having looked thru the herald offerings this morn..
..(and finding only two pieces worth linking to..a tv show heads-up..and a non-update on the brown-poontang-inquiry..(with the latter not really deserving inclusion..)
..and then thinking about their (rumoured) plans to go behind a paywall..
Well you’d think the inquiry would be fairly cut and dried so shouldn’t be taking this long although now they have to find out why pants down Brown was so evasive about the trip to Hong Kong and who traveled with him (although lets face it I think we all know it was)
‘Pants down’ brown.
Whale Oil insults already.
Can’t you guys discuss without resorting to insults? Is it possible to reason and not rely on puerile comments?
I think it’s a winner and with the imprimatur (I’m not sure what that means but it sounds good) of Chris Knox – well I’m bowled over.
edit Just got Connection closed by remote server. Here comes the clown again!
And again. Will try agin and leave and come back later. Probably the message will have flashed round the world 100 times by then.
Not my system at present. Akismet (the anti-spam engine) appears to be having issues. Keeps being sluggish and winds up putting the comments into moderation for a later check.
Shilling for property developers lobby Giving Joyce a megaphone while undermining the legitimacy of those who criticise the Air NZ selldown Editorial explicitly pushing the government’s lie re: Air NZ selldown timing Giving English a megaphone and supporting his confused argument that changes to LVR ratio are not the cause of first home buyers in NZ suddenly dropping by 50% We’ve moved on from that distracting human rights stuff and now back reporting on things that actually matter
No suggestion by the NZ Initiative that developers should have 10 years personal liability for the homes they build like builders and architects through?
AND who is NZ Initiative?
Well, on my browser the tab says “NZ The New Zealand Business Roundtable”
“What is The New Zealand Initiative…
The New Zealand Initiative is a business group with a difference. We are a think tank that is a membership organisation; we are an association of business leaders that is also a research institute. And we believe that these are not contradictions.
Maybe Adam Smith would be surprised to hear about The New Zealand Initiative. The founder of modern economics was not just a brilliant theorist but also a good observer of the world around him, and his views of business people were less than flattering.
In his The Wealth of Nations, published in 1776, Smith was scathing: “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.”
If that sounds familiar to us today, then it is because many people still assume that business people only come together to conspire against the public in the pursuit of their own company’s interests. And indeed, according to Smith, they should only concern themselves with making money to let the market’s “invisible hand” work.
For Smith, the common good resulted from businesses pursuing their own agendas without concerning themselves with the implications for society. With respect, the members of The New Zealand Initiative disagree. The members of the Initiative believe that, as business leaders, they have to play a role in public life and contribute to public debates.
We are committed to developing policies that work for all New Zealanders, and we believe that promoting such policies will benefit all of our members as a matter of fact. But we are certainly an Initiative that usually prefers Adam Smith’s invisible hand to government’s visible fist.
Most of all, though, we believe that our goals and values are similar – if not identical – to what most New Zealanders want to see achieved:
A good education system.
Affordable housing.
an open economy.
A free and democratic society.
The protection of our natural resources and heritage.
Sound public finances.
A stable currency.
These goals are not business goals. They are not left-wing or right-wing goals. These are public policy objectives that most, if not all, New Zealanders would agree with.
The challenge in public policy is often not to define what you want to achieve. The real challenge is finding ways of achieving widely shared goals.”
And who are these like-minded people wanting to research and implement for th ebenefit of us all?
“Air New Zealand
AWF group
AWF Group
ANZ National Bank
ASB website
SB Bank Limited
BNZ website
Bank of New Zealand
Bell Gully website
Bell Gully
BP website
BP Oil New Zealand Ltd
Chorus website
Cooper and company website
Cooper and Company Deloitte website
Deutsche Bank website
Deutsche Bank Ernst Young website
Ernst & Young First NZ Capital website
First NZ Capital Fletcher and Building website
Fletcher Building Fonterra website
Foodstuffs Auckland website
Foodstuffs Auckland Ltd Forsyth bar
Forsyth Barr Freightways websiteFreightways Gallagher website
Gallagher Group Ltd Gibbs website
Gibbs Technologies
Halls Transport website
Halls Transport Infinity wesbite
Infinity Investment Group KPMG website 1
KPMG Lumley website
Lumley General Insurance McConnell Group website
McConnell Group
Microsoft website
Microsoft New Zealand PWC website
PwC New Zealand Samson website
Samson Corporation Southern Cross Healthcare website
Southern Cross Healthcare Tappended Holdings Limited website
Tappenden Holdings Ltd
Tax Management NZ website
Tax Management NZ Telecom website
Telecom The Warehouse Group website
The Warehouse Group Vero website
Vero Vodafone website
Z Energy website
Z Energy”
“Rape apologists do nothing to inform and educate public so I applaud the stand made by many to get those mouths metaphorically taped. Besides, they’ve all had their damaging turns for far too long. And we need to do more taping of mouths.”
“Freedom of speech isn’t freedom from the consequences of speech. Freedom of speech is not a protection against people telling you that your views are hateful. Freedom of speech doesn’t oblige other people or organizations to support you in your privileged position as a broadcaster, or journalist, or blogger. Freedom of speech isn’t a guarantee of permanent employment when the thing you are selling is your opinion nor does freedom of speech compel the public to buy said opinion from you. ”
Some of these words are particularly pertinent to folk like photonz and gatsby who bleat on about freedom of speech on this site.
Ah, yes. thanks for the link. The “freedom of speech” line is such a distortion of what is required in a democracy and fair society.
I recall about a decade back, I largely only heard such a line in support of everything right wing and/or socially conservative, from US people – it’s a line used in the US where they align the Jeffersonian “free market of ideas” with free market capitalism.
The US ideal has stripped out the European ideas of “egalité” and “fraternité” that accompany freedom of speech in Europe. ie “freedom of speech” bringing responsibilities and collective alignment with others.
Basically, this elevating of an “freedom of speech” of the individual ethos above all else has been imported here along with neoliberalism.
Pike River – 29 men killed by the ethos of the National Party, the Act Party and the neoliberal approach. The high noon of neoliberalism. All the evidence in the world of the glaring faults of the individualism, greed is good, everything can be priced, people act solely for self-interest, model. The philosophy has failed.
Auckland’s newly elected Coincillors and Mayor need to take control of the Ports board. That board and its management have lost the plot.
“Ports of Auckland has hired top lawyer Mai Chen to help it in a row with the Auckland Council over measures to reclaim more of the Waitemata Harbour.
Ports chief executive Tony Gibson and Ms Chen met Mayor Len Brown in September to try to avoid starting legal action against their owner. Another meeting is set for today.”
Dear Councillors, we gave you a mandate to manage.
Get on with it.
Dump Richard Pearson as chair of POAL immediately.
Dump the entire NACT chosen board starting with Gibson/Pearson….but can they ?
This is a great example of rortneys deliberately dysfunctional supershity biting its so called masters hand rather than getting permission/direction and buy in like a well behaved subsidary would.
A very interesting article about G4S from the Financial Times
Financial Times,
G4S: the inside story
By Andrew Hill and Gill Plimmer
Damaging scandals are raising questions on how the third-largest listed private sector employer runs its empire and the future of outsourcing vital public services
Good on you Graham McCready!
Housing New Zealand Faces $6,000 Compensation Claim from Banks Private Prosecutor.
76-year Old Granny forced to clean off toxic mould
When a 76-year old Granny moved into her Strathmore Miramar unit in January 2010 it was unfit for habitation with toxic mould in the kitchen cupboards, dirty floors and bathroom and unsecured electrical cables in the ceiling that flapped when a strong wind blew.
Housing NZ refused to do any repairs leaving her to clean up dangerous toxic mould and do other maintenance work. She developed a respiratory illness as a result. The work took her three weeks hard labour before it was liveable. Draft stopping was never fitted resulting in the wind rattling the doors and windows.
The unit is halfway up steep street with a bus stop at the top and bottom leaving this disabled pensioner to push her walker up and down the hill with groceries.
She applied four times for a transfer supported by medical certificates. Each time HNZ falsely said she had not responded to their request for confirmation of her housing needs request and closed the file.
Graham Mc Cready, Advocate for NZPPS Ltd has taken on her case. HNZ has 14-days to do all the repairs or the matter will be referred to Tenancy Tribunal for a work order. A claim for $6,000 in compensation will be filed with the Tribunal in any event.
Yes true, good to see Graham Mac standing up for those bullied by the system, while i understand ‘why’ people move into what is obviously ‘unsuitable’ accommodation and then try and transfer into a more suitable position later because of the severely rationed number of State Houses,(and we still await Labour’s lifting of the ‘vows’ of silence over whether or not they are going to seriously address this issue, and believe me i am seriously starting to doubt that), there is the danger as appears to be the case here of becoming ‘stuck’,
i know all this for a fact because after a six month wait after gaining approval to be housed i took the first place HousingNZ offered me but have adapted my life to the parts of the property i can use and would have to say that despite the challenges this poses i am financially, physically and psychologically in a far better position after a few years in the one place,
The inferior state of many of the States Housing portfolio is the result of i believe 2 imperatives which i believe is the result of an ‘unspoken consensus’ between Labour and National on the future direction of the States roll as a major provider of housing to the poorest members of both the working and beneficiary communities,
The Neo-liberal recipe was i believe applied to the housing of ‘the poor’ some time back by both Labour and National and as it now stands (with the allotment of State Housing shifting to WINZ), with the focus becoming more ‘private’ providers being given access to more and more of the States housing stock nothing Labour have recently said on the issue would suggest that ‘RED Labour’ under David Cunliffe are about to alter that view…
The Neo-liberal recipe was i believe applied to the housing of ‘the poor’ some time back by both Labour and National and as it now stands (with the allotment of State Housing shifting to WINZ), with the focus becoming more ‘private’ providers being given access to more and more of the States housing stock…
Everything done so that a few people can have a government guaranteed income. This has been done by both Labour and National – National being far worse than Labour as the sales of state assets shows.
This is just sick. It shouldn’t be 6 grand it should be 16 grand with 10k for pain and suffering. FFS I know those hill in Strathmore and I used to walk them as a meter reader for the power company back in the late 70’s and early 80’s. And i was in my early 20’s then, and it knackered me so a 73 year old woman using a walking frame would be absolutely shattered after a walk up those hills. Nice to see we really look after our old age Pensioners. Now wait for Winston to see it.
In a nutshell compare the following Labour PMs to John Key:
1) Norman Kirk. He lead the charge against the French nuclear testing at Moruroa Atoll on behalf of New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. He was applauded around the world for his courage. He paid the ultimate price. His health deteriorated rapidly (yes, there are questions to ponder about that) and he died well before his time.
2) David Lange. He picked up the anti-nuclear baton and ran with it all the way to Oxford University. In the process he trumped Margaret Thatcher and she never forgave him. He was harassed and intimidated for his brand of courage. His health also deteriorated (from natural causes but stress would have played a part) and he also died before his time.
3) Helen Clark. Stood up to the Western allied countries (the Coalition of the Willing) and refused to send fighting troops into Iraq and Afghanistan. She was personally ridiculed and derided by her enemies. She lives to fight another war against international poverty.
..kirk pulled us out of vietnam..key wanted to be a spear-carrier for bush..and go to invade iraq…
..lange..for all his verbal skills/stated political beliefs.. went along with the rightwing-revolution..
..key is the final act of the/that rightwing revolution..(as he/english admitted..there is nothing else left for the elites to glom onto..all the cherries have been picked..it’s bones-picking-over time..)
..3)..helen clark refused to take us to war in traq..but what about afghanistan..?
..and sorry..but i get a case of the irony-‘bends’..at any depiction of clark as some sorta joan of arc/st helen..in the fight against poverty..
..given that as prime minister of new zealand..for nine long years..
..clark not only turned her back on the countries’ most in need..
..she led the chorus of demonising/marginalising of those most in need..
..and sewed the seeds/prepared the ground for the pogroms against those poorest enacted by key/bennett/this tory govt..
lange..for all his verbal skills/stated political beliefs.. went along with the rightwing-revolution..
that’s what happens when people don’t know enough about economics and, in fact,just don’t have enough general knowledge which, I believe, is what this article was truly about. Specialisation causes people to have a narrow view of life and thus can easily be misled.
Nah, Lange chose to be ignorant about economics in the same way that Key chooses to not read unpleasant documents. Kirk was the last decent Labour PM who actually tried to change a few things and build a better society. Helen was satisfied to slow the advance of neoliberalism and apply a few patches.
Nah, Lange chose to be ignorant about economics in the same way that Key chooses to not read unpleasant documents.
And thus left it to the specialists while keeping to his own specialisation little realising that an MP can’t be a specialist and needs to have that broad education.
Anne, these acts by Labour PMs stand in stark contrast to National PMs. I find Key insidious, his actions seem to me to indicate that he lives in a “present paradigm” that fits the world view of a hegemonists ally. His view of hegemony consists corporate power structures, financial control and exploitation enabled by a power alliance based on the US military industrial complex. I doubt he sees himself as a “Kiwi”.
Muldoon was interesting: I got the feeling he was a Kiwi primarily and a grudging ally to anybody, US included. That however did not stop his government from becoming apologists for Indonesias US approved conquest of East Timor. I gave Talboys (Foreign Affairs for Muldoon) the acid questions as a student. His responses indicated blind pragmatism bordering on willful arrogance, and a blindness to any human rights issues. It was the Cold War era, and the US was doing all sorts of dirty stuff in Chile and Central America. Nationals silence indicated complicit alignment.
Attitude to abuse of human rights is probably the defining difference between National and Labour administrations. Both play for the same team but Labour seems to be more aware that there are some rules that should be observed.
National, being the authoritarians that they are, always align to the most powerful. Watch as they transfer their arse kissing to China as the US hegemony declines.
I gave Talboys (Foreign Affairs for Muldoon) the acid questions as a student.
Hi Ennui,
Don’t know whether you will pick up on my response at this late juncture, but you remind me of a similar attempt by me to put the acid question to Muldoon over the vexed matter of the expanding nuclear arms race. It was at a public meeting and he responded with such dignity and respect to the question I was left floundering. The old bastard knew I was an innocent abroad and out of my depth. Guess he wasn’t all bad. He could have skinned me alive.
So in context, Labour’s quota idea is actually just a variation on what leading social democracies in advanced countries across Europe are all doing. Here is a thought – how about that dipshit Patrick Gower report on THAT (*gasp* IDEAS from Johnny foreigner???!!!!) instead of TV News doing its usual totally myopic and provincial news take on local crime, repetitive horse race politics, excesive amounts of sport and the weather?
The money quote for me though comes from another article I have read on this at
“…Incidentally, it is not about rights, it is about recognition of chance, and that is where you see the current debate of Frauenquote differ from bra burning and pill prescriptions of our sisters four decades ago…”
This is the best one sentence soundbite defense of quotas I have yet read.
I thought this is part of the trend of business to avoid taking part ion real business with their money and just putting it in ‘soft’ investments and parking it in tax havens. This affects NZ citizens – a nz company shifting its base to the Channel Islands to limit taxation.
From Patrick Smellie
PGC heads for life in a tax haven
For South Islanders, the combination of the names Pyne and Gould still conjures memories of first settler families and the Christchurch squatocracy.
How odd then to see the names transported back to the Old Country, or very close by, with the announcement yesterday that Pyne Gould Corp will de-list from the NZX, seek a London Stock Exchange listing and set up digs in the Channel Islands, in Guernsey.
Now, calling Guernsey a tax haven is a ticklish business. Quite recently, UK Prime Minister David Cameron went to some lengths to defend the islands from that dodgy-sounding tag. However, there’s no doubt the Channel Islands offer a tax environment that suits those seeking to minimise their obligations to other countries’ exchequers.
The company’s press statement coyly alludes to the advantageous tax settings as part of its reasoning, although makes more of the fact that its new location is intended to make it more visible to the European investors it increasingly wishes to deal with.
No word as yet as to whether three-quarters owner of PGC, George Kerr, plans to set up house on Guernsey.
This is an example of a business that has made its money in hard work dealing with physical entities serving farmers in New Aealand. Then diversified to some interests overseas. And now split up further and is taking much of its putea outside of NZ and just managing investments, looking for easy earnings.
From Wikipedia on Christchurch as it used to be.
PGG Wrightson, New Zealand’s leading agribusiness, is based in Christchurch. Its local roots go back to Pyne Gould Guinness, an old stock and station agency serving the South Island. That firm helped take deer farming techniques abroad. PGG Wrightson’s overseas diversification includes dairy farming in Uruguay
I thought this is part of the trend of business to avoid taking part ion real business with their money and just putting it in ‘soft’ investments and parking it in tax havens. This affects NZ citizens – a nz company shifting its base to the Channel Islands to limit taxation.
From Patrick Smellie
PGC heads for life in a tax haven
For South Islanders, the combination of the names Pyne and Gould still conjures memories of first settler families and the Christchurch squatocracy.
How odd then to see the names transported back to the Old Country, or very close by, with the announcement yesterday that Pyne Gould Corp will de-list from the NZX, seek a London Stock Exchange listing and set up digs in the Channel Islands, in Guernsey.
Now, calling Guernsey a tax haven is a ticklish business. Quite recently, UK Prime Minister David Cameron went to some lengths to defend the islands from that dodgy-sounding tag. However, there’s no doubt the Channel Islands offer a tax environment that suits those seeking to minimise their obligations to other countries’ exchequers.
The company’s press statement coyly alludes to the advantageous tax settings as part of its reasoning, although makes more of the fact that its new location is intended to make it more visible to the European investors it increasingly wishes to deal with.
No word as yet as to whether three-quarters owner of PGC, George Kerr, plans to set up house on Guernsey.
This is an example of a business that has made its money in hard work dealing with physical entities serving farmers in New Aealand. Then diversified to some interests overseas. And now split up further and is taking much of its putea outside of NZ and just managing investments, looking for easy earnings.
From Wikipedia on Christchurch as it used to be.
PGG Wrightson, New Zealand’s leading agribusiness, is based in Christchurch. Its local roots go back to Pyne Gould Guinness, an old stock and station agency serving the South Island. That firm helped take deer farming techniques abroad. PGG Wrightson’s overseas diversification includes dairy farming in Uruguay
Perhaps someone could point out that as a lot of things have been male dominated for the last how? many centuries the women are going to have a turn at the 80:20 model for the same number of centures ahead. They should think themselves lucky the proposals are so modest .
Good article by Bomber. I think he has a point, and I’ve witnessed a witch hunt on him on Twitter. What surprises me the most if their desire to shut different opinions. The infighting and the vitriol on minute differences of opinion do not constitute a unified front against the all-reaching right wing in the media. And there, the battle may be lost.
Yep, I agree. I read that earlier from the link on this site, and although I think Bomber’s a bit of a legend in his own lunchbox I reckon he’s right on the button here.
OMG! Unbelievable! Bomber complains of a lack of solidarity:
“Maybe it’s the death of unionism or maybe it’s the impact of consumer-culture individualism, but solidarity and the finding of common ground on the left has been bludgeoned to death by the desire to burn heretics”
Talk about the kettle calling the pot black!!.
This is the same guy who wrote a neurotic, bilious attack of a piece months back against “Wellington” for supposedly receiving a bigger share of the infrastructure dollar than Auckland per capita (and he posted this shortly before work started on that freaking great big tunnel under the harbour).
He used one study to demonstrate his point, that many discredited. I had never read anything quite so nutty and ill informed. I tried to reason with him and said his approach wasn’t helping and that by attacking his friends he was creating division and not helping the left towards unity. He simply gave petulant replies.
(No sorry, I haven’t got the time to trawl through the site and find the article and link it here but a few readers here were aware of it)
To think that JK may win because he feels personally aggrieved by criticism is just bizarre. He is not the embodiment of the left.
