn out there, it aint nothing to do with te tiritit, although it does provide a reasonable template to step off from).
As I said below, the enemy is within. We don’t want Key et al making treaties because they don’t give a shit about sovereignty. Until NZ is willing to vote in governments that take this seriously we are screwed. IMO you’re asking the wrong question. Yes we should be taking our future security in the face of climate change, peak oil and economic collapse seriously, but we can’t do much until we have sovereignty established at home.
oh vto you are just a dim – why do you keep bringing me into your demented rants – get this straight – I am not interested in you other than the disinformation and bigotry you put out, which I must oppose. Get a life and please don’t bring my name up unless you have a fucken good reason.
“oh vto you are just a dim – why do you keep bringing me into your demented rants – get this straight – I am not interested in you other than the disinformation and bigotry you put out, which I must oppose. Get a life and please don’t bring my name up unless you have a fucken good reason.”
Stop following me around.
Face it – you don’t like the current maori way and issues being questioned so you personally attack. There aint no disinformation and there is no bigotry. Perhaps, like uturn, you could point to some evidence for your attack – otherwise you are just another hollow shithead.
And look, once again uturn has fled when his bullshit attack is queried.
Can’t put up any evidence to support his claims so runs away. This is a common trait.
Isn’t this called trolling? Uturn, or marty mars, whichever one you are (you do turn up together and post in near identical manners), how about you grow some balls and provide some proof of where I have talked negatively about maori, americans or environmentalists because it doesn’t exist except in that tiny empty head of yours.
Come on.
Put up or shut the fuck up.
[lprent: They don’t look like the same person to me from the look of the IPs and timing. ]
we aren’t the same person and I can’t understand why the moderators are allowing fuckwit vot to continue implying that i am and continuing to try and ‘out’ an identity. Sure, you let vot disrespect a guest poster (QoT) in the past, fair enough, but this ‘outing’ is a deliberate, repetitive, blatent attempt – is that the way it works now?
lucky for you that you don’t have a moderator on your six for attacking a guestposter
and this is what 1prent said
[lprent: I looked at it earlier. Decided that the comments had stayed surprisingly on topic through the post. That either QoT or vto or both were channelling Felix playing with his food and I’d be interested on where that wound up.”
So that one is proved – want me to find some of your bigotry now, there is tons to choose from.
Well if that is what you see as proof then it is clear you are losing the plot in your rabid smear campaign.
There was no such disrespect, there was response in kind. You have proved nothing.
The fact that no moderator pulled me up proves it.
The fact that no moderator has pulled me up anywhere in response to your school kid-like claims about me also proves that you have nothing and are making it all up.
… continue with your smears – they just reflect on you …
in case you have never noticed, using the word “fuck” is something QoT does. All the time. She is happy to do so and everybody is happy for her to do so. Good for her. Go back through her post and you will see the word “fuck”. So clearly there is no disrespect given that is her standard manner of communicating. If anything, replying to her in her own manner shows respect, not disrespect.
Perhaps a new Treaty should be created. Nothing to do with te tiriti, but a brand new one between the current peoples of these islands and all immigrants from this point onwards. After all, it seems many most of the reasons for te tiriti apply today for same similar reasons.
You mean we’re being colonised again? 😉 And the new colonisers will be so good as to make a treaty with us? Who would they be? US cultural imperialists? Neoliberalists? The English (god, not them again) who are buying up so much land with their good exchange rate?
It’s not the incomers we have to worry about this time. It’s those who hold the power over immigration and economic policy. The enemy is within, my friend.
Yes agreed weka, see my post just above (oh, it’s in moderation). I guess what I am suggesting is a form of treaty which stems from and for the people rather than the usual which stem from government, trade and business.
One other fact which most New Zealanders never even consider … these islands can support a population of 50 – 100 million (think UK and Japan). The only reason it is not yet at this level is its very recent twin discoveries – there simply hasn’t been the passage of time to take the population up to populations similar in density to UK and Japan.
But population and human movements are a bit like water finding its level. At some point NZ will be as densely populated as Japan and the UK. This is surely a given. So one of the following questions is how will this happen? Will it happen slowly and in a measured way? Or will it happen with several larger influxes (as it has to date)? I suspect several larger influxes and imo people have forgotten, or not even considered, that this will happen (as it has to date). And these sorts of things happen at times of world volatility – as we are entering / have entered now.
NZ cannot support that many people. We’re currently at about twice the rate of consumption that this land can support. If we really sorted our shit out and reduced out footprint by half we might be able to sustain our present population over the medium/long term.
But I agree with you that there will likely be immigration pressure on NZ, from climate change and economic crises refugees. Also places running out of potable water and enough food. I haven’t seen a good analysis yet on NZ’s options for that future (although I am betting that certain people in the Ureweras have been thinking about it). We should be thinking about it now.
One other fact which most New Zealanders never even consider … these islands can support a population of 50 – 100 million (think UK and Japan).
No fraking way, we’d never meet the energy requirements of that population without numerous nuclear power stations and/or massive daily imports of oil.
weka and CV, I was basing that on current parameters i.e. if the UK and Japan (and other high density places like Holland, Sumatra, Bangladesh, etc) can support such densities then so can we.
If energy and other necessities change and mean we can’t here then they they surely wont there either … that is a scary thought … and makes such treaty ideas worthy of serious consideration. Not that I imagine any document will stop such heavy global changes, but they may soften their blow. A bit like te tiriti again actually perhaps.
Dude you are talking about places which built those population densities up on massive and increasing inputs of external energy.
That was the case for the last 50 years. Its not the case for the next 50. We can not get on that curve, we cannot afford to import 2 million barrels of oil a day.
Re: Sumatra and Bangladesh, yes you can have large populations in a small space but usually resource constraints on the economy mean that the median income is very low.
Understand that but I would suggest that the human ability to harness and utilise energy is probably only just getting underway and as such the scenario of 100million people living between Kaitaia and Bluff is probable.
Sure, carbon-derived energy may be reaching an endpoint, but carbon is the least common form of energy available. It is just our ability to harness various other energy sources that is the limiting factor.
I predict some massive waves of change arriving on our shores over the next century or so.
“It is just our ability to harness various other energy sources that is the limiting factor.”
Actually no. The limiting factor is physics. The crucial bit is energy returned on energy invested (EROEI). None of the other energy sources we currently have available that we could develop technology for have the same degree of energy gained for energy expended in extraction/creation. That combined with how the economy is entwined (because we make money from nothing rather than producing real wealth in the physical world) means that we can’t even make good use of the remaining oil we have to develop solar, wind etc to tide us over during the power down.
To put it another way. We live waaaay beyond our means, and the bank manager is about to pull the plug.
If the energy stuff doesn’t get you, have a think about how to produce enough food for 100 million people within the NZ landbase without having cheap oil to do so.
And some time in that 10 to 20 years we will be closing the border and allowing no one across as we’ll just have too many difficulties with the over-population we already have.
Not if we keep going the way we are with our defence forces, i.e, specialising them for UN peace keeping missions rather than national defence and not producing our own weapons systems.
Distance is our best defense. Anybody walking down here will piss off so many bigger nations by going through the Pacific that it won’t be worth their trouble.
But we need a modicum of defense capabilities to deal with overly ambitious boat people and externally resourced insurrection (although this does not mean I think the unregistered firearms raids were warranted in any sense other than the literal).
The Netherlands, UK and Japan would be able to support nowhere near their present populations if they had to actually feed and clothe themselves from their own resources.
That still leaves 2/3rds to do everything else that we need. Computers, universities, R&D, Art&Culture, mining etc. All possible within the resources that we have even without oil. The problem only kicks in when we get over populated which will happen if we don’t accept that we need to limit population.
Once we become a Republic, which is closer than you think – see Greens policy – a new Treaty of Waitangi will have to be negotiated because their will be no Crown as the other partner.
Will be very interesting as will probably take many years to get any agreement, as the original signatories are not around (only by hearsay).
I think it could take quite a while – it will be difficulty to get sufficient popular support while the current queen remains, and she could hang in there for quite a few years yet. It will be difficult in even starting preparations for a change to an independent nation.
Why can the Crown side of the Treaty not be transferred to whatever takes over from the Crown?
Have to agree with Marty below. We’re still not getting the current treaty right. Talk of having to have a new treaty that will take years to arrange sounds suspicious to me.
I can’t see how creating a new treaty would be of any use at all considering the previous one hasn’t been honoured by the Crown. You are trying to create advantage for yourself and somehow that doesn’t surprise me.
The media can’t run around saying, ‘I don’t like this policy, it’s a terrible thing,’ wind up parents, feed them information that’s sometimes wrong and say how terrible it is, and the Government should do something about it… and then the Government does something about it, and they say, ‘Ooh, it’s terrible’.”
No word of what he thinks was wrong in media reports, saying that parents were stupidly falling for media spin. Dude should face up. It was a crap policy, people know it. Yes, they backed down, but you don’t get a pat on the head for proposing shit policy, simple as that. Especially when you are still trying to claim that the policy you backed down from was good policy.
And another example – what planet is he on? Stuff article post Key’s morning TV appearance:
Prime Minister John Key says he’s not “down in the mouth” about recent polls showing a fall in support for National.
He has dismissed suggestions the loss of support for his Government is only because of last week’s humiliating backdown on its plan to increase class size, saying voters are also angry because of the rise in tobacco tax.
Key this morning said the shift in the polls wasn’t because of one issue.
“I don’t actually accept that,” he told TVNZ’s Breakfast programme.
A quarter of New Zealanders smoked and the Government was putting a big cost on them, he said.
“There will be some of those people who say I don’t like that and I’m going to reflect that in the poll,” Key said.
The Government was raising tobacco tax because it “cared about them and we want them to live”.
Governments had to “stand up for things they believed in”, Key said.
That’s either the worst bit of spin ever or a seriously deluded man.
Yeah there’s this thing I’ve just done that affects almost 100% of the population and almost everybody hates it but my drop in support is because of something else I’ve done which every govt does all the time and only affects a quarter of the population.
His worst was on explaining his slide in the pref. PM poll.
It’s the National Party’s fault, they’re dragging him down because he is so closely linked with them in the public mind, so don’t read too much into that.
And remind me again how Key came to be so closely linked with that National Party? Oh, wait, he’s their leader and was posted all over their billboards last election….. I though he was National’s main strength?
Their main strength and their potential weakness. That’s the trouble with ‘strong’ leadership. Once the leader is ‘gone’ nothing is left.
I liked what Mike Williams said on Nat radio this morning. He acknowledged the essential meaninglessness of the polls this far out but pointed out what they mean in terms of activist support- “puts lead in their pencils’ was what he essentially said. More work done, more money, more commitment generally.
A quarter of New Zealanders smoked and the Government was putting a big cost on them, he said.
When my brother was alive, probably 2003 (the year before he died) he told me he’d met a fellow salesman at an hotel, who sold tobacco products, and the salesman had told him that the 30% of people smoking (official figure at the time) was wildly wrong – that the real figure was 55% or more. ‘I could never make a living if it was really only 30%’ he said…
A quarter of New Zealanders smoked and the Government was putting a big cost on them, he said.
A quarter? And the rest… 🙂
The Government was raising tobacco tax because it “cared about them and we want them to live”.
Cared about us? Nonsense. No smoker I know believes that.
I’m a (heavy) smoker but don’t believe that I have ever thought about this in terms of deciding who I would vote for.
He’s becoming as crazy and deluded as the ACT caucus. I get a perverse sense of pleasure in watching him melt down and can only hope, given that NAct have placed so many eggs in the basket of his cult of no personality, that he takes them all with him.
Stuff were advertising the live chat all weekend using the photo up at the top of their home page. It put me off going there after seeing it first thing on Saturday!
Controversial asset-sales legislation is to go before Parliament for a second reading this week.
Labour leader David Shearer says it was rushed back four weeks early because the Government is concerned about a citizen-initiated referendum on the move to sell up to 49 per cent of state-owned power companies.
“It’s curtailed our ability to have a really good discussion about it,” Mr Shearer said.
Maybe it’s time to blockade parliament? Are there enough people in Wellington willing to keep up a protest presence outside the Beehive? And people in other cities willing to set up satellite process during the time the bill is being rushed through parliament?
It’s time that all parties in opposition to the asset sales said that they would re-nationalise them come 2014 when they’re back in power (and they will be back in power).
