Open mike 27/09/2021

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, September 27th, 2021 - 60 comments
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60 comments on “Open mike 27/09/2021 ”

  1. Gezza 1

    For mary

    Here comes my girl

  2. KJT 2

    Ann Salmond on using pine monocultures for "carbon forests"

    Anne Salmond: The case for nature-based forests (

    And. From the "evil Marxist" Government of China.

    'Coal Is Dead': New Global Pact Announced After China's Bold Step (

    • Ad 2.1

      Dame Ann Salmond would be more interesting if she stopped splitting hairs about how long and with what species trees ought to be grown, and went hard against New Zealand's reliance on the intentional mass murder of highly sentient beings for meat. We will look back in less than 20 years on New Zealand's major part in all forms of meat manufacturing as one of the worst mass crimes we have ever participated in. Not only a crime in straight cruelty, but also in waste, environmental degradation, and health. That would be a revolution in our land use worth having a crack at.

      There may well be a market for indigenous forest harvesting as she claims, except we stopped that with Timberlands in the Clark administration at significant cost. Native wood use in houses is now only the preserve of the super-elite with CAPEX over $2.5m per house. You can still get some Beech from Southland but OMG it's not a substitute for anything the faster-growing woods can do.

      On your second point, rather than praise the autocratic China for massively increasing its domestic coal production into the future, it was the open democracies of Chile, Denmark, France, Germany, Montenegro, Sri Lanka, and the U.K. which signed the No New Coal agreement and sunk the lid on national coal use.

    • Cricklewood 2.2

      Good article that, im aware that some very large farms in the Wairarapa have purchased with a veiw to planting in pine monculture for carbon etc.

      It will no doubt be an ecological disaster, acidifcation of soil and waterways etc not to mention in 40-50 years a real fire risk in a very dry windy part of NZ. We really need to be learning from the likes of Germany and planting mixed forest especially when the intention os to leave it in place.

      • KJT 2.2.1

        We have enough of a problem with wilding pines as it is.

      • francesca 2.2.2

        If a pine monoculture is left in place..not will eventually become something else.Wind throw, natural senescence , makes gaps in the canopy for birds to drop seed into that with extra light have a chance of germinating .Depending on the proximity of a local seed source, and geography,you would find broadleaves and possibly rimus , miros, beginning to appear.

        Pine forests that are not clear felled are not naturally self regenerating, they inevitably give way to something else.

        • KJT

          Not sure that is the case My observations are that the pines self seed and spread faster then the natives take over. Maybe a forester can tell us?

          • francesca

            Probably depends on geography KJT, as I alluded to

            Definitely in our mild, wet winter, high rainfall area, natives are starting to establish at 30 years under pines.

            Different further down south where its drier and colder.

            • bwaghorn

              At the risk of helping the other side to me .

              Tokoroas forests were thick with young native by the time the pines were loggable.

          • Cricklewood

            Biggest issue is the needles theyre an incredibly effective very slow to decompose mulch which prevents other seeds from germinating, the quick growth rate will see them crowd out natives at least in the short to medium term 100 years down the track you might see a few natives peaking through although would be a massive fire risk by that time in certain parts of the country.

  3. Gezza 3


    Al Jazeera's The Listening Post this week. The first half talks about the New York Times' exposé on that recent Reaper drone missile attack that killed most members of an innocent family in Kabul.

    And also looks at US media reporting – or rather the lack of it – on America's use of drone warfare in places like Pakistan & Yemen, where such tragedies are quite common but routinely go unreported.

  4. joe90 4

    But wait, there's more – anti-vaxx trash is a nazi.

    Joe McCarron, 75, who was featured in a video being removed from Letterkenny University Hospital against the advice of his doctors, has passed away.

    McCarron's funeral is set to be held in his native Dungloe, Co Donegal this Sunday, according to an announcement shared on on Friday afternoon.