Ya’ know. I had high hopes for that site when it first went up and in the months after, but I noticed cracks appearing. I kept giving it chances and giving him the benefit of the doubt. After all, he can convey a message with humour, which appeals to me. His heart is in the right place too, but boy o boy, after that nut out about Wellington I gave up entirely.
ooh, is that Right 😛 (this week, distractions permitting, I’m gonna read the Queens thoughts on TDB). Long Live The Standard, and all who rail in [her]?
Labour Party membership has gone through the roof. Cunliffe has united and continues to unite the Labour party further and further.
Cunliffe is also clear that while Labour may be a ‘broad church”, he is aiming to bring in once again all those who didn’t have the heart or inclination to vote who would most benefit from a change of government.
As for the marches on the weekend, Bomber will have to admit that women hold up the great majority of the activist progressives and he should be man enough to admit that he ain’t the player he might like to be.
If he doesn’t like this he should pop onto the Mana list and try his luck.
See if people follow when he dares to lead.
The political Left can’t focus on an agreed and near term set of goals and priorities for longer than 5 minutes.
We don’t care to manage political risk and timing because we know that we are in the right and we are confident that everyone will see that.
Each individual activist group’s own agenda is clearly the most important agenda on the table.
Progressives pretend to represent the interests of the vast majority, yet that same vast majority won’t vote for us – clearly because the vast majority are ignorant/stupid/bamboozled/retrograde.
And as Bomber says: always watch out for traitors amongst our midst. They are everywhere, the ones who aren’t economically radical enough, who aren’t socially liberal enough, who enjoy their privilege that little bit too much to be trusted.
I’m not a fan of over-coherence – at least not in the current politics.
I view Key as so strong, and his government so consistently popular, that progressives need to attack from everywhere (as well as have a leader who can match him in the House. Which we thankfully now have).
New Zealand still has a small-c conservative element of the “passionless poeple” who are rarely aroused sufficient to change things hard.
It’s from the mico-movements that activists arise that are prepared to volunteer their time and money.
After the long slow burnout from the 2006 campaigns, and Goff and Shearer, the older ones need replacing so that they can be put to pasture and just have their asses tapped for donations at the right time.
He is very much a Cam Slater of the left – they are both whiney, dishonest and convinced they are the sole voice of reason for their politics. Both are nasty hypocrites convinced of their own superiority and brook no criticism. If Martyn is having a moan about people being mean to him he should take a long look in the mirror first.
He seems to think I am somehow affiliated with the Green Party. Which I ain’t and I have tried to tell him that but it won’t make it through moderation. I am guessing it ruins the narrative.
Bomber logic, TC. You hate him, ergo you are a Green supporter, probably from Wellington, because the only reason anyone can have to disagree with Bomber is that they’re a Green supporter from Wellington.
On the plus side, eventually someone’s going to make some sweet Emerald Stormtrooper t-shirts, and then you can wear one just to be contrary.
I don’t hate anyone – I find particularly galling though because he is a dishonest wanker who claims the moral high ground and makes me feel awful that someone might my left-wing POV’s as some how in the same political spectrum as him.
For what its worth, TC, I think you came out of that exchange looking better than Bomber. At least you fessed up and retained some dignity. Bomber, on the other hand, spent a long time abusing someone (by name, rather than by their moniker), about something it turns out they didn’t do. Then,when he found out he hadn’t identified the target correctly, nor even got his intimidation by naming right by using the correct real life name, he couldn’t find the grace to put his hand up himself.
I’m a firm believer in class analysis. Bomber ain’t got none.
I fessed up long ago – if you look at the timestamps on the Wikipedia talk page I said months ago that it was me and not the other Ace McWicked who is a friend of mine and the moniker ‘Ace McWicked’ came out of a drunk conversation we had way back in 2002 or so. Bomber knew this I should point out.
He has made various claims about me now that I cannot defend as I am moderated when I try to.
But to point out here:
1. I never tried to impersonate Ace McWicked from The Egonomist. He is an old friend of mine and when I heard ages ago that Bomber had accused him of my actions I fronted immediately. Bomber knows this too.
2. I am not a Green party member
3. I am not a Labour member
4. I have always been honest – Bomber is a lying shitbag.
PPO have several such signs around the burbs of the Ohariu Electorate and one got nicked, one I had lovingly created. Last seen on Saturday on the fence at Newlands Park during sports day but gone by Sunday morning……………..
I thought this is part of the trend of business to avoid taking part ion real business with their money and just putting it in ‘soft’ investments and parking it in tax havens. This affects NZ citizens – a nz company shifting its base to the Channel Islands to limit taxation.
From Patrick Smellie
PGC heads for life in a tax haven
For South Islanders, the combination of the names Pyne and Gould still conjures memories of first settler families and the Christchurch squatocracy.
How odd then to see the names transported back to the Old Country, or very close by, with the announcement yesterday that Pyne Gould Corp will de-list from the NZX, seek a London Stock Exchange listing and set up digs in the Channel Islands, in Guernsey.
Now, calling Guernsey a tax haven is a ticklish business. Quite recently, UK Prime Minister David Cameron went to some lengths to defend the islands from that dodgy-sounding tag. However, there’s no doubt the Channel Islands offer a tax environment that suits those seeking to minimise their obligations to other countries’ exchequers.
The company’s press statement coyly alludes to the advantageous tax settings as part of its reasoning, although makes more of the fact that its new location is intended to make it more visible to the European investors it increasingly wishes to deal with.
No word as yet as to whether three-quarters owner of PGC, George Kerr, plans to set up house on Guernsey.
This is an example of a business that has made its money in hard work dealing with physical entities serving farmers in New Aealand. Then diversified to some interests overseas. And now split up further and is taking much of its putea outside of NZ and just managing investments, looking for easy earnings.
From Wikipedia on Christchurch as it used to be.
PGG Wrightson, New Zealand’s leading agribusiness, is based in Christchurch. Its local roots go back to Pyne Gould Guinness, an old stock and station agency serving the South Island. That firm helped take deer farming techniques abroad. PGG Wrightson’s overseas diversification includes dairy farming in Uruguay
Super bug lands in NZ. Now if only we had a unnecessary compliance regime that placed undesirables into harms way. Sending the sick, disabled, mentally ill to doctors surgeries when they did not need to be there, or at the wrong time. And then think about the Doctors who are seeing many more patients many needing little or no extra help from them.
Why does MSD impose three monthly Doctors visits and not allow patients to renew at any time within the three months when they just happen to be at their surgery for medical assistance.
Thanks TRP for providing the time. I will reflect in silence at that time.
And yes, acknowledgements to Bad12 and vto below re Labour’s plan to compensate the families of the victims. It’s hard to know what the lowest level the Nat govt could possibly sink to after all that has happened over the last five years, but their choice to not compensate the miner’s families must count as one of the lowest.
Thumbs up to Labour leader David Cunliffe quoted in today’s National Party NZ Herald as saying a Government He leads will pay the compensation to the families of the Pike River 29 as ordered by the Court,
i have posted criticism of His position befor where He has been highly critical of Slippery the Prime Ministers mean spirited stingy attitude to the payment of this compensation but has refused to say whether His Government would pay the compensation,
David Cunliffe went further in saying ‘His’ Government would go after the shareholders and directors of Pike River Coal to recover the money,
My view is rather than chase them as individuals a Government of the left should have a contingency fund specially for such disasters as Pike River where compensation ordered by a Court or tribunal will not be paid by those who owe it,
Such a fund should be administered by ACC and the ‘class’ of people usually found to be directors and shareholders of companies should pay levies into such a fund which in reality would be much like the fund set up for the victims of crime…
Putting aside the Pike River situation for just a very brief moment – this is painting a pretty strong picture of a Labour leader prepared to take action and stand up to bad practices. It is refreshing to see. Taking it directly to Key – full frontal assault. Keep it up.
In comparison, and in the same article, there is some dribble from Minister for Labour Simon Bridges which is woeful, unable to be understood, and full of lies and bullshit. What a useless piece of dribble he is. Pathetic.
“The companies’ shareholders and directors have two choices. One is the easy way, the other is the hard way.”
As prime minister he would use the authority of the office, including perhaps a private dinner with the chairs of the relevant companies “where they see good sense and decide to take something back to their boards or a range of other tools at the prime minister’s disposal”
Thats the difference right there.
Key has shown time and again he will bend over backwards, or just get bent over when he sits down with corporates and business people.
David C has backbone, is ready and willing to stand up for New Zealanders, and doesn’t mind administering a swift kick up the arse to those that need to correct their behaviour.
“We’ve taken on board everything that the royal commission has said, and 16 hard-hitting recommendations that now we’ve, practically speaking, implemented in full.”
Good on him and the Greens for supporting them.
One would think that even a smidgeon of that right wing self interest might suggest that voluntary payout rather than head to head conflict with the next government might be a realistic option. particularly any copany with a “drill baby drill
My comment took so long to get threough that I pressed submit again thinking it would make something happen but then nothing showed up on the comments list. Anyway I won’t post any more today – I’ve filled up too much space already.
On the anniversary of the death of 29 miners at Pike River Mine – least we forget?
Remember this?
(I received hard-copies of “Murder at Pike River Mine”, by mail from author Jacob Cohen, with an accompanying letter dated January 30 2011, because he regarded myself, Vince Siemer, and Grace Haden as ‘leading NZ “whistleblowers” ‘.
There have been a number of us who have helped to spread the word on this matter. )
‘Whistle-blowing’ author of “Murder at Pike River Mine”, Jacob Cohen, has written a work with extremely disturbing claims.
In this document he shares remarkable insight into the inner workings of how New Zealand is being run today and why corporate power is able to do so much damage.
Please read and judge for yourself what might have happened. The author of this website thinks many things about it smell wrong.
Essentially, the allegation is that the Pike River mining disaster was deliberate, that the 29 miners were murdered, in order to help build support for open-cast mining, which can then be argued to be ‘safer’ than underground mining, thus help open up New Zealand for international mining companies.
Here are some excerpts, which focus on Jacob Cohen’s allegation of ‘safety negligence’ at Pike River Mine:
According to news reports, the giant methane explosion in the mine occurred around 3.15pm± 3.30pm on Friday,19 November 2010. Quite simply, it was massive.
The force of the explosion blew out of a 110 meter deep ventilation shaft and blackened the surrounding bush 60 meters away from the shaft portal.
It also blew over 2km down the main access tunnel and was recorded by a CCTV camera at the portal blasting outwards for 52 seconds, so remarkably, there must have been an enormous, undetected buildup of methane in the mine prior to the explosion, but no warnings or alarms for the miners ever sounded.
Clearly, there was no proper fixed methane gas detection monitoring system in the mine connected to alarms, or if there was the system was not working. It seems there also was no monitoring system to the office outside for 24 hour constant surveillance either.
All this is rather strange, since strategically located gas detectors are now a standard requirement in all Australian and US underground coal mines.
There are strict requirements to provide extensive gas monitoring, safety and health management systems in all Australian mines in which the CEO, Peter Whittall, has been trained and worked.
Why were there none working?
The first reports of an explosion were at 3.45pm and management was not even aware that there had been an explosion until around 4.10pm, nearly an hour after the estimated time of the explosion!
This is much more than extreme negligence. ……”
Download pdf: Murder at Pike River Mine.pdf (625 KB)
[swf file=”/sites/default/files/users/Dan/pdf/Murder%20at%20Pike%20River%20Mine.swf”]
The book that will change the way we think about the Pike River mine disaster was launched in Greymouth last night.
The Press secured this exclusive extract from the chapter Entombed.
Every day through the long hours of testimony, the same worn faces would be seen in the public gallery, determined to make sense of the loss of their husband, son, father, brother, uncle, friend. And every day they would hear dark new evidence revealing the immensity of Pike River Coal’s failings. Mining a coal seam known to be high in methane gas, the company had not installed a system fit for the purpose of monitoring its major hazard. Fixed sensors in the mine hadn’t been working for weeks before the explosion: one had been out of action since September 4; another since October 13; one was unreliable and transmitted incorrect gas readings after it had been “poisoned” by high methane levels, causing a flat line to show on the surface control room system. Nothing was done, despite statutory mine manager Doug White having signed off a report stating the monitor was “stuck” at a reading of 2.8 percent methane.
Despite early plans to pre-drain methane from the coal seam before mining began, this hadn’t happened. Instead, gas was bled out of the seam from the in-seam drill holes that Pike relied on to find out where the coal seam lay, and drained through a pipeline the company knew to be inadequate and overpressured.They heard how Pike’s electrical system departed from conventional mine design: the main fan – the principal source of clean air for the workers – was placed underground, where it could not be reached in the event of a disaster. The fan’s motor and other items of electrical equipment underground were not designed to be intrinsically safe or flameproof, and could operate only in fresh air.
Pike had forged ahead with the introduction of its hydro-mining system before establishing the second means of egress that was required in law. It had widened the area to be mined with the hydro monitor without adequate knowledge of how the strata above would behave. It had started commissioning the system without having sufficient skilled workers to man it, and in the face of repeated spikes in the volume of methane released into the mine atmosphere.
The evidence laid before the Royal Commission showed that day after day Pike’s underground workers – miners and the many contractors who had no background and little training in coal mining – had walked into an environment that might have exploded any number of times.
“There were numerous warnings of a potential catastrophe at Pike River,” the commission said in its final report. One source of this information was the reports made by the underground deputies and workers. For months, these men had reported incidents of excess methane, and many other health and safety problems. “In the 48 days before the explosion there had been 21 reports of methane levels reaching explosive volumes, and 27 reports of lesser, but potentially dangerous, volumes of the gas,” the commission noted. “The reports of excess methane continued up to the very morning of the tragedy. The warnings were not heeded.”
Pike River Coal was focused on its short-term needs, the commission concluded. The mine was badly behind schedule and its credibility was under strain; it had faced difficulties from the start of the project, promised production volumes had proved illusory, and it needed more capital. There was a drive for coal production before the mine was ready. By November 2010, “the emphasis placed on short-term coal production so seriously weakened Pike’s safety culture that the risks of an explosion either went unnoticed or were not heeded.”
Those whose duty it was to manage the risks of the operation had failed. “In the drive towards coal production, the directors and executive managers paid insufficient attention to health and safety and exposed the company’s workers to unacceptable risks. Mining should have stopped until the risks could be properly managed.”
And the regulator had allowed Pike to continue operating in breach of the law. “The Department of Labour did not have the focus, capacity or strategies to ensure Pike was meeting its legal responsibilities under health and safety laws,” the commission found. “The department assumed Pike was complying with the law, even though there was ample evidence to the contrary. The department should have prohibited Pike from operating the mine until its health and safety systems were adequate.” …..
Seems ‘whistle-blower’ Dr Jacob Cohen was correct about the Pike River Coal Mine explosion and safety negligence?
What other matters that Dr Jacob Cohen raised in “Murder at Pike River Mine”, are worthy of (re)consideration?
I recommend folks have another read – because it seems a lot of ‘dots’ are now ‘joining up’?
There are two points i would like to make here, and a i have made them befor, my apologies if you are bored with reading them,
First, the Author pre-supposes, with good reasons i must add, that the first Pike River Mine explosion was simply one of Methane Gas, obviously the Scum managing the mine were ‘knowingly’ playing a game of Russian Roulette with the lives of anyone who went underground with Methane levels said to be within the danger zone of being able to explode 20 times in the 40 days leading up to the first explosion,(4-17% of Methane Gas to air in an atmosphere),
However, and like the Author i have developed a belief that certain parties involved with Pike River ‘wanted’ that mine to explode,(why would anyone continue to operate it without proper working gas sensors without the intent, these are hardly ‘stupid’ people), what has not been taken notice of is the evidence of both the mine Manager on the day of the explosion or the South African miner sent into the mine to ‘see what was going on’,
From the carpark at the administration block after the initial explosion the Mine Manager at the time said in His evidence to the Royal Commission that He smelled a strong smell of burnt diesel, Methane Gas when combusted has no smell,
The South African electrician sent into the mine after the first explosion said in His evidence to the Royal Commission the same thing, ”a strong smell of burnt diesel” and added chillingly to the Commission that He had 27 years experience in South African mines and the burnt diesel smell was ”exactly like the smell of AMFRO explosives He had experienced while mining in South Africa,
My view is that persons or person unknown has set out to deliberately have that mine explode, to all extents and purposes the mining company was insolvent BUT it did have a reputed $100 million of insurance,
The only real question in my mind is did those persons or person unknown get ‘sick of waiting’ for the spark which would trigger the explosion of the Methane Gas continuously sitting within the tight band of being able to explode and having waited for day after day did that person or those persons unknown then decide to help the process along a little with a small parcel of AMFRO explosives attached to a timing device???…
While Jacinda Arden apparently tweeted that she thought it was re immigration, the man I heard the most was speaking about familes and moku, and losing sons and fathers. I also think he mentioned the TOW. So I don’t think it was about immigration. It also happened just before Cunliffe’s question re Pike River.
EDIT 2 – The Herald seems to support it was about immigration, so I was wrong
I have a seven year old son who is enjoying playing Monopoly with his grandfather who is visiting – despite the end result being one player with everything and the other destitute. (Guessing the enjoyment has more to do with the companion than the outcome).
My 12 year old – knowing my complete indifference to the game – suggested creating a boardgame that rewards for good choices – ie. more points for environmental design, more people in well designed houses etc. Being an ideas man with no capital – he went on to Kickstarter. Being a realist I headed off to Google – and searched for “board game – socialism” and guess what came up?
Different versions and rules but some of them that move past the end premise of our contemporary Monopoly. For example in the Rules for NO 748628 BY LIZZIE J MAGIE:
When players have become thoroughly familiar with the rules and principles of the game they will readily perceive that if the game be continued long enough the inevitable result will be that one player will own everything on the board. Under the ordinary rules, however, two or three sittings would probably be necessary to reach this end; therefore it is suggested that in order to arrive more quickly at a decisive point, the following rules be observed:
When 10 houses have been erected — whether by one or more players — taxes (blue spaces) are doubled (20): when twenty-five houses have been erected taxes are again doubled ($40), which is the limit….
The Landlord’s Game is based on present prevailing business methods. This the players can prove for themselves; and they can also prove what must be the logical outcome of such a system, i.e., that the land monopolist has absolute control of the situation. If a person wishes to prove this assertion — having first proven that the principles of the game are based on realities — let him do so by giving to one player all of the land and giving to the other players all other advantages of the game. Provide each player with $100 at the start and let the game proceed under the rules with the exception that the landlord gets no wages. By this simple method one can satisfy himself of the truth of the assertion that the land monopolist is monarch of the world. The remedy is the Single Tax.
If the players wish to prove how the application of the Single Tax would benefit everybody by equalizing and opportunities and raising wages, they may at any time during the game put the single tax into operation by a vote of at least two of the players.
Players were left in possession of their holdings and, with the exception that the Title Deeds are of no value, the gain goes on as before under the following rules:
RULE 1. Pay no taxes on Absolute Necessities.
RULE 2. All land rent is paid into the public treasury to be used for public improvements. (Begin game under single tax with empty PUBLIC TREASURY.)
RULE 3. All railroad fares and franchise rates are paid to the individual owners as before until the public takes control of them (see Rule 6), when they are FREE.
RULE 4. When a player stops upon an unimproved lot (except Government Reservations, see following rule) he first pays the full land rent into PUBLIC TREASURY, and then, if he so desires and can afford it, he may improved the lot by erection of a house thereon. But if the space upon which he has stopped is already improved by another player’s house, he first pays the full land rent into the PUBLIC TREASURY and then pays the full house rent to the owner of the house. If that anytime a player has money to invest, he may, in his turn, erect a house on any unimproved lot he chooses, whether his checker is on that space or not, provided no other player bids against him for the privilege of building there.
The “bid” money (or rent) is paid into the PUBLIC TREASURY.
