Open mike 21/03/2013

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, March 21st, 2013 - 126 comments
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126 comments on “Open mike 21/03/2013 ”

  1. Morrissey 1

    The worst public service appointment since Christine (Spankin’) Rankin
    Justice Minister praises Dame Susan’s “mature judgement”

    Thursday 21 March 2013

    Four years ago, Dame Susan Devoy was one of several prominent suckers to be played for a fool by Tony “Boot Boy” Veitch. Along with several other gulls, including the notoriously malleable All Black coach Graham Henry, she wrote Veitch a testimonial for “a passport application”; Veitch used their testimonials as evidence for the mitigation of his sentence for attacking and crippling a young woman.

    For sensible people, such a gross lack of common-sense, such lamentably poor judgement, such absence of nous, would mean Dame Susan Devoy would be unsuitable for any position demanding a high degree of intelligence, astuteness and moral rectitude. Most people would suspect the competence of anyone who could be so easily conned into writing a character testimonial for a violent thug.

    No problems for this government, however. Far from disqualifying herself from being taken seriously, Dame Susan has sleepwalked herself into a highly paid public position for which she admits she has no qualification whatsoever: Race Relations Conciliator. Devoy admits she knows nothing about race relations, but reckons that there’s nothing complicated about it.

    Yesterday’s public announcement by the Minister of Justice was beyond satire. I’ve put the especially absurd bits in bold….

    “Dame Susan is a proud New Zealander who is highly motivated to contribute positively to New Zealand society,” Justice Minister Judith Collins said today. “Her communication and relationship management skills, coupled with experience working with diverse groups, are key areas of strength. Dame Susan has sound governance experience and mature judgement. I am confident she will be a sensible and intelligent voice for race relations issues,” Collins said.

    Click on the following link for an example of Dame Susan Devoy’s “mature judgement”….

    • Descendant Of Sssmith 1.1

      Makes perfect sense to appoint her.

      Apparently most of our current immigrants are English.

      Who better than a dame to make sure they do not suffer the pains of discrimination?

    • Socialist Paddy 1.2

      And she thinks that Waitangi Day is full of too many protesters and everyone should settle down and be happy.

      Arn’t you meant to have the slightest smidgeon of knowledge of history so that you can be appointed to important race relations positions?

      Maybe the cunning plan is to appoint the most inappropriate candidate so that the mana of the office is trashed.

      • Alanz 1.2.1

        “Maybe the cunning plan is to appoint the most inappropriate candidate so that the mana of the office is trashed.”

        Oh. Like the recent appointment to the Speaker of the House?

        • Morrissey

          Like the recent appointment to the Speaker of the House?

          Exactly, Alanz. Well spotted.

    • Anne 1.3

      “Dame Susan is a proud New Zealander who is highly motivated to contribute positively to New Zealand society,”

      Methinks Dame Susan is going to be way out of her depth and sooner or later there will be a stoush between her and some citizens who went to her for help and she did nothing. She’s a good girl though who votes National and is a whizz squash player. What more could you want for a Race Relations Conciliator.

      • Colonial Viper 1.3.1

        Stupid to accept a position like this and then think you can just wing it. She’ll be seriously tested within the year.

        • Draco T Bastard

          I watched the TVNZ News item – she’s already out of her depth. She hasn’t got a freaken clue what she’s talking about.

          • Colonial Viper

            So she’s making it up as she goes along. The ego behind this must be massive.

          • marty mars

            Her appointment begins 1 April – this a very poor taste early April Fools joke and I’m not laughing

          • marty mars

            Bomber at The Daily Blog has really hit it out the park with this post – awesome and so, so true

            Very brief quote but I recommend reading the whole post

            “Pakeha can celebrate Waitangi Day without all the shame and division the day Maori aren’t the worst health stats.”


            The Daily Blog is starting to get real traction – good effort to all concerned.

            • The Al1en

              “Pakeha can celebrate Waitangi Day without all the shame and division the day Maori aren’t the worst health stats.”

              He should quit the guilt trip and just donate his wages to a local tribe until he’s comfortable with himself, or just keep paying his taxes and hope the dollar spend on improving outcomes will be better spent and/or matched by a concerted effort by whanau to change habits and assist end trending poor health.

          • marty mars

            Annette Sykes – “demanded that she stand down because she was not fit for the role.

