Open mike 17/10/09

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, October 17th, 2009 - 6 comments
Categories: open mike - Tags:


We’re trying a daily “Open mike”.

This is a place for anyone to post comments on topics that might be of interest, and for any discussion following up on the comments. Over to you…

6 comments on “Open mike 17/10/09 ”

  1. Jenny 1

    The Best of Us, The Worst of Us, revealed in Aisling Symes Tragedy.

    Sadly Aisling Symes body has been recovered and the means of her tragic death are understood.

    During this time of grief and outpouring of public support for her family, there may also be a time for some reflection.

    On her shocking disappearance, and at the very peak of the speculation that an Asian woman may have been involved in the Aisling’s disappearance, Winston Peters intentionally used the fear inducing term “human tsunami” to smear immigrants and grab the headlines.

    The search for Aisling brought out the very best in many people. Though jumping to wrong conclusions can sometimes expose an ugly side to the New Zealand psych.

    In my view, Winston Peters, hate mongering, against immigrants at the height of this emergency is one of those ugly things that sometimes arise in times of a national crisis, a demagogue who tries to exploit the crisis for their own ends.

    The sight of our country’s prime political opportunist, appearing on national TV, attempting to make political capital from this terrible tragedy, was disturbing to say the least.

    Scape goating immigrants may have worked for Peters in the past, when he needed to lift New Zealand First poll ratings when they fell into the margin of error. But by preying on the recent atmosphere of suspicion engendered against Asians, around the Aisling Symes disappearance, Peters may have finally gone to far.

    This time Winston Peters may have misread the mood of the public, possibly even further alienating his remaining New Zealand First supporters.

    All I can say if this happens, is good riddance.

  2. Mach1 2

    Some full blown craziness….WTF.

  3. Pascal's bookie 3


    heh peak wingnut is surely approaching.

    Mexican drug war notes.

    Drug addict and race baiter not wanted in their club by bosses of NFL teams. The liberal conspiracy now controls professional sports. w00t!