RULE 5. HOGG”S GAME PRESERVES and LORD BLUEBLOOD’S ESTATE are supposed to be reserved by the Government for Free College sites (see part c, Rule 6), and until the colleges are erected a player whose throw brings him upon one of the use spaces is trespassing and must go to JAIL.
RULE 6. (a) When the cash in the PUBLIC TREASURY from land rents and fines amounts to $50 it is paid to the holder of the SOAKUM LIGHTING SYSTEM charter for the purchase of the plant, which is then owned and operated by the public, (the change to public ownership being by condemnation, excluding value of right of way). The card is returned to the pack, and henceforth the Lighting System space is free to all players. If the card is still in the pack the $50 is paid into the MISCELLANEOUS pile.
(b) When the cash in the PUBLIC TREASURY amounts to $50 more, go through the same process with SLAMBANG TROLLEY; then P.D.Q.R.R.; then GEE WIZZ R. R., and so on around the board until all the railroads are free.
(c) Then when the cash in the PUBLIC TREASURY amounts to $50 more it is put into the MISCELLANEOUS pile from which a Free College is taken and placed on LORD BLUEBLOOD’S ESTATE and the jail penalty is annulled.
(d) When the cash in the PUBLIC TREASURY amounts to $50 more it is transferred to the MISCELLANEOUS pile and WAGES ARE RAISED TO $110. When the cash amounts to $50 more, wages are raised to $120, and so on, raising wages $10 for every $50 in the TREASURY, until the end of the game.
RULE 7. After the first FREE COLLEGE is erected, if a player goes to college he takes a blue card marked Education and when he gets four of these cards he exchanges them for a card marked Professor, which card counts him 100 at the end of the game.
RULE 8. Under the Single Tax the Poor House is eliminated because all players have access to land — the natural opportunities to labor. If a player cannot afford to make the move called for by his thrown, he puts his checker upon any NATURAL OPPORTUNITY space (inner corners) he may choose, back of the space to which is throw would bring him. Then just before throwing in his next turn he takes from the MISCELLANEOUS pile the wages called for by the NATURAL OPPORTUNITY space upon which he has placed his checker, pays his rent for such space into the PUBLIC TREASURY, throws his dice, and moves out. A player must make the move, if possible, even if it takes him to JAIL.”
Can you imagine the type of economic discourse around the family table if this was the version still on sale?
Heh! One EPIC Christmas game at the bach saw us develop rules that the utility companies represented social consequences whereby the Maori players who landed there had to go to jail whereas the womenfolk had to miss four turns while they had babies, etc, etc, etc. Imma gonna print out your rules and try them out this year . . .
If the New Zealand All Whites needed a reminded that
Miracles can happen in sport, they only need to look at
the USA Ice Hockey team that beat the mighty Russians
for the Gold Medal in 1980.
What the All Whites need though is beyond a miracle,
if they were too beat Mexico 4-0 and qualify for the
world cup, nothing in our sporting history would come
close, I would say it would go down as the biggest
sporting upset THE WORLD has ever seen or will seen.
To qualify for Brazil before the first leg would’ve been a
massive upset, perhaps in the top ten sporting upsets of
all time.
To win the second leg 4-0 and qualify, would be the biggest
thing that has ever happen in the history of sport.
That is why it won’t happen.
Reality rules over the dreamers.
At around 930pm Wednesday night, kiwis wont be
jumping for joy, we wont be setting trends on twitter,
we wont be txting family and friends around the world,
about how the All Whites did it.
We will be very proud, that we put up a better effort, we
will talk about the future of NZ Football and who should
lead us, but this will be no miracle on ice.
Let the 37 thousand kiwis have fun, let us sing and chant,
let us admire the Mexicans, let there be talk before the
match that IF we get a early GOAL, things could go our
way, but deep down know, it’s just too big of a hill to
We’re not going to Brazil, a Miracle on Ice is just that,
a Miracle that only happens once in History.
But that’s okay, as long as we play like a football
team should.
Haha, maybe a bit pessimist, but trying to bring a bit of realism, heres hoping they will play better and maybe score one of two to give the crowd something to cheer about.
Sadly, Moz, football has many, many Craig Jouberts. It’s one of the reasons UEFA has introduced additional refs to stand behind the goal in the Europa league matches and why FIFA is now tentatively supporting goaline technology because refs and their assistants simply cannot be relied on to get even the basis decision of whether or not the ball went in the goal correct.
But I certainly agree with your assesment of Jouberts performance; the most cringe worthy example for me was when he had a perfect view of Richie McCaw putting his knee into the back of a prone man in a ruck (or maul, I don’t know the difference) and didn’t do a thing. Pathetic.
Very good citation there, my friend. Let’s hope that goal-line technology doesn’t take over and slow everything down, like it has in the NFL—and yes I know it’s hard to believe that the NFL could get any slower.
Letting McCaw get away with such thuggery was the least of the non-referee’s failures that evening. The French, who are far more brutal and cynical than the All Blacks, could handle violence like that; what they could not handle, or accept, was the All Blacks’ strategy of deliberate, persistent fouling which Joubert defiantly refused to penalise. Another egregious example is Andre Watson—another South African—who gifted the 1999 Rugby World Cup final to Australia.
“A Government Chief Privacy Officer will be appointed to give a stronger focus on privacy and security in government.
The new position was announced by State Services Minister Jonathan Coleman and Internal Affairs Minister Chris Tremain.
“It is important that New Zealanders have confidence in government agencies to do all they can to ensure personal information is kept safe,” Dr Coleman said.”
I thought if people had nothing to hide they have nothing to fear?
Remember: any legislative title or position title this Government creates is probably something charged with doing the opposite of what it says. This is US style BS. “Citizens United”, Ministry of Truth etc.
Perhaps a few of them deserve it, as much as their masters and underfunders? I feel sorry for cops most of the time. Their management’s crap, their political masters piss all over them, they can never know whether or not to trust their colleagues and every pissed nobody wants to have a go at them on Friday nights and weekends when they’re trying to keep the streets clean of the mess that infects them.
A few? There are hundreds of bent coppers if BLiP’s link list of a couple weeks back is anything to go by. And that is the ones that got caught. If you want to talk infection–police violent alpha male culture is quite a nasty one.
Really any adult kiwi or friends and family that have not experienced the NZ blue bellies in action–fobbing off, mis leading, interrupting lawful protest, intervening in industrial disputes on behalf of bosses, misuse of lethal force, misuse of taser, batons and pepper, assault, arrest without charge and release, denial of legal assistance, verbal abuse and harassment of the vulnerable; has led a very sheltered life.
Yes Tiger, i agree with you 100%, what is even more worrying from the Corruption/Sexual Assault case within the Christchurch Police is that there is said to have been ‘another’ witness to what happened at the time of the first complaint,
Unsubstantiated rumor has it that this ‘other’ is in fact a serving Police Officer who took the Sergeant Shultz position when asked about His colleagues offending, claiming to have not seen anything,
Thus this particular piece of ‘infection’ within the ranks of the Police was able to escape prosecution and continue His pattern of offending,
There is only one means that i can see of breaking the Police’s code of silence which is more effective at protecting Bent Cops than the Mafia’s omerta, and that is to make those who must have seen or known of Police offending, (such as the broken neck inflicted by a Police baton at a Wellington Party),a party to the offending…
Well, I’ve experienced the NZ blue bellies on several occasions doing their job well. While I’ve no doubt they get carried away and there are bad eggs and they go over the top in managing demonstrations etc, let’s see you and your mates take on their job for 12 months and then we’ll talk about how how perfectly well you did it all?
Arfamo, so what exactly are you saying here, it was ok for that Cop to give that kid a bash in the neck with a baton with the result of a broken neck ‘coz it’s a hard job’,
Are you then saying it’s alright for the other 6 cops who were lining the hallway of the house this assault occurred in to refuse to identify which Cop bashed the kid ‘coz it’s a hard job’,
How bout the Cop in Christchurch, should we all understand and forgive His sexual offending and corruption ‘coz it’s a hard job’,
The rumor circulating that another serving Cop witnessed the offending surrounding the first complaint against this bent Cop and refused to talk to those investigating so a prosecution couldn’t stop that offending at victim number one, and that’s alright ‘coz it’s a hard job’ is it,
Go read the list that Blip has previously published, 100’s of incidents and they are all alright ‘coz it’s a hard job’ are they???…
“And then can you say that ALL COPS do these things you have mentioned?”
th’ fuck has that got to do with anything?
We’re talking about a list of serious crimes. They can’t be brushed off because they might have been committed by only hundreds of cops, not thousands.
Problems like that start with dickhead MBA-holding checklist-ticking, vision-outlining useless fucking management at the top, underfunding, and consequent lousy morale all through the organisation.
Can you remember that useless dork of an area manager who completely fecked up the whole handling of the Pike River disaster. He was a feckin international embarrassment.
Judas Priest. That’s fecking scary stuff. Apologies. You’re right felix. I had no idea how much of this disquieting behaviour has been going on in our Police force.
Would love to see the link on this one BLiP. There doesn’t seem to be one: 22/12/12 – Police go over the top in protecting John Key from having to keep his word about buying a Christmas dinner for two Wellington men.
Reply to Arfamo’s reply to BLiP (as cannot reply to Arfamo’s)
Just Google “John Key Green Parrot” and this will bring up a number of articles on Stuff, Scoop etc about that particular show of generosity (not) by Key to two unemployed men.
“….surely we should stop bashing the rich. … we should be offering them humble and hearty thanks. It is through their restless concupiscent energy and sheer wealth-creating dynamism that we pay for an ever-growing proportion of public services. … their contribution to the wider good…. And yet they are brow-beaten and bullied and threatened with new taxes…”
hogwash, n.1. Worthless, false, or ridiculous speech or writing; nonsense; 2. Garbage fed to hogs; swill hypocrisy, n.1. the practice of professing standards, beliefs, etc., contrary to one’s real character or actual behaviour, esp. the pretence of virtue and piety; 2. an act or instance of this
More hogwash….
No. 6 DAVID CAMERON: “We have a free press, it’s very important the press feels it is not pre-censored from what it writes and all the rest of it.”
No. 5 JIM MORA: “Without bashing poverty, ahhhh, …. uh, again, we’re not trying to bash people in poverty, but, uh,….”
No. 4 JIM MORA: “The United States has been a bulwark against totalitarianism, hasn’t it.”
No. 3 JOHN KERRY: “The best way to give these negotiations a chance is to keep them private.” http://www.jpost.com/Diplomacy-and-Politics/Kerry-prolongs-trip-set-to-meet-Abbas-in-Ramallah-320386
No. 2 DAVID CAMERON: “We never support, in countries, the intervention by the military.”
No. 1 BARACK OBAMA: “Madiba’s moral courage…people standing up for what’s right….aaaahhhh, the yearning for justice and dignity…”
Boris Johnson
What a great word bombast is – high-sounding language with little meaning, used to impress people – and it has lots of synonyms.
: bluster, pomposity, ranting, rant, nonsense, empty talk, humbug, wind, blather, blether, claptrap;
I note on Bryce Edwards page he does not allow anyone to have pseudnyms but (puts any in brackets after the name). Why can’t people have a well-known pseudonym. At one time lawyers couldn’t advertise so wouldn’t want names published over everything. And if he caqn’t ferret out your real name, then what does he do, issue a warning – this person is unnamed and dangerous.
on liberation – bryce edwards Greg Presland (The Standard): David Cunliffe enters the leadership race
—-Alan Seay, Corporate Affairs Manager, Anadarko New Zealand
Radio NZ National Checkpoint, Tuesday 19 November 2013
More liars….
No. 36 Paul Dykzeul: “No we won’t be changing the Listener; it’s got a terrific editor….”
No. 35 Mark Jennings: “I think Paul’s a bright guy and he will be able to bring a discipline to his performance….”
No. 34 Willie Jackson: “I thought we’d been sensitive with her yesterday….”
No. 33 Supt. Bill Searle: “I think what’s happened here is the police officers have done their very best….”
No. 32 Sonny-Bill Williams: “It’s good to get the win over Papua-New Guinea, a strong Papua-New Guinea side, aahhhh….”
No. 31 John Palino: “Suggestions that I am somehow orchestrating some grand right-wing conspiracy to unseat Len after the election are so wrong…”
No. 30 Alan Dershowitz: “I will give $10,000 to the PLO if you can find a historical fact in my book that you can prove to be false.”
No. 29 John Banks: “I have nothing to hide and nothing to fear. And never, ever would I ever knowingly sign a false electoral return. Never ever would I ever.”
No. 28 John Kerry: “…we are especially sensitive, Chuck and I, to never again asking any member of Congress to take a vote on faulty intelligence.”
No. 27 Lyse Doucet: “I am there for those without a voice.”
No. 26 Sam Wallace: “So here we are—Otahuhu. It’s just a great place to be, really.”
No. 25 Margaret Thatcher: “…no British government involvement of any kind…with Khmer Rouge…”
No. 24 John Key: “…at the end of the day I, like most New Zealanders, value the role of the fourth estate…”
No. 23 Jay Carney: “…expel Mr Snowden back to the U.S. to face justice…”
No. 22 Mike Bush: “Bruce Hutton had integrity beyond reproach.”
No. 21 Tim Groser: “I think the relationship is genuinely in outstanding form.”
No. 20 John Key: “But if the question is do we use the United States or one of our other partners to circumvent New Zealand law then the answer is categorically no.”
No. 19 Matthew Hooton: “It is ridiculous to say that unions deliver higher wages! They DON’T!”
No. 18 Ant Strachan: “The All Blacks won the RWC 2011 because of outstanding defence!”
No. 17 Stephen Franks: “Peter has been such a level-headed, safe pair of hands.”
No. 16 Phil Kafcaloudes: “Tony Abbott…hasn’t made any mistakes over the past eighteen months.”
No. 15 Donald Rumsfeld: “I did not lie… Colin Powell did not lie.”
No. 14 Colin Powell: “a post-9/11 nexus between Iraq and terrorist organizations…connections are now emerging…”
No. 13 Barack Obama: “Simply put, these strikes have saved lives.”
No. 12 U.K. Ministry of Defence: “Protecting the Afghan civilian population is one of ISAF and the UK’s top priorities.”
No. 11 Brendan O’Connor: “Australia’s approach to refugees is compassionate and generous.”
No. 10 Boris Johnson: “Londoners have… the best police in the world to look after us and keep us safe.”
No. 9 NewstalkZB PR dept: “News you NEED! Fast, fair, accurate!”
No. 8 Simon Bridges: “I don’t mean to duck the question….”
No. 7 Nigel Morrison: “Quite frankly, they’ve been VERY tough.”
No. 6 Herald PR dept: “Congratulations—you’re reading New Zealand’s best newspaper.”
No. 5 Rawdon Christie: “…a FORMIDABLE replacement, it seems, is Claudette Hauiti.”
No. 4 Willie and J.T.: “The X-Factor. Nah, nah, there’s some GREAT talent there!”
No. 3 John Key: “Yeah we hold MPs to a higher standard.”
No. 2 Colin Craig: “Oh, I have a GREAT sense of humour.”
No. 1 Barack Obama: “Margaret Thatcher was one of the great champions of freedom and liberty.”
Gerry probably thinks sails are hoisted by diesel engines. He’s a woodwork teacher, not a sailor. Probably not allowed on small boats because of balance/ballast issues.
Doesn’t matter felix. Gerry says they’re dirty diesel-burning boats so that’s what they are… according to the half-wits and there’s one hell of a lot of them out there.
I was chatting to a senior pilot with Air NZ and he told me he read Ian Wishart including his mag ‘Investigate’. Apparently he’s published a new book claiming the United Nations are planning to install a world government with them at the helm – some unbelievably idiotic crap like that anyway. He got an earful from me so not sure how our future relations (he’s marrying a niece of mine) are going to work out.
Perhaps Brownlee is now to be Greenlee – a reconstruction of a shambles of an ethical, responsible human being who has re-educated himself. He was a wood-worker so he may have made some calipers or old-fashioned wooden crutches to help him to stand tall and fearless, not feckless, and protect our environment where it is so much needed.
Thank you Gerry for worrying about diesel boats not being good for the environment, but relax and smile – they are sail powered, even if they have engines to fall back on. Which you would agree would be prudent just as a backstop.
For positing on the relative position of men on the thread of the fine poster Karol earlier today I got told off like a naughty boy and sent to some other room (not sure which yet as it hasn’t turned up). Thought it may be worth posting here for other consideration.
Karol’s post on poverty, women and rape culture stated among many points, that low income women suffer the most from violence. I suggested that that may not actually be the case and that men may in fact suffer more. However, such a posting was not legit in her opinion. I responded thus (amended slightly to read more easily);..;..;..
… how on earth is it so illegitimate to bring up men’s position given the nature of the post? went up to copy and paste something to support bringing this up but didn’t because there were so many references to “men” “white male” “gendered this” “gendered that” “males” it just goes on
but here is one copied and pasted
“To address fully the impact of our highly gendered socio-economic system that has institutionalised gendered violence, it is important to work to counter the ways that low income women are at the forefront of those suffering most.”
low income women are at the forefront of those suffering most?. Well, most compared to what? It is very clear that what you are saying Karol is that it is the most compared to those on higher incomes, and the most compared to those not women i.e. men. So I posited that perhaps this is not correct.
So how is not permissible to comment as I did? You are comparing the situation of women to that of men yourself Karol.
..so……back to this post now….
… is this not correct? Is Karol not comparing the situation of men and violence relative to the position of women and violence in such a thread by her very description of the issue? Or not? And if she is then surely it is entirely legit to comment on that description which forms the very basis of her post?
(note that the issue here is not the violence issue but the commentary issue)
vto, there is a link to the kyriarchy on the post, which explains some significant aspects of the ways various forms of oppression, overlap, and intersect.
low income women are at the forefront of those suffering most?. Well, most compared to what? It is very clear that what you are saying Karol is that it is the most compared to those on higher incomes, and the most compared to those not women i.e. men.
Yes – low income women, are most likely to be subjected to a variety of oppressions, resulting in a huge amount of suffering: this includes discrimination in employment (if they are able to get/take paid work), hassles on WINZ, with many of Bennett’s punitive reforms targeting single women especially those with women – plus all the impacts of rape, sexual violence, domestic violence, and associated misogyny and rape culture.
vto, you are persisting in denial, and refusing to look at all at women’s experiences. TS is a pretty male dominated context, and male perspectives get a fair amount of space, and on issues most significant to a large number of men. Already on the thread you were looking to diminish the very real imapaact and experience of rape and rape culture, and stated explicitly:
males have a harder life generally
And you’ve been repeating that kind of line over and over, more or less in differnt ways, on various other discussions.
I’m sure you’ll keep on defending it.. And I dare say you’ll have your supporters. But the other thread is one space within quite a masculine context, for the perspectives and experiences of many women to get an airing. And you really seem unable to accept the traumatising impact of sexual violence on large numbers of women, and the way the surrounding culture of sexism and misogyny impacts on women’s lives.
On top of that you seem to have little understanding of the struggles of women in poverty.
Appreciate your comments Karol. Genuinely. But I passed no comment on many of those things you mention just above (and neither have I on various other threads – they have all been very specific on particular small points within the larger issue/s) so I don’t know how you can reach the conclusions you have.
“persisting in denial”
“refusing to look”
“looking to diminish”
“you’ll keep on defending”
“you seem unable to accept”
“you have little understanding”
Do you see what I was commenting on in this comment above? Do you? I don’t think you do, because it was none of those things, those are your inferences and assumptions.
I even stated at the end “that the issue here is not the violence issue but the commentary issue”. Do you see that? Do you get what I was talking about? It was about the manner of your post and how you based it on one particular fact (among others), which fact you would then not allow me to comment on. It was about that. It was not about the actual issue at hand.
If I might repeat in slightly different form to try and reinforce….. I asked how it could be illegitimate to comment on the position of men when your very description was referenced against men?
It was about the legitimacy or otherwise of the type of commentary I tried to make.
