Open mike 17/07/2010

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, July 17th, 2010 - 10 comments
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10 comments on “Open mike 17/07/2010 ”

  1. Santi 1

    “Marxist-Leninist ideology seemed to grant its adepts the power to sin with impunity.
    The rest of humanity were regarded as mere raw material objects upon which they were free to work without ethical restraint.
    The crimes of their enemies were shrilly condemned, while those committed by their friends and allies were passed over in silence’.

    Scathing words written by no other than Chris Trotter, The left in NZ must be in disarray.

    And the clincher: “I found the superior attitude of left-wingers intolerable’.

    • jcuknz 1.1

      Really it is typical of human nature … not just those of socialistic bent.
      Although I was taken and gladdened by the suggestion of Pete George at Kiwiblog that the ideological camps were separated by a mountain of moderates. So rant on …. neither of you are going anywhere far.

    • RedLogix 1.2

      Well that’s fine selective quoting santi; of course if you had been reading Chris for any time you would have well known that he has been long set against extremist ideologs of all shades, whatever the label attached. He has long spoken out against the extremist expressions of Marxism communism, Maori nationalism, enviromental fundamentalism and the vitriolic margins of femminism…and been marginalised and hated for it.

      At core Chris holds true to the kind of social democracy that has its roots deeply bedded in the soil of liberal Christian ethics, epitomised by the words “you are your brother’s keeper”. For this I find him the most reliable reading on the left, while he may detour and stray from time to time, his moral compass impeccably points true.

    • Whiskey Tango Mike Foxtrot 1.3

      There are many examples of this behavior through out history. You have fallen for the failed paradigm and stage show called “the left and right”, or “the red team verses the blue team”. These constructs have both been rendered ineffective at good government but excel at keeping the public dumbfucked, lazy and frustrated. Anyone meeting a certain standard in society is made to chase their own tail as their puppet masters hypnotize them into greater brutality against the lesser psychotic members of society.
      The “multi-nationals”, is doublespeak for the centralization of power, elimination of competition and the establishment of the New World Order. Wall Street runs America from their militant socialist industrial complex to the White House and then all the way down to the Drug Bosses of south and central America. ( of course now Afganland)
      It’s not your fault Santi, they are using you own weakness (of mind) against you. It’s your greed, your understanding of underlying economic factors, most recently called a green halo and most anciently refereed to as ego – it’s become a giant prophylactic protecting you on the inside.

  2. joe90 2

    The new British Justice Secretary plans a shake-up of the prison system based on rehabilitation rather than incarceration. Note to Judith, the Tory Lib-dem coalition seems to have the nous and the political will to try to fix the festering sore that is their prison system but you want to continue down the same old road with ours, why?.

  3. logie97 3

    I wonder if Minister Wilkinson could list the names of companies that are New Zealand owned that employ more than 50 people. Me thinks she would be hard pressed. Seems to me we are having yet another sell-out to multi-nationals.

  4. Herodotus 4
    Perhaps the depth of journalism is starting to be questioned, but where will all these carbon copy women find alternative employment. Aere we with our prejudices going to make a section of our society unemployable?

  5. Quoth the Raven 5

    Argentina, a predominately Catholic country managed to pass gay marriage and adoption laws. That’s more liberal legislation in this area than Labour, who passed the “same but different” cop out which is civil unions and did nothing on gay adoption, managed in nine years of power here.

    • prism 5.1

      QTR Do you have to diss everything? Labour did something worth while even if it didn’t go to the full extent of gay marriage that some would like. Seems to me you’re stuck in negative mode.

      Have you tried a tablespoonful of cider vinegar in a cup of hot water sweetened with a tablespoonful of honey. Supposed to be restorative.

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