            In a statement, she said: “It’s so disturbing that someone with a clearly expressed, racist viewpoint can be appointed to a job that’s about providing independent leadership and advice on race relations, including public education on the Treaty of Waitangi,” Ms Sykes said.

            She argued that Dame Susan failed to meet criteria for the job which included knowledge of the Treaty of Waitangi and understanding of the issues which affected indigenous people.”

            judith collins – “The Far Left does not have a monopoly on caring about race relations and Dame Susan Devoy is a very sensible and balanced person.

            “We’re allowed in this country to have views that have not been politically sanitised and what’s wrong with that?”


            Notice the difference? Annette Sykes is factual and makes an argument. Collins just spins and distracts with bullshit.

            Has labour said anything about this appointment for or against?

            • Alanz

              Lovely. Ol’ Jude should be defending the appointment of this lemon of a choice a lot more. Incompetence by association.

            • Colonial Viper

              Has labour said anything about this appointment for or against?

              Give them a couple of days to come up with some wording which doesn’t offend Devoy squash fans.

            • The Al1en

              “Annette Sykes – “demanded that she stand down because she was not fit for the role.”

              Is that the same Annette Sykes who was defending the owner of a devil dog in Rotorua, that mauled youngsters?

    • Murray Olsen 1.4

      This is just NAct showing how much they hold the country and all peoples of goodwill in contempt. Hopefully there aren’t quite as many redneck bigots among us as they seem to be counting on, and this will become another nail in their coffin.

      • Morrissey 1.4.1

        Murray, please don’t insult working people by associating them with bigotry. Most of the vilest racists wear white collars, and do no hard or useful work. Leighton Smith, Larry “Lackwit” Williams, Murray Deaker, ACT party members, Sensible Sentencing Trusters and Family Firsters and, yes, the new Race Relations Commissioner are all established bigots, but they are NOT rednecks.

        Please don’t use this sniffy term of eastern elite contempt for working people.

  2. logie97 2

    Shearer’s Bank accounts, and Banks’ share accounts seem to have disappeared from the headlines now that a new day dawns. So for those who may have missed them during the night …

    • Socialist Paddy 2.1

      Shearer and Labour are both dead men walking at this stage.

      Time for a change.

    • just saying 2.2

      There’s going to be more to come in this story, imo.

      Reading the financial information from one of the links in Edwards’ latest column:

      It turns out that Shearer had two bank accounts holding more than $50,000, and likely substantially more, and a mortgage.

      As the epitome of the worst kind of ‘Papatoetoe-Boy-Makes-Good’ (again imo) It’s not plausible this could be bad money management. I don’t think Shearer is particulary smart, but money, like everyting associated with his giant ego, is important to him. He couldn’t be unaware that, (as this situation has been presented so far) this arrangement constitutes chucking money away – a considerable amount in interest over the term of the mortgage. His wife is no fool, and I’m sure his financial advisors would have mentioned it.

      Nah there is a reason.

      Maybe it’s something simple. Maybe Shearer likes to sit in his flash new home, daydreaming about being Prime-Minister-Shearer-on-the-world-stage, and for an extra thrill, dialling the telebank machine to check the petty cash, and hearing: ” You have five hun dred and sixty eight thousand dollars, and seven cents……..”

      or something.

      • Colonial Viper 2.2.1


      • Draco T Bastard 2.2.2

        Well invested money can bring in more than the interest being paid on a mortgage.

        • just saying

          You may be right. I’m sure some bright researcher will let us know.
          A US bank term-deposit of a very big sum might bring in more than a 5.5% NZ mortgage costs I guess.

          Which would make you wonder why he had more than $50,000 in a NZ ANZ account, which wouldn’t bring in more than the mortgage costs

          • Lanthanide

            “A US bank term-deposit of a very big sum might bring in more than a 5.5% NZ mortgage costs I guess.”

            Hah, no. US interest rates are at 0-0.25%. Unless Shearer had literally billions in the bank, he wouldn’t be getting much more than 1-2% tops.

            • Draco T Bastard

              Na, people with billions in the bank are actually getting charged. What I meant for “smart investments” wasn’t leaving it in the bank but using it to play the stock market. If he was just leaving it in the bank then there would be no reason to leave it in the US.