    Video of McCarron leaving Letterkenny University Hospital with the help of Antonio Mureddu Gravegliu began to circulate on social media on September 14.

    "We are saving Joe's life," Gravegliu says in the video. "Today is a winning day for Ireland." He goes on to thank Dr. Dolores Cahill, a prominent figure in Ireland’s anti-vaccination movement.

    A doctor pleads with McCarron in the video to stay in the hospital: “You have the right to decide what you want to do.

    “You’re barely able to breathe,” the doctor says. “We want you to stay to help you.”

    Gravegliu, who was wearing a mask under his chin, tells McCarron, “If you stay here, they going to f***ing kill you, Joe.

  5. observer 5

    I don't subscribe to the NZ Herald but today I bought the paper, and here are some polling results that might interest people:

    Source: Talbot Mills (was UMR). Like most (proper) polls, 1050 and 3.1% margin of error. Aug 31 – Sept 6 (i.e. during lockdown).

    Results: 64% say only relax borders with 90% vac. This includes 60% of National voters.

    26% say relax once people have had a chance to get vac (soon, presumably).

    On getting vac, 89% have either had one/two doses (56%) or definitely will (22) or probably will (11).

    Def/prob not is down from 16% in Aug to 10% now.

    The results speak for themselves.

    • peter 5.1

      The def/prob not suggests that a 90% rate is dreaming.

      • observer 5.1.1

        Disagree. Downward trend.

        They went into detail on the 10%, which is very useful. Of those, 15% (of the 10) say they are anti-vax, so we probably won't reach them. But other responses include "no need/ too lazy" (also 15%). Very reachable.

        • Bearded Git

          Assuming that is 90% of the whole population and other measures remain in place that would seem to be the direction the government is moving in.

          Personally I would prefer that we waited a little and opened the borders in, say, October next year at the earliest (with 90% of whole pop). This because so much more information still seems to be being discovered about Covid 19 and vaccine uses and efficacy.

  6. Cricklewood 6

    Whats happened with housing in New Zealand, affordability, record gains, record rent increases, increased numbers in emergency housing (and I use that term loosely) is imo a far bigger and longer term problem for NZ society than covid.

    Consider the health effects of overcrowding, financial stress, the effect of unstable housing on children etc etc

    This govt has been an absolute fucking disaster outside of Covid and I fear the damage is permanent.

    • Tricledrown 6.1

      Cricklewood speculation ,shortages of land,labour,materials,and covid have all compounded a longterm problem.

      Record numbers of houses are being built existing unoccupied dwellings being done up .

      Still not enough .

      Printed money should only be used on new builds and upgrades to poor quality housing.

      • Cricklewood 6.1.1

        Yes long term problem that has got far far worse in the last few years in a large part due to govt and teserve bank ineptitude, coupled with no real attempt to address the issue… just empty words and the issue now is reaching crisis point unless you have wealthy parents or already own.

        Need to stop treating housing as an investment vehicle and that can be done its not impossible.

        Perhaps a tax or duty of some sort. Lets say you are able to own 2 homes without attracting tax but say the 3rd you need to pay a duty of 5% percent of the purchase price, the 4th 7.5%, the 5th 10% percent and so on. Would really get speculators using equity out of the market.

        • Stuart Munro

          Progressive tax. 1% on your second property. 4% on your third. 9% on your fourth. 16% on your fifth.

          Doesn't penalize folk significantly for extra houses from marriages or inheritances, but renders the slumlord model unprofitable.

  7. observer 7

    Fran apologises to Prof Hendy, and it's a spectacular grovel …

    • Ad 7.1

      🙂 Too funny

    • Pete 7.2

      O'Sullivan can apologise all she likes. She called Hendy 'bogus.' She cannot unsay it.

      All sorts of people were named in a Herald article published on Saturday. Rob Fyfe, Jacinda Ardern, Mike Hosking, Don Braid, Adrian Littlewood, Sir Stephen Tindall, Sam Morgan, Craig Heatley, Nick Mowbray, Grant Robertson, Donald Trump, Ashley Bloomfield, Chris Hipkins, Brett O’Riley and Michael Barnett all got a mention.