No comment was passed on all those other matters and I reject the assertions you have made about my view on them (as I have passed no view on them).
And I have no obligation to comment on matters that you think I should. Not commenting on those other matters provides no basis for assumption about what I may or may not think about them.
so… to the issue of my post ….. do you still maintain there is no legitimacy in commenting on a fact which underpinned your very thread?
Lesson # 52: when you have no right for someone to provide you with something, they are similarly not obliged to instead explain their decision to your satisfaction.
yeah, asynchronous communication is a laugh, ain’t it.
Doesn’t contain enough information to identify the exact point you decide to stop your apparently incessant whining that the conversation isn’t undertaken within the framework you want.
‘and sent to some other room (not sure which yet as it hasn’t turned up)’
Perhaps it will be like the tardis, which will turn up in a cloud of dust, and transport you to an alternative universe similar to the ones on the covers of religious magazines where the lion lies down with the lamb and everyone smiles all the time.
John Key admits to paying driver to break the law for him, putting lives other road users at risk.
“Mr Key hailed a tuktuk driver who ran every red light to get to the hotel in time, and was paid double.”
There are times when movement around us seems to slow down. And the faster things get, the slower it all appears.And so it is with the whirlwind of early year political activity.They are harbingers for what is to come:Video: Wayne Wright Jnr, funder of Sean Plunket, talk growing power and ...
Hi,Right now the power is out, so I’m just relying on the laptop battery and tethering to my phone’s 5G which is dropping in and out. We’ll see how we go.First up — I’m fine. I can’t see any flames out the window. I live in the greater Hollywood area ...
2024 was a tough year for working Kiwis. But together we’ve been able to fight back for a just and fair New Zealand and in 2025 we need to keep standing up for what’s right and having our voices heard. That starts with our Mood of the Workforce Survey. It’s your ...
Time is never time at allYou can never ever leaveWithout leaving a piece of youthAnd our lives are forever changedWe will never be the sameThe more you change, the less you feelSongwriter: William Patrick Corgan.Babinden - Baba’s DayToday, January 8th, 2025, is Babinden, “The Day of the baba” or “The ...
..I/We wish to make the following comments:I oppose the Treaty Principles Bill."5. Act binds the CrownThis Act binds the Crown."How does this Act "bind the Crown" when Te Tiriti o Waitangi, which the Act refers to, has been violated by the Crown on numerous occassions, resulting in massive loss of ...
Everything is good and brownI'm here againWith a sunshine smile upon my faceMy friends are close at handAnd all my inhibitions have disappeared without a traceI'm glad, oh, that I found oohSomebody who I can rely onSongwriter: Jay KayGood morning, all you lovely people. Today, I’ve got nothing except a ...
Welcome to 2025. After wrapping up 2024, here’s a look at some of the things we can expect to see this year along with a few predictions. Council and Elections Elections One of the biggest things this year will be local body elections in October. Will Mayor Wayne Brown ...
Canadians can take a while to get angry – but when they finally do, watch out. Canada has been falling out of love with Justin Trudeau for years, and his exit has to be the least surprising news event of the New Year. On recent polling, Trudeau’s Liberal party has ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections Much like 2023, many climate and energy records were broken in 2024. It was Earth’s hottest year on record by a wide margin, breaking the previous record that was set just last year by an even larger margin. Human-caused climate-warming pollution and ...
Submissions on National's racist, white supremacist Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill are due tomorrow! So today, after a good long holiday from all that bullshit, I finally got my shit together to submit on it. As I noted here, people should write their own submissions in their own ...
Ooh, baby (ooh, baby)It's making me crazy (it's making me crazy)Every time I look around (look around)Every time I look around (every time I look around)Every time I look aroundIt's in my faceSongwriters: Alan Leo Jansson / Paul Lawrence L. Fuemana.Today, I’ll be talking about rich, middle-aged men who’ve made ...
A listing of 26 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, December 29, 2024 thru Sat, January 4, 2025. This week's roundup is again published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, so if ...
Hi,The thing that stood out at me while shopping for Christmas presents in New Zealand was how hard it was to avoid Zuru products. Toy manufacturer Zuru is a bit like Netflix, in that it has so much data on what people want they can flood the market with so ...
And when a child is born into this worldIt has no conceptOf the tone of skin it's living inAnd there's a million voicesAnd there's a million voicesTo tell you what you should be thinkingSong by Neneh Cherry and Youssou N'Dour.The moment you see that face, you can hear her voice; ...
While we may not always have quality political leadership, a couple of recently published autobiographies indicate sometimes we strike it lucky. When ranking our prime ministers, retired professor of history Erik Olssen commented that ‘neither Holland nor Nash was especially effective as prime minister – even his private secretary thought ...
Baby, be the class clownI'll be the beauty queen in tearsIt's a new art form, showin' people how little we care (yeah)We're so happy, even when we're smilin' out of fearLet's go down to the tennis court and talk it up like, yeah (yeah)Songwriters: Joel Little / Ella Yelich O ...
Open access notables Why Misinformation Must Not Be Ignored, Ecker et al., American Psychologist:Recent academic debate has seen the emergence of the claim that misinformation is not a significant societal problem. We argue that the arguments used to support this minimizing position are flawed, particularly if interpreted (e.g., by policymakers or the public) as suggesting ...
What I’ve Been Doing: I buried a close family member.What I’ve Been Watching: Andor, Jack Reacher, Xmas movies.What I’ve Been Reflecting On: The Usefulness of Writing and the Worthiness of Doing So — especially as things become more transparent on their own.I also hate competing on any day, and if ...
This is a re-post from Yale Climate Connections by John Wihbey. A version of this article first appeared on Yale Climate Connections on Nov. 11, 2008. (Image credits: The White House, Jonathan Cutrer / CC BY 2.0; President Jimmy Carter, Trikosko/Library of Congress; Solar dedication, Bill Fitz-Patrick / Jimmy Carter Library; Solar ...
Morena folks,We’re having a good break, recharging the batteries. Hope you’re enjoying the holiday period. I’m not feeling terribly inspired by much at the moment, I’m afraid—not from a writing point of view, anyway.So, today, we’re travelling back in time. You’ll have to imagine the wavy lines and sci-fi sound ...
Completed reads for 2024: Oration on the Dignity of Man, by Giovanni Pico della Mirandola A Platonic Discourse Upon Love, by Giovanni Pico della Mirandola Of Being and Unity, by Giovanni Pico della Mirandola The Life of Pico della Mirandola, by Giovanni Francesco Pico Three Letters Written by Pico ...
Welcome to 2025, Aotearoa. Well… what can one really say? 2024 was a story of a bad beginning, an infernal middle and an indescribably farcical end. But to chart a course for a real future, it does pay to know where we’ve been… so we know where we need ...
Welcome to the official half-way point of the 2020s. Anyway, as per my New Years tradition, here’s where A Phuulish Fellow’s blog traffic came from in 2024: United States United Kingdom New Zealand Canada Sweden Australia Germany Spain Brazil Finland The top four are the same as 2023, ...
Completed reads for December: Be A Wolf!, by Brian Strickland The Magic Flute [libretto], by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Emanuel Schikaneder The Invisible Eye, by Erckmann-Chatrian The Owl’s Ear, by Erckmann-Chatrian The Waters of Death, by Erckmann-Chatrian The Spider, by Hanns Heinz Ewers Who Knows?, by Guy de Maupassant ...
Well, it’s the last day of the year, so it’s time for a quick wrap-up of the most important things that happened in 2024 for urbanism and transport in our city. A huge thank you to everyone who has visited the blog and supported us in our mission to make ...
Leave your office, run past your funeralLeave your home, car, leave your pulpitJoin us in the streets where weJoin us in the streets where weDon't belong, don't belongHere under the starsThrowing light…Song: Jeffery BuckleyToday, I’ll discuss the standout politicians of the last 12 months. Each party will receive three awards, ...
Hi,A lot’s happened this year in the world of Webworm, and as 2024 comes to an end I thought I’d look back at a few of the things that popped. Maybe you missed them, or you might want to revisit some of these essay and podcast episodes over your break ...
Hi,I wanted to share this piece by film editor Dan Kircher about what cinema has been up to in 2024.Dan edited my documentary Mister Organ, as well as this year’s excellent crowd-pleasing Bookworm.Dan adores movies. He gets the language of cinema, he knows what he loves, and writes accordingly. And ...
Without delving into personal details but in order to give readers a sense of the year that was, I thought I would offer the study in contrasts that are Xmas 2023 and Xmas 2024: Xmas 2023 in Starship Children’s Hospital (after third of four surgeries). Even opening presents was an ...
Heavy disclaimer: Alpha/beta/omega dynamics is a popular trope that’s used in a wide range of stories and my thoughts on it do not apply to all cases. I’m most familiar with it through the lens of male-focused fanfic, typically m/m but sometimes also featuring m/f and that’s the situation I’m ...
Hi,Webworm has been pretty heavy this year — mainly because the world is pretty heavy. But as we sprint (or limp, you choose) through the final days of 2024, I wanted to keep Webworm a little lighter.So today I wanted to look at one of the biggest and weirdest elements ...
A listing of 23 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, December 22, 2024 thru Sat, December 28, 2024. This week's roundup is the second one published soleley by category. We are still interested in feedback to hone the categorization, ...
We’ll have a climate change ChristmasFrom now until foreverWarming our hearts and mindsAnd planet all togetherSpirits high and oceans higherChestnuts roast on wildfiresIf coal is on your wishlistMerry Climate Change ChristmasSong by Ian McConnellReindeer emissions are not something I’d thought about in terms of climate change. I guess some significant ...
KP continues to putt-putt along as a tiny niche blog that offers a NZ perspective on international affairs with a few observations about NZ domestic politics thrown in. In 2024 there was also some personal posts given that my son was in the last four months of a nine month ...
I can see very wellThere's a boat on the reef with a broken backAnd I can see it very wellThere's a joke and I know it very wellIt's one of those that I told you long agoTake my word I'm a madman, don't you knowSongwriters: Bernie Taupin / Elton JohnIt ...
.Acknowledgement: Tim PrebbleThanks for reading Frankly Speaking ! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work..With each passing day of bad headlines, squandering tax revenue to enrich the rich, deep cuts to our social services and a government struggling to keep the lipstick on its neo-liberal pig ...
This is from the 36th Parallel social media account (as brief food for thought). We know that Trump is ahistorical at best but he seems to think that he is Teddy Roosevelt and can use the threat of invoking the Monroe Doctrine and “Big Stick” gunboat diplomacy against Panama and ...
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Because you're magicYou're magic people to meSong: Dave Para/Molly Para.Morena all, I hope you had a good day yesterday, however you spent it. Today, a few words about our celebration and a look at the various messages from our politicians.A Rockel XmasChristmas morning was spent with the five of us ...
This video includes personal musings and conclusions of the creator climate scientist Dr. Adam Levy. It is presented to our readers as an informed perspective. Please see video description for references (if any). 2024 has been a series of bad news for climate change. From scorching global temperatures leading to devastating ...
Ríu Ríu ChíuRíu Ríu Chíu is a Spanish Christmas song from the 16th Century. The traditional carol would likely have passed unnoticed by the English-speaking world had the made-for-television American band The Monkees not performed the song as part of their special Christmas show back in 1967. The show's ...
Dunedin’s summer thus far has been warm and humid… and it looks like we’re in for a grey Christmas. But it is now officially Christmas Day in this time zone, so never mind. This year, I’ve stumbled across an Old English version of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen: It has a population of just under 3.5 million inhabitants, produces nearly 550,000 tons of beef per year, and boasts a glorious soccer reputation with two World ...
Morena all,In my paywalled newsletter yesterday, I signed off for Christmas and wished readers well, but I thought I’d send everyone a quick note this morning.This hasn’t been a good year for our small country. The divisions caused by the Treaty Principles Bill, the cuts to our public sector, increased ...
This morning’s six standouts for me at 6.30 am include:Kāinga Ora is quietly planning to sell over $1 billion worth of state-owned land under 300 state homes in Auckland’s wealthiest suburbs, including around Bastion Point, to give the Government more fiscal room to pay for tax cuts and reduce borrowing.A ...
Hi,It’s my birthday on Christmas Day, and I have a favour to ask.A birthday wish.I would love you to share one Webworm story you’ve liked this year.The simple fact is: apart from paying for a Webworm membership (thank you!), sharing and telling others about this place is the most important ...
The last few days have been a bit too much of a whirl for me to manage a fresh edition each day. It's been that kind of year. Hope you don't mind.I’ve been coming around to thinking that it doesn't really matter if you don't have something to say every ...
The worms will live in every hostIt's hard to pick which one they eat the mostThe horrible people, the horrible peopleIt's as anatomic as the size of your steepleCapitalism has made it this wayOld-fashioned fascism will take it awaySongwriter: Twiggy Ramirez Read more ...
Hi,It’s almost Christmas Day which means it is almost my birthday, where you will find me whimpering in the corner clutching a warm bottle of Baileys.If you’re out of ideas for presents (and truly desperate) then it is possible to gift a full Webworm subscription to a friend (or enemy) ...
This morning’s six standouts for me at 6.30am include:Rachel Helyer Donaldson’s scoop via RNZ last night of cuts to maternity jobs in the health system;Maddy Croad’s scoop via The Press-$ this morning on funding cuts for Christchurch’s biggest food rescue charity;Benedict Collins’ scoop last night via 1News on a last-minute ...
A listing of 25 news and opinion articles we found interesting and shared on social media during the past week: Sun, December 15, 2024 thru Sat, December 21, 2024. Based on feedback we received, this week's roundup is the first one published soleley by category. We are still interested in ...
Well, I've been there, sitting in that same chairWhispering that same prayer half a million timesIt's a lie, though buried in disciplesOne page of the Bible isn't worth a lifeThere's nothing wrong with youIt's true, it's trueThere's something wrong with the villageWith the villageSomething wrong with the villageSongwriters: Andrew Jackson ...
ACT would like to dictate what universities can and can’t say. We knew it was coming. It was outlined in the coalition agreement and has become part of Seymour’s strategy of “emphasising public funding” to prevent people from opposing him and his views—something he also uses to try and de-platform ...
Skeptical Science is partnering with Gigafact to produce fact briefs — bite-sized fact checks of trending claims. This fact brief was written by Sue Bin Park from the Gigafact team in collaboration with members from our team. You can submit claims you think need checking via the tipline. Are we heading ...
So the Solstice has arrived – Summer in this part of the world, Winter for the Northern Hemisphere. And with it, the publication my new Norse dark-fantasy piece, As Our Power Lessens at Eternal Haunted Summer: https://eternalhauntedsummer.com/issues/winter-solstice-2024/as-our-power-lessens/ As previously noted, this one is very ‘wyrd’, and Northern Theory of Courage. ...
The Natural Choice: As a starter for ten percent of the Party Vote, “saving the planet” is a very respectable objective. Young voters, in particular, raised on the dire (if unheeded) warnings of climate scientists, and the irrefutable evidence of devastating weather events linked to global warming, vote Green. After ...
The Government cancelled 60% of Kāinga Ora’s new builds next year, even though the land for them was already bought, the consents were consented and there are builders unemployed all over the place. Photo: Lynn Grieveson / The KākāMōrena. Long stories short, the six things that mattered in Aotearoa’s political ...
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on UnsplashEvery morning I get up at 3am to go around the traps of news sites in Aotearoa and globally. I pick out the top ones from my point of view and have been putting them into my Dawn Chorus email, which goes out with a podcast. ...
Over on Kikorangi Newsroom's Marc Daalder has published his annual OIA stats. So I thought I'd do mine: 82 OIA requests sent in 2024 7 posts based on those requests 20 average working days to receive a response Ministry of Justice was my most-requested entity, ...
Welcome to the December 2024 Economic Bulletin. We have two monthly features in this edition. In the first, we discuss what the Half Year Economic and Fiscal Update from Treasury and the Budget Policy Statement from the Minister of Finance tell us about the fiscal position and what to ...
The NZCTU Te Kauae Kaimahi have submitted against the controversial Treaty Principles Bill, slamming the Bill as a breach of Te Tiriti o Waitangi and an attack on tino rangatiratanga and the collective rights of Tangata Whenua. “This Bill seeks to legislate for Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles that are ...
Open access notables An intensification of surface Earth’s energy imbalance since the late 20th century, Li et al., Communications Earth & Environment:Tracking the energy balance of the Earth system is a key method for studying the contribution of human activities to climate change. However, accurately estimating the surface energy balance ...
I don't knowHow to say what's got to be saidI don't know if it's black or whiteThere's others see it redI don't get the answers rightI'll leave that to youIs this love out of fashionOr is it the time of yearAre these words distraction?To the words you want to hearSongwriters: ...
National has only been in power for a year, but everywhere you look, its choices are taking New Zealand a long way backwards. In no particular order, here are the National Government's Top 50 Greatest Misses of its first year in power. ...
The Government is quietly undertaking consultation on the dangerous Regulatory Standards Bill over the Christmas period to avoid too much attention. ...
The time it takes to process building determinations has improved significantly over the last year which means fewer delays in homes being built, Building and Construction Minister Chris Penk says. “New Zealand has a persistent shortage of houses. Making it easier and quicker for new homes to be built will ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden is pleased to announce the annual list of New Zealand’s most popular baby names for 2024. “For the second consecutive year, Noah has claimed the top spot for boys with 250 babies sharing the name, while Isla has returned to the most popular ...
Work is set to get underway on a new bus station at Westgate this week. A contract has been awarded to HEB Construction to start a package of enabling works to get the site ready in advance of main construction beginning in mid-2025, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“A new Westgate ...
Minister for Children and for Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence Karen Chhour is encouraging people to use the resources available to them to get help, and to report instances of family and sexual violence amongst their friends, families, and loved ones who are in need. “The death of a ...
Uia te pō, rangahaua te pō, whakamāramatia mai he aha tō tango, he aha tō kāwhaki? Whitirere ki te ao, tirotiro kau au, kei hea taku rātā whakamarumaru i te au o te pakanga mo te mana motuhake? Au te pō, ngū te pō, ue hā! E te kahurangi māreikura, ...
Health Minister Dr Shane Reti says people with diabetes and other painful conditions will benefit from a significant new qualification to boost training in foot care. “It sounds simple, but quality and regular foot and nail care is vital in preventing potentially serious complications from diabetes, like blisters or sores, which can take a long time to heal ...
Associate Health Minister with responsibility for Pharmac David Seymour is pleased to see Pharmac continue to increase availability of medicines for Kiwis with the government’s largest ever investment in Pharmac. “Pharmac operates independently, but it must work within the budget constraints set by the government,” says Mr Seymour. “When this government assumed ...
Mā mua ka kite a muri, mā muri ka ora e mua - Those who lead give sight to those who follow, those who follow give life to those who lead. Māori recipients in the New Year 2025 Honours list show comprehensive dedication to improving communities across the motu that ...
Minister of Internal Affairs Brooke van Velden is wishing all New Zealanders a great holiday season as Kiwis prepare for gatherings with friends and families to see in the New Year. It is a great time of year to remind everyone to stay fire safe over the summer. “I know ...
From 1 January 2025, first-time tertiary learners will have access to a new Fees Free entitlement of up to $12,000 for their final year of provider-based study or final two years of work-based learning, Tertiary Education and Skills Minister Penny Simmonds says. “Targeting funding to the final year of study ...
“As we head into one of the busiest times of the year for Police, and family violence and sexual violence response services, it’s a good time to remind everyone what to do if they experience violence or are worried about others,” Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence ...
Kiwis planning a swim or heading out on a boat this summer should remember to stop and think about water safety, Sport & Recreation Minister Chris Bishop and ACC and Associate Transport Minister Matt Doocey say. “New Zealand’s beaches, lakes and rivers are some of the most beautiful in the ...
