Open mike 16/10/09

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, October 16th, 2009 - 32 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:


We’re trying a daily “Open mike”.

This is a place for anyone to post comments on topics that might be of interest, and for any discussion following up on the comments. Over to you…

32 comments on “Open mike 16/10/09 ”

  1. BLiP 1

    Ooooh – gives me the creeps to mention it, but compare the leads between the New Zealand Fox News Herald and the DomPost today – I would say the Herald has actually got something right for once.

    The Herald’s lead is that the new police powers are a real threat whereas the Stuff Up is spinning fear about organised crime reaching “crisis point”.

    • Oh yeah,

      That’s only just the beginning though. Crime stoppers for anonymous tipoffs to the police just like in East Germany and the new police spying powers combined will make for a very unpleasant fear mongering. Just what you need to slowly implement a police state so you can come in a loot the place.

      • IrishBill 1.1.1

        I strongly recommend that all of our readers ring crime stoppers in the next 24 hours to report the theft of $400,000 of housing allowances.

  2. As we were told yesterday that the NZ government is borrowing a whopping $ 250 million a week it might pay to once again give you the link to “Money as Debt” and the “Money Masters”.

    So who are we borrowing from?

    Well, I would like to point out that unbeknownst to us, the wider public, the New York Federal Reserve has lend the New Zealand Reserve bank a whopping $ 9 Billion from the October bail out money. What do they know what we don’t and why were we not told of this transaction and does this mean we are borrowing money made out of thin air from the Wall street scheisters who will charge us interest on this money made out of thin air?

    I guess these are the questions our more intelligent journo’s should be asking our own Wall street scheister made Prime Minister but I won’t hold my breath on it.

    But if we are borrowing money from the FRNY we are so screwed.

    • BLiP 2.1

      Far – fucking – out!! That is truely, truely spooky. Now we know what John Key was really up to in New York – all the while I thought he was just making a twat of himself on Letterman. Turns out, he was there to hand over $9 billion Kiwi dollars in return for $9 Billion make-believe US dollars – $3,000 for every New Zealander – and – Bernanke doesn’t know what’s going on and nor does our so-called media! What have we got ourselves into . . .

      I’m stunned.

  3. Guess who said this?

    “The legislative process has been rushed and inadequate given this bill’s complexity and significance. The public has not had adequate time to examine and submit on the bill, and it is evitable that serious mistakes will be made that will adversely affect New Zealanders.’

    It was in the National Party’s minority report on the ETS introduction bill last year.

    It now wants submitters to have 10 minutes each to submit and intends to have the bill returned to Parliament by November 16. The time between introduction of the Bill and the end of submissions is 19 days, and the select committee process finishes 34 days later.

    The bill is very complex. Treasury predicts the impact on the Crown as much as $73 billion by 2050. One would think that care should be taken.

    The comparison with the process for the bill that introduced the Emissions Trading Scheme is fascinating. The public were allowed 87 days to prepare submissions and the select committee took 6 months to hear submissions and report back. Up to 6 times as much time was allowed then compared to now. But this did not stop the above criticism by National.


  4. light relief


    the mercy seat – live!

    sorry – if anyone wants to tell me how to make the nice links – I’d appreciate it

    [To summarise the advice below you enter text in your comment in this way to create a clickable link:
    <a href=”http://your-link”>your clickable text description</a>
    that will appear as:
    your clickable text description
    — r0b]

      • Herodotus 4.1.1

        This does not work for me I get a “diagnostic connection problem” any solutions?
        p.s. regarding good jornos. Have you not notice (On TV at least) the young attracive faces fronting the reports. Presentation is far more important than substance you could get the impression from.

  5. singularian 5

    Marty – swap square brackets for greater and lesser arrows

    [ a href=”url you want to link to”>Word that will be a link<a]

    catchpa – tested. – too much

  6. gingercrush 6

    Hmm so National MP Kanwaljit Singh Bakshi has been cleared of wrongdoing yet for some reason I’m dissatisfied. I was never convinced there was anything dodgy or corrupt. But if there is someone saying he has been threatened then surely just because that person has left New Zealand doesn’t mean the case should be dropped. Somehow I don’t think we’ll ever find out the truth on this one.

    I do have to question Labour’s role in this. Hodgson used parliamentary privilege to read out Darshan Singh Saran’s statement. This is of course the right of parliamentarians. But Labour need to be careful of their accusations and to ensure that if they’re going to attack the government over something that could be dodgy. To ensure it is in fact dodgy.

  7. cool – i’ll test it tomorrow – thanks

  8. ak 8

    Testing new linky skills (ta muchly) with Grin of the week

    Interracial Couple Denied Marriage License By Louisiana Judge

    Money quote:

    “If he does an interracial marriage for one couple, he must do the same for all, he said.

    “I try to treat everyone equally,” he said.”

  9. Ianmac 9

    Hope you dont mind testing linking:
    [ a href=”″>Govt media problems</a]
    Does it work?

    [Nearly right. Enter text in your comment in this way to create a clickable link:
    <a href=”http://your-link”>your clickable text description</a>
    that will appear as:
    your clickable text description
    — r0b]

  10. Ianmac 10

    a picture says it all
    Herald cartoon re Public Servants salary.

  11. Ianmac 11

    Yay! 😎 Thanks everyone.

  12. Pascal's bookie 12

    Bye bye Garth George.

