Written By:
- Date published:
6:00 am, December 30th, 2020 - 24 comments
Categories: open mike -
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Step up to the mike …
The great John S Hall…an oldie but a goodie…
King Missile III – Another Political Poem
[deleted text without quotes]
Holy Crap!!!….
Trump unseats Obama as US’ ‘Most Admired Man' & Michelle Obama earns ‘Most Admired Woman’
[deleted text without quotes]
Who would admire Trump or Obama? I think it's obvious that all the respondents—including the six per cent who profess to admire Sleepy Joe—were simply "having a laugh", as Father Dougal McGuire would say.
Revolution still on hold?
We have had bugger all posting over the past few days.
With political poetry and revolution as a theme, this cycled through my phone's music selection.
Still as poignant as it was 45 years ago.
Well, this writer (i.e., moi) is back from two months in Siberia, so there may be a slight increase on the old posting front.
I keep thinking of posts to write and then realise they're too depressing for this time of year.
A good write-up on Baker & elimination.
"It was so easy to turn the tap off. They finally regulated the allowable levels of Campylobacter in chicken and our rates halved in three months. It reminded me that regulation and strong government is often what you need. I thought the industry was just doing what it was allowed to do but actually it was government that was asleep at the wheel."
OH MY GAWD! Thats total crap!
All of it xanthe, or just bits?
“A good write-up” vs “total crap” – why poles apart, I wonder.
ALL of it ! … hint = clickbait
a more reasoned answer is
If the headline is simply not true and the rest of the article is clickthru then it its Crap IMHO. You are welcome to yours
Very kind xanthe – it seems that our opinions about articles on Baker are destined to be poles apart.
Here are a few excerpts from the article that is, in xanthe's opinion "total crap!" IMHO these excerpts indicate the article is not total crap.
own trumpet will blow … get clicks! all good.
What does that mean? Is your beef against the writers of the article, or against Baker himself?
Tall poppy choppers will cut … spleen vented! All good. Click click
Can someone suggest a link that I can send to counter the information a family member is getting who believes that dead people, and extra votes were cast in the American Elections. Please do not climb down my throat Families!
[I don’t think you’d wanted to use your real name so I changed it back to your routine user name here – Incognito]
See my Moderation note @ 2:39 PM.
Well, as it happens, dead people did try to cast votes. Three of them. In Pennsylvania. For Don of the Deadbrains. And now the Texas Lieutenant Governor that offered a million bucks for proof that shit was happening isn't coughing up.
Kinda more along the lines of what you might be looking for, I like Metabunk for diving way into the weeds on specific claims. They look at politics, as well as UFOs, WTC towers, chemtrails, anything else where anyone is making claims of weird shit going on. Here's just one of their political threads:
On a more general nature, there's the usual sites that pop up on a general search for election misinformation debunking, such as:
Every now and then there's a long term Republican having a righteous rant about the bullshit flying around, like this one:
Andre, Thanks for that. It isn't till you talk to other people that you realize how insidious some of this crap is and it is those who get their information from these sites that is of concern. It is amazing what you hear around the lunch room.
Old Plumbers including mad ones never die, they just go down the drain. Old joke.
Parts of us do go down the drain when we go to the morgue, High born, Low born. I won't go any further as the moderator might step in.
I'm always puzzled by the dead voters thing. It's the easiest kind of electoral jiggery-pokery to detect and prove. I mean jeez, very good records are kept of who dies and when they died, and it's a very easy cross-match to electoral rolls. That's why there's always news stories about morons trying it on and getting caught. It's because it's so easy to catch them, not because there's a lot of it happening.
AFAIK, all states have laws that specify what happens if a voter dies between casting their early or absentee vote, and the date of the election. Some states count the vote as long as the voter was alive when the vote was cast, other states check the death rolls as part of the process of processing the early and absentee ballots, and discard the votes of those that have died in the interim. In any case the numbers involved are so tiny it's extremely unlikely to affect the outcome.
Paul Buchanan (alias Pablo) over at Kiwipolitico gives and excellent rundown on what happened in the US since the 1950s which led to DJ Trump and his band of loonies and vagabonds – who are responsible for the loony theories and misinformation currently circulating around the globe.
It may not teach you how to handle those who have fallen for the tripe, but will give you an understanding how they got to where they are.
Thanks for that Anne, a very interesting read.