The Government is urging Kiwis to drive safely this summer and reminding motorists that Police will be out in force to enforce the road rules, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“This time of year can be stressful and result in poor decision-making on our roads. Whether you are travelling to see ...
Health Minister Dr Shane Reti says Health New Zealand will move swiftly to support dozens of internationally-trained doctors already in New Zealand on their journey to employment here, after a tripling of sought-after examination places. “The Medical Council has delivered great news for hardworking overseas doctors who want to contribute ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has appointed Sarah Ottrey to the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC). “At my first APEC Summit in Lima, I experienced firsthand the role that ABAC plays in guaranteeing political leaders hear the voice of business,” Mr Luxon says. “New Zealand’s ABAC representatives are very well respected and ...
Prime Minister Christopher Luxon has announced four appointments to New Zealand’s intelligence oversight functions. The Honourable Robert Dobson KC has been appointed Chief Commissioner of Intelligence Warrants, and the Honourable Brendan Brown KC has been appointed as a Commissioner of Intelligence Warrants. The appointments of Hon Robert Dobson and Hon ...
Improvements in the average time it takes to process survey and title applications means housing developments can progress more quickly, Minister for Land Information Chris Penk says. “The government is resolutely focused on improving the building and construction pipeline,” Mr Penk says. “Applications to issue titles and subdivide land are ...
The Government’s measures to reduce airport wait times, and better transparency around flight disruptions is delivering encouraging early results for passengers ahead of the busy summer period, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says. “Improving the efficiency of air travel is a priority for the Government to give passengers a smoother, more reliable ...
The Government today announced the intended closure of the Apollo Hotel as Contracted Emergency Housing (CEH) in Rotorua, Associate Housing Minister Tama Potaka says. This follows a 30 per cent reduction in the number of households in CEH in Rotorua since National came into Government. “Our focus is on ending CEH in the Whakarewarewa area starting ...
The Government will reshape vocational education and training to return decision making to regions and enable greater industry input into work-based learning Tertiary Education and Skills Minister, Penny Simmonds says. “The redesigned system will better meet the needs of learners, industry, and the economy. It includes re-establishing regional polytechnics that ...
The Government is taking action to better manage synthetic refrigerants and reduce emissions caused by greenhouse gases found in heating and cooling products, Environment Minister Penny Simmonds says. “Regulations will be drafted to support a product stewardship scheme for synthetic refrigerants, Ms. Simmonds says. “Synthetic refrigerants are found in a ...
People travelling on State Highway 1 north of Hamilton will be relieved that remedial works and safety improvements on the Ngāruawāhia section of the Waikato Expressway were finished today, with all lanes now open to traffic, Transport Minister Simeon Brown says.“I would like to acknowledge the patience of road users ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Ashish Kumar, Senior Lecturer, RMIT University Przemek Klos/Shutterstock Once, borrowing money to make a purchase was a relatively tedious process, not a spur-of-the-moment thing. True, some stores offered lay-by plans that would let you pay for goods in instalments. But ...
Optimism can sometimes feel in short supply for observers of international relations.With high-profile wars in Ukraine and Gaza (not to mention lesser-heralded conflicts in Myanmar, Sudan and western Africa), ongoing tensions between rival superpowers China and the United States, and a swell of populist and protectionist sentiment, there are no ...
In December 2023 I had what now appears to have been a brain seizure. This was followed some months later by three TIAs (mini strokes). Then I had a stroke and after superb diagnosis at Christchurch Hospital I was admitted to Burwood Hospital unable to stand or walk. I had another brain seizure six ...
Opinion: The number of satellites and other objects sent into Earth’s orbit is increasing like never before. Before space ends up awash with debris like the ocean, scientists are calling for global agreements to protect orbital space.The United States and China are in a space race, sending thousands of satellites into ...
Opinion: Much of my year is spent with academics and policymakers, talking about shifting tectonics across Asia and how New Zealand is responding to changes in demographics, political and economic order, technology, regional security and so on.But one item sometimes left off the list is the immense contribution our sportspeople ...
Summer reissue: The capital’s best chefs and restaurateurs share their favourite local eateries and hidden gems. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be a member today. I have ...
Summer reissue: Shanti Mathias visits and ranks the crème de la crème of Auckland’s secondhand bookshops. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be a member today.From Ponsonby ...
Summer reissue: Ban all fireworks. Give everyone fireworks. Rewrite the national anthem. Stop politicians blocking me on social media: parliament’s online petitions page is a trip inside the nation’s raw, unfiltered political id. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds ...
People have expressed frustration and outrage this week, after persisent technical issues stopped them from submitting on the Treaty Principles Bill. ...
Summer reissue: What does a forever relationship look like when you don’t believe in marriage? And how do you celebrate it? The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be ...
Summer reissue: Some of the most passionate consumers of anti-ageing skincare are children. How did the beauty industry get under their skin? The Spinoff Cover Story is our premier long-form feature offering, made with the generous support of our members. Read our other cover stories here. It’s Mother’s Day ...
Report by Dr David Robie – Café Pacific. – REVIEW: By David Robie Three months ago, a group of lawyers in Aotearoa New Zealand called for a first-of-its-kind inquiry into New Zealand spy agencies over whether they have been helping Israel’s war in Gaza. In a letter to the ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Ned Watt, PhD Candidate, Digital Media Research Centre, Queensland University of Technology Meta has announced it will abandon its fact-checking program, starting in the United States. It was aimed at preventing the spread of online lies among more than 3 billion people ...
The large number of New Zealanders sharing their thoughts on the Bill means that the select committee needs to take the appropriate time to process all submissions and not be tempted to arbitrarily dismiss submissions that have come via a third ...
Despite recent footage revealing extreme cruelty and violence, the wool industry has failed to stop this rampant abuse, even on so-called “sustainable” and “responsible” farms. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Anna Clark, Professor in Public History, University of Technology Sydney Shutterstock/Nils Versemann From the Torres Strait to Tasmania, and from the east coast to the west, beach shacks are an iconic part of Australian coastal history. Beach shacks have a ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Christine Carson, Senior Research Fellow, School of Medicine, The University of Western Australia Kaboompics.com/Pexels A doctor’s visit often ends with you leaving with a pathology request form in hand. The request form soon has you filling a sample pot, having blood ...
Over half a million dollars has been wasted by one government department alone teaching bureaucrats how to use a desk and chair, Taxpayers’ Union Policy and Public Affairs Manager James Ross said. ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Rossana Ruggeri, Lecturer and ARC DECRA Fellow, The University of Queensland An illustration of the death of a massive star.NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center/Dana Berry By looking at light from distant exploding stars called supernovas, in 1998 astronomers discovered the universe isn’t ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Anna Clark, Professor in Public History, University of Technology Sydney Shutterstock/Nils Versemann From the Torres Strait to Tasmania, and from the east coast to the west, beach shacks are an iconic part of Australian coastal history. Beach shacks have a ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Nicholas Davis, Industry Professor of Emerging Technology and Co-Director, Human Technology Institute, University of Technology Sydney Oselote/Shutterstock In November 2023, the estates of two now-deceased policyholders sued the US health insurer, United Healthcare, for deploying what they allege is a flawed ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Caroline Spry, Adjunct Senior Research Fellow, Department of Archaeology and History, La Trobe University Earth ring on Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Country, near Sunbury, Victoria.David Mullins On the outskirts of Melbourne, Australia, there is a series of large rings which rise mysteriously out ...
Source: The Conversation (Au and NZ) – By Kylie Message, Professor of Public Humanities and Director of the ANU Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University National Museum of Australia Pompeii: Inside a Lost City at the National Museum of Australia in Canberra depicts life in the flourishing Roman city ...
Complaints have poured in from people who say they couldn't get their submission in because of problems with the website, and parties are weighing in. ...
The chorus of praise for Turia underscores the fact that TPM does not represent any real alternative to the political establishment. It is a right-wing party that for the past two decades has represented the interests of indigenous capitalists, who ...
“This is a massive project,” says Stephen Horn, of a plan to eradicate introduced pests from Auckland Island/Maukahuka. The manager of the Department of Conservation’s national eradication team says that’s something a feasibility project, published in 2021, unearthed – “that the scale is enormous, and it’s complex”.The scale and complexity ...
Opinion: Let’s face it. Sitting on a beach or by the lake with a dry text on economic theory is hardly what you would describe as compelling summer reading, perhaps except if you happen to be the Reserve Bank governor!For the rest of us, economics is probably off our holiday ...
Analysis: According to three vital global metrics for ocean temperatures, 2024 was the warmest year on record. The coincidence of all three global metrics being highest on record is unusual. The last time was 2016. The three metrics are the global mean surface temperature (GMST), the global sea surface temperatures (SST), ...
Summer reissue: Simon Palenski journeys home to fossick through Ōtautahi’s secondhand bookshops offerings. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be a member today.After finishing undergraduate studies and ...
Summer reissue: Checkered Flag director Natalie Wilson on her lifelong love of motorsport, and the allure of Pukekohe Park Raceway. The Spinoff needs to double the number of paying members we have to continue telling these kinds of stories. Please read our open letter and sign up to be a ...
having looked thru the herald offerings this morn..
..(and finding only two pieces worth linking to..a tv show heads-up..and a non-update on the brown-poontang-inquiry..(with the latter not really deserving inclusion..)
..and then thinking about their (rumoured) plans to go behind a paywall..
..ya hafta laff..
..and say..’go on..!..i dare you..!’…
..phillip ure..
Well you’d think the inquiry would be fairly cut and dried so shouldn’t be taking this long although now they have to find out why pants down Brown was so evasive about the trip to Hong Kong and who traveled with him (although lets face it I think we all know it was)
‘Pants down’ brown.
Whale Oil insults already.
Can’t you guys discuss without resorting to insults? Is it possible to reason and not rely on puerile comments?
does brown fall to his knees each and every morning..
..and say:..
..’thank you lord..for rob ford’..?
..(if he doesn’t..he should..eh..?..)
(and..i dunno..but comparing brown with ford..
..i can’t help feeling we have been cheated..
..phillip ure..
mm..comment has just vanished..(reply to pauls’ call for adult-behaviour around brown….)
..hit submit…and gone..!
phillip ure..
‘s’ok..see below..
..phillip ure..
@ paul..
..my first comment/reaction when the brown poontang-scandal broke..
..was to go ‘meh..!..so what..?..it doesn’t really matter/doesn’t effect how he does his job’..
..and i stand by that..
..but the ensuing career-wrecking..(bte-bye..john palino..we hardly knew yea..!)..
..of central/peripheral-characters/commentators..(tamihere:.’unlike my cat..i’ll be back!’..)
.is such a rich minefield of humour..
..to insist commenters (from both left and right) not take the piss..
..is too big an ask..eh..?
..and anyway..i prefer ‘down-trou-brown’..
..as a moniker..
..phillip ure..
(ahem..!..make ‘minefield’..’mine’..
..tho’..on second thoughts..)
phillip ure..
Do you like the colour of my icon – you are trying to take mine. I would like a change anyway.
@ greywarbler..
..i am still in a state of mourning for the loss of the previous one(s)..
(..why..?..why..?..did they have to go..?..)
..and am considering using the depiction of me as a younger man..
(..created by chris knox..as he said he remembered me from then..)
..on the logo @ whoar..
(and i am still unsure as to whether he was taking the piss a bit..
..or not..
..phillip ure..
I think it’s a winner and with the imprimatur (I’m not sure what that means but it sounds good) of Chris Knox – well I’m bowled over.
edit Just got closed by remote server. Here comes the clown again!
I think it’s a winner and with the imprimatur (I’m not sure what that means but it sounds good) of Chris Knox – well I’m bowled over.
edit Just got Connection closed by remote server. Here comes the clown again!
And again. Will try agin and leave and come back later. Probably the message will have flashed round the world 100 times by then.
Not my system at present. Akismet (the anti-spam engine) appears to be having issues. Keeps being sluggish and winds up putting the comments into moderation for a later check.
There’s quite a lot going on in the herald today.
Shilling for property developers lobby
Giving Joyce a megaphone while undermining the legitimacy of those who criticise the Air NZ selldown
Editorial explicitly pushing the government’s lie re: Air NZ selldown timing
Giving English a megaphone and supporting his confused argument that changes to LVR ratio are not the cause of first home buyers in NZ suddenly dropping by 50%
We’ve moved on from that distracting human rights stuff and now back reporting on things that actually matter
Theres a few other stories about things like more police abuse but no context drawn regarding police culture (because these things happen in a vacuum).
Third anniversary of pike river disaster, but no mention that the Underground Coal Mining Safety Bill was a members bill presented by Damien O’Connor.
Most will assume the government has actually been doing its job.
Shills for developers or just people who care about all NZers?
No suggestion by the NZ Initiative that developers should have 10 years personal liability for the homes they build like builders and architects through?
AND who is NZ Initiative?
Well, on my browser the tab says “NZ The New Zealand Business Roundtable”
“What is The New Zealand Initiative…
The New Zealand Initiative is a business group with a difference. We are a think tank that is a membership organisation; we are an association of business leaders that is also a research institute. And we believe that these are not contradictions.
Maybe Adam Smith would be surprised to hear about The New Zealand Initiative. The founder of modern economics was not just a brilliant theorist but also a good observer of the world around him, and his views of business people were less than flattering.
In his The Wealth of Nations, published in 1776, Smith was scathing: “People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.”
If that sounds familiar to us today, then it is because many people still assume that business people only come together to conspire against the public in the pursuit of their own company’s interests. And indeed, according to Smith, they should only concern themselves with making money to let the market’s “invisible hand” work.
For Smith, the common good resulted from businesses pursuing their own agendas without concerning themselves with the implications for society. With respect, the members of The New Zealand Initiative disagree. The members of the Initiative believe that, as business leaders, they have to play a role in public life and contribute to public debates.
We are committed to developing policies that work for all New Zealanders, and we believe that promoting such policies will benefit all of our members as a matter of fact. But we are certainly an Initiative that usually prefers Adam Smith’s invisible hand to government’s visible fist.
Most of all, though, we believe that our goals and values are similar – if not identical – to what most New Zealanders want to see achieved:
A good education system.
Affordable housing.
an open economy.
A free and democratic society.
The protection of our natural resources and heritage.
Sound public finances.
A stable currency.
These goals are not business goals. They are not left-wing or right-wing goals. These are public policy objectives that most, if not all, New Zealanders would agree with.
The challenge in public policy is often not to define what you want to achieve. The real challenge is finding ways of achieving widely shared goals.”
And who are these like-minded people wanting to research and implement for th ebenefit of us all?
“Air New Zealand
AWF group
AWF Group
ANZ National Bank
ASB website
SB Bank Limited
BNZ website
Bank of New Zealand
Bell Gully website
Bell Gully
BP website
BP Oil New Zealand Ltd
Chorus website
Cooper and company website
Cooper and Company Deloitte website
Deutsche Bank website
Deutsche Bank Ernst Young website
Ernst & Young First NZ Capital website
First NZ Capital Fletcher and Building website
Fletcher Building Fonterra website
Foodstuffs Auckland website
Foodstuffs Auckland Ltd Forsyth bar
Forsyth Barr Freightways websiteFreightways Gallagher website
Gallagher Group Ltd Gibbs website
Gibbs Technologies
Halls Transport website
Halls Transport Infinity wesbite
Infinity Investment Group KPMG website 1
KPMG Lumley website
Lumley General Insurance McConnell Group website
McConnell Group
Microsoft website
Microsoft New Zealand PWC website
PwC New Zealand Samson website
Samson Corporation Southern Cross Healthcare website
Southern Cross Healthcare Tappended Holdings Limited website
Tappenden Holdings Ltd
Tax Management NZ website
Tax Management NZ Telecom website
Telecom The Warehouse Group website
The Warehouse Group Vero website
Vero Vodafone website
Z Energy website
Z Energy”
Nice, have you thought about submitting it to Scott Yorke as a guest post?
I read that too.The “Great right wing leap” I thought from lack of housing to let’s have 5 water companies (so they can be privatised later???) FFs
I Dunno Phil I just had a look and found this Gem on the Pike River Disaster.
And this
But yeah unless you count the laugh about the Qatari Stadium Roof then there’s just pap and dross there.
david h..yr first two links are from the 16th..
..and the herald posted the vagina story after i had already linked to it..
(..still ‘always first with the best’..eh..?..that whoar..)
..so i stand by my paywall-jeer/taunt…
..and it amazes me each and every day..when i am spoiled for choice for quality material to link to..
..that the herald/stuff seemingly can only find..in the main..
..such utter worthless/mindless/uneducated..crap..
..so..paywall away.!…dear hearts..paywall away..!
.it will only hasten the end of yr times as an energy-sucking behemoth..
..producing so much of so little worth..
..phillip ure..
“Rape apologists do nothing to inform and educate public so I applaud the stand made by many to get those mouths metaphorically taped. Besides, they’ve all had their damaging turns for far too long. And we need to do more taping of mouths.”
(Marama Davidson)
The quote above was used as part of this Giovanni Tiso article.
Here is the full article.
“Freedom of speech isn’t freedom from the consequences of speech. Freedom of speech is not a protection against people telling you that your views are hateful. Freedom of speech doesn’t oblige other people or organizations to support you in your privileged position as a broadcaster, or journalist, or blogger. Freedom of speech isn’t a guarantee of permanent employment when the thing you are selling is your opinion nor does freedom of speech compel the public to buy said opinion from you. ”
Some of these words are particularly pertinent to folk like photonz and gatsby who bleat on about freedom of speech on this site.
Ah, yes. thanks for the link. The “freedom of speech” line is such a distortion of what is required in a democracy and fair society.
I recall about a decade back, I largely only heard such a line in support of everything right wing and/or socially conservative, from US people – it’s a line used in the US where they align the Jeffersonian “free market of ideas” with free market capitalism.
The US ideal has stripped out the European ideas of “egalité” and “fraternité” that accompany freedom of speech in Europe. ie “freedom of speech” bringing responsibilities and collective alignment with others.
Basically, this elevating of an “freedom of speech” of the individual ethos above all else has been imported here along with neoliberalism.
PS: excellent post from Giovanni.
Finally a NZ politician who is worthy of a book of quotes ^^^
The third anniversary of Pike River today.
Pike River – 29 men killed by the ethos of the National Party, the Act Party and the neoliberal approach. The high noon of neoliberalism. All the evidence in the world of the glaring faults of the individualism, greed is good, everything can be priced, people act solely for self-interest, model. The philosophy has failed.
The Paparoa Tombstone.
The Qataris may be slave drivers, but they’re pretty progressive in other areas:
Goodness me!
That’s beautiful…. I’d swap that for our ‘cake tin’ any day…
“Vulva stadium”, surely?
Sit in there and blow on your Vulvazela at soccer matches?
“often licked, never beaten”.
Auckland’s newly elected Coincillors and Mayor need to take control of the Ports board. That board and its management have lost the plot.
“Ports of Auckland has hired top lawyer Mai Chen to help it in a row with the Auckland Council over measures to reclaim more of the Waitemata Harbour.
Ports chief executive Tony Gibson and Ms Chen met Mayor Len Brown in September to try to avoid starting legal action against their owner. Another meeting is set for today.”
Dear Councillors, we gave you a mandate to manage.
Get on with it.
Dump Richard Pearson as chair of POAL immediately.
Dump the entire NACT chosen board starting with Gibson/Pearson….but can they ?
This is a great example of rortneys deliberately dysfunctional supershity biting its so called masters hand rather than getting permission/direction and buy in like a well behaved subsidary would.
Yep, get rid of them. Find a way. That’s what we have a mayor and council for.
A very interesting article about G4S from the Financial Times
Financial Times,
G4S: the inside story
By Andrew Hill and Gill Plimmer
Damaging scandals are raising questions on how the third-largest listed private sector employer runs its empire and the future of outsourcing vital public services
Read the full article at: http://on.ft.com/1eVUiIW
Sent from my iPad
Good on you Graham McCready!