    • Draco T Bastard 12.1

      The sooner the better. His column should have been cancelled years ago when it became obvious that he was spouting crap that had been disproved years ago.

      • Ianmac 12.1.1

        Dreadful stuff George writes but I suppose it is an insight into what a very conservative religious group is thinking. A sort of know your enemy thingy?

  13. Dear god, went to sleep last night with the radio going, woke up at around 11 to the sound of David Farrar and Stephen Franks debating ACC! grumble grumble, that’s not going to happen again!

    Anyway, idiot of the day goes to Farrar, his comment of somthing along the lines of ‘The average New Zealander pays $1200 a year in to ACC, but is lucky to get 50 dollars out’, Yes Farrar that is how insurance works.

    I pay around 25 dollars a week insurance, and normally get nothing out of it, except for the week when my bike got stolen and I got several thousand dollars out of it, my bike not getting stolen in all the other weeks did not give sufficient reason to cancel it.

  14. Rex Widerstrom 14

    Well since we’re sharing Friday funnies…

    Farmer Fred was overseeing his herd in a remote mountainous pasture in Canterbury when suddenly a brand-new BMW advanced toward him out of a cloud of dust.

    The driver, a man in an Armani suit, Gucci shoes, RayBan sunglasses and YSL tie, leaned out the window and asked the farmer, “If I tell you exactly how many cows and calves you have in your herd, Will you give me a calf?”

    Fred looks at the man, then looks at his peacefully grazing herd and calmly answers, “Sure, Why not?”

    The yuppie parks his car, whips out his Dell notebook computer, connects it to his iPhone, uses an app to get an exact GPS fix on his location, then uses another app to get a satellite image of the area.

    He plus his iPhone into his laptop, opens the photo in Photoshop and exports it to an online image processing facility in Hamburg, Germany .

    Within seconds, he receives an email on his iPhone that the image has been processed and the data stored. He then accesses an MS-SQL database
    through an ODBC connected Excel spreadsheet using his IPhone as a wireless modem.

    Finally, he prints out a full-color, 150-page report on his miniaturised HP printer, turns to the darmer and says, “You have exactly 1,586 cows and calves.”

    “That’s right. Well, I guess you can take one of my calves,” says Fred.

    The farmer watches the man select one of the animals, and looks on with amusement as he stuffs it into the trunk of his car.

    Then Fred says, “Hey, if I can tell you exactly what your business is, will you give me back my calf?”

    The well-dressed man thinks about it for a second and then says, “Okay, why not?”

    “You’re an MP”, says Fred.

    Wow! That’s correct,” says the man, “but how did you guess that?”

    “No guessing required..” answered the farmer.

    “You showed up here even though nobody called you; you want to get paid for an answer I already knew, to a question I never asked. You used thousands of dollars worth of equipment trying to show me how much smarter than me you are; and you don’t know a thing about how working people make a living – or about cows, for
    that matter.

    “This is a herd of sheep. .

    “Now give me back my dog.”

    • Ianmac 14.1

      That’s hilarious! Heard of sheep? I bet the MP would then get stuck into the reasons that it was the other part’s fault and blah blah blah….

    • ak 14.2

      Heh, nice one Rex!

      ….and according to my sources that politician then sped off red-faced only to be pulled over further down the road by a cop, who upon recognising the speedster, drawled “Okay buddy, where’s the shower…”

  15. Piggy 15

    Here’s a ‘friday funny.’

    Mr Moore said globalisation was “not a policy, it’s a process” and while it could be slowed it could not be stopped. Fascist and Marxist states that arose after the Great Depression had been vicious and protectionist.

    Protectionism was the “crack cocaine” of economics. “It does stimulate you for a while but it is addictive and it will eventually kill you.”

    The cover has endorsements by former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, and former Czech President Vaclav Havel. It was launched jointly by Foreign Minister Murray McCully and Labour leader [b]Phil Goff.[/b]

    Nice one Phil. How very ‘progressive’ of you.

  16. ak 16

    You’re friggin jokin. Way to kill a vibe, Pigster, what an image.

    The Goffbot fellating Flake the Knife not five minutes since the traitorous douchesack sunk repeated daggers into Helen’s back pre-election.

    Sickening faux-loyalty twixt the addled architects of rogernomics – and confirmation of the burning need for change – and the sooner the better, don’t do another Alliance on us (I like that young redhead).

    The Moore-on stumbled on one truth, but: “the poor will now rescue the rich”. (If by “rescue” he means “ravish”: with thinly-contained delight (all the while remaining polite) and grim satisfaction at long-overdue utu for centuries of blatant genocide, rape, expropriation, denigration, manipulation, exploitation and abuse of every imaginable kind)

    Witness the craven, spoon-fed spawn of massey’s cossacks now at the helm of “Wrightie” Wrightsons – the quintessentially racist, elitist, sexist, whateverist, tory chin-seekers of old, now crawling cap-in-hand to the yellow peril for crumbs from the workers’ table.

    Witness the nips – japs – er – Japanese now joining the BRIC to form a new global reserve currency.

    Witness the disaster of the grotesque neo-colonistic efforts of Farm Systems Uruguay.

    Witness health reform, (and massive imminent upheaval to the good) in the land of the free elite.

    And revel, brothers and sisters, in the warm endorsement of your adherence to the major prophets.

    Observe with charity as the meek, inexorably, inherit the earth.