A policy pronouncement today on radionz – the prospect of Labour needing the Greens alongside to get into power puts off many Labour supporters. Then a recent comment that Labour and National have both moved to the centre. Surely there are enough Labour supporters who wish to see a real left-wing party again, not just one that serves the house-decorating and ostentatious consumption class?
the prospect of Labour needing the Greens alongside to get into power puts off many Labour supporters.
Wasn’t that a comment from Matthew Hooton? … or even Mike Williams, who said as a centre left person, up til the class size announcement, National hadn’t done anything to make him dislike them……. ‘Nuff said.
Bill O’Drees early on 13/6 OpenMike put this link up with a good item on Labour’s possible path. Does he make some good points? Labour supporters can’t afford to be too relaxed. If you fall into a pit there has to be a lot of energy expended to get back to level ground.
There was an interesting interview with Sir Stephen Tindall from the Pure Advantage group on Nine to Noon this morning. He strongly criticized successive government for not supporting our “Clean, Green” brand and positioning us to take advantage of developing green industries. We are losing the Green Race: http://localbodies-bsprout.blogspot.co.nz/2012/06/pure-advantage-and-green-race.html
There was one guy who said that his firm won a contested contract because of the clean, green PR. But is worried that if it becomes just PR about what will happen then. What else differentiates us enough to get notice, overcome distance?
On business prospects for NZ – on Radionz They should be OK if the exchange rate stays down.
If! It’s like an Act of God we’re waiting for not a mechanism set up by supposedly clever gentlemen. And how can we keep the exchange rate down? Perhaps we shouldn’t appear to be such a stable little country. A few riots about conditions might help. Let the fast money maniacs and their money machines get their kicks and marginal profits from some other country.
TODAY Mon 11 June 3 – 4.30pm Intersection protest opposite Britomart – then protest outside Serious Fraud Office (SFO) 21 Queen St – demanding SFO DO THEIR JOB!
(A formal letter will be handed over calling for URGENT ACTION by SFO staff responsible for Fraud and Corruption).
Investigate John Banks for BRIBERY and CORRUPTION re: $50,000 donated by Kim Dotcom in return for ‘immigration assistance’ ; assistance to help purchase the Coatsville mansion and undeclared ‘gifts and hospitality’ worth more than $500?
Spot the difference!
Taito Phillip Field gets sentenced to SIX years jail for bribery and corruption for providing immigration assistance to Thai nationals in return for work on his properties – dodgy John Banks continues to be politically protected by shonky John Key – Prime Minister of NZ ‘perceived’ to be ‘the least corrupt country in the world’?
Mind you – given shoinky John Key’s proven track record over effective ‘insider trading’ over his undisclosed Tranz Rail shares – no surprises that he is not leading from front when it comes to ‘ethical’ behaviour?
SFO have NOT treated formal complaint as ‘BRIBERY and CORRUPTION’ complaint – but as a ‘SERIOUS AND COMPLEX FRAUD’ complaint – which it is NOT!!!
Political leaders must confront the looming crisis of the future affordability of Superannuation now rather than risking having to make harsh cuts to entitlements down the track, says Labour Leader David Shearer.
“It’s not good enough for John Key to say that he’s worried about governing for today and somehow the future will look after itself. As Prime Minister, he has a responsibility to look after future generations too.
“It’s time we had a genuine, open and honest discussion about how we can continue to afford to provide New Zealanders with financial support when they retire.
“At the moment there are 5.6 workers for every retired person but in less than 30 years that will be reduced to 2.5. This is a problem that is growing and we must address it now.
“It’s about being fair. We must be fair to young New Zealanders by making sure there will be a pension scheme in place for them when they retire.
“We must also be fair by giving all Kiwis time to discuss, accept and prepare for any changes that need to be made to the current system.
“Labour is prepared to be flexible and come together with other political parties to work towards a solution. We are interested in genuine cross-party talks and a nationwide discussion with New Zealanders. We must do what is in the best interests of the country,” said David Shearer.
It’s a pity he included an inter-party dig, but otherwise he’s correct.
How about support from bloggers from The Standard for an inter-blog call for discussion, and a pledge to have a wide ranging blog debate on the future of super without resorting to political point scoring?
The only discussion we should be having on super, is, how successful a GMI has been on removing poverty amongst the elderly, and how soon we can extend the same to the rest of our people.
Starting with the 20% of children living in poverty.
Removing the tax cuts to the top 1% would be a start, in affordability.
Number 2557382 View Certificate Of Incorporation
Incorporated 16-FEB-2012
Current Status REGISTERED
Organisation Type Charitable Trust
In existence for less than 4 Months and now the ‘go to’ organisation for comment on the issue for National TV news?
You mean Key and his merry band of backwoodsmen/women are a car wreck ?
I’m just waiting for the gutless and rather thick eggs who comprise what passes as the Fourth Estate in NZ to get their little yuppie tits in a tangle when they conclude that KeyShit’s been bullshitting them all for years.
Oh how they will turn ! Even that Tracey Watkins rubbish I reckon.
I’ve just watched……yes I’m gonna say it……that utter bastard Key on late news saying that the only problem with the dumbing down of NZ education (higher quality teaching my arse!) is that it wasn’t sold well enough…….”end orl th’ Cebnit ‘gree ‘bet theret…” simpers he in that weak, effeminate little voice of his.
Watch the eyes……they’re dead…….he’s utterly bored with it all. Why ?……because he’s simply mouthing off spin lines written by some twisted thing in Sydney or wherever.
Just like the little girly who thought she was his favourite Cab Min…….Hek Yeah Stoolie Hung Out to Dry. Bet you Sir Well Paid-Off Wira is pissed seeing his wahine treated like shit. But still she mouths off spin, spin, spin turns to spam, spam, spam, in 4 hours. Call from King John in Angela Merkel’s waiting room. And she’s still smiling, according to the spin manual. As though she/they had a victory in the whole bizo.
Anyone old enough to agree with me that she’s a dead ringer for the not unattractive Elsie Tanner of Coronation Street 1966 or so ? Whatever happened to the venerable Pat Phoenix ?
Bets on Hek Yeah rising from the flames ? Dunno. There’ll be a cache of spin to deal with that question, one way or the other. That’s all that matters to a cheapie like Key. Obama carries that bloody nuclear briefcase. Key carries the equivalent of a make-up box. What A Man !
A listing of 25 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, December 15, 2024 thru Sat, December 21, 2024. Based on feedback we received, this week's roundup is the first one published soleley by category. We are still interested in ...
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Welcome to the December 2024 Economic Bulletin. We have two monthly features in this edition. In the first, we discuss what the Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update from Treasury and the Budget Policy Statement from the Minister of Finance tell us about the fiscal position and what to ...
The NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi have submitted against the controversial Treaty Principles Bill, slamming the Bill as a breach of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and an attack on tino rangatiratanga and the collective rights of Tangata Whenua. “This Bill seeks to legislate for Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles that are ...
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Our economy has experienced its worst recession since 1991. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāMōrena. Long stories short, the six things that matter in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Friday, December 20 in The Kākā’s Dawn Chorus podcast above and the daily Pick ‘n’ Mix below ...
Twas the Friday before Christmas and all through the week we’ve been collecting stories for our final roundup of the year. As we start to wind down for the year we hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas and new year. If you’re travelling please be safe on ...
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The Government can head off to the holidays, entitled to assure itself that it has done more or less what it said it would do. The campaign last year promised to “get New Zealand back on track.” When you look at the basic promises—to trim back Government expenditure, toughen up ...
Open access notables An intensification of surface Earth’s energy imbalance since the late 20th century, Li et al., Communications Earth & Environment:Tracking the energy balance of the Earth system is a key method for studying the contribution of human activities to climate change. However, accurately estimating the surface energy balance ...
Photo by Mauricio Fanfa on UnsplashKia oraCome and join us for our weekly ‘Hoon’ webinar with paying subscribers to The Kākā for an hour at 5 pm today.Jump on this link on YouTube Livestream for our chat about the week’s news with myself , plus regular guests and , ...
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Data released by Statistics New Zealand today showed a significant slowdown in the economy over the past six months, with GDP falling by 1% in September, and 1.1% in June said CTU Economist Craig Renney. “The data shows that the size of the economy in GDP terms is now smaller ...
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Sparse offerings outside a Te Kauwhata church. Meanwhile, the Government is cutting spending in ways that make thousands of hungry children even hungrier, while also cutting funding for the charities that help them. It’s also doing that while winding back new building of affordable housing that would allow parents to ...
It is difficult to make sense of the Luxon Coalition Government’s economic management.This end-of-year review about the state of economic management – the state of the economy was last week – is not going to cover the National Party contribution. Frankly, like every other careful observer, I cannot make up ...
This morning I awoke to the lovely news that we are firmly back on track, that is if the scale was reversed.NZ ranks low in global economic comparisonsNew Zealand's economy has been ranked 33rd out of 37 in an international comparison of which have done best in 2024.Economies were ranked ...
Remember those silent movies where the heroine is tied to the railway tracks or going over the waterfall in a barrel? Finance Minister Nicola Willis seems intent on portraying herself as that damsel in distress. According to Willis, this country’s current economic problems have all been caused by the spending ...
Similar to the cuts and the austerity drive imposed by Ruth Richardson in the 1990’s, an era which to all intents and purposes we’ve largely fiddled around the edges with fixing in the time since – over, to be fair, several administrations – whilst trying our best it seems to ...
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Dear Nicola Willis, thank you for letting us know in so many words that the swingeing austerity hasn't worked.By in so many words I mean the bit where you said, Here is a sea of red ink in which we are drowning after twelve months of savage cost cutting and ...
The Open Government Partnership is a multilateral organisation committed to advancing open government. Countries which join are supposed to co-create regular action plans with civil society, committing to making verifiable improvements in transparency, accountability, participation, or technology and innovation for the above. And they're held to account through an Independent ...
Today I tuned into something strange: a press conference that didn’t make my stomach churn or the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Which was strange, because it was about the torture of children. It was the announcement by Erica Stanford — on her own, unusually ...
This is a must watch, and puts on brilliant and practical display the implications and mechanics of fast-track law corruption and weakness.CLICK HERE: LINK TO WATCH VIDEOOur news media as it is set up is simply not equipped to deal with the brazen disinformation and corruption under this right wing ...
NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi Acting Secretary Erin Polaczuk is welcoming the announcement from Minister of Workplace Relations and Safety Brooke van Velden that she is opening consultation on engineered stone and is calling on her to listen to the evidence and implement a total ban of the product. “We need ...
The Government has announced a 1.5% increase in the minimum wage from 1 April 2025, well below forecast inflation of 2.5%. Unions have reacted strongly and denounced it as a real terms cut. PSA and the CTU are opposing a new round of staff cuts at WorkSafe, which they say ...
The decision to unilaterally repudiate the contract for new Cook Strait ferries is beginning to look like one of the stupidest decisions a New Zealand government ever made. While cancelling the ferries and their associated port infrastructure may have made this year's books look good, it means higher costs later, ...
Hi there! I’ve been overseas recently, looking after a situation with a family member. So apologies if there any less than focused posts! Vanuatu has just had a significant 7.3 earthquake. Two MFAT staff are unaccounted for with local fatalities.It’s always sad to hear of such things happening.I think of ...
Today is a special member's morning, scheduled to make up for the government's theft of member's days throughout the year. First up was the first reading of Greg Fleming's Crimes (Increased Penalties for Slavery Offences) Amendment Bill, which was passed unanimously. Currently the House is debating the third reading of ...
We're going backwardsIgnoring the realitiesGoing backwardsAre you counting all the casualties?We are not there yetWhere we need to beWe are still in debtTo our insanitiesSongwriter: Martin Gore Read more ...
Willis blamed Treasury for changing its productivity assumptions and Labour’s spending increases since Covid for the worsening Budget outlook. Photo: Getty ImagesMōrena. Long stories short, the six things that matter in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Wednesday, December 18 in The Kākā’s Dawn Chorus podcast above ...
Today the Auckland Transport board meet for the last time this year. For those interested (and with time to spare), you can follow along via this MS Teams link from 10am. I’ve taken a quick look through the agenda items to see what I think the most interesting aspects are. ...
Hi,If you’re a New Zealander — you know who Mike King is. He is the face of New Zealand’s battle against mental health problems. He can be loud and brash. He raises, and is entrusted with, a lot of cash. Last year his “I Am Hope” charity reported a revenue ...