Housing New Zealand Faces $6,000 Compensation Claim from Banks Private Prosecutor.
76-year Old Granny forced to clean off toxic mould
When a 76-year old Granny moved into her Strathmore Miramar unit in January 2010 it was unfit for habitation with toxic mould in the kitchen cupboards, dirty floors and bathroom and unsecured electrical cables in the ceiling that flapped when a strong wind blew.
Housing NZ refused to do any repairs leaving her to clean up dangerous toxic mould and do other maintenance work. She developed a respiratory illness as a result. The work took her three weeks hard labour before it was liveable. Draft stopping was never fitted resulting in the wind rattling the doors and windows.
The unit is halfway up steep street with a bus stop at the top and bottom leaving this disabled pensioner to push her walker up and down the hill with groceries.
She applied four times for a transfer supported by medical certificates. Each time HNZ falsely said she had not responded to their request for confirmation of her housing needs request and closed the file.
Graham Mc Cready, Advocate for NZPPS Ltd has taken on her case. HNZ has 14-days to do all the repairs or the matter will be referred to Tenancy Tribunal for a work order. A claim for $6,000 in compensation will be filed with the Tribunal in any event.
Graham Mc Cready
Advocate for The Tenant
Disgraceful. So this is what HNZ has become! Goood on Mc Cready.
you are doing good work there..mr mcready..
phillip ure..
Yes true, good to see Graham Mac standing up for those bullied by the system, while i understand ‘why’ people move into what is obviously ‘unsuitable’ accommodation and then try and transfer into a more suitable position later because of the severely rationed number of State Houses,(and we still await Labour’s lifting of the ‘vows’ of silence over whether or not they are going to seriously address this issue, and believe me i am seriously starting to doubt that), there is the danger as appears to be the case here of becoming ‘stuck’,
i know all this for a fact because after a six month wait after gaining approval to be housed i took the first place HousingNZ offered me but have adapted my life to the parts of the property i can use and would have to say that despite the challenges this poses i am financially, physically and psychologically in a far better position after a few years in the one place,
The inferior state of many of the States Housing portfolio is the result of i believe 2 imperatives which i believe is the result of an ‘unspoken consensus’ between Labour and National on the future direction of the States roll as a major provider of housing to the poorest members of both the working and beneficiary communities,
The Neo-liberal recipe was i believe applied to the housing of ‘the poor’ some time back by both Labour and National and as it now stands (with the allotment of State Housing shifting to WINZ), with the focus becoming more ‘private’ providers being given access to more and more of the States housing stock nothing Labour have recently said on the issue would suggest that ‘RED Labour’ under David Cunliffe are about to alter that view…
Everything done so that a few people can have a government guaranteed income. This has been done by both Labour and National – National being far worse than Labour as the sales of state assets shows.
make your bed, then lie in it and relax. We are only here for a relatively short time, may as well sleep in. (Too much sun is harmful these days 😀 )
This is just sick. It shouldn’t be 6 grand it should be 16 grand with 10k for pain and suffering. FFS I know those hill in Strathmore and I used to walk them as a meter reader for the power company back in the late 70’s and early 80’s. And i was in my early 20’s then, and it knackered me so a 73 year old woman using a walking frame would be absolutely shattered after a walk up those hills. Nice to see we really look after our old age Pensioners. Now wait for Winston to see it.
The Young (OK, Jung) and the rest, less! Finally! deep sigh.
A must read post by Selwyn Manning over at The Daily Blog. Probably the best summation of Key and his bunch of sycophants that I’ve read to date.
Totally agree, wyndham. Manning’s post is a Must Read, and a very well thoughtout summation of Key and Co. One of his best posts ever imo.
Marvellous summary. Thanks wyndham.
In a nutshell compare the following Labour PMs to John Key:
1) Norman Kirk. He lead the charge against the French nuclear testing at Moruroa Atoll on behalf of New Zealand and the Pacific Islands. He was applauded around the world for his courage. He paid the ultimate price. His health deteriorated rapidly (yes, there are questions to ponder about that) and he died well before his time.
2) David Lange. He picked up the anti-nuclear baton and ran with it all the way to Oxford University. In the process he trumped Margaret Thatcher and she never forgave him. He was harassed and intimidated for his brand of courage. His health also deteriorated (from natural causes but stress would have played a part) and he also died before his time.
3) Helen Clark. Stood up to the Western allied countries (the Coalition of the Willing) and refused to send fighting troops into Iraq and Afghanistan. She was personally ridiculed and derided by her enemies. She lives to fight another war against international poverty.
+ 1
“She lives to fight another war against international poverty.”
How’s she doing with that?
What’s her salary?
@ anne..
..kirk pulled us out of vietnam..key wanted to be a spear-carrier for bush..and go to invade iraq…
..lange..for all his verbal skills/stated political beliefs.. went along with the rightwing-revolution..
..key is the final act of the/that rightwing revolution..(as he/english admitted..there is nothing else left for the elites to glom onto..all the cherries have been picked..it’s bones-picking-over time..)
..3)..helen clark refused to take us to war in traq..but what about afghanistan..?
..and sorry..but i get a case of the irony-‘bends’..at any depiction of clark as some sorta joan of arc/st helen..in the fight against poverty..
..given that as prime minister of new zealand..for nine long years..
..clark not only turned her back on the countries’ most in need..
..she led the chorus of demonising/marginalising of those most in need..
..and sewed the seeds/prepared the ground for the pogroms against those poorest enacted by key/bennett/this tory govt..
..(just saying..!..)
..phillip ure..
that’s what happens when people don’t know enough about economics and, in fact,just don’t have enough general knowledge which, I believe, is what this article was truly about. Specialisation causes people to have a narrow view of life and thus can easily be misled.
Ya don’t say!
Nah, Lange chose to be ignorant about economics in the same way that Key chooses to not read unpleasant documents. Kirk was the last decent Labour PM who actually tried to change a few things and build a better society. Helen was satisfied to slow the advance of neoliberalism and apply a few patches.
And thus left it to the specialists while keeping to his own specialisation little realising that an MP can’t be a specialist and needs to have that broad education.
an MP awaiting D…
Anne, these acts by Labour PMs stand in stark contrast to National PMs. I find Key insidious, his actions seem to me to indicate that he lives in a “present paradigm” that fits the world view of a hegemonists ally. His view of hegemony consists corporate power structures, financial control and exploitation enabled by a power alliance based on the US military industrial complex. I doubt he sees himself as a “Kiwi”.
Muldoon was interesting: I got the feeling he was a Kiwi primarily and a grudging ally to anybody, US included. That however did not stop his government from becoming apologists for Indonesias US approved conquest of East Timor. I gave Talboys (Foreign Affairs for Muldoon) the acid questions as a student. His responses indicated blind pragmatism bordering on willful arrogance, and a blindness to any human rights issues. It was the Cold War era, and the US was doing all sorts of dirty stuff in Chile and Central America. Nationals silence indicated complicit alignment.
Attitude to abuse of human rights is probably the defining difference between National and Labour administrations. Both play for the same team but Labour seems to be more aware that there are some rules that should be observed.
National, being the authoritarians that they are, always align to the most powerful. Watch as they transfer their arse kissing to China as the US hegemony declines.
F*ck Brian Talboys! (despite the instruction To Love your neighbour , these Tories are a plague).
Hi Ennui,
Don’t know whether you will pick up on my response at this late juncture, but you remind me of a similar attempt by me to put the acid question to Muldoon over the vexed matter of the expanding nuclear arms race. It was at a public meeting and he responded with such dignity and respect to the question I was left floundering. The old bastard knew I was an innocent abroad and out of my depth. Guess he wasn’t all bad. He could have skinned me alive.
Love the way the NZH puts Armstong’s CV at the end of his pieces. As if to try to give some credibility where there obviously is none.
maybe they hope someone else will give him a real job?
Germany to adopt women only quotas for all company boards:
So in context, Labour’s quota idea is actually just a variation on what leading social democracies in advanced countries across Europe are all doing. Here is a thought – how about that dipshit Patrick Gower report on THAT (*gasp* IDEAS from Johnny foreigner???!!!!) instead of TV News doing its usual totally myopic and provincial news take on local crime, repetitive horse race politics, excesive amounts of sport and the weather?
The money quote for me though comes from another article I have read on this at
“…Incidentally, it is not about rights, it is about recognition of chance, and that is where you see the current debate of Frauenquote differ from bra burning and pill prescriptions of our sisters four decades ago…”
This is the best one sentence soundbite defense of quotas I have yet read.
I thought this is part of the trend of business to avoid taking part ion real business with their money and just putting it in ‘soft’ investments and parking it in tax havens. This affects NZ citizens – a nz company shifting its base to the Channel Islands to limit taxation.
From Patrick Smellie
PGC heads for life in a tax haven
For South Islanders, the combination of the names Pyne and Gould still conjures memories of first settler families and the Christchurch squatocracy.
How odd then to see the names transported back to the Old Country, or very close by, with the announcement yesterday that Pyne Gould Corp will de-list from the NZX, seek a London Stock Exchange listing and set up digs in the Channel Islands, in Guernsey.
Now, calling Guernsey a tax haven is a ticklish business. Quite recently, UK Prime Minister David Cameron went to some lengths to defend the islands from that dodgy-sounding tag. However, there’s no doubt the Channel Islands offer a tax environment that suits those seeking to minimise their obligations to other countries’ exchequers.
The company’s press statement coyly alludes to the advantageous tax settings as part of its reasoning, although makes more of the fact that its new location is intended to make it more visible to the European investors it increasingly wishes to deal with.
No word as yet as to whether three-quarters owner of PGC, George Kerr, plans to set up house on Guernsey.
This is an example of a business that has made its money in hard work dealing with physical entities serving farmers in New Aealand. Then diversified to some interests overseas. And now split up further and is taking much of its putea outside of NZ and just managing investments, looking for easy earnings.
From Wikipedia on Christchurch as it used to be.
PGG Wrightson, New Zealand’s leading agribusiness, is based in Christchurch. Its local roots go back to Pyne Gould Guinness, an old stock and station agency serving the South Island. That firm helped take deer farming techniques abroad. PGG Wrightson’s overseas diversification includes dairy farming in Uruguay
I thought this is part of the trend of business to avoid taking part ion real business with their money and just putting it in ‘soft’ investments and parking it in tax havens. This affects NZ citizens – a nz company shifting its base to the Channel Islands to limit taxation.
From Patrick Smellie
PGC heads for life in a tax haven
For South Islanders, the combination of the names Pyne and Gould still conjures memories of first settler families and the Christchurch squatocracy.
How odd then to see the names transported back to the Old Country, or very close by, with the announcement yesterday that Pyne Gould Corp will de-list from the NZX, seek a London Stock Exchange listing and set up digs in the Channel Islands, in Guernsey.
Now, calling Guernsey a tax haven is a ticklish business. Quite recently, UK Prime Minister David Cameron went to some lengths to defend the islands from that dodgy-sounding tag. However, there’s no doubt the Channel Islands offer a tax environment that suits those seeking to minimise their obligations to other countries’ exchequers.
The company’s press statement coyly alludes to the advantageous tax settings as part of its reasoning, although makes more of the fact that its new location is intended to make it more visible to the European investors it increasingly wishes to deal with.
No word as yet as to whether three-quarters owner of PGC, George Kerr, plans to set up house on Guernsey.
This is an example of a business that has made its money in hard work dealing with physical entities serving farmers in New Aealand. Then diversified to some interests overseas. And now split up further and is taking much of its putea outside of NZ and just managing investments, looking for easy earnings.
From Wikipedia on Christchurch as it used to be.
PGG Wrightson, New Zealand’s leading agribusiness, is based in Christchurch. Its local roots go back to Pyne Gould Guinness, an old stock and station agency serving the South Island. That firm helped take deer farming techniques abroad. PGG Wrightson’s overseas diversification includes dairy farming in Uruguay
Perhaps someone could point out that as a lot of things have been male dominated for the last how? many centuries the women are going to have a turn at the 80:20 model for the same number of centures ahead. They should think themselves lucky the proposals are so modest .
Good article by Bomber. I think he has a point, and I’ve witnessed a witch hunt on him on Twitter. What surprises me the most if their desire to shut different opinions. The infighting and the vitriol on minute differences of opinion do not constitute a unified front against the all-reaching right wing in the media. And there, the battle may be lost.
Yep, I agree. I read that earlier from the link on this site, and although I think Bomber’s a bit of a legend in his own lunchbox I reckon he’s right on the button here.
OMG! Unbelievable! Bomber complains of a lack of solidarity:
“Maybe it’s the death of unionism or maybe it’s the impact of consumer-culture individualism, but solidarity and the finding of common ground on the left has been bludgeoned to death by the desire to burn heretics”
Talk about the kettle calling the pot black!!.
This is the same guy who wrote a neurotic, bilious attack of a piece months back against “Wellington” for supposedly receiving a bigger share of the infrastructure dollar than Auckland per capita (and he posted this shortly before work started on that freaking great big tunnel under the harbour).
He used one study to demonstrate his point, that many discredited. I had never read anything quite so nutty and ill informed. I tried to reason with him and said his approach wasn’t helping and that by attacking his friends he was creating division and not helping the left towards unity. He simply gave petulant replies.
(No sorry, I haven’t got the time to trawl through the site and find the article and link it here but a few readers here were aware of it)
To think that JK may win because he feels personally aggrieved by criticism is just bizarre. He is not the embodiment of the left.
Ya’ know. I had high hopes for that site when it first went up and in the months after, but I noticed cracks appearing. I kept giving it chances and giving him the benefit of the doubt. After all, he can convey a message with humour, which appeals to me. His heart is in the right place too, but boy o boy, after that nut out about Wellington I gave up entirely.
Bomber’s biggest fan is Bomber and unfortunately his biggest fan doesn’t realise Bomber has an ego problem.
It’s pretty much going the same way as Red Alert.
ooh, is that Right 😛 (this week, distractions permitting, I’m gonna read the Queens thoughts on TDB).
Long Live The Standard, and all who rail in [her]?
“She’s” a beauty…mate….( not the Queen ) 😉
And I love rail too…tickets please.. 😉
edit: just realised you may have been referring to QoT (?)…if so…she is an expletive laden beauty!
Ta, fans 😀
“come on Baby light our fire”.
Just read your post on your blog QOT. Too right!
Having a cup of tea while on duty on the bridge of the Excelsior is such bad form.
Bomber could not be more wrong.
Labour Party membership has gone through the roof. Cunliffe has united and continues to unite the Labour party further and further.
Cunliffe is also clear that while Labour may be a ‘broad church”, he is aiming to bring in once again all those who didn’t have the heart or inclination to vote who would most benefit from a change of government.
As for the marches on the weekend, Bomber will have to admit that women hold up the great majority of the activist progressives and he should be man enough to admit that he ain’t the player he might like to be.
If he doesn’t like this he should pop onto the Mana list and try his luck.
See if people follow when he dares to lead.
This (very timely).
The political Left can’t focus on an agreed and near term set of goals and priorities for longer than 5 minutes.
We don’t care to manage political risk and timing because we know that we are in the right and we are confident that everyone will see that.
Each individual activist group’s own agenda is clearly the most important agenda on the table.
Progressives pretend to represent the interests of the vast majority, yet that same vast majority won’t vote for us – clearly because the vast majority are ignorant/stupid/bamboozled/retrograde.
And as Bomber says: always watch out for traitors amongst our midst. They are everywhere, the ones who aren’t economically radical enough, who aren’t socially liberal enough, who enjoy their privilege that little bit too much to be trusted.
Well I see activist shoots everywhere.
I’m not a fan of over-coherence – at least not in the current politics.
I view Key as so strong, and his government so consistently popular, that progressives need to attack from everywhere (as well as have a leader who can match him in the House. Which we thankfully now have).
New Zealand still has a small-c conservative element of the “passionless poeple” who are rarely aroused sufficient to change things hard.
It’s from the mico-movements that activists arise that are prepared to volunteer their time and money.
After the long slow burnout from the 2006 campaigns, and Goff and Shearer, the older ones need replacing so that they can be put to pasture and just have their asses tapped for donations at the right time.
Back Door, Man
witch hunt
He has his many faults but I think he’s hardly a Whaleoil of the left, like some tweeters (twits?) seem to think.
He is very much a Cam Slater of the left – they are both whiney, dishonest and convinced they are the sole voice of reason for their politics. Both are nasty hypocrites convinced of their own superiority and brook no criticism. If Martyn is having a moan about people being mean to him he should take a long look in the mirror first.
That’s a compliment, yes?
Does Bomber have a nice wealthy prickly hong kong lawyer helping him?
…or a daddy deeply engaged with The Party
He seems to think I am somehow affiliated with the Green Party. Which I ain’t and I have tried to tell him that but it won’t make it through moderation. I am guessing it ruins the narrative.
and the Rogue?…(careful now, you might stomp on my roses) 😉
He seems more than happy to lie. Oh well. Dishonest prick that he is
Bomber logic, TC. You hate him, ergo you are a Green supporter, probably from Wellington, because the only reason anyone can have to disagree with Bomber is that they’re a Green supporter from Wellington.
On the plus side, eventually someone’s going to make some sweet Emerald Stormtrooper t-shirts, and then you can wear one just to be contrary.
I don’t hate anyone – I find particularly galling though because he is a dishonest wanker who claims the moral high ground and makes me feel awful that someone might my left-wing POV’s as some how in the same political spectrum as him.
I meant
“someone might think my left-wing POV’s as some how in the same political spectrum as his”
no mistaking here, yet I am greatful for what Bomber has exposed. He has done some mahi. (how’s The Contrarian blog subscriptions coming along…) 😀
Gave that up over a year ago. Was a nice idea but I failed at it.
For what its worth, TC, I think you came out of that exchange looking better than Bomber. At least you fessed up and retained some dignity. Bomber, on the other hand, spent a long time abusing someone (by name, rather than by their moniker), about something it turns out they didn’t do. Then,when he found out he hadn’t identified the target correctly, nor even got his intimidation by naming right by using the correct real life name, he couldn’t find the grace to put his hand up himself.
I’m a firm believer in class analysis. Bomber ain’t got none.
I fessed up long ago – if you look at the timestamps on the Wikipedia talk page I said months ago that it was me and not the other Ace McWicked who is a friend of mine and the moniker ‘Ace McWicked’ came out of a drunk conversation we had way back in 2002 or so. Bomber knew this I should point out.
He has made various claims about me now that I cannot defend as I am moderated when I try to.
But to point out here:
1. I never tried to impersonate Ace McWicked from The Egonomist. He is an old friend of mine and when I heard ages ago that Bomber had accused him of my actions I fronted immediately. Bomber knows this too.
2. I am not a Green party member
3. I am not a Labour member
4. I have always been honest – Bomber is a lying shitbag.
Is an Emerald Stormtrooper like a Wild Green? What are they?
‘Who are you,…who who” (The Who)…”who who, Tell me who are you!” 😀
Maybe something like the Green Taleban?
Maybe Bomber and Peter Dunne could get together and have a cuppa
Hey! Which reminds me. Who nicked our placard?!
PPO have several such signs around the burbs of the Ohariu Electorate and one got nicked, one I had lovingly created. Last seen on Saturday on the fence at Newlands Park during sports day but gone by Sunday morning……………..
I thought this is part of the trend of business to avoid taking part ion real business with their money and just putting it in ‘soft’ investments and parking it in tax havens. This affects NZ citizens – a nz company shifting its base to the Channel Islands to limit taxation.
From Patrick Smellie
PGC heads for life in a tax haven
For South Islanders, the combination of the names Pyne and Gould still conjures memories of first settler families and the Christchurch squatocracy.
How odd then to see the names transported back to the Old Country, or very close by, with the announcement yesterday that Pyne Gould Corp will de-list from the NZX, seek a London Stock Exchange listing and set up digs in the Channel Islands, in Guernsey.