              • Colonial Viper

                Yep. And if a bank is providing deposits with a 2% pa rate of interest, it’s probably negative 2% real rate once inflation/deflation, fees etc are taken into account.

  3. Raa 3

    There was something on the 6AM RNZ news that the government was preparing a takeover
    of the Auckland City Council. Stay tuned for developments ..

    • tc 3.1

      They effectively have taken over akl with the CCO’s answerable to no one effectively and stacked with Hide/Key stooges.

      Blinky F’ing up the mayoralty with his racist yet predictable comments means they didn’t get the puppett they wanted.

      Maybe it’ll be ECAN V2.0 but I can only see that if Brown wins again and the NACT get a third term. If that happens god help you jaffa’s but to do it pre 2014 would kill them in the general election.

    • JK 3.2

      Please keep us informed Raa – not everyone is close to a radio news announcement at the right time !

      • Raa 3.2.1

        I have my clock radio alarm set for the 6AM news, but am often up earlier ..

    • Raa 4.1

      Has anyone consulted the iwi ?

    • Descendant Of Sssmith 4.2

      The spare land is obviously not where the wealthy want to live.

      • karol 4.2.1

        There is a relevant report listed here:

        Tensions escalate over supply of land for Auckland housing
        There’s a growing concern within Auckland Council the Government intends to take direct action to free up land for new housing. (4′27″)

        F**k them! We voted against Banksie to keep the vultures hands off our city! No respect for democracy!

        • mickysavage

          The most interesting analysis will be on who owns the land just on the other side of the urban boundary and who profits if things change. Smith is not doing this because of his concern for the poor and homeless. There is a profit for a National Party supporter somewhere and Smith is being told about this loud and clear.

          And I am really worried this is a done deal. National has this modus operandi where they create a “crisis” then “act decisively” to deal with the “crisis”. It has happened time and time again.

          The simple solution is to allow the Unitary Plan to be operative from its release in September this year. The fact that National is not agreeing to this is a clear message that they intend to do something else.

          • Colonial Viper

            It’s going to be a real test of how much political and popular support Mayor Brown can rally.

            • Elizabeth Bourchier

              Hear hear O Viperous One.
              As lefties we must fully back Len, or become culpable for a National inspired theft and mess-up.

              • Murray Olsen

                It would be easier to back Len if he’d done something inspiring during the waterfront dispute, or at any other time. Once again we’re left with someone who has the warrior instincts of wet toilet paper as our great hope against another rapacious NAct power/land grab. We need better.

          • Draco T Bastard

            The simple solution is to allow the Unitary Plan to be operative from its release in September this year. The fact that National is not agreeing to this is a clear message that they intend to do something else.


            Just watch as they take away another regions democracy but this time it’s the democracy of an entire third of the country.

    • muzza 4.3

      The housing issue is a red herring, and being used as a route in, although not quite sure the aim might be, other than a power grab.

      As TC points out the CCOs do not answer to AKL Council, or any elected members they are stand alone operations, filled with corporate types.

      Spend a little time looking into the backgrounds of the people involved, its not only the CCOs, but the Council Departments also, which have been run over by Deloitte, ex Deloitte mostly.

      How to take over large public departments

      1: Get a stooge into the top role – Ex Deloitte
      2: Bring in another ( known affiliate) to run *transformation* – Ex Deloitte
      3: Give known affiliate free reign to *shape* the department
      4: Bring in more known affiliates to run large in flight programmes (regardless of experience levels) – All Ex Deloitte
      5: Ensure Transformation #2 takes out the top layers of existing or structure , (hence council staff)
      6: Have known affiliate #2/3 on the interview panel for top level positions in new org structure
      7: Ensure that council staff do not get any of the top level positions in new org structure
      8: Advertise directors roles externally – Have more corporate stooges conveniently standing by
      9: Take over complete – Too easy, high fives, contract awards, services agreements and professional services agreements all wrapped up (more so than they already were)
      10: Keep M.O from public, and let them think their rates go up due to lazy employees etc, as opposed to corporate shuffle

      Corporate now has complete control over multiple largest departments of type in NZ

  4. Te Reo Putake 5

    A couple of oddities from the media world:

    Esquire editor fesses up: “The women we feature in the magazine are ornamental,” he said, “I could lie to you if you want and say we are interested in their brains as well. We are not. They are objectified.”