Probably about the only consolation available from yesterday’s unveiling of the Half-Yearly Economic and Fiscal Update (HYEFU) is that it could have been worse. Though Finance Minister Nicola Willis has tightened the screws on future government spending, she has resisted the calls from hard-line academics, fiscal purists and fiscal hawks ...
The right have a stupid saying that is only occasionally true:When is democracy not democracy? When it hasn’t been voted on.While not true in regards to branches of government such as the judiciary, it’s a philosophy that probably should apply to recently-elected local government councillors. Nevertheless, this concept seemed to ...
Long story short: the Government’s austerity policy has driven the economy into a deeper and longer recession that means it will have to borrow $20 billion more over the next four years than it expected just six months ago. Treasury’s latest forecasts show the National-ACT-NZ First Government’s fiscal strategy of ...
Come and join myself and CTU Chief Economist for a pop-up ‘Hoon’ webinar on the Government’s Half Yearly Economic and Fiscal Update (HYEFU) with paying subscribers to The Kākā for 30 minutes at 5 pm today.Jump on this link on YouTube Livestream to watch our chat. Don’t worry if ...
In 1998, in the wake of the Paremoremo Prison riot, the Department of Corrections established the "Behaviour Management Regime". Prisoners were locked in their cells for 22 or 23 hours a day, with no fresh air, no exercise, no social contact, no entertainment, and in some cases no clothes and ...
New data released by the Treasury shows that the economic policies of this Government have made things worse in the year since they took office, said NZCTU Economist Craig Renney. “Our fiscal indicators are all heading in the wrong direction – with higher levels of debt, a higher deficit, and ...
At the 2023 election, National basically ran on a platform of being better economic managers. So how'd that turn out for us? In just one year, they've fucked us for two full political terms: The government's books are set to remain deeply in the red for the near term ...
AUSTERITYText within this block will maintain its original spacing when publishedMy spreadsheet insists This pain leads straight to glory (File not found) Read more ...
The NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi are saying that the Government should do the right thing and deliver minimum wage increases that don’t see workers fall further behind, in response to today’s announcement that the minimum wage will only be increased by 1.5%, well short of forecast inflation. “With inflation forecast ...
Oh, I weptFor daysFilled my eyesWith silly tearsOh, yeaBut I don'tCare no moreI don't care ifMy eyes get soreSongwriters: Paul Rodgers / Paul Kossoff. Read more ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by Bob HensonIn this aerial view, fingers of meltwater flow from the melting Isunnguata Sermia glacier descending from the Greenland Ice Sheet on July 11, 2024, near Kangerlussuaq, Greenland. According to the Programme for Monitoring of the Greenland Ice Sheet (PROMICE), the ...
In August, I wrote an article about David Seymour1 with a video of his testimony, to warn that there were grave dangers to his Ministry of Regulation:David Seymour's Ministry of Slush Hides Far Greater RisksWhy Seymour's exorbitant waste of taxpayers' money could be the least of concernThe money for Seymour ...
Willis is expected to have to reveal the bitter fiscal fruits of her austerity strategy in the HYEFU later today. Photo: Lynn Grieveson/TheKakaMōrena. Long stories short, the six things that matter in Aotearoa’s political economy around housing, climate and poverty on Tuesday, December 17 in The Kākā’s Dawn Chorus podcast ...
On Friday the government announced it would double the number of toll roads in New Zealand as well as make a few other changes to how toll roads are used in the country. The real issue though is not that tolling is being used but the suggestion it will make ...
The Prime Minister yesterday engaged in what looked like a pre-emptive strike designed to counter what is likely to be a series of depressing economic statistics expected before the end of the week. He opened his weekly post-Cabinet press conference with a recitation of the Government’s achievements. “It certainly has ...
This whooping cough story from south Auckland is a good example of the coalition government’s approach to social need – spend money on urging people to get vaccinated but only after you’ve cut the funding to where they could get vaccinated. This has been the case all year with public ...
And if there is a GodI know he likes to rockHe likes his loud guitarsHis spiders from MarsAnd if there is a GodI know he's watching meHe likes what he seesBut there's trouble on the breezeSongwriter: William Patrick Corgan Read more ...
Here’s a quick round up of today’s political news:1. MORE FOOD BANKS, CHARITIES, DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SHELTERS AND YOUTH SOCIAL SERVICES SET TO CLOSE OR SCALE BACK AROUND THE COUNTRY AS GOVT CUTS FUNDINGSome of Auckland's largest foodbanks are warning they may need to close or significantly reduce food parcels after ...
Iain Rennie, CNZMSecretary and Chief Executive to the TreasuryDear Secretary, Undue restrictions on restricted briefings This week, the Treasury barred representatives from four organisations, including the New Zealand Council of Trade Unions Te Kauae Kaimahi, from attending the restricted briefing for the Half-Year Economic and Fiscal Update. We had been ...
This is a guest post by Tim Adriaansen, a community, climate, and accessibility advocate.I won’t shut up about climate breakdown, and whenever possible I try to shift the focus of a climate conversation towards solutions. But you’ll almost never hear me give more than a passing nod to ...
A grassroots backlash has forced a backdown from Brown, but he is still eyeing up plenty of tolls for other new roads. And the pressure is on Willis to ramp up the Government’s austerity strategy. Photo: Getty ImagesMōrena. Long stories short, the six things that matter in Aotearoa’s political economy ...
Hi all,I'm pretty overwhelmed by all your messages and emails today; thank you so very much.As much as my newsletter this morning was about money, and we all need to earn money, it was mostly about world domination if I'm honest. 😉I really hate what’s happening to our country, and ...
A listing of 23 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, December 8, 2024 thru Sat, December 14, 2024. Listing by Category Like last week's summary this one contains the list of articles twice: based on categories and based on ...
I started writing this morning about Hobson’s Pledge, examining the claims they and their supporters make, basically ripping into them. But I kept getting notifications coming through, and not good ones.Each time I looked up, there was another un-subscription message, and I felt a bit sicker at the thought of ...
Once, long before there was Harry and Meghan and Dodi and all those episodes of The Crown, they came to spend some time with us, Charles and Diana. Was there anyone in the world more glamorous than the Princess of Wales?Dazzled as everyone was by their company, the leader of ...
The collective right have a problem.The entire foundation for their world view is antiscientific. Their preferred economic strategies have been disproven. Their whole neoliberal model faces accusations of corporate corruption and worsening inequality. Climate change not only definitely exists, its rapid progression demands an immediate and expensive response in order ...
Just ten days ago, South Korea's president attempted a self-coup, declaring martial law and attempting to have opposition MPs murdered or arrested in an effort to seize unconstrained power. The attempt was rapidly defeated by the national assembly voting it down and the people flooding the streets to defend democracy. ...
Hi,“What I love about New Zealanders is that sometimes you use these expressions that as Americans we have no idea what those things mean!"I am watching a 30-something year old American ramble on about how different New Zealanders are to Americans. It’s his podcast, and this man is doing a ...
What Chris Penk has granted holocaust-denier and equal-opportunity-bigot Candace Owens is not “freedom of speech”. It’s not even really freedom of movement, though that technically is the right she has been granted. What he has given her is permission to perform. Freedom of SpeechIn New Zealand, the right to freedom ...
All those tears on your cheeksJust like deja vu flow nowWhen grandmother speaksSo tell me a story (I'll tell you a story)Spell it out, I can't hear (What do you want to hear?)Why you wear black in the morning?Why there's smoke in the air? Songwriter: Greg Johnson.Mōrena all ☀️Something a ...
National has only been in power for a year, but everywhere you look, its choices are taking New Zealand a long way backwards. In no particular order, here are the National Government's Top 50 Greatest Misses of its first year in power. ...
The Government is quietly undertaking consultation on the dangerous Regulatory Standards Bill over the Christmas period to avoid too much attention. ...
The Government’s planned changes to the freedom of speech obligations of universities is little more than a front for stoking the political fires of disinformation and fear, placing teachers and students in the crosshairs. ...
The Ministry of Regulation’s report into Early Childhood Education (ECE) in Aotearoa raises serious concerns about the possibility of lowering qualification requirements, undermining quality and risking worse outcomes for tamariki, whānau, and kaiako. ...
A Bill to modernise the role of Justices of the Peace (JP), ensuring they remain active in their communities and connected with other JPs, has been put into the ballot. ...
Labour will continue to fight unsustainable and destructive projects that are able to leap-frog environment protection under National’s Fast-track Approvals Bill. ...
The Green Party has warned that a Green Government will revoke the consents of companies who override environmental protections as part of Fast-Track legislation being passed today. ...
The Green Party says the Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update shows how the Government is failing to address the massive social and infrastructure deficits our country faces. ...
The Government’s latest move to reduce the earnings of migrant workers will not only hurt migrants but it will drive down the wages of Kiwi workers. ...
Te Pāti Māori has this morning issued a stern warning to Fast-Track applicants with interests in mining, pledging to hold them accountable through retrospective liability and to immediately revoke Fast-Track consents under a future Te Pāti Māori government. This warning comes ahead of today’s third reading of the Fast-Track Approvals ...
The Government’s announcement today of a 1.5 per cent increase to minimum wage is another blow for workers, with inflation projected to exceed the increase, meaning it’s a real terms pay reduction for many. ...
All the Government has achieved from its announcement today is to continue to push responsibility back on councils for its own lack of action to help bring down skyrocketing rates. ...
The Government has used its final post-Cabinet press conference of the year to punch down on local government without offering any credible solutions to the issues our councils are facing. ...
The Government has failed to keep its promise to ‘super charge’ the EV network, delivering just 292 chargers - less than half of the 670 chargers needed to meet its target. ...
The Green Party is calling for the Government to stop subsidising the largest user of the country’s gas supplies, Methanex, following a report highlighting the multi-national’s disproportionate influence on energy prices in Aotearoa. ...
The Green Party is appalled with the Government’s new child poverty targets that are based on a new ‘persistent poverty’ measure that could be met even with an increase in child poverty. ...
New independent analysis has revealed that the Government’s Emissions Reduction Plan (ERP) will reduce emissions by a measly 1 per cent by 2030, failing to set us up for the future and meeting upcoming targets. ...
The loss of 27 kaimahi at Whakaata Māori and the end of its daily news bulletin is a sad day for Māori media and another step backwards for Te Tiriti o Waitangi justice. ...
Yesterday the Government passed cruel legislation through first reading to establish a new beneficiary sanction regime that will ultimately mean more households cannot afford the basic essentials. ...
Today's passing of the Government's Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill–which allows landlords to end tenancies with no reason–ignores the voice of the people and leaves renters in limbo ahead of the festive season. ...
After wasting a year, Nicola Willis has delivered a worse deal for the Cook Strait ferries that will end up being more expensive and take longer to arrive. ...
Green Party co-leader Chlöe Swarbrick has today launched a Member’s Bill to sanction Israel for its unlawful presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, as the All Out For Gaza rally reaches Parliament. ...
After years of advocacy, the Green Party is very happy to hear the Government has listened to our collective voices and announced the closure of the greyhound racing industry, by 1 August 2026. ...
In response to a new report from ERO, the Government has acknowledged the urgent need for consistency across the curriculum for Relationship and Sexuality Education (RSE) in schools. ...
The Green Party is appalled at the Government introducing legislation that will make it easier to penalise workers fighting for better pay and conditions. ...
Thank you for the invitation to speak with you tonight on behalf of the political party I belong to - which is New Zealand First. As we have heard before this evening the Kinleith Mill is proposing to reduce operations by focusing on pulp and discontinuing “lossmaking paper production”. They say that they are currently consulting on the plan to permanently shut ...
Auckland Central MP, Chlöe Swarbrick, has written to Mayor Wayne Brown requesting he stop the unnecessary delays on St James Theatre’s restoration. ...
Health Minister Dr Shane Reti says Health New Zealand will move swiftly to support dozens of internationally-trained doctors already in New Zealand on their journey to employment here, after a tripling of sought-after examination places. “The Medical Council has delivered great news for hardworking overseas doctors who want to contribute ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has appointed Sarah Ottrey to the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC). “At my first APEC Summit in Lima, I experienced firsthand the role that ABAC plays in guaranteeing political leaders hear the voice of business,” Mr Luxon says. “New Zealand’s ABAC representatives are very well respected and ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has announced four appointments to New Zealand’s intelligence oversight functions. The Honourable Robert Dobson KC has been appointed Chief Commissioner of Intelligence Warrants, and the Honourable Brendan Brown KC has been appointed as a Commissioner of Intelligence Warrants. The appointments of Hon Robert Dobson and Hon ...