Now, calling Guernsey a tax haven is a ticklish business. Quite recently, UK Prime Minister David Cameron went to some lengths to defend the islands from that dodgy-sounding tag. However, there’s no doubt the Channel Islands offer a tax environment that suits those seeking to minimise their obligations to other countries’ exchequers.
The company’s press statement coyly alludes to the advantageous tax settings as part of its reasoning, although makes more of the fact that its new location is intended to make it more visible to the European investors it increasingly wishes to deal with.
No word as yet as to whether three-quarters owner of PGC, George Kerr, plans to set up house on Guernsey.
This is an example of a business that has made its money in hard work dealing with physical entities serving farmers in New Aealand. Then diversified to some interests overseas. And now split up further and is taking much of its putea outside of NZ and just managing investments, looking for easy earnings.
From Wikipedia on Christchurch as it used to be.
PGG Wrightson, New Zealand’s leading agribusiness, is based in Christchurch. Its local roots go back to Pyne Gould Guinness, an old stock and station agency serving the South Island. That firm helped take deer farming techniques abroad. PGG Wrightson’s overseas diversification includes dairy farming in Uruguay
I suppose a whole lot of their farming clients will now register their businesses in Guernsey as well.
Super bug lands in NZ. Now if only we had a unnecessary compliance regime that placed undesirables into harms way. Sending the sick, disabled, mentally ill to doctors surgeries when they did not need to be there, or at the wrong time. And then think about the Doctors who are seeing many more patients many needing little or no extra help from them.
Why does MSD impose three monthly Doctors visits and not allow patients to renew at any time within the three months when they just happen to be at their surgery for medical assistance.
Suggested song of the day for Pike River anniversary.
“29 Diamonds”–Bernie Griffen and the Grifters
Good call, TM. I hope people will take a moment to reflect and remember at 3.44, the time of the first explosion.
Thanks TRP for providing the time. I will reflect in silence at that time.
And yes, acknowledgements to Bad12 and vto below re Labour’s plan to compensate the families of the victims. It’s hard to know what the lowest level the Nat govt could possibly sink to after all that has happened over the last five years, but their choice to not compensate the miner’s families must count as one of the lowest.
Especially against a background of compensation of $1.7 billion paid to South Canterbury Finance investors when their money-lending company failed.
The starkness in contrast is blinding like nothing before.
“blinded by the light…”
Thumbs up to Labour leader David Cunliffe quoted in today’s National Party NZ Herald as saying a Government He leads will pay the compensation to the families of the Pike River 29 as ordered by the Court,
i have posted criticism of His position befor where He has been highly critical of Slippery the Prime Ministers mean spirited stingy attitude to the payment of this compensation but has refused to say whether His Government would pay the compensation,
David Cunliffe went further in saying ‘His’ Government would go after the shareholders and directors of Pike River Coal to recover the money,
My view is rather than chase them as individuals a Government of the left should have a contingency fund specially for such disasters as Pike River where compensation ordered by a Court or tribunal will not be paid by those who owe it,
Such a fund should be administered by ACC and the ‘class’ of people usually found to be directors and shareholders of companies should pay levies into such a fund which in reality would be much like the fund set up for the victims of crime…
Yes just saw that http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/9416264/Labour-would-pay-full-Pike-River-compo
Putting aside the Pike River situation for just a very brief moment – this is painting a pretty strong picture of a Labour leader prepared to take action and stand up to bad practices. It is refreshing to see. Taking it directly to Key – full frontal assault. Keep it up.
In comparison, and in the same article, there is some dribble from Minister for Labour Simon Bridges which is woeful, unable to be understood, and full of lies and bullshit. What a useless piece of dribble he is. Pathetic.
Thats the difference right there.
Key has shown time and again he will bend over backwards, or just get bent over when he sits down with corporates and business people.
David C has backbone, is ready and willing to stand up for New Zealanders, and doesn’t mind administering a swift kick up the arse to those that need to correct their behaviour.
edit: Bridges sounds like he’s taking credit for Damien O’Connors Underground Coal Mining Safety Bill;
he got on the phone to chorus pretty damn quick
sigh. This.
Good on him and the Greens for supporting them.
One would think that even a smidgeon of that right wing self interest might suggest that voluntary payout rather than head to head conflict with the next government might be a realistic option. particularly any copany with a “drill baby drill
My comment took so long to get threough that I pressed submit again thinking it would make something happen but then nothing showed up on the comments list. Anyway I won’t post any more today – I’ve filled up too much space already.
You’re probably finding the page isn’t updating and you’re looking at the cached version.
If you can’t see your post hit f5 on your key board and then see if it shows up.
On the anniversary of the death of 29 miners at Pike River Mine – least we forget?
Remember this?
(I received hard-copies of “Murder at Pike River Mine”, by mail from author Jacob Cohen, with an accompanying letter dated January 30 2011, because he regarded myself, Vince Siemer, and Grace Haden as ‘leading NZ “whistleblowers” ‘.
There have been a number of us who have helped to spread the word on this matter. )
‘Whistle-blowing’ author of “Murder at Pike River Mine”, Jacob Cohen, has written a work with extremely disturbing claims.
In this document he shares remarkable insight into the inner workings of how New Zealand is being run today and why corporate power is able to do so much damage.
Please read and judge for yourself what might have happened. The author of this website thinks many things about it smell wrong.
(Source: http://www.guerillamedia.co.nz, 2011, link)
Essentially, the allegation is that the Pike River mining disaster was deliberate, that the 29 miners were murdered, in order to help build support for open-cast mining, which can then be argued to be ‘safer’ than underground mining, thus help open up New Zealand for international mining companies.
Here are some excerpts, which focus on Jacob Cohen’s allegation of ‘safety negligence’ at Pike River Mine:
According to news reports, the giant methane explosion in the mine occurred around 3.15pm± 3.30pm on Friday,19 November 2010. Quite simply, it was massive.
The force of the explosion blew out of a 110 meter deep ventilation shaft and blackened the surrounding bush 60 meters away from the shaft portal.
It also blew over 2km down the main access tunnel and was recorded by a CCTV camera at the portal blasting outwards for 52 seconds, so remarkably, there must have been an enormous, undetected buildup of methane in the mine prior to the explosion, but no warnings or alarms for the miners ever sounded.
Clearly, there was no proper fixed methane gas detection monitoring system in the mine connected to alarms, or if there was the system was not working. It seems there also was no monitoring system to the office outside for 24 hour constant surveillance either.
All this is rather strange, since strategically located gas detectors are now a standard requirement in all Australian and US underground coal mines.
There are strict requirements to provide extensive gas monitoring, safety and health management systems in all Australian mines in which the CEO, Peter Whittall, has been trained and worked.
Why were there none working?
The first reports of an explosion were at 3.45pm and management was not even aware that there had been an explosion until around 4.10pm, nearly an hour after the estimated time of the explosion!
This is much more than extreme negligence. ……”
Download pdf: Murder at Pike River Mine.pdf (625 KB)
[swf file=”/sites/default/files/users/Dan/pdf/Murder%20at%20Pike%20River%20Mine.swf”]
Book Excerpt: Tragedy at Pike River Mine
The book that will change the way we think about the Pike River mine disaster was launched in Greymouth last night.
The Press secured this exclusive extract from the chapter Entombed.
Every day through the long hours of testimony, the same worn faces would be seen in the public gallery, determined to make sense of the loss of their husband, son, father, brother, uncle, friend. And every day they would hear dark new evidence revealing the immensity of Pike River Coal’s failings. Mining a coal seam known to be high in methane gas, the company had not installed a system fit for the purpose of monitoring its major hazard. Fixed sensors in the mine hadn’t been working for weeks before the explosion: one had been out of action since September 4; another since October 13; one was unreliable and transmitted incorrect gas readings after it had been “poisoned” by high methane levels, causing a flat line to show on the surface control room system. Nothing was done, despite statutory mine manager Doug White having signed off a report stating the monitor was “stuck” at a reading of 2.8 percent methane.
Despite early plans to pre-drain methane from the coal seam before mining began, this hadn’t happened. Instead, gas was bled out of the seam from the in-seam drill holes that Pike relied on to find out where the coal seam lay, and drained through a pipeline the company knew to be inadequate and overpressured.They heard how Pike’s electrical system departed from conventional mine design: the main fan – the principal source of clean air for the workers – was placed underground, where it could not be reached in the event of a disaster. The fan’s motor and other items of electrical equipment underground were not designed to be intrinsically safe or flameproof, and could operate only in fresh air.
Pike had forged ahead with the introduction of its hydro-mining system before establishing the second means of egress that was required in law. It had widened the area to be mined with the hydro monitor without adequate knowledge of how the strata above would behave. It had started commissioning the system without having sufficient skilled workers to man it, and in the face of repeated spikes in the volume of methane released into the mine atmosphere.
The evidence laid before the Royal Commission showed that day after day Pike’s underground workers – miners and the many contractors who had no background and little training in coal mining – had walked into an environment that might have exploded any number of times.
“There were numerous warnings of a potential catastrophe at Pike River,” the commission said in its final report. One source of this information was the reports made by the underground deputies and workers. For months, these men had reported incidents of excess methane, and many other health and safety problems. “In the 48 days before the explosion there had been 21 reports of methane levels reaching explosive volumes, and 27 reports of lesser, but potentially dangerous, volumes of the gas,” the commission noted. “The reports of excess methane continued up to the very morning of the tragedy. The warnings were not heeded.”
Pike River Coal was focused on its short-term needs, the commission concluded. The mine was badly behind schedule and its credibility was under strain; it had faced difficulties from the start of the project, promised production volumes had proved illusory, and it needed more capital. There was a drive for coal production before the mine was ready. By November 2010, “the emphasis placed on short-term coal production so seriously weakened Pike’s safety culture that the risks of an explosion either went unnoticed or were not heeded.”
Those whose duty it was to manage the risks of the operation had failed. “In the drive towards coal production, the directors and executive managers paid insufficient attention to health and safety and exposed the company’s workers to unacceptable risks. Mining should have stopped until the risks could be properly managed.”
And the regulator had allowed Pike to continue operating in breach of the law. “The Department of Labour did not have the focus, capacity or strategies to ensure Pike was meeting its legal responsibilities under health and safety laws,” the commission found. “The department assumed Pike was complying with the law, even though there was ample evidence to the contrary. The department should have prohibited Pike from operating the mine until its health and safety systems were adequate.” …..
Seems ‘whistle-blower’ Dr Jacob Cohen was correct about the Pike River Coal Mine explosion and safety negligence?
What other matters that Dr Jacob Cohen raised in “Murder at Pike River Mine”, are worthy of (re)consideration?
I recommend folks have another read – because it seems a lot of ‘dots’ are now ‘joining up’?
Penny Bright
Yup. Clark’s Labour government and National’s current government are guilty of culpable neglect. Cunners has recognised that.
vanity, vanity, all is vanity
There are two points i would like to make here, and a i have made them befor, my apologies if you are bored with reading them,
First, the Author pre-supposes, with good reasons i must add, that the first Pike River Mine explosion was simply one of Methane Gas, obviously the Scum managing the mine were ‘knowingly’ playing a game of Russian Roulette with the lives of anyone who went underground with Methane levels said to be within the danger zone of being able to explode 20 times in the 40 days leading up to the first explosion,(4-17% of Methane Gas to air in an atmosphere),
However, and like the Author i have developed a belief that certain parties involved with Pike River ‘wanted’ that mine to explode,(why would anyone continue to operate it without proper working gas sensors without the intent, these are hardly ‘stupid’ people), what has not been taken notice of is the evidence of both the mine Manager on the day of the explosion or the South African miner sent into the mine to ‘see what was going on’,
From the carpark at the administration block after the initial explosion the Mine Manager at the time said in His evidence to the Royal Commission that He smelled a strong smell of burnt diesel, Methane Gas when combusted has no smell,
The South African electrician sent into the mine after the first explosion said in His evidence to the Royal Commission the same thing, ”a strong smell of burnt diesel” and added chillingly to the Commission that He had 27 years experience in South African mines and the burnt diesel smell was ”exactly like the smell of AMFRO explosives He had experienced while mining in South Africa,
My view is that persons or person unknown has set out to deliberately have that mine explode, to all extents and purposes the mining company was insolvent BUT it did have a reputed $100 million of insurance,
The only real question in my mind is did those persons or person unknown get ‘sick of waiting’ for the spark which would trigger the explosion of the Methane Gas continuously sitting within the tight band of being able to explode and having waited for day after day did that person or those persons unknown then decide to help the process along a little with a small parcel of AMFRO explosives attached to a timing device???…
John Clarke and Brian Dawe on the fine art o fpolitical interviewing.
Anyone know what the kerfuffle in the public gallery just before Question 2 in Parliament today was all about?
From listening to the calls from the public gallery on ParliamentTV, it was people protesting re Pike River and the treatment of the families.
EDIT – here is the Stuff report.
While Jacinda Arden apparently tweeted that she thought it was re immigration, the man I heard the most was speaking about familes and moku, and losing sons and fathers. I also think he mentioned the TOW. So I don’t think it was about immigration. It also happened just before Cunliffe’s question re Pike River.
EDIT 2 – The Herald seems to support it was about immigration, so I was wrong
“MP Jacinda Ardern tweeted: “Protest stops Parliament mid question time. As far as I could tell it was about a family’s issues with immigration?”
edit: edit snap veutoviper
Thank youse.
I have a seven year old son who is enjoying playing Monopoly with his grandfather who is visiting – despite the end result being one player with everything and the other destitute. (Guessing the enjoyment has more to do with the companion than the outcome).
My 12 year old – knowing my complete indifference to the game – suggested creating a boardgame that rewards for good choices – ie. more points for environmental design, more people in well designed houses etc. Being an ideas man with no capital – he went on to Kickstarter. Being a realist I headed off to Google – and searched for “board game – socialism” and guess what came up?
Monopoly in it’s earlier guise – known as The Landlord’s Game.
Different versions and rules but some of them that move past the end premise of our contemporary Monopoly. For example in the Rules for NO 748628 BY LIZZIE J MAGIE:
When players have become thoroughly familiar with the rules and principles of the game they will readily perceive that if the game be continued long enough the inevitable result will be that one player will own everything on the board. Under the ordinary rules, however, two or three sittings would probably be necessary to reach this end; therefore it is suggested that in order to arrive more quickly at a decisive point, the following rules be observed:
When 10 houses have been erected — whether by one or more players — taxes (blue spaces) are doubled (20): when twenty-five houses have been erected taxes are again doubled ($40), which is the limit….
The Landlord’s Game is based on present prevailing business methods. This the players can prove for themselves; and they can also prove what must be the logical outcome of such a system, i.e., that the land monopolist has absolute control of the situation. If a person wishes to prove this assertion — having first proven that the principles of the game are based on realities — let him do so by giving to one player all of the land and giving to the other players all other advantages of the game. Provide each player with $100 at the start and let the game proceed under the rules with the exception that the landlord gets no wages. By this simple method one can satisfy himself of the truth of the assertion that the land monopolist is monarch of the world. The remedy is the Single Tax.
If the players wish to prove how the application of the Single Tax would benefit everybody by equalizing and opportunities and raising wages, they may at any time during the game put the single tax into operation by a vote of at least two of the players.
Players were left in possession of their holdings and, with the exception that the Title Deeds are of no value, the gain goes on as before under the following rules:
RULE 1. Pay no taxes on Absolute Necessities.
RULE 2. All land rent is paid into the public treasury to be used for public improvements. (Begin game under single tax with empty PUBLIC TREASURY.)
RULE 3. All railroad fares and franchise rates are paid to the individual owners as before until the public takes control of them (see Rule 6), when they are FREE.
RULE 4. When a player stops upon an unimproved lot (except Government Reservations, see following rule) he first pays the full land rent into PUBLIC TREASURY, and then, if he so desires and can afford it, he may improved the lot by erection of a house thereon. But if the space upon which he has stopped is already improved by another player’s house, he first pays the full land rent into the PUBLIC TREASURY and then pays the full house rent to the owner of the house. If that anytime a player has money to invest, he may, in his turn, erect a house on any unimproved lot he chooses, whether his checker is on that space or not, provided no other player bids against him for the privilege of building there.
The “bid” money (or rent) is paid into the PUBLIC TREASURY.
RULE 5. HOGG”S GAME PRESERVES and LORD BLUEBLOOD’S ESTATE are supposed to be reserved by the Government for Free College sites (see part c, Rule 6), and until the colleges are erected a player whose throw brings him upon one of the use spaces is trespassing and must go to JAIL.
RULE 6. (a) When the cash in the PUBLIC TREASURY from land rents and fines amounts to $50 it is paid to the holder of the SOAKUM LIGHTING SYSTEM charter for the purchase of the plant, which is then owned and operated by the public, (the change to public ownership being by condemnation, excluding value of right of way). The card is returned to the pack, and henceforth the Lighting System space is free to all players. If the card is still in the pack the $50 is paid into the MISCELLANEOUS pile.
(b) When the cash in the PUBLIC TREASURY amounts to $50 more, go through the same process with SLAMBANG TROLLEY; then P.D.Q.R.R.; then GEE WIZZ R. R., and so on around the board until all the railroads are free.
(c) Then when the cash in the PUBLIC TREASURY amounts to $50 more it is put into the MISCELLANEOUS pile from which a Free College is taken and placed on LORD BLUEBLOOD’S ESTATE and the jail penalty is annulled.
(d) When the cash in the PUBLIC TREASURY amounts to $50 more it is transferred to the MISCELLANEOUS pile and WAGES ARE RAISED TO $110. When the cash amounts to $50 more, wages are raised to $120, and so on, raising wages $10 for every $50 in the TREASURY, until the end of the game.
RULE 7. After the first FREE COLLEGE is erected, if a player goes to college he takes a blue card marked Education and when he gets four of these cards he exchanges them for a card marked Professor, which card counts him 100 at the end of the game.
RULE 8. Under the Single Tax the Poor House is eliminated because all players have access to land — the natural opportunities to labor. If a player cannot afford to make the move called for by his thrown, he puts his checker upon any NATURAL OPPORTUNITY space (inner corners) he may choose, back of the space to which is throw would bring him. Then just before throwing in his next turn he takes from the MISCELLANEOUS pile the wages called for by the NATURAL OPPORTUNITY space upon which he has placed his checker, pays his rent for such space into the PUBLIC TREASURY, throws his dice, and moves out. A player must make the move, if possible, even if it takes him to JAIL.”
Can you imagine the type of economic discourse around the family table if this was the version still on sale?
Pass Go
I was looking after two 10 year olds in a school holidays, and we generated our own version of Monopoly using cardboard, crayons and paint.
It had a stronger RMA and regulatory focus. Lots of mountains, lakes, rivers, farmers, dams, cola vs wind vs nuclear power options.
We spent all day and late into the night just making it and trying to get the rules to work.
Great fun.
Never played it.
lol (quietly to myself).
Heh! One EPIC Christmas game at the bach saw us develop rules that the utility companies represented social consequences whereby the Maori players who landed there had to go to jail whereas the womenfolk had to miss four turns while they had babies, etc, etc, etc. Imma gonna print out your rules and try them out this year . . .
If the New Zealand All Whites needed a reminded that
Miracles can happen in sport, they only need to look at
the USA Ice Hockey team that beat the mighty Russians
for the Gold Medal in 1980.
What the All Whites need though is beyond a miracle,
if they were too beat Mexico 4-0 and qualify for the
world cup, nothing in our sporting history would come
close, I would say it would go down as the biggest
sporting upset THE WORLD has ever seen or will seen.
To qualify for Brazil before the first leg would’ve been a
massive upset, perhaps in the top ten sporting upsets of
all time.
To win the second leg 4-0 and qualify, would be the biggest
thing that has ever happen in the history of sport.
That is why it won’t happen.
Reality rules over the dreamers.
