Open mike 30/06/2016

Written By: - Date published: 6:00 am, June 30th, 2016 - 90 comments
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90 comments on “Open mike 30/06/2016 ”

  1. Paul 1

    Another day in John Key’s neo-liberal nightmare.
    We have become a cruel, greedy, uncaring and selfish nation under his wretched leadership.

    This government.

    Govt again vetoes paid parental leave bill

    “Legislation seeking to extend paid parental leave to 26 weeks has failed in Parliament after the government used its power of financial veto.
    Finance Minister Bill English said the extension to paid parental leave would have been too costly.
    The bill in the name of Labour MP Sue Moroney had enough support to pass into law but was not voted on at its third reading because of the veto.
    Ms Moroney told Parliament that using the veto was an extreme measure, and today was a shameful day for democracy.

  2. Paul 2

    Another day in John Key’s neo-liberal nightmare.
    We have become a cruel, greedy, uncaring and selfish nation under his wretched leadership.

    This government’s lack of action on climate change.

    Emmerson’s cartoon today sums it up.

    Maybe our Climate Change Minister Bennett could think of these people….–a-nz-student-from-kiribati-and-the-future-of-his-homeland

  3. Paul 3

    Another day in John Key’s neo-liberal nightmare.
    We have become a cruel, greedy, uncaring and selfish nation under his wretched leadership.

    This government’s lack of funding for Lifeline Aotearoa.

    “Crisis counselling service Lifeline Aotearoa says it is running out of money and without millions of dollars of donations it will close next year.

    Lifeline has been running for 52 years, answering up to 15,000 calls a month on its 24-hour a day helplines.

    People call on a raft of issues including loneliness, family violence, financial concerns, homelessness, bullying and relationship issues, mental health and suicidal thoughts.

    Last year it lost government contracts and has had to cut a third of its staff.

    It said appeals for government and private funding have failed.
    Mr Palmer said Lifeline was a unique service and should not be allowed to close.

    He said a record 564 people committed suicide last year, a significant social and economic burden on the country.

    While there were numerous other helplines, none had the expertise of Lifeline in regard to suicide, crisis, peer-support and other counselling, he said.

    It was also the country’s most significant specialist provider of suicide intervention and training and, as such, was on the frontline of suicide prevention in New Zealand.

    • Ad 3.1

      What’s the medium-run stats for NZ suicide?

      Better or worse than say 1980 per capita?

      Or just another bleating NGO?

      Where’s the measure?

      • weka 3.1.1

        I’d say the increase in farmer suicide, and our long term youth suicide rate bring one of highest in the OECD suggest that Lifeline aren’t bleating.

        Mind you, you could probably make an argument for Lifeline having had its day, being a relic from before neoliberalism, and that its financial problems are a sign of its inability to get with the programme. Too many sheep, not enough wolves. /sarc

      • marty