Improvements in the average time it takes to process survey and title applications means housing developments can progress more quickly, Minister for Land Information Chris Penk says. “The government is resolutely focused on improving the building and construction pipeline,” Mr Penk says. “Applications to issue titles and subdivide land are ...
The Government’s measures to reduce airport wait times, and better transparency around flight disruptions is delivering encouraging early results for passengers ahead of the busy summer period, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says. “Improving the efficiency of air travel is a priority for the Government to give passengers a smoother, more reliable ...
The Government today announced the intended closure of the Apollo Hotel as Contracted Emergency Housing (CEH) in Rotorua, Associate Housing Minister Tama Potaka says. This follows a 30 per cent reduction in the number of households in CEH in Rotorua since National came into Government. “Our focus is on ending CEH in the Whakarewarewa area starting ...
The Government will reshape vocational education and training to return decision making to regions and enable greater industry input into work-based learning Tertiary Education and Skills Minister, Penny Simmonds says. “The redesigned system will better meet the needs of learners, industry, and the economy. It includes re-establishing regional polytechnics that ...
The Government is taking action to better manage synthetic refrigerants and reduce emissions caused by greenhouse gases found in heating and cooling products, Environment Minister Penny Simmonds says. “Regulations will be drafted to support a product stewardship scheme for synthetic refrigerants, Ms. Simmonds says. “Synthetic refrigerants are found in a ...
People travelling on State Highway 1 north of Hamilton will be relieved that remedial works and safety improvements on the Ngāruawāhia section of the Waikato Expressway were finished today, with all lanes now open to traffic, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“I would like to acknowledge the patience of road users ...
Tertiary Education and Skills Minister, Penny Simmonds, has announced a new appointment to the board of Education New Zealand (ENZ). Dr Erik Lithander has been appointed as a new member of the ENZ board for a three-year term until 30 January 2028. “I would like to welcome Dr Erik Lithander to the ...
The Government will have senior representatives at Waitangi Day events around the country, including at the Waitangi Treaty Grounds, but next year Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has chosen to take part in celebrations elsewhere. “It has always been my intention to celebrate Waitangi Day around the country with different ...
Two more criminal gangs will be subject to the raft of laws passed by the Coalition Government that give Police more powers to disrupt gang activity, and the intimidation they impose in our communities, Police Minister Mark Mitchell says. Following an Order passed by Cabinet, from 3 February 2025 the ...
Attorney-General Judith Collins today announced the appointment of Justice Christian Whata as a Judge of the Court of Appeal. Justice Whata’s appointment as a Judge of the Court of Appeal will take effect on 1 August 2025 and fill a vacancy created by the retirement of Hon Justice David Goddard on ...
The latest economic figures highlight the importance of the steps the Government has taken to restore respect for taxpayers’ money and drive economic growth, Finance Minister Nicola Willis says. Data released today by Stats NZ shows Gross Domestic Product fell 1 per cent in the September quarter. “Treasury and most ...
Tertiary Education and Skills Minister Penny Simmonds and Associate Minister of Education David Seymour today announced legislation changes to strengthen freedom of speech obligations on universities. “Freedom of speech is fundamental to the concept of academic freedom and there is concern that universities seem to be taking a more risk-averse ...
Police Minister, Mark Mitchell, and Internal Affairs Minister, Brooke van Velden, today launched a further Public Safety Network cellular service that alongside last year’s Cellular Roaming roll-out, puts globally-leading cellular communications capability into the hands of our emergency responders. The Public Safety Network’s new Cellular Priority service means Police, Wellington ...
State Highway 1 through the Mangamuka Gorge has officially reopened today, providing a critical link for Northlanders and offering much-needed relief ahead of the busy summer period, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“The Mangamuka Gorge is a vital route for Northland, carrying around 1,300 vehicles per day and connecting the Far ...
The Government has welcomed decisions by the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) and Ashburton District Council confirming funding to boost resilience in the Canterbury region, with construction on a second Ashburton Bridge expected to begin in 2026, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says. “Delivering a second Ashburton Bridge to improve resilience and ...
The Government is backing the response into high pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in Otago, Biosecurity Minister Andrew Hoggard says. “Cabinet has approved new funding of $20 million to enable MPI to meet unbudgeted ongoing expenses associated with the H7N6 response including rigorous scientific testing of samples at the enhanced PC3 ...
Legislation that will repeal all advertising restrictions for broadcasters on Sundays and public holidays has passed through first reading in Parliament today, Media Minister Paul Goldsmith says. “As a growing share of audiences get their news and entertainment from streaming services, these restrictions have become increasingly redundant. New Zealand on ...
Today the House agreed to Brendan Horsley being appointed Inspector-General of Defence, Justice Minister Paul Goldsmith says. “Mr Horsley’s experience will be invaluable in overseeing the establishment of the new office and its support networks. “He is currently Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security, having held that role since June 2020. ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden says the Government has agreed to the final regulations for the levy on insurance contracts that will fund Fire and Emergency New Zealand from July 2026. “Earlier this year the Government agreed to a 2.2 percent increase to the rate of levy. Fire ...
The Government is delivering regulatory relief for New Zealand businesses through changes to the Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act. “The Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Amendment Bill, which was introduced today, is the second Bill – the other being the Statutes Amendment Bill - that ...
Transport Minister Simeon Brown has welcomed further progress on the Hawke’s Bay Expressway Road of National Significance (RoNS), with the NZ Transport Agency (NZTA) Board approving funding for the detailed design of Stage 1, paving the way for main works construction to begin in late 2025.“The Government is moving at ...
The Government today released a request for information (RFI) to seeking interest in partnerships to plant trees on Crown-owned land with low farming and conservation value (excluding National Parks) Forestry Minister Todd McClay announced. “Planting trees on Crown-owned land will drive economic growth by creating more forestry jobs in our regions, providing more wood ...
Court timeliness, access to justice, and improving the quality of existing regulation are the focus of a series of law changes introduced to Parliament today by Associate Minister of Justice Nicole McKee. The three Bills in the Regulatory Systems (Justice) Amendment Bill package each improve a different part of the ...
A total of 41 appointments and reappointments have been made to the 12 community trusts around New Zealand that serve their regions, Associate Finance Minister Shane Jones says. “These trusts, and the communities they serve from the Far North to the deep south, will benefit from the rich experience, knowledge, ...
The Government has confirmed how it will provide redress to survivors who were tortured at the Lake Alice Psychiatric Hospital Child and Adolescent Unit (the Lake Alice Unit). “The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care found that many of the 362 children who went through the Lake Alice Unit between 1972 and ...
It has been a busy, productive year in the House as the coalition Government works hard to get New Zealand back on track, Leader of the House Chris Bishop says. “This Government promised to rebuild the economy, restore law and order and reduce the cost of living. Our record this ...
“Accelerated silicosis is an emerging occupational disease caused by unsafe work such as engineered stone benchtops. I am running a standalone consultation on engineered stone to understand what the industry is currently doing to manage the risks, and whether further regulatory intervention is needed,” says Workplace Relations and Safety Minister ...
Mehemea he pai mō te tangata, mahia – if it’s good for the people, get on with it. Enhanced reporting on the public sector’s delivery of Treaty settlement commitments will help improve outcomes for Māori and all New Zealanders, Māori Crown Relations Minister Tama Potaka says. Compiled together for the ...
Mr Roger Holmes Miller and Ms Tarita Hutchinson have been appointed to the Charities Registration Board, Community and Voluntary Sector Minister Louise Upston says. “I would like to welcome the new members joining the Charities Registration Board. “The appointment of Ms Hutchinson and Mr Miller will strengthen the Board’s capacity ...
More building consent and code compliance applications are being processed within the statutory timeframe since the Government required councils to submit quarterly data, Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk says. “In the midst of a housing shortage we need to look at every step of the build process for efficiencies ...
Mental Health Minister Matt Doocey is proud to announce the first three recipients of the Government’s $10 million Mental Health and Addiction Community Sector Innovation Fund which will enable more Kiwis faster access to mental health and addiction support. “This fund is part of the Government’s commitment to investing in ...
New Zealand is providing Vanuatu assistance following yesterday's devastating earthquake, Foreign Minister Winston Peters says. "Vanuatu is a member of our Pacific family and we are supporting it in this time of acute need," Mr Peters says. "Our thoughts are with the people of Vanuatu, and we will be ...
The Government welcomes the Commerce Commission’s plan to reduce card fees for Kiwis by an estimated $260 million a year, Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Andrew Bayly says.“The Government is relentlessly focused on reducing the cost of living, so Kiwis can keep more of their hard-earned income and live a ...
Regulation Minister David Seymour has welcomed the Early Childhood Education (ECE) regulatory review report, the first major report from the Ministry for Regulation. The report makes 15 recommendations to modernise and simplify regulations across ECE so services can get on with what they do best – providing safe, high-quality care ...
The Government‘s Offshore Renewable Energy Bill to create a new regulatory regime that will enable firms to construct offshore wind generation has passed its first reading in Parliament, Energy Minister Simeon Brown says.“New Zealand currently does not have a regulatory regime for offshore renewable energy as the previous government failed ...
Legislation to enable new water service delivery models that will drive critical investment in infrastructure has passed its first reading in Parliament, marking a significant step towards the delivery of Local Water Done Well, Local Government Minister Simeon Brown and Commerce and Consumer Affairs Minister Andrew Bayly say.“Councils and voters ...
New Zealand is one step closer to reaping the benefits of gene technology with the passing of the first reading of the Gene Technology Bill, Science, Innovation and Technology Minister Judith Collins says. "This legislation will end New Zealand's near 30-year ban on gene technology outside the lab and is ...
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The Government’s social housing agency has backed out of a billion-dollar infrastructure alliance that would have built about 6000 new homes in Auckland – less than 18 months after signing a five-year extension.Labour says the decision to rip up the contract and sell off existing state houses could lead to ...
ByKoroi Hawkins, RNZ Pacific editor New Zealand’s Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) says impending bad weather for Port Vila is now the most significant post-quake hazard. A tropical low in the Coral Sea is expected to move into Vanuatu waters, bringing heavy rainfall. Authorities have issued warnings to people ...
Cosmic CatastropheThe year draws to a close.King Luxon has grown tired of the long eveningsListening to the dreary squabbling of his Triumvirate.He strolls up to the top floor of the PalaceTo consult with his Astronomer Royal.The Royal Telescope scans the skies,And King Luxon stares up into the heavensFrom the terrestrial ...
Spinoff editor Mad Chapman and books editor Claire Mabey debate Carl Shuker’s new novel about… an editor. Claire: Hello Mad, you just finished The Royal Free – overall impressions? Mad: Hi Claire, I literally just put the book down and I would have to say my immediate impression is ...
Christmas and its buildup are often lonely, hard and full of unreasonable expectations. Here’s how to make it to Jesus’s birthday and find the little bit of joy we all deserve. Have you found this year relentless? Has the latest Apple update “fucked up your life”? Have you lost two ...
Despite overwhelming public and corporate support, the government has stalled progress on a modern day slavery law. That puts us behind other countries – and makes Christmas a time of tragedy rather than joy, argues Shanti Mathias. Picture the scene on Christmas Day. Everyone replete with nice things to eat, ...
Asia Pacific Report “It looks like Hiroshima. It looks like Germany at the end of World War Two,” says an Israeli-American historian and professor of holocaust and genocide studies at Brown University about the horrifying reality of Gaza. Professor Omer Bartov, has described Israel’s ongoing war on Gaza as an ...
The New Zealand government coalition is tweaking university regulations to curb what it says is an increasingly “risk-averse approach” to free speech. The proposed changes will set clear expectations on how universities should approach freedom of speech issues. Each university will then have to adopt a “freedom of speech statement” ...
Report by Dr David Robie – Café Pacific. – COMMENTARY: By Caitlin Johnstone New York prosecutors have charged Luigi Mangione with “murder as an act of terrorism” in his alleged shooting of health insurance CEO Brian Thompson earlier this month. This news comes out at the same time as ...