    The Times gets conned:

    And bonus music featurette: Reasons to Love the Dropkick Murphys No 94:

    • joe90 5.1

      Dropkick Murphys – Cadence to Arms / Do or Die

      The once steel tough fabric of the union man
      Was sold and bartered away
      Fed to money wolves in the Reagan years
      Caught in a drift in greedy nineties days

      So inside this song is our rally cry
      Your dreams are in danger
      And we must rise
      Our time has come we are under the gun
      It’s do or die

      It’s not a rebel cry of some socialist scheme
      To push for human rights
      Just the facts and the obvious mention
      On behalf of the working man
      For his family and his livelihood

      Your dreams are in danger
      And we must rise
      Our time has come we are under the gun
      It’s do or die

      The once steel tough fabric of the union man
      Was sold and bartered away
      Fed to money and wolves in the Reagan years
      Caught adrift in greedy nineties days

      Your dreams are in danger
      And we must rise
      Our time has come we are under the gun
      It’s do or die

  5. ad 6

    Some great looking polls. Delighted to be wrong, for now.

    • The Al1en 6.2

      Will be interested to see next month how much ‘overlooked a fortune in a foreign accountgate’ dents the great polling, that still show national in government.

      A month is a long time in politics.

      • Olwyn 6.2.1

        Shearer’s Labour does seem to do better in the Herald polls than in others.

        • Colonial Viper

          First line in the piece: “National also up”

          Trevett reckons that Labours increased support has come at the expense of the Greens and NZF. In true genius fashion LAB will probably take this to mean to do more of this.

      • Dem Young Sconies 6.2.2

        Precisely. There is little point even watching the polls at this stage of the electoral cycle, and as has been proven time and time again, they are often inaccurate, overstating Tory support. In reality NACT support is at around 44%. Currently the Labour/Green coalition sits at around the same number. The Winston Peters roadshow can’t be underestimated, and his support still has to be over 5%. The real challenge for the left will be finding that extra 4% support so they can form a stable government and not have to deal with the profoundly conservative NZ First (either that or hope that his party just falls short of 5%). Hopefully the continued fallout from the Novapay debacle, the GCSB scandal, poor economic management and the theft and sale of our assets will continue to erode Tory support.

        • Colonial Viper

          Nah, NZF aren’t “profoundly conservative”, just “somewhat conservative”.

          If you want “profoundly conservative” you need to be pointing your finger at Colin Craig’s mob.

          • TT

            I’m not sure about that. The comments coming out of NZF lately are about as racist, homophobic and bigoted as what comes out of that ass-hat Colin Craig’s mouth. The latter just throws scripture, and other xtian wingnuttery into the mix too.

            • Colonial Viper

              I blame NZF’s inept candidate selection process as being a big part of the problem. Because of their strong showing in 2011, I think they will manage to rustle up a far superior crowd for 2014.

    • vto 7.1

      This is the biggest issue facing the world and NZ right now.

      It has implications and effects that are and will be far-reaching.

      This should be seen for what it is – another well predicted part of the current world financial crisis which erupted onto the public conscience in 2008 and which will continue for years yet, with resultant massive meltdowns of wealth. People would do well to research the other well predicted future events that will roll out of this systemic end-game play…..


  6. felix 8

    7 reasons why Paula Bennett should stfu and piss off back to wherever she came from:

    • just saying 8.1

      Just brilliant.

    • freedom 8.2

      from the comments
      “The onus here should be on employers to pay proper wages, and maybe on the government to lower taxes on small businesses who cannot afford to pay more (and of course, higher taxes on tax-evading mega-businesses who CAN afford to pay more).”

      Surely this simple truth is the nub of the Global problem regarding employment. (that and the endless greed of Banking cabals )

      Perhaps this is also a good time to remind you that New Zealand desperately needs the low income tax free earnings structure that the UK, Australia and the US all enjoy. As their economies and policies are consistently used to reflect our economy and policies, surely this glaring disparity in economic truths can finally become a real issue in the next NZ General Election .

      i know, dream on dream on

    • ghostrider888 8.3

      “and Sorrel was her name”

  7. Te Reo Putake 9

    LP: all the rolling comments in the opinions/comments box actually link to an old post (return of the king). This may be related to the issue Anne referred to yesterday.