At around 930pm Wednesday night, kiwis wont be
jumping for joy, we wont be setting trends on twitter,
we wont be txting family and friends around the world,
about how the All Whites did it.
We will be very proud, that we put up a better effort, we
will talk about the future of NZ Football and who should
lead us, but this will be no miracle on ice.
Let the 37 thousand kiwis have fun, let us sing and chant,
let us admire the Mexicans, let there be talk before the
match that IF we get a early GOAL, things could go our
way, but deep down know, it’s just too big of a hill to
We’re not going to Brazil, a Miracle on Ice is just that,
a Miracle that only happens once in History.
But that’s okay, as long as we play like a football
team should.
Here’s hoping that we do.
Time will tell.
As you say it’s a big hill to climb, but hopefully the players aren’t going into the game with the same pessimism as you Brett. 😉
Haha, maybe a bit pessimist, but trying to bring a bit of realism, heres hoping they will play better and maybe score one of two to give the crowd something to cheer about.
The All Whites need what the All Blacks had against similarly superior opponents in the 2011 RWC final—a crooked/incompetent/stage-struck non-referee.
Sadly for them, however, soccer has no equivalent to Craig Joubert…..
Sadly, Moz, football has many, many Craig Jouberts. It’s one of the reasons UEFA has introduced additional refs to stand behind the goal in the Europa league matches and why FIFA is now tentatively supporting goaline technology because refs and their assistants simply cannot be relied on to get even the basis decision of whether or not the ball went in the goal correct.
eg: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KwptCFcX7I
But I certainly agree with your assesment of Jouberts performance; the most cringe worthy example for me was when he had a perfect view of Richie McCaw putting his knee into the back of a prone man in a ruck (or maul, I don’t know the difference) and didn’t do a thing. Pathetic.
Very good citation there, my friend. Let’s hope that goal-line technology doesn’t take over and slow everything down, like it has in the NFL—and yes I know it’s hard to believe that the NFL could get any slower.
Letting McCaw get away with such thuggery was the least of the non-referee’s failures that evening. The French, who are far more brutal and cynical than the All Blacks, could handle violence like that; what they could not handle, or accept, was the All Blacks’ strategy of deliberate, persistent fouling which Joubert defiantly refused to penalise. Another egregious example is Andre Watson—another South African—who gifted the 1999 Rugby World Cup final to Australia.
“A Government Chief Privacy Officer will be appointed to give a stronger focus on privacy and security in government.
The new position was announced by State Services Minister Jonathan Coleman and Internal Affairs Minister Chris Tremain.
“It is important that New Zealanders have confidence in government agencies to do all they can to ensure personal information is kept safe,” Dr Coleman said.”
I thought if people had nothing to hide they have nothing to fear?
Remember: any legislative title or position title this Government creates is probably something charged with doing the opposite of what it says. This is US style BS. “Citizens United”, Ministry of Truth etc.
Yep! (was getting around to the implications of that move).
Yep. Like the EPA which does not have protection of the environment listed anywhere in its functions. True fax.
Basically if people have nothing to hide they can never be successful parliamentarians. Well, not on the evidence so far.
The Herald appear to be hammering the cops at present…
Perhaps a few of them deserve it, as much as their masters and underfunders? I feel sorry for cops most of the time. Their management’s crap, their political masters piss all over them, they can never know whether or not to trust their colleagues and every pissed nobody wants to have a go at them on Friday nights and weekends when they’re trying to keep the streets clean of the mess that infects them.
A few? There are hundreds of bent coppers if BLiP’s link list of a couple weeks back is anything to go by. And that is the ones that got caught. If you want to talk infection–police violent alpha male culture is quite a nasty one.
Really any adult kiwi or friends and family that have not experienced the NZ blue bellies in action–fobbing off, mis leading, interrupting lawful protest, intervening in industrial disputes on behalf of bosses, misuse of lethal force, misuse of taser, batons and pepper, assault, arrest without charge and release, denial of legal assistance, verbal abuse and harassment of the vulnerable; has led a very sheltered life.
Yes Tiger, i agree with you 100%, what is even more worrying from the Corruption/Sexual Assault case within the Christchurch Police is that there is said to have been ‘another’ witness to what happened at the time of the first complaint,
Unsubstantiated rumor has it that this ‘other’ is in fact a serving Police Officer who took the Sergeant Shultz position when asked about His colleagues offending, claiming to have not seen anything,
Thus this particular piece of ‘infection’ within the ranks of the Police was able to escape prosecution and continue His pattern of offending,
There is only one means that i can see of breaking the Police’s code of silence which is more effective at protecting Bent Cops than the Mafia’s omerta, and that is to make those who must have seen or known of Police offending, (such as the broken neck inflicted by a Police baton at a Wellington Party),a party to the offending…
Well, I’ve experienced the NZ blue bellies on several occasions doing their job well. While I’ve no doubt they get carried away and there are bad eggs and they go over the top in managing demonstrations etc, let’s see you and your mates take on their job for 12 months and then we’ll talk about how how perfectly well you did it all?
Arfamo, so what exactly are you saying here, it was ok for that Cop to give that kid a bash in the neck with a baton with the result of a broken neck ‘coz it’s a hard job’,
Are you then saying it’s alright for the other 6 cops who were lining the hallway of the house this assault occurred in to refuse to identify which Cop bashed the kid ‘coz it’s a hard job’,
How bout the Cop in Christchurch, should we all understand and forgive His sexual offending and corruption ‘coz it’s a hard job’,
The rumor circulating that another serving Cop witnessed the offending surrounding the first complaint against this bent Cop and refused to talk to those investigating so a prosecution couldn’t stop that offending at victim number one, and that’s alright ‘coz it’s a hard job’ is it,
Go read the list that Blip has previously published, 100’s of incidents and they are all alright ‘coz it’s a hard job’ are they???…
No. Can you show me where I said that?
And then can you say that ALL COPS do these things you have mentioned?
And then can you tell me how many cops are on the payroll and why you apparently think they all do?
“…don’t give me culture, I’m not hearing you Rob”
“I could run around like a beehive boy”
…but I’d like to see you do my job…Up front…
“With the Knobz”
Reload your ‘own’; and don’t point at anything you do not intend to shoot. 😉
“And then can you say that ALL COPS do these things you have mentioned?”
th’ fuck has that got to do with anything?
We’re talking about a list of serious crimes. They can’t be brushed off because they might have been committed by only hundreds of cops, not thousands.
Where’s BLip’s list?
Problems like that start with dickhead MBA-holding checklist-ticking, vision-outlining useless fucking management at the top, underfunding, and consequent lousy morale all through the organisation.
Can you remember that useless dork of an area manager who completely fecked up the whole handling of the Pike River disaster. He was a feckin international embarrassment.
gettin’ warm
We need an index to all of BLiP’s awesome lists! A list of lists 🙂
Judas Priest. That’s fecking scary stuff. Apologies. You’re right felix. I had no idea how much of this disquieting behaviour has been going on in our Police force.
Would love to see the link on this one BLiP. There doesn’t seem to be one:
22/12/12 – Police go over the top in protecting John Key from having to keep his word about buying a Christmas dinner for two Wellington men.
Reply to Arfamo’s reply to BLiP (as cannot reply to Arfamo’s)
Just Google “John Key Green Parrot” and this will bring up a number of articles on Stuff, Scoop etc about that particular show of generosity (not) by Key to two unemployed men.
The Hall of Hogwash
Exhibit No. 7: BORIS JOHNSON
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“….surely we should stop bashing the rich. … we should be offering them humble and hearty thanks. It is through their restless concupiscent energy and sheer wealth-creating dynamism that we pay for an ever-growing proportion of public services. … their contribution to the wider good…. And yet they are brow-beaten and bullied and threatened with new taxes…”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
—Mayor of London BORIS JOHNSON—contrary to what you probably think, he’s not just having a laugh.
hogwash, n. 1. Worthless, false, or ridiculous speech or writing; nonsense; 2. Garbage fed to hogs; swill
hypocrisy, n. 1. the practice of professing standards, beliefs, etc., contrary to one’s real character or actual behaviour, esp. the pretence of virtue and piety; 2. an act or instance of this
More hogwash….
No. 6 DAVID CAMERON: “We have a free press, it’s very important the press feels it is not pre-censored from what it writes and all the rest of it.”
No. 5 JIM MORA: “Without bashing poverty, ahhhh, …. uh, again, we’re not trying to bash people in poverty, but, uh,….”
No. 4 JIM MORA: “The United States has been a bulwark against totalitarianism, hasn’t it.”
No. 3 JOHN KERRY: “The best way to give these negotiations a chance is to keep them private.”
No. 2 DAVID CAMERON: “We never support, in countries, the intervention by the military.”
No. 1 BARACK OBAMA: “Madiba’s moral courage…people standing up for what’s right….aaaahhhh, the yearning for justice and dignity…”
Boris Johnson
What a great word bombast is – high-sounding language with little meaning, used to impress people – and it has lots of synonyms.
: bluster, pomposity, ranting, rant, nonsense, empty talk, humbug, wind, blather, blether, claptrap;
I note on Bryce Edwards page he does not allow anyone to have pseudnyms but (puts any in brackets after the name). Why can’t people have a well-known pseudonym. At one time lawyers couldn’t advertise so wouldn’t want names published over everything. And if he caqn’t ferret out your real name, then what does he do, issue a warning – this person is unnamed and dangerous.
on liberation – bryce edwards Greg Presland (The Standard): David Cunliffe enters the leadership race
No. 37: Alan Seay
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
“You know, we respect the rights of people to protest….”
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
—-Alan Seay, Corporate Affairs Manager, Anadarko New Zealand
Radio NZ National Checkpoint, Tuesday 19 November 2013
More liars….
No. 36 Paul Dykzeul: “No we won’t be changing the Listener; it’s got a terrific editor….”
No. 35 Mark Jennings: “I think Paul’s a bright guy and he will be able to bring a discipline to his performance….”
No. 34 Willie Jackson: “I thought we’d been sensitive with her yesterday….”
No. 33 Supt. Bill Searle: “I think what’s happened here is the police officers have done their very best….”
No. 32 Sonny-Bill Williams: “It’s good to get the win over Papua-New Guinea, a strong Papua-New Guinea side, aahhhh….”
No. 31 John Palino: “Suggestions that I am somehow orchestrating some grand right-wing conspiracy to unseat Len after the election are so wrong…”
No. 30 Alan Dershowitz: “I will give $10,000 to the PLO if you can find a historical fact in my book that you can prove to be false.”
No. 29 John Banks: “I have nothing to hide and nothing to fear. And never, ever would I ever knowingly sign a false electoral return. Never ever would I ever.”
No. 28 John Kerry: “…we are especially sensitive, Chuck and I, to never again asking any member of Congress to take a vote on faulty intelligence.”
No. 27 Lyse Doucet: “I am there for those without a voice.”
No. 26 Sam Wallace: “So here we are—Otahuhu. It’s just a great place to be, really.”
No. 25 Margaret Thatcher: “…no British government involvement of any kind…with Khmer Rouge…”
No. 24 John Key: “…at the end of the day I, like most New Zealanders, value the role of the fourth estate…”
No. 23 Jay Carney: “…expel Mr Snowden back to the U.S. to face justice…”
No. 22 Mike Bush: “Bruce Hutton had integrity beyond reproach.”
No. 21 Tim Groser: “I think the relationship is genuinely in outstanding form.”
No. 20 John Key: “But if the question is do we use the United States or one of our other partners to circumvent New Zealand law then the answer is categorically no.”
No. 19 Matthew Hooton: “It is ridiculous to say that unions deliver higher wages! They DON’T!”
No. 18 Ant Strachan: “The All Blacks won the RWC 2011 because of outstanding defence!”
No. 17 Stephen Franks: “Peter has been such a level-headed, safe pair of hands.”
No. 16 Phil Kafcaloudes: “Tony Abbott…hasn’t made any mistakes over the past eighteen months.”
No. 15 Donald Rumsfeld: “I did not lie… Colin Powell did not lie.”
No. 14 Colin Powell: “a post-9/11 nexus between Iraq and terrorist organizations…connections are now emerging…”
No. 13 Barack Obama: “Simply put, these strikes have saved lives.”
No. 12 U.K. Ministry of Defence: “Protecting the Afghan civilian population is one of ISAF and the UK’s top priorities.”
No. 11 Brendan O’Connor: “Australia’s approach to refugees is compassionate and generous.”
No. 10 Boris Johnson: “Londoners have… the best police in the world to look after us and keep us safe.”
No. 9 NewstalkZB PR dept: “News you NEED! Fast, fair, accurate!”
No. 8 Simon Bridges: “I don’t mean to duck the question….”
No. 7 Nigel Morrison: “Quite frankly, they’ve been VERY tough.”
No. 6 Herald PR dept: “Congratulations—you’re reading New Zealand’s best newspaper.”
No. 5 Rawdon Christie: “…a FORMIDABLE replacement, it seems, is Claudette Hauiti.”
No. 4 Willie and J.T.: “The X-Factor. Nah, nah, there’s some GREAT talent there!”
No. 3 John Key: “Yeah we hold MPs to a higher standard.”
No. 2 Colin Craig: “Oh, I have a GREAT sense of humour.”
No. 1 Barack Obama: “Margaret Thatcher was one of the great champions of freedom and liberty.”
lolz at Gerry Brownlee in parliament today, who said the protest flotilla are a bunch of dirty diesel-burning boats.
They’re yachts Gerry you moran. The giveaway is the sails.
Gerry probably thinks sails are hoisted by diesel engines. He’s a woodwork teacher, not a sailor. Probably not allowed on small boats because of balance/ballast issues.
u r so humorous felix. (they are just pissing in the wind these Tories). lol, time to read the ‘P’ thread now.
Doesn’t matter felix. Gerry says they’re dirty diesel-burning boats so that’s what they are… according to the half-wits and there’s one hell of a lot of them out there.
I was chatting to a senior pilot with Air NZ and he told me he read Ian Wishart including his mag ‘Investigate’. Apparently he’s published a new book claiming the United Nations are planning to install a world government with them at the helm – some unbelievably idiotic crap like that anyway. He got an earful from me so not sure how our future relations (he’s marrying a niece of mine) are going to work out.
Perhaps Brownlee is now to be Greenlee – a reconstruction of a shambles of an ethical, responsible human being who has re-educated himself. He was a wood-worker so he may have made some calipers or old-fashioned wooden crutches to help him to stand tall and fearless, not feckless, and protect our environment where it is so much needed.
Thank you Gerry for worrying about diesel boats not being good for the environment, but relax and smile – they are sail powered, even if they have engines to fall back on. Which you would agree would be prudent just as a backstop.
For positing on the relative position of men on the thread of the fine poster Karol earlier today I got told off like a naughty boy and sent to some other room (not sure which yet as it hasn’t turned up). Thought it may be worth posting here for other consideration.
Karol’s post on poverty, women and rape culture stated among many points, that low income women suffer the most from violence. I suggested that that may not actually be the case and that men may in fact suffer more. However, such a posting was not legit in her opinion. I responded thus (amended slightly to read more easily);..;..;..
… how on earth is it so illegitimate to bring up men’s position given the nature of the post? went up to copy and paste something to support bringing this up but didn’t because there were so many references to “men” “white male” “gendered this” “gendered that” “males” it just goes on
but here is one copied and pasted
“To address fully the impact of our highly gendered socio-economic system that has institutionalised gendered violence, it is important to work to counter the ways that low income women are at the forefront of those suffering most.”
low income women are at the forefront of those suffering most?. Well, most compared to what? It is very clear that what you are saying Karol is that it is the most compared to those on higher incomes, and the most compared to those not women i.e. men. So I posited that perhaps this is not correct.
So how is not permissible to comment as I did? You are comparing the situation of women to that of men yourself Karol.
..so……back to this post now….
… is this not correct? Is Karol not comparing the situation of men and violence relative to the position of women and violence in such a thread by her very description of the issue? Or not? And if she is then surely it is entirely legit to comment on that description which forms the very basis of her post?
(note that the issue here is not the violence issue but the commentary issue)
hope that makes sense
vto, there is a link to the kyriarchy on the post, which explains some significant aspects of the ways various forms of oppression, overlap, and intersect.
low income women are at the forefront of those suffering most?. Well, most compared to what? It is very clear that what you are saying Karol is that it is the most compared to those on higher incomes, and the most compared to those not women i.e. men.
Yes – low income women, are most likely to be subjected to a variety of oppressions, resulting in a huge amount of suffering: this includes discrimination in employment (if they are able to get/take paid work), hassles on WINZ, with many of Bennett’s punitive reforms targeting single women especially those with women – plus all the impacts of rape, sexual violence, domestic violence, and associated misogyny and rape culture.
vto, you are persisting in denial, and refusing to look at all at women’s experiences. TS is a pretty male dominated context, and male perspectives get a fair amount of space, and on issues most significant to a large number of men. Already on the thread you were looking to diminish the very real imapaact and experience of rape and rape culture, and stated explicitly:
males have a harder life generally
And you’ve been repeating that kind of line over and over, more or less in differnt ways, on various other discussions.
I’m sure you’ll keep on defending it.. And I dare say you’ll have your supporters. But the other thread is one space within quite a masculine context, for the perspectives and experiences of many women to get an airing. And you really seem unable to accept the traumatising impact of sexual violence on large numbers of women, and the way the surrounding culture of sexism and misogyny impacts on women’s lives.
On top of that you seem to have little understanding of the struggles of women in poverty.
Appreciate your comments Karol. Genuinely. But I passed no comment on many of those things you mention just above (and neither have I on various other threads – they have all been very specific on particular small points within the larger issue/s) so I don’t know how you can reach the conclusions you have.
“persisting in denial”
“refusing to look”
“looking to diminish”
“you’ll keep on defending”
“you seem unable to accept”
“you have little understanding”
Do you see what I was commenting on in this comment above? Do you? I don’t think you do, because it was none of those things, those are your inferences and assumptions.
I even stated at the end “that the issue here is not the violence issue but the commentary issue”. Do you see that? Do you get what I was talking about? It was about the manner of your post and how you based it on one particular fact (among others), which fact you would then not allow me to comment on. It was about that. It was not about the actual issue at hand.
If I might repeat in slightly different form to try and reinforce….. I asked how it could be illegitimate to comment on the position of men when your very description was referenced against men?
It was about the legitimacy or otherwise of the type of commentary I tried to make.
No comment was passed on all those other matters and I reject the assertions you have made about my view on them (as I have passed no view on them).
And I have no obligation to comment on matters that you think I should. Not commenting on those other matters provides no basis for assumption about what I may or may not think about them.
so… to the issue of my post ….. do you still maintain there is no legitimacy in commenting on a fact which underpinned your very thread?
Lesson # 52: when you have no right for someone to provide you with something, they are similarly not obliged to instead explain their decision to your satisfaction.
of course but one can still ask
and then sit in silence
Try it some time.
well that is just what was going on until you piped up
yeah, asynchronous communication is a laugh, ain’t it.
Doesn’t contain enough information to identify the exact point you decide to stop your apparently incessant whining that the conversation isn’t undertaken within the framework you want.
Love the silence!
The silence will fall
Answered your points in the discussion under the post about what the topic actually is.
If you really do pay attention, vto, then miravox explains well the issues in relation to her own life story. It is all there.
‘and sent to some other room (not sure which yet as it hasn’t turned up)’
Perhaps it will be like the tardis, which will turn up in a cloud of dust, and transport you to an alternative universe similar to the ones on the covers of religious magazines where the lion lies down with the lamb and everyone smiles all the time.
well, I’m going to bed now, such is the sacred and the mundane. Night all.
John Key admits to paying driver to break the law for him, putting lives other road users at risk.
“Mr Key hailed a tuktuk driver who ran every red light to get to the hotel in time, and was paid double.”
OMG, Key’s back of a speeding limo moment! With the added touch of being culturally insensitive.
bribery and corruption
no eruption
just the sound of suction