Pacific Media Watch The union for Australian journalists has welcomed the delivery by the federal government of more than $150 million to support the sustainability of public interest journalism over the next four years. Combined with the announcement of the revamped News Bargaining Initiative, this could result in up to ...
MONDAY“Merry Xmas, and praise the Lord,” said Sheriff Luxon, and smiled for the camera. There was a flash of smoke when the shutter pressed down on the magnesium powder. The sheriff had arranged for a photographer from the Dodge Gazette to attend a ceremony where he handed out food parcels to ...
It’s a little under two months since the White Ferns shocked the cricketing world, deservedly taking home the T20 World Cup. Since then the trophy has had a tour around the country, five of the squad have played in the WBBL in Australia while most others have returned to domestic ...
Comment: If we say the word ‘dementia’, many will picture an older person struggling to remember the names of their loved ones, maybe a grandparent living out their final years in an aged care facility. Dementia can also occur in people younger than 65, but it can take time before ...
Piracy is a reality of modern life – but copyright law has struggled to play catch-up for as long as the entertainment industry has existed. As far back as 1988, the House of Lords criticised copyright law’s conflict with the reality of human behaviour in the context of burning cassette ...
As he makes a surprise return to Shortland Street, actor Craig Parker takes us through his life in television. Craig Parker has been a fixture on television in Aotearoa for nearly four decades. He had starring roles in iconic local series like Gloss, Mercy Peak and Diplomatic Immunity, featured in ...
The Ōtautahi musician shares the 10 tracks he loves to spin, including the folk classic that cured him of a ‘case of the give-ups’. When singer-songwriter Adam McGrath returns to Kumeu’s Auckland Folk Festival from January 24-27, he’s not planning on simply idling his way through – he wants the late ...
Alex Casey spends an afternoon on the job with River, the rescue dog on a mission to spread joy to Ōtautahi rest homes.Almost everyone says it is never enough time. But River the rescue dog, a jet black huntaway border collie cross, has to keep a tight pace to ...
Asia Pacific Report Fiji activists have recreated the nativity scene at a solidarity for Palestine gathering in Fiji’s capital Suva just days before Christmas. The Fiji Women’s Crisis Centre and Fijians for Palestine Solidarity Network recreated the scene at the FWCC compound — a baby Jesus figurine lies amidst the ...
By 1News Pacific correspondent Barbara Dreaver and 1News reporters A number of Kiwis have been successfully evacuated from Vanuatu after a devastating earthquake shook the Pacific island nation earlier this week. The death toll was still unclear, though at least 14 people were killed according to an earlier statement from ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Richard Scully, Professor in Modern History, University of New England Bunker.Image courtesy of Michael Leunig, CC BY-NC-SA Michael Leunig – who died in the early hours of Thursday December 19, surrounded by “his children, loved ones, and sunflowers” – was the ...
The House - On Parliament's last day of the year, there was the rare occurrence of a personal (conscience) vote on selling booze over the Easter weekend. While it didn't have the numbers to pass, it was a chance to get a rare glimpse of the fact ...
A new poem by Holly Fletcher. bejeweled log i was dreaming about wasps / wee darlings that followed me / ducking under objects / that i was fated to pickup / my fingers seeking / and meeting with tiny proboscis’s / but instead / i wake up / roll sideways ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Flora Hui, Research Fellow, Centre for Eye Research Australia and Honorary Fellow, Department of Surgery (Ophthalmology), The University of Melbourne Versta/Shutterstock Australians are exposed to some of the highest levels of solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation in the world. While we ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Andrew Terry, Professor of Business Regulation, University of Sydney Michael von Aichberger/Shutterstock Even if you’ve no idea how the business model underpinning franchises works, there’s a good chance you’ve spent money at one. Franchising is essentially a strategy for cloning ...
‘Over 400 people attended an Fabian’s excellent event at QTheatre in Auckland yesterday. The recurring message was that we need a very major shift in thinking to stop the decline. Neoliberalism, and not challenging the conventional wisdom of Tresuryand it’s fans, has seen the real income base of New Zealand whittled away over the past 30 years. Thank you to the Fabian Society and the excellent speakers.
Labour, as much as National, needs to break away from the rhetoric that has failed to deliver hope for our youth. Fiddling with the image of a leader, trying to appeal to transient “good bloke” or “nice guy” marketing silliness is not how we will change New Zealand. The young people want and need a strong leader who will break away from the pack and effect real change. The youth want a future in New Zealand. We want our talent to return home. None of the current party leaders have what it takes. We need change urgently.
To get the change in leadership you suggest (I agree with what you say) would take a major change in thinking and actions – of political parties, of media, and of the voting public.
Blogs could play a significant part in leading the new way, but to do that they would have to replace petty niggling and point scoring (and yes, I get involved in that too) with a robust but reasonable contest of ideas.
New Zealand’s political blogs are often little more than localised mangled moanfests.
They could be powerful – and guide a path to better political power – if they learnt to harness their collective wisdom, wit and will to make positive change.
But bloggers and commenters would have to want to break out of their bullshit bubbles.
I agree but one of the main problems as I see it is the “tribalism” surrounding both left wing and right wing parties. How many times have you heard someone say that I vote for (insert party here) because my parents voted for them etc etc
Theres something wrong when both Labour and National could virtually anyone in certain seats and win simply because they’re red or blue
That is the reality Chris73. Your assertions suggest there is no such thing as “class” and is essentially libertarian, which of itself is also a political philosophy.
Through long and at times bitter experience it has been shown beyond any doubt that National supports already wealthy areas while Labour supports poor areas.
mickysavage, I am not writing to criticise you, as in general I like your comments (and memory of the man you are named after!) What I need to say is that we do well to avoid “absolutes” in our statements; there are but variations I’m afraid, or “inclinations”. National policies, in general, definitely favour the wealthy, while Labour policies, in general, certainly are inclined toward care for poorer human beings. My fear is that these two parties are showing signs of sharing the ground of the Right, depriving voters of real choice. I hope and pray not. Consequently I have chosen, at least for the present, to go with the Greens and a fresh stance.
Dr Terry
A considered response. Politics nowadays is a bit of a triangle, rich, poor and those who want to save our planet.
And there are shades of grey.
But things are heading more and more to class politics as the wealthy are given even more resources. And the environment adds this terrifying dimension to things. If we get environmental policy wrong then nothing else matters.
Um, never. Perhaps it’s the circles you’re mixing in.
Now that is something I agree with and one of the reasons I’d like to see electorate seats done away with (It’d remove the inherent bias in the electorates).
“Now that is something I agree with and one of the reasons I’d like to see electorate seats done away with (It’d remove the inherent bias in the electorates).”
If we do that won’t it encourage parties to put all there efforts into the bigger population centres that hold the most votes? It would be easy to end up in a situation where communities outside of the main centres are forgotten about and without an elected representative to hold accountable.
Or perhaps if we went 100% list we could mandate that every seat must have a list mp designated to them they must have a local office etc. This could be done by looking at the relative vote percentages in each area and it would be conceivable that some seats would have mps from multiple parties allocated. If the party lists were perhaps open to all party members to rank (maybe they are?) it should discourage poor performance as the local members could conceivably vote someone down the list next election.
I do think we need geographic representaton as well as nation-wide reps as per the lists.
If there is no geographic representation, it will continue the trend for city councils being controlled from Wellington. Also poor areas will become even more neglected.
Agreed. Just because we recognise that not all constituencies are geographic doesn’t mean geographic constituencies cease to exist.
I agree – but I’ve heard claims from Greens that geographic electorates are obsolete and lists are the only way forward.
By a strange coincidence, Greens get all their seats via the list. If their party support dropped back threatening the threshold and they got one or two strong candidates with real chances winning/holding electorates I wonder if their stance on list only would change.
Was it Norman or Turei who said this? Link please.
Geographic representation should actually be through the local councils. This would mean strengthening those councils and making them more democratic (binding referendums could actually be more easily put in place) but I don’t see any real problem with that. Of course, as their actions in ECan and the CERA legislation show, NACT would.
Or we could have a local office in each electorate from each party with the office itself funded by the government but staffed from the party. Even a minimum sized party has enough people in it to do that. The MPs of the parties would then make rounds of the offices.
“If we do that won’t it encourage parties to put all there efforts into the bigger population centres that hold the most votes?”
They do that now. But if it becomes too big a problem, and particularly under a 100% list system, I’d expect to see a ‘Provincial Party’ form pretty quickly. Done right they’d quite concievably hold the ballance of power in perpetuity sitting on about 10-15%.
I once heard a woman tell someone that she didn’t need to bother about politics as her husband always decided who they would vote for. To make matters worse she was a secondary school teacher and this was 2008.
My mother said that once, and was shocked that I was shocked!
However, she is and was the only one… We all thought that her statement was completely mad! 😀
Why is it that the Right are always using ‘tribalism’ as a slur?
Perhaps because tribalism is one of the oldest, most enduring and most successful forms of cooperative human endeavour.
After all we can’t have people working together and supporting one another in close knit groups with common goals now can we?
Nope, if allow that then the
poorpeople won’t beso easy tosteal fromexploitable to work to their best interest.+1
Once David Cunliffe’s clients-only speech to Philips Fox tonight goes public, you will I think see the results of someone who has survived within the Labour Party and is still forging his own independent economic style and direction.
Really encouraging to hear about the Fabians, given that a recent thread on this site complained about how useless economists were. There really is an alterantive in this country.
And speaking of alternatives, OMG the Socialists and the greens are about to own the entire House in France!
That, together with the polls, makes me feel more hopeful this morning than I have in, oh, four years.
Cunliffe needs to speak to the long term issues. The undelying fundamentals need to be changed. We need strong vision. We need a leader who has the capability to interpret the real world for the youth of New Zealand: make the strong decisions; and have the capability to execute.
I think you may be pleasantly surprised, Bill. It may well cover the last time New Zealand faced an economic crisis this big, the Great Depression, and the scale and unity of national purpose required to get out of it. He may well also compare to those small countries like Denmark that are doing all right, have really clear cross-party 10 year plans and operational plans to get there. If you liked the Blockhouse Bay one, this is going to be stronger, and to a business audience.
Good for you, ad. I am gratified to see your views here. Because I am inclined to be a bit of a cynic, I desperately want you not to be disappointed or disillusioned. Never mind, keep yourself on this most positive track. Well spoken!
Phillips Fox or Kensington Swann
You said KS yesterday. They aren’t the same place chief.
Argh my bad Kensington Swan
I want to continue the ACC debate, following the 60 minutes broadcast last night featuring Bronwyn Pullar.
Particularly ianmac raises some significant points
Actually Pullar/Boag claimed that he had listened to the tape as played by one of their legal reps. Judges claim was he hadn’t ever had a copy of the tape. So it’s strange ACC is still standing by their original claims.
I think there is a major problem with ACC following some sort of systematic guidelines to pay out as little as possible. My experiences with ACC (over physiotherapy) are in keeping with Pullar’s to the extent that ACC make you feel you are claiming something you are not entitled to – even when you are entitled.
I think there is a problem with insecure computer systems – others have experienced similar acquisition of documents sent to them in error.
But there are things that seem to me to not add up, or to be exceptional with the Pullar case. It seems that Pullar and Boag are taking the opportunity to make claims beyond their experiences of ACC, and beyond the evidence they have. They seem to be aiming to completely undermine ACC, possibly in support of the government’s privatisation agenda?
My experience is not of the “out of control” ACC organisation that Pullar and Boag are claiming. I have no experience or personal knowledge of the systemic leaking of unorthorised documents – it doesn’t seem to be happening to the extent Pullar is claiming…. and how would she know beyond a few cases? My experience is of a very tightly run ACC ship, aimed first and foremost at saving money. And from what I’ve sen in the media, this has really become quite mean and vicious under NAct’s watch. It wasn’t so much like this in the earlier, Labour years, when Pullar first ran into difficulties with ACC.
In my experience, the clinical advisor and other ACC people seemed to skew their reports to get the outcomes they want (denial of funding). But the collusion between people, emails claiming Pullar is trying to rort the system etc, goes way beyond that.
While Pullar is fully entitiled to full ACC coverage, it seems to me she isn’t in as much need as the majority of claimants. For instance, I haven’t claimed some things I’m entitled to because I figured I can manage quite well without. How much does Pullar need full income replacement at a level in keeping with the high wages she was getting before her accident? That would be a sizeable sum.