    • Te Reo Putake 9.1

      And now its back to normal. I blame the North Koreans.

      • karol 9.1.1

        Heh. Yes. And I was getting an odd version of open mike (maybe the mobile version?) on Chrome, FF, & IE, with none of the latest comments as indicated in the links top right. And while I was logged into the main site, I was not logged into open mike.

        Now it seems to be back to normal.

      • The Al1en 9.1.2

        Probably the secret squirrel’s smart phone playing up

    • lprent 9.2

      It is the caching I turned on last night to cope with the flood from offshore. Just turned it off and cleared the cloudflare cache.

      Thanks for reminding me.

  8. Draco T Bastard 10

    Here’s a short book review:
    The Surprising Conclusion to an Important New Book

    This book demonstrates that empty-world economic theory has failed on its own terms and that its application by policymakers has resulted in the failure of capitalism itself. Pursuing absolute advantage in cheap labor abroad, First World corporations have wrecked the prospects for First World labor, especially in the US, while concentrating income and wealth in a few hands.

    Economist Herman Daly put it well when he wrote that the elites who make the decisions “have figured out how to keep the benefits for themselves while ‘sharing’ the cost with the poor, the future, and other species (Ecological Economics, vol. 72, p. 8).

    Empty-world economics with its emphasis on spurring economic growth by the accumulation of man-made capital has run its course. Full-world economics is steady-state economics, and it is past time for economists to get to work on a new economics for a full world.

    It seems that the book is based upon facts and thus comes to the only possible conclusion – the mainstream economics used by politicians is wrong, very, very wrong and we need to change it and go to a steady state economy.

    • Ennui 10.1

      Draco, there are major implications for empty world accumulation versus steady state economics. Once we are all fully cognisant that wealth requires work to be done and that it cannot be created out of thin air as credit (future debt) then we will all get a healthier respect for our toils. And anybody with vast accumulated sums must have got them from somebodies elses work. That could result in some very interesting social behavoir……..

    • ghostrider888 10.2

      great link D.

  9. David H 11

    The disunity is killing us. It must end Simon Crean on the Australian Labour parties problems.

    Could the same be said of Labour NZ??

  10. Meanwhile back at the race to extinction.
    Guy McPherson interview
    10 positive feedback loops of which one we can influence

  11. grumpy 13

    Yep, I know you guys hate the UK Daily Mail but you gotta love this. Truth as only the Right can do it.

  12. just saying 15

    Does anyone know how to completely delete a gravatar? After a long time mucking around at the site, I’m left with this horrible black square. I want to be back where I was before I ever had a gravatar. Is this no longer possible?

    They tell my I can’t delete my account.

    [lprent: Looks ok to me. Remember that your browser will be caching the image. So try shift+click refresh (common to most browsers) force a complete reload of the site. ]

  13. ghostrider888 16


  14. feijoa 18

    well I need more link lessons obviously, but it is on stuff today, RMA overhaul EXCELLENT reading

  15. just saying 19


  16. ghostrider888 20

    “I have heard that if a persons’ historical account is incorrect, then death will follow that person”
    -Kaumatua; Waka Huia
    (Crown vs Tuhoe, historically, equated to “ethnic cleansing”-Paul Moon)

    Susan Devoy? White must be right. “burqas are disconcerting” but hey, endorsed by that low-forehead paragon of virtue Judith Collins.

    Based on experiences such as Katrina, with funds up to 30B coming into ChCh rebuild over the next 5 years, fraud in the order of 1-3B is not unexpected- KPMG commentator.

    Novopay Tech. review release; “platform unstable, 19000 pay-related problems backlog.”

    and now for some Dominion Post propaganda;
    yesterday, “no excuses for neglectful Chinese” concerning the aged.
    and then the Front Page “This is China” on imprisonment conditions, like, isolation, over-crowding, labour, drug trials and health challenges do not occur under other countries’ penal regimes.
    WHAT A MOFO LOAD OF XENOPHOBIA AROUSING SH*T; some of the editorial staff will likely not even be out of nappies when the war is over…

    followed by..”Israel talks peace” please, spare us the incredulity (see earlier diplomatic analysis of an “inevitable Intifada”)FFS

    Massey University Head of Banking Studies : events in Cyprus were “very relevant” to New Zealand.;” bank deposit guarantee a much better solution”

    QT : Parker on the governments’ gloat over the Dec Quarter economic figures; 23000 lost jobs and 33000 left the work force; Joyce concedes, “employment sector is challenging”
    Current Account Deficit 10.5B (5% GDP) not helpful-Penny, Westpac economist
    “part of the slippery 😉 slope the NZ economy is on” -Doug Steel, BNZ
    but that’s OK, New Zealanders received “record returns from off-shore investments.”