      I wonder how many on that list she thinks are bogus. I wonder which she thinks are 'bogus' and tweets that.

      Her private view of Hendy is now public. I think that is good.

      • Nic the NZer 7.2.1

        Someone should also explain to the bewildered woman that Hendys model is almost entirely maths. She seems to have a very odd idea of where weaknesses in such models may arise, but nobody is saying the model lacks for using algebra, equations and arithmetic.

    • Muttonbird 7.3

      Fairly sure the right wing have got hold of Rodney Jones to now do their bidding. Watch for his name to be prominent in the National Party's plan B alternative Covid response plan.

    • alwyn 7.4

      I would say that the Herald's lawyers have been hard at work.

      She really has to be more careful when she sends private messages, or at least messages that are meant to be private.

  8. Stephen D 8

    I take Chlöe’s point that minority interests such as renters aren’t getting referred to at the 1pm’s. But isn’t that the job of the journalists to ask those questions?

    It is a political podium after all.

    • Ed1 8.1

      No, Tova and Susie represent the hospitality industry, bars and restaurants, Tourism, Big Business, and Bars.

  9. Siobhan 9

    "Deluge Raises Doubts about Building Houses on West Auckland Floodplain."

    Hilarious headline in the Herald today..(.my italics)…highlighting both our lack of understanding, let alone progress or governmental (local and Central) policy in preparing for climate change ..oh, yeah, and inability to actually house our people in a sustainable manner.

  10. observer 10

    Poll out on TV1, 6 pm.

    It will have been taken before the weekend (and Key's performance) but that won't stop a bunch of brainless commentators saying it's a response to something that hadn't happened yet.

    Anyway, it's win-win really because Nat MPs need an excuse to roll Judith so it would be quite funny if her numbers are up and they have to delay the inevitable.

  11. Whispering Kate 11

    Very interesting article in the Washington Post about the housing crisis in Alaska and how their housing built many years ago isn't coping with climate change. I know we have a lot of regions in NZ which are flood plains and still there are housing developments planned or being built on them. Napier Council is planning a flash new gated community on land below sea level. It beggars belief really. Also out West in Auckland more housing is planned on land which floods frequently.

    This is a different problem – permafrost and how it is collapsing and houses are subsiding because of it. This article is really worth a read as it shows there is a lot more to worry over besides cows farting although I do know this is serious. The inhabitants of Planet Earth have serious problems to deal with in the future. Mother Earth is fine she will carry on as she always has done. The task ahead is huge.

    • tc 11.1

      Councils are the issue IMO. Failed at water management, sewage treatment, roading etc across NZ whilst rubber stamping developers requests.

      Raglans stuck with a single lane bridge whilst hundreds of dwellings get built beyond it.

    • ianmac 11.2

      `Areas in the World with perma-frost have put buildings on them. Climate change can thaw the land and buildings collapse. Is that happening in Alaska?

      • Whispering Kate 11.2.1

        Yes Ianmac that's what is happening. Entire settlements are having to be relocated and they are creating homes now that will adapt as the climate changes. It is an interesting read and sheets it home about the many and varied ways the earth is changing and how its inhabitants will have to change to survive. It's our children who will be be suffering if we don't pull finger soon.

  12. Ad 12

    Switzerland has just voted 'yes' to same-sex civil marriage and the right to adopt children by same-sex couples.

    Another win for the team at Operation Libero … and all who rise with them.

  13. McFlock 13

    That's good to see.

    edit: @AD comment 12

  14. Stephen D 14
    Some up some down.

    The left still easily rule.
    The right vote getting a 3 way racist split.

    • mac1 14.1

      I'm assuming a 3% margin of error?

      How does the 3% refusal and 6% don't know measure against earlier polls?