Pullar has been badly treated, as have many ACC clients. But the Pullar/Boag agenda seems to be aimed at totally undermining ACC, so I don’t think they are being totally transparent.
“Pullar has been badly treated, as have many ACC clients. But the Pullar/Boag agenda seems to be aimed at totally undermining ACC, so I don’t think they are being totally transparent.”
I didn’t think that that was what Pullar was claiming Carol. She was I thought, claiming for Medical Support/Treatment to continue as she tried to extend her work days. But I don’t think it was really just about Pullar. She was speaking out on behalf of all those who had been not given the support that they were entitled to under the Act. Whistle-blowers do get a hard time as the System beats them up to protect the system. No doubt it is argued that the System is more important than the individual.
They know and we know that there are always a few who rort the system, but that should never be an excuse to deny to the majority of reasonable people. ( Bad parents. Abuse. Crime. Beneficiaries ripping off. Fraud. etc)
ianmac, they were talking about a system completely out of control, and generalising well beyond what they have evidence of.
This has not been my experience. It is quite a controlled system, but an imperfect one that, first and foremost, aims to save money. I have dealt with some helpful people within that system, and others who just follow the organisation’s mean agenda. Also, ACC has been pretty good in funding my immediate emergency and hospitalisation, as well as my continuing review appointmenst with specialists.
It seems to be provisions for recovery and substantial long-term support where this current government is trying to save money.
I’m not so inclined to take at face value Boag & Pullar’s claims to care so much about all the Kiwis who are not getting the service they are entitled to from ACC. They are handing NAct and the media the weapon to continue to undermine ACC and move it towards privatisation. They maybe also are taking the opportunity to provide the means to further undermine Collins.
60 Minutes tends to give a very selective, one-sided view of such issues.
There’s things in their claims that make me suspicious. However, I’m with Hague on the way to respond:
Carol I fell off my ladder once, and caused a huge bruised buttock. I went to the doctor just to register the event in case there was a repercussion. The doctor could only tick hip as glutomous maximus wasn’t on the list. It is my only experience with ACC but it certainly seems that there are many who have had to fight, and lose, especially with cases of sexual damage.
It seems that ACC has at least to answer some questions, especially since it is a unique and successful system and worth keeping.
Although lawyers might resent missing out on the American style litigation!
I’m not very familiar with the history of the ACC, ianmac. But it seems to me that it has been making it really hard for people to get assistance since National came to lead the government in 2008.
I don’t think there’s a big problem with ACC’s limited list of classifications. On many forms, eg physio referrals by my specialist, s/he often just writes the place of fracturing eg fractured X, which could just mean one fracture. In fact, for one of the fractured areas, there is a complicated multiple fracturing. But anyone just has to look at my hospital discharge papers to see along list of fracture here, fracture there, displaced fragment there etc.
Hi Carol … it was an extraordinary work by Sir Owen Woodhouse, who now, sadly, is too elderly to wish to comment on the predation of this government.
ACC founding principles …
Community responsibility
Comprehensive entitlement ( yes, entitlement)
Complete rehabilitation
Real compensation
Administrative efficiency.
And a couple of links for you … little did we realize they were already the halcyon days !
Thanks, yeshe.
Hmmm…”complete rehabilitation”…. seems to have fallen by the wayside particularly.
That’s what happens when a non-profit, pay as it goes, system is changed to act like a profit driven insurance company – save money and cut costs. One day I hope the economists and politicians wake up to the fact that everything must be paid for out of the currently available resources and that saving money makes no difference to this. Which means, in practical terms, that emergencies require slack in the economy so that society can respond to them.
As I said in reply to you on another thread, Pullar was clearly talking from her experience as a long -term client aka (from ACC management reports) a “swamp dewller” as in the “swamp is being drained”. I don’t think your experiences as someone who experienced an injury requiring short-term support (albeit severe) should be compared to those of people who have been on the receiving end of ACC’s liability-limitation policies for many years. Especially when you use your (different kind) of experience to challenge her lived experience and that of many others.
My last ACC claim was for a scratched cornea. I have no complaints and certainly received nobody else’s private information as a result of it. I think most who have brief encounters with ACC are reasonably happy. In my experience, most of those who have had long experience with the corporation have horrifying stories over many years, with very similar themes to Pullar’s.
That’s a fair comment, just saying. It just seemed to me that Pullar/Boag were claiming that the problems were widespread throughout the whole of the ACC system.
I do think most of the issues are about money and saving costs. Injured people who need long term support will be the most costly for ACC.
Also Pullar seemed to be saying most ACC clients had received some documents relating to other people. I think there is clearly a problem with leaky systems, which probably also is related to cost-saving. But I think only a small number of clients have received such private documents related to other people.
I am concerned that Pullar and Boag are completely undermining ACC, whereas some aspects of it work well.
And on top of his out of touch (deluded?) media comments earlier today, Key wades into the Pullar/ACC issue again without having watched the 60 minute programme
This morning Prime Minister John Key waded into the saga, suggesting Pullar was upset because she had a pre-existing condition before she suffered head injuries in a cycling accident in 2002.
Key this morning said Pullar’s case was an operational issue and he hadn’t seen last night’s interview.
”What is clear is that ACC deals with a huge number of complaints, a huge amount of data and there are always people who feel the system hasn’t treated them fairly and that is partly because the big dispute always comes around the definition of a pre-existing condition,” he told Newstalk.
”That at one level is at the heart of what sits with this Bronwyn Pullar claim.”
Boag said today Key had been misinformed if he believed Pullar had an illness before her accident.
”I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt. I think he’s (been) overseas, was talking in general terms about these issues. If he was talking specifically about Bronwyn, he’s been misbriefed… which would not surprise me in the current circumstances.”
Some times it is better to keep your mouth shut ……
The pre-existing condition one has become a dubious strategy for ACC. When I was had trouble getting more physio, I asked my specialist & physio if it was due to this pre-existing condition approach that seemed to be prevalent. They both strongly assured me my case was cut & dried. My injuries were due to a significant injury impact/trauma.
And yet, when I was in my last round of (eventually successfully) hassling over more physio, one person at ACC pretty much told me that one of my more recent symptoms (strongly highlighted by the clinical adviser) could be due to a non-injury cause and was a sticking point for ACC.
But then the next person I talked to at ACC said that the extent and nature of my injury would have been very likely to cause that symptom, so it was not an issue. That person was involved in over-seeing me being, finally, given some funding for more physio.
As far as I’m concerned, this “pre-existing” business is the last refuge of scoundrels.
Yes Key is somewhat ignorant regarding Pullar’s medical and legal case with ACC. I have personally approached Key regarding an extensive medical and legal case with ACC and he referred it onto Power and Power told me to go to the IPCA. Power was misled by the police in 2006 so I chose not to go to the IPCA in 2009.
You may find the following to be of interest: Kyle Mac Donald Psychotherapist, the comment by Jax in particular May 21, 2012 at 11.34 am
The medical diagnosis in the DSM IV which ACC use to determine the level and cause of injury is insufficent for a person who has Complex PTSD. There is a six symptom cluster that people have with Complex PTSD (the features are listed under DESNOS in the DSM 1V, but not the treatment or the term Complex PTSD) which a person with regular PTSD does not have, (Herman is the expert).
When it comes to medicine if a person does not have the correct diagnosis how can they receive the correct treatment?
It is my personal opinion that legal issues can prolong and intensify a persons medical condition. A person cannot settle their ACC case until there is TOTAL agreement in what the level of injury is, the cause, the ongoing assistance required. From time to time a review is required but this should not be adversarial.
Do ACC care at all about PTSD? I don’t know anything much about PTSD. But in my experience, ACC has no interest in the emotional or psychological impact of an injury. In my case, I do think my ability to cope with stress, and my energy level was much lowered for several months after my injury. I think I haven’t yet returned to my pre-injury state.
The measure of the impact of the impact of the accident on my general well-being, is that, for the few hours between the accident, and being put under anesthetic in the operating theatre, my body was continually trembling uncontrollably. This trembling returned intermittently in the first few days after the accident.
As soon as I got out of hospital, ACC people were talking to me about returning to work ASAP (because it’s best for people to be working). They only wanted to know about the physical requirements of my work, and whether I was physically up to it. They seemed to have no interest in whether I was emotionally or psychologically up to it, or whether I was up to dealing with the level of stress I would encounter at work.
Does Key think that Smith put his arse on the line if Pullar had a pre – existing medical condition?
I do believe that defamatory statements can cause mental injury/PTSD. Bullying on its own can cause PTSD.
As a side issue: When it comes to an ACC assessment for sexual assault/abuse two questions are asked.
Any other significant trauma?
Is this trauma related to the claim?
Carol the most telling comment for me which came out of Pullars mouth (re 60 Minutes) was how she said that her case was medical and legal. The medical side is the accident and the ACC errors are the legal side AND there is cross over between medical and legal. My solution for Pullar is in Open Mike 06/06/2012 comment 18 & 18.1.1
Gottit, Treetop.
I agree the CEO should be replaced, and ACC needs a do-over, and to be returned to its original mission. I do not trust either NAct, Boag or Collins to be working towards that.
I do have quite a bit of sympathy for Pullar’s situation, and feel ACC has treated her very badly.
But this case seems far from straightforward, and I feel various people have been opportunistic in jumping in.
I also am not trusting that Labour would work to improve ACC enough, though I think that they would work to provide a better service than NAct.
I don’t know all the details about Pullars case, so far I do not fault her. Everything she says about defamatory statements, that is how ACC including clinical assessors and the Office of the Police Commissioners operate when it comes to misleading Ministers/MPs.
Labour is intolerant to foolish CEOs/Chairpeople compared to National, I approached Clark in October 2008, I recieved a reply in 10 minutes. The change in government sabotaged my case and I did not act earlier as a family member had to come first.
Professor Grant Duncan has just been talking about the ACC scandal on Radio NZ The Panel.
Yes, it’s that programme but can someone get it up here as soon as available? (I’ve yet to learn how to do radio links.)
It’s a brilliant analysis. You won’t believe (until you hear it) what he says about Key’s character assassination attempts on Pullar. His prediction? John Judge is gone. I detected a hint of panic in Jim Mora’s voice. 🙂
There’s a link up here on ACC on the pre-panel show, not the panel-proper as yet:
It’s up now.
Professor Duncan’s contribution starts about 9 mins in…
Thanks. Good stuff about how ACC is a very cost effective scheme, is in a good financial state, and needs to restore confidence and not treat everyone as if they are out to rort the system.
The situation with Pullar is partly because ACC see her as expensive: ie was on a high wage, so expensive to keep supporting her with a high proportion of her previous salary, over the long term.
Also, Mora mentioned there’s been issues with ACC’s unwillingness to fund on-going physiotherapy over a long period.
Duncan says Judge is gone, but to a certain extent is a sacrificial lamb. however, that’s necessary.
Also he queried the whole degenerative, pre-existing wear and tear – of course anyone will have some degenerative wear as they get older. It shouldn’t stop older people getting funding for injuries.
Perhaps a new Treaty should be created. Nothing to do with te tiriti, but a brand new one between the current peoples of these islands and all immigrants from this point onwards. After all, it seems many most of the reasons for te tiriti apply today for same similar reasons.
I’ll jump to the conclusion then you can work back. You like doing that.
To ask is a presumption of power.
To ignore your negotiating partner is not an act of goodwill.
If you have all the power, enough to enforce a treaty when one is not required, you’re only intent on oppressing people.
Tired of it VTO. See a doctor. The constant need to “talk negatively” about a group of people – any group you happen to choose… maori, americans, environmentalists… It’s you that has the problem. Be honest or take your self loathing elsewhere.
I’ve never seen vto talk negatively about environmentalists. From what I gather he spends a lot of time in the natural environment and understands the environmental challenges we face first hand in a way that many can only intellectualise about.
he may well know something about the environment but he knows fuck all about tangata whenua and there ain’t much intellectualising that i can see from his input in that area – but it takes all types so kei te pai.
Oh look, another baseless personal atack by marty mars aka uturn. How surprising.
oh you poor little vot I am not uturn, we just agree on some things mainly on our opinion of you and your input. It’s okay remember there are a few of us who are less than impressed by your trojan horse technique of generating controversy.
boring, repetitive and substanceless.
Betcha your next post will be along exactly similar lines.
You know, it is a curious fact that since smarty mars turned up again a couple days ago every single post of his has been an attack at me. He has not made one single post on any other subject.