    NZLast hammering the issue of Chinese parents of skilled migrants again; good return serve from Woodhouse (a decent Tory it appears).

    Brownlee’s opposition to Rail Loop appears to be fading slowly (Enright (sp?) report; Loop essential to improved productivity. Julie-Ann hit Brownlee back with his own premise of reduced travel times.

    in ICT; job loss indications are up to 1500-C.C (maybe skilled migrants will fill the “advertised” ICT vacancies Joyce touts.)

    Chris Tremain? that guy don’t seem right in the head ma.

    Families Commission; throwing money away on contractors, gifts and hospitality.

    Coleman on the NZDF : “culture, oversight of orders and failure to adhere to orders”
    Goff on Crib 19 (sp?) “according to the WO, “only 60% of training effected.”

    Torie aye, who’d vote for them! Baaa Humbug. freakin narrow-minded inbreds is what they generally appear to be.

    She Had
    The General Electric

    ps. Is Resigning an option?

    Little Reason Indeed

  17. North Calling Morrissey - Come In Morrissey 21

    Hey Morrissey, Obama’s monster limo “The Beast” konks out in Jerusalem. Waddya reckon ? God slapped them ?

    • Populuxe1 21.1

      Presumably Obama didn’t laugh at a Sascha Baron-Cohen joke and the Ultra-Zionist comedian called in a favour from Mossad.

      • North 21.1.1

        Sacha, how many times I godda tell ya bud ? Enough of the false anonyms already !

        Say, could we flog the vee-hickle off to that crazy dude John A. Banks way down there in Ocklind, Nooo Zeeerlind ? Word is he’s a doozie at concealin’ paper trails.

    • Morrissey 21.2

      Hello North! Sorry to be so slow responding, but I just completely missed your original message. I had not heard of that incident.

      And, no, I don’t think “God slapped them” or anything like that, but I think Obama’s conscience will slap him over the next few years as he slips deeper and deeper into perfidy. He looked very uncomfortable when speaking alongside Mr Abbas yesterday on his flying visit into the Occupied Territories.

      Of course, he is a machine politician from Chicago, which means he is as cynical and impervious to morality as anyone in America, but he is human, and he knows that he has failed to do anything to stop Israel’s depredations in either the illegally occupied West Bank or the illegal giant prison in Gaza. In spite of his apparent arrogance, especially when he is being cheered by flag-waving Israeli crowds, he has a conscience like everyone else, and I have no doubt that it is wearing away at him. Soon Obama will be looking as gaunt and haunted as the troubled fellow standing in the middle of the second row in THIS PHOTO….

  18. feijoa 22

    Sorry to harp on, but my burble in blue above does actually link to the article on the RMA.
    It is a very clear account of what the Nacts are changing, and there is very little time for people to be informed (shouted from the rooftops) about what a disgrace this really is.
    Where are the opposition, especially the Greens on this? Not more silence, please…

  19. McFlock 23

    Nice comment from Jacinda Ardern layning into Bennefits. – clip H/TBryan Bruce.

    • Draco T Bastard 23.1

      Very good speech by her. Probably the best I’ve heard from her.

      • rosy 23.1.1

        Indeed, well done Jacinda. Good to see her re-stating Labour’s commitment to a social security system, highlighting contradictions, timing of announcements and the political nastiness of this bill. All stuff that Labour has been seen as silent on (at best) by many people, including me. Now to get it heard in a wider public forum…

  20. Tony P 24

    I know some people around here have it in for Chris Hipkins but this speech he gave to the Auckland Primary Principals Association yesterday gives me some hope that Labour’s education policies are on the right track. Shame the speech hasn’t been reported very widely if at all.

    • rosy 24.1

      Thanks for the link. Some policy statements at last….

      So let me be very clear about Labour’s position on charter schools. We see no need for them. We see no place for them. And any charter schools established under the current National government will have no future under Labour…

      …One of the most destructive things this government could do to quality education in New Zealand is introduce so-called ‘performance pay’ based on a narrow range of student achievement measures.