You are on a smear campaign so bloody obvious it has instant tedium.
All because you are Ngai Tahu and you do not like anything Maori being questioned. It’s history, the place and quality of te tiriti, whether first-in-first-served has a place, etc etc. You are conflicted. You have a vested interest. You are on a mission to shutdown debate. Well good luck with that because censorship has never worked.
I await the next attack.
good observation vot – yes you are on a smear campaign and although it is tedious i consider that i must oppose the bullshit you smear – stop smearing and leave your bigotry behind, just like you left your rightwing voting pattern behind – you can learn and grow and improve, you’ve done it before.
There has been no bigotry, and you have provided no proof for such despite about a dozen barren claims in the last couple days.
The bigotry rests solely with you, as is evidenced by your relentless attacks on me. As I said and you have admitted, it is you who comes at all of these issues from a predetermined Ngai Tahu position. It is you who is conflicted. It is you who has a vested interest.
And it seems you must have used up all your big swear words and abusive terms by now. Got anymore?
losing it I see – what big swear words have I used in this thread dim?
ha ha, you keep adding to yourself. little. blind. racist.
… next
is that your new one vot – “little blind racist”? Bit useless but you got the offensiveness about right – and yes i am proud of my heritage and all my whakapapa – could you say the same shamewearer?
oh, shamewearer. Another personal attack. How surprising.
… next
didn’t think so
lol, the funniest of the lot.. on so many levels ..
… next
You’re pathetic Uturn. And predictable. I suspect you are in fact some previous poster under a newish name.
“To ask is a presumption of power.”
Bullshit. And to ask what? I look forward to applying your claim elsewhere.
“To ignore your negotiating partner is not an act of goodwill.”
What negotiating partner? If you refer to Maori, then I suggested that te tiriti be left as is. A new treaty would come underneath current constitutional and other arrangements. There was no ignoring, fool.
“If you have all the power, enough to enforce a treaty when one is not required, you’re only intent on oppressing people.”
What on earth are you talking about? Full of assumptions as usual. And as for “… when one is not required…”, well you need to wake up and see what is going on in the world. It is volatile times. There are treaties of all kinds going on all over the place all of the time. It is nothing new (although the fact you seem to think it is speaks to your own eye glasses)
“Tired of it VTO. See a doctor.”
Then fuck off and ignore me.
“The constant need to “talk negatively” about a group of people – any group you happen to choose… maori, americans, environmentalists… It’s you that has the problem. Be honest or take your self loathing elsewhere.”
Perhaps you would care to provide a reference to where I have talked negatively about maori, americans or environmentalists. Because I haven’t and you are making shit up again to try and discredit me. This is a marty mars trick – are you marty mars? I asked you to do the same the other day when you made up similar bullshit about what I posted, and you didn’t provide any reference.
You uturn are stuck in a world where everything is already decided isn’t it. Your views are set. Any challenge to your tiny world gets you all hot under the collar.
Treaties are nothing new. In case you haven’t noticed NZ is negotiating several treaties right now, such as the TPP.
post-edit “I suggested that te tiriti be left as is.” Actually, it appears that wasn’t made clear. But that is the suggestion.
Perhaps I outline a little more…
The world today is awash with treaties. The EU is a form of treaty, North America has one, CER was/is another. There are countless. Most of them come under the guise of trade etc but they do in fact impact on soveriegnty (witness Australian government’s battles with big tobacco) and our ability to make laws for ourselves (witness Euro folk complaining about Brussels making laws for them without any input).
Underneath these trade treaties is a push for global ‘security’ which can be read as ‘governance’ without much difficulty. Even John Key last week referred to global security and our (his) desire to be part of that. He even signed some other new treaty with, I think, Nato of all groups.
In addition, with global volatility and looming financial firestorms there is the bogey of potential massive immigration, either controlled or uncontrolled.
Against this I suspect a substantial majority of New Zealanders do not wish to see their world altered too much from what it is now. The perception and probably reality of such alteration is that the effect would be negative. We have a way of life, a culture/s, heritage, etc that is worth preserving and enhancing.
So why would we not make moves to protect it? After all, we would only be looking to our own interests, which is exactly what big countries and big business and big people do. Play their own game straight back at them.
(and for the likes of uturn out there, it aint nothing to do with te tiritit, although it does provide a reasonable template to step off from).
“So why would we not make moves to protect it?”
As I said below, the enemy is within. We don’t want Key et al making treaties because they don’t give a shit about sovereignty. Until NZ is willing to vote in governments that take this seriously we are screwed. IMO you’re asking the wrong question. Yes we should be taking our future security in the face of climate change, peak oil and economic collapse seriously, but we can’t do much until we have sovereignty established at home.
gah, in moderation for over an hour. What going on? Uturn in control? Oh well, just as well a blog isn’t real..
I’ve been caught up in moderation a couple of times this morning.
oh vto you are just a dim – why do you keep bringing me into your demented rants – get this straight – I am not interested in you other than the disinformation and bigotry you put out, which I must oppose. Get a life and please don’t bring my name up unless you have a fucken good reason.
“oh vto you are just a dim – why do you keep bringing me into your demented rants – get this straight – I am not interested in you other than the disinformation and bigotry you put out, which I must oppose. Get a life and please don’t bring my name up unless you have a fucken good reason.”
Stop following me around.
Face it – you don’t like the current maori way and issues being questioned so you personally attack. There aint no disinformation and there is no bigotry. Perhaps, like uturn, you could point to some evidence for your attack – otherwise you are just another hollow shithead.
And look, once again uturn has fled when his bullshit attack is queried.
Can’t put up any evidence to support his claims so runs away. This is a common trait.
Isn’t this called trolling? Uturn, or marty mars, whichever one you are (you do turn up together and post in near identical manners), how about you grow some balls and provide some proof of where I have talked negatively about maori, americans or environmentalists because it doesn’t exist except in that tiny empty head of yours.
Come on.
Put up or shut the fuck up.
[lprent: They don’t look like the same person to me from the look of the IPs and timing. ]
we aren’t the same person and I can’t understand why the moderators are allowing fuckwit vot to continue implying that i am and continuing to try and ‘out’ an identity. Sure, you let vot disrespect a guest poster (QoT) in the past, fair enough, but this ‘outing’ is a deliberate, repetitive, blatent attempt – is that the way it works now?
And there it is – the blind little racist smarty mars making more baseless accusations. Point out where I disrespected QoT.
Boring, repetitive, substanceless.
don’t act thicker than you already are – you know that I directly queried that with the moderators at the time.
this is what you said
this is what i said
and this is what 1prent said
So that one is proved – want me to find some of your bigotry now, there is tons to choose from.
Well if that is what you see as proof then it is clear you are losing the plot in your rabid smear campaign.
There was no such disrespect, there was response in kind. You have proved nothing.
The fact that no moderator pulled me up proves it.
The fact that no moderator has pulled me up anywhere in response to your school kid-like claims about me also proves that you have nothing and are making it all up.
… continue with your smears – they just reflect on you …
try reading it dim
you said, “And there it is – the blind little racist smarty mars making more baseless accusations. Point out where I disrespected QoT.”
i showed you by quoting you saying, “What a piece of fucking shit that post is.”
Are you saying that your statement doesn’t disrespect that guest poster?
I’m letting your rank “blind little racist” go, simply because that sums you up so well.
in case you have never noticed, using the word “fuck” is something QoT does. All the time. She is happy to do so and everybody is happy for her to do so. Good for her. Go back through her post and you will see the word “fuck”. So clearly there is no disrespect given that is her standard manner of communicating. If anything, replying to her in her own manner shows respect, not disrespect.
You are twisted in how you see things.
… next
You mean we’re being colonised again? 😉 And the new colonisers will be so good as to make a treaty with us? Who would they be? US cultural imperialists? Neoliberalists? The English (god, not them again) who are buying up so much land with their good exchange rate?
It’s not the incomers we have to worry about this time. It’s those who hold the power over immigration and economic policy. The enemy is within, my friend.
Yes agreed weka, see my post just above (oh, it’s in moderation). I guess what I am suggesting is a form of treaty which stems from and for the people rather than the usual which stem from government, trade and business.
One other fact which most New Zealanders never even consider … these islands can support a population of 50 – 100 million (think UK and Japan). The only reason it is not yet at this level is its very recent twin discoveries – there simply hasn’t been the passage of time to take the population up to populations similar in density to UK and Japan.
But population and human movements are a bit like water finding its level. At some point NZ will be as densely populated as Japan and the UK. This is surely a given. So one of the following questions is how will this happen? Will it happen slowly and in a measured way? Or will it happen with several larger influxes (as it has to date)? I suspect several larger influxes and imo people have forgotten, or not even considered, that this will happen (as it has to date). And these sorts of things happen at times of world volatility – as we are entering / have entered now.
NZ cannot support that many people. We’re currently at about twice the rate of consumption that this land can support. If we really sorted our shit out and reduced out footprint by half we might be able to sustain our present population over the medium/long term.
But I agree with you that there will likely be immigration pressure on NZ, from climate change and economic crises refugees. Also places running out of potable water and enough food. I haven’t seen a good analysis yet on NZ’s options for that future (although I am betting that certain people in the Ureweras have been thinking about it). We should be thinking about it now.
No fraking way, we’d never meet the energy requirements of that population without numerous nuclear power stations and/or massive daily imports of oil.
weka and CV, I was basing that on current parameters i.e. if the UK and Japan (and other high density places like Holland, Sumatra, Bangladesh, etc) can support such densities then so can we.
If energy and other necessities change and mean we can’t here then they they surely wont there either … that is a scary thought … and makes such treaty ideas worthy of serious consideration. Not that I imagine any document will stop such heavy global changes, but they may soften their blow. A bit like te tiriti again actually perhaps.
Dude you are talking about places which built those population densities up on massive and increasing inputs of external energy.
That was the case for the last 50 years. Its not the case for the next 50. We can not get on that curve, we cannot afford to import 2 million barrels of oil a day.
Re: Sumatra and Bangladesh, yes you can have large populations in a small space but usually resource constraints on the economy mean that the median income is very low.
Understand that but I would suggest that the human ability to harness and utilise energy is probably only just getting underway and as such the scenario of 100million people living between Kaitaia and Bluff is probable.
Sure, carbon-derived energy may be reaching an endpoint, but carbon is the least common form of energy available. It is just our ability to harness various other energy sources that is the limiting factor.
I predict some massive waves of change arriving on our shores over the next century or so.
“It is just our ability to harness various other energy sources that is the limiting factor.”
Actually no. The limiting factor is physics. The crucial bit is energy returned on energy invested (EROEI). None of the other energy sources we currently have available that we could develop technology for have the same degree of energy gained for energy expended in extraction/creation. That combined with how the economy is entwined (because we make money from nothing rather than producing real wealth in the physical world) means that we can’t even make good use of the remaining oil we have to develop solar, wind etc to tide us over during the power down.
To put it another way. We live waaaay beyond our means, and the bank manager is about to pull the plug.
If the energy stuff doesn’t get you, have a think about how to produce enough food for 100 million people within the NZ landbase without having cheap oil to do so.
I completely agree, but I don’t think that what I am predicting is what you are predicting.
(added:) the change is going be massive and it will only take 15-20 years to become blatantly clear, not 100.
And some time in that 10 to 20 years we will be closing the border and allowing no one across as we’ll just have too many difficulties with the over-population we already have.
Will we have the capability of defending that?
Not if we keep going the way we are with our defence forces, i.e, specialising them for UN peace keeping missions rather than national defence and not producing our own weapons systems.
Distance is our best defense. Anybody walking down here will piss off so many bigger nations by going through the Pacific that it won’t be worth their trouble.
But we need a modicum of defense capabilities to deal with overly ambitious boat people and externally resourced insurrection (although this does not mean I think the unregistered firearms raids were warranted in any sense other than the literal).
Its not fashionable in the Lefty crowd but I agree. We need a strong national defence force and a homegrown defence industry.
The Netherlands, UK and Japan would be able to support nowhere near their present populations if they had to actually feed and clothe themselves from their own resources.
We’ve got plenty of coal we can use to support the growing energy requirements.
Don’t count on that. Without the advantages of oil fuelled farming I’d be surprised if we could support much more than what we have now.
We could support our current population without oil and fertiliser. But 1/3 of NZers would be working on the land.