      If the alarm bells aren’t already ringing, they should be…

      … Under Labour, we will work collaboratively with the education community to replace National Standards with something that is meaningful, broad, and that will work.

  21. Anne 25

    I know some people around here have it in for Chris Hipkins…

    He asked for it Tony P, but if he continues to perform at his present level then some of us may eventually be able to forgive him. Up to him.

    • ScottGN 25.1

      What did he ask for exactly? This statement is extraordinary. You may eventually forgive him? What a load of patronizing bollocks.

      • Colonial Viper 25.1.1

        Of course it’s patronizing bollocks, because these types aren’t accountable to us.

      • Anne 25.1.2

        Only patronising bollocks to ignorant twits like yourself who apparently don’t keep themselves informed. Get off your backside and find out for yourself… or is that beyond your capabilities.

  22. bad12 26

    Up to 1500 jobs to go at Telecom in May, no wonder Bill from Dipton was saying on Q+A that the Welfare Budget is likely to get more money in His next budget…

    • Colonial Viper 26.1

      Gotta maintain those multi-million dollar profit levels for the foreign share owners.

      • chris73 acualy is Dolan 26.1.1

        Yeah that sucks, damn national selling of telecom in the 80s was a bad idea

        • Colonial Viper

          Faraway NZ communities that they never visit bear the cost of the resulting unemployment. While they personally benefit from signficantly increased profits.

          It’s a business no-brainer. If I could fire five thousand Indian workers to get an extra hundred grand in dividends in my pocket, why the hell not?

    • Alanz 26.2

      Erm. How is the government doing with creating 170,000 jobs?
      Any sign yet?

  23. “The possibility that the Voyager-1 spacecraft may have left the Solar System is being hotly debated.”

    “Launched in September 1977, the probe was sent initially to study the outer planets, but then just kept on going.”

    “Their plutonium power sources will stop generating electricity in about 10-15 years, at which point their instruments and transmitters will die. Voyager-1 is on course to approach a star called AC +793888, but it will only get to within two light-years of it and it will be tens of thousands of years before it does so.”

    I feel sad for the little spaceship that could, but await the return of V’ger the Intruder.

    • The Al1en 28.1

      “there are several smaller, shittier ones dotted around” 😆

      Creationists – Made on a Saturday after the birds and fish.
      Evolutionists – Still being tweaked to perfection.

  24. Colonial Viper 33

    Kevin Rudd’s supporters sacrificed; but is the Leader’s problems actually his fault?

    The Gillard government is suffering a gathering crisis of confidence in its leader.

    Not because of any assault by Kevin Rudd. Indeed, whenever he has tried to foment unrest, the Labor caucus has hardened against him.

    Labor’s fast-draining confidence stems from the performance of Julia Gillard herself and her inner circle.

    Body count: Rudd supporters quit their posts

    Key Rudd supporter Fitzgibbon, has said he will step down as the government’s chief whip at the next Labor caucus meeting.

    Two other government whips, Ed Husic and Janelle Saffin, resigned this evening.

    The Parliamentary Secretary for the Pacific Islands, Richard Mearles, also announced his resignation. “In the circumstances of today’s events I believed this to be the appropriate course,” he said.

    “I’m surprised Kevin Rudd didn’t stand,” the former Minister for Arts and Regional Development, Simon Crean, told the ABC’s 7.30 Program. “He has only got one obligation now and that is to back off”.

  25. lprent 34

    Ok tinyMCE back on…

    Ummm – where has the opt-out box gone?


    Ok – that had the same problem.

  26. lprent 35

    Test WYIWYG comments

    Ok – that appears to work

    • lprent 35.1

      And the reply works as well.

      • lprent 35.1.1

        Umm and admins get more.

        1. Much more
        2. And More
        3. And more
        4. That is quite cool appropriate

        Yeah I left that a bit unfinished for admins. Must have been when the work load escalated.

        Everything is back to nearly full speed – hopefully without the cache problems that re-appeared yesterday. Just have

        • the email system to fix
        • the APC cache sizes to adjust
        • the duplications in the feed to fix
        • The extra core to go in tonight

        And above all the nightly backup to run so that I have a copy

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