That still leaves 2/3rds to do everything else that we need. Computers, universities, R&D, Art&Culture, mining etc. All possible within the resources that we have even without oil. The problem only kicks in when we get over populated which will happen if we don’t accept that we need to limit population.
Once we become a Republic, which is closer than you think – see Greens policy – a new Treaty of Waitangi will have to be negotiated because their will be no Crown as the other partner.
Will be very interesting as will probably take many years to get any agreement, as the original signatories are not around (only by hearsay).
I think it could take quite a while – it will be difficulty to get sufficient popular support while the current queen remains, and she could hang in there for quite a few years yet. It will be difficult in even starting preparations for a change to an independent nation.
But we can talk and hope and promote.
Why can the Crown side of the Treaty not be transferred to whatever takes over from the Crown?
Have to agree with Marty below. We’re still not getting the current treaty right. Talk of having to have a new treaty that will take years to arrange sounds suspicious to me.
That’s already happened. It’s no longer the Crown that holds the responsibility for Te Tiriti but parliament.
I can’t see how creating a new treaty would be of any use at all considering the previous one hasn’t been honoured by the Crown. You are trying to create advantage for yourself and somehow that doesn’t surprise me.
“I can’t see how creating a new treaty would be of any use at all considering the previous one hasn’t been honoured by the Crown.”
Of course you can’t and I’ve said that to you before. You’re a bit thick and too caught in your own rigid tiny world
” You are trying to create advantage for yourself and somehow that doesn’t surprise me.”
No. How pathetic.
Here’s the PM this morning:
No word of what he thinks was wrong in media reports, saying that parents were stupidly falling for media spin. Dude should face up. It was a crap policy, people know it. Yes, they backed down, but you don’t get a pat on the head for proposing shit policy, simple as that. Especially when you are still trying to claim that the policy you backed down from was good policy.
Oh, dear. Little Johnny has got so used to the media supporting him and his policies, he doesn’t know how to respond to critical media.
It’s not a great idea to attack the media, as we have seen following the teapot tapes…. is Johnny losing it?
Big time.
And another example – what planet is he on? Stuff article post Key’s morning TV appearance:
Prime Minister John Key says he’s not “down in the mouth” about recent polls showing a fall in support for National.
He has dismissed suggestions the loss of support for his Government is only because of last week’s humiliating backdown on its plan to increase class size, saying voters are also angry because of the rise in tobacco tax.
Key this morning said the shift in the polls wasn’t because of one issue.
“I don’t actually accept that,” he told TVNZ’s Breakfast programme.
A quarter of New Zealanders smoked and the Government was putting a big cost on them, he said.
“There will be some of those people who say I don’t like that and I’m going to reflect that in the poll,” Key said.
The Government was raising tobacco tax because it “cared about them and we want them to live”.
Governments had to “stand up for things they believed in”, Key said.
I’m a (heavy) smoker but don’t believe that I have ever thought about this in terms of deciding who I would vote for.
That’s either the worst bit of spin ever or a seriously deluded man.
Yeah there’s this thing I’ve just done that affects almost 100% of the population and almost everybody hates it but my drop in support is because of something else I’ve done which every govt does all the time and only affects a quarter of the population.
What a dork.
His worst was on explaining his slide in the pref. PM poll.
It’s the National Party’s fault, they’re dragging him down because he is so closely linked with them in the public mind, so don’t read too much into that.
Crikey. I’m leaning toward “deluded”.
And remind me again how Key came to be so closely linked with that National Party? Oh, wait, he’s their leader and was posted all over their billboards last election….. I though he was National’s main strength?
Their main strength and their potential weakness. That’s the trouble with ‘strong’ leadership. Once the leader is ‘gone’ nothing is left.
I liked what Mike Williams said on Nat radio this morning. He acknowledged the essential meaninglessness of the polls this far out but pointed out what they mean in terms of activist support- “puts lead in their pencils’ was what he essentially said. More work done, more money, more commitment generally.
When my brother was alive, probably 2003 (the year before he died) he told me he’d met a fellow salesman at an hotel, who sold tobacco products, and the salesman had told him that the 30% of people smoking (official figure at the time) was wildly wrong – that the real figure was 55% or more. ‘I could never make a living if it was really only 30%’ he said…
A quarter of New Zealanders smoked and the Government was putting a big cost on them, he said.
A quarter? And the rest… 🙂
The Government was raising tobacco tax because it “cared about them and we want them to live”.
Cared about us? Nonsense. No smoker I know believes that.
Agreed! I never have either…
He’s becoming as crazy and deluded as the ACT caucus. I get a perverse sense of pleasure in watching him melt down and can only hope, given that NAct have placed so many eggs in the basket of his cult of no personality, that he takes them all with him.
oooh look media manipulation time
Holy pedo-smile batman, they’re actually using that photo!
He is so creepy.
How about this one of the Zeroes: http://fmacskasy.wordpress.com/2012/06/09/teachers-first-now-the-police/
Stuff were advertising the live chat all weekend using the photo up at the top of their home page. It put me off going there after seeing it first thing on Saturday!
So the Nats are planning to rush asset sales legislation through parliament.
Maybe it’s time to blockade parliament? Are there enough people in Wellington willing to keep up a protest presence outside the Beehive? And people in other cities willing to set up satellite process during the time the bill is being rushed through parliament?
It’s time that all parties in opposition to the asset sales said that they would re-nationalise them come 2014 when they’re back in power (and they will be back in power).
Yes i agree.
+1. A collectively endorsed statement showing that ACT and National are on their own.
So why are they not doing it then….Time has long since past on this one..
I think you know the answer why B,
Its because the “opposition” is a myth!
Peeople still falling for the ” opposition party” concept, are as I have said many times, part of the problem!
Good idea Carol.
Great. Not the urgency & legislation but the protests. Go make some noise.
A policy pronouncement today on radionz – the prospect of Labour needing the Greens alongside to get into power puts off many Labour supporters. Then a recent comment that Labour and National have both moved to the centre. Surely there are enough Labour supporters who wish to see a real left-wing party again, not just one that serves the house-decorating and ostentatious consumption class?
the prospect of Labour needing the Greens alongside to get into power puts off many Labour supporters.
Wasn’t that a comment from Matthew Hooton? … or even Mike Williams, who said as a centre left person, up til the class size announcement, National hadn’t done anything to make him dislike them……. ‘Nuff said.
Carol Yes – couldn’t remember who said what. And like the double rainbow ‘What does it mean’.
Hooten would say that, wouldn’t he!
Just read the crap in NBR.
Surely there are enough Labour supporters who wish to see a real left-wing party again,
Absolutely there is!
I think most of them will refrain from voting altogether until Labour finally decides to be Labour again.
Bill O’Drees early on 13/6 OpenMike put this link up with a good item on Labour’s possible path. Does he make some good points? Labour supporters can’t afford to be too relaxed. If you fall into a pit there has to be a lot of energy expended to get back to level ground.
Chris Trotter in a thought provoking mood in his Bowlalleyroad blog. Have a read.
There was an interesting interview with Sir Stephen Tindall from the Pure Advantage group on Nine to Noon this morning. He strongly criticized successive government for not supporting our “Clean, Green” brand and positioning us to take advantage of developing green industries. We are losing the Green Race:
There was one guy who said that his firm won a contested contract because of the clean, green PR. But is worried that if it becomes just PR about what will happen then. What else differentiates us enough to get notice, overcome distance?
On business prospects for NZ – on Radionz They should be OK if the exchange rate stays down.
If! It’s like an Act of God we’re waiting for not a mechanism set up by supposedly clever gentlemen. And how can we keep the exchange rate down? Perhaps we shouldn’t appear to be such a stable little country. A few riots about conditions might help. Let the fast money maniacs and their money machines get their kicks and marginal profits from some other country.
TODAY Mon 11 June 3 – 4.30pm Intersection protest opposite Britomart – then protest outside Serious Fraud Office (SFO) 21 Queen St – demanding SFO DO THEIR JOB!
(A formal letter will be handed over calling for URGENT ACTION by SFO staff responsible for Fraud and Corruption).
Investigate John Banks for BRIBERY and CORRUPTION re: $50,000 donated by Kim Dotcom in return for ‘immigration assistance’ ; assistance to help purchase the Coatsville mansion and undeclared ‘gifts and hospitality’ worth more than $500?
Spot the difference!
Taito Phillip Field gets sentenced to SIX years jail for bribery and corruption for providing immigration assistance to Thai nationals in return for work on his properties – dodgy John Banks continues to be politically protected by shonky John Key – Prime Minister of NZ ‘perceived’ to be ‘the least corrupt country in the world’?
Mind you – given shoinky John Key’s proven track record over effective ‘insider trading’ over his undisclosed Tranz Rail shares – no surprises that he is not leading from front when it comes to ‘ethical’ behaviour?
SFO have NOT treated formal complaint as ‘BRIBERY and CORRUPTION’ complaint – but as a ‘SERIOUS AND COMPLEX FRAUD’ complaint – which it is NOT!!!
For details of complaint – check out http://www.dodgyjohnhasgone.com
PLEASE! If you can – get your butt down to Britomart! 🙂
(Bring the rest of you as well 🙂
Penny Bright
I followed up on freedom’s link to PM questions. Very long shot with:
“Teachers are used to larger classes and teach accordingly.
It seems that Smaller classes are only effective if teachers learn to modify their teaching strategies in order to cater for the “Long Tail. ”
Therefore would you support such Teacher Training and Re-training?
And in due course modify the class size to suit modern methods?”
Dpf has gets his prick on:
sets the tone for comments.
Another call for a wideranging debate on the future of Super:
It’s a pity he included an inter-party dig, but otherwise he’s correct.
How about support from bloggers from The Standard for an inter-blog call for discussion, and a pledge to have a wide ranging blog debate on the future of super without resorting to political point scoring?
I believe Lab, NF, Maori, UF and now act are calling for a debate/rethink.
That is a majority in the house.
Why dont they put up a bill in the house?
Because they can’t. The only parties who can are the parties in government which means that they need Nationals permission and they won’t get that.
It’s going to take substantial discussion inside and outside parliament before getting to the bill stage.
The only discussion we should be having on super, is, how successful a GMI has been on removing poverty amongst the elderly, and how soon we can extend the same to the rest of our people.
Starting with the 20% of children living in poverty.
Removing the tax cuts to the top 1% would be a start, in affordability.
Also, this for the pointy heads.
Reducing Impaired Driving in NZ
Number 2557382 View Certificate Of Incorporation
Incorporated 16-FEB-2012
Current Status REGISTERED
Organisation Type Charitable Trust
In existence for less than 4 Months and now the ‘go to’ organisation for comment on the issue for National TV news?
You mean Key and his merry band of backwoodsmen/women are a car wreck ?
I’m just waiting for the gutless and rather thick eggs who comprise what passes as the Fourth Estate in NZ to get their little yuppie tits in a tangle when they conclude that KeyShit’s been bullshitting them all for years.
Oh how they will turn ! Even that Tracey Watkins rubbish I reckon.
I’ve just watched……yes I’m gonna say it……that utter bastard Key on late news saying that the only problem with the dumbing down of NZ education (higher quality teaching my arse!) is that it wasn’t sold well enough…….”end orl th’ Cebnit ‘gree ‘bet theret…” simpers he in that weak, effeminate little voice of his.
Watch the eyes……they’re dead…….he’s utterly bored with it all. Why ?……because he’s simply mouthing off spin lines written by some twisted thing in Sydney or wherever.
Just like the little girly who thought she was his favourite Cab Min…….Hek Yeah Stoolie Hung Out to Dry. Bet you Sir Well Paid-Off Wira is pissed seeing his wahine treated like shit. But still she mouths off spin, spin, spin turns to spam, spam, spam, in 4 hours. Call from King John in Angela Merkel’s waiting room. And she’s still smiling, according to the spin manual. As though she/they had a victory in the whole bizo.
Anyone old enough to agree with me that she’s a dead ringer for the not unattractive Elsie Tanner of Coronation Street 1966 or so ? Whatever happened to the venerable Pat Phoenix ?
Bets on Hek Yeah rising from the flames ? Dunno. There’ll be a cache of spin to deal with that question, one way or the other. That’s all that matters to a cheapie like Key. Obama carries that bloody nuclear briefcase. Key carries the equivalent of a make-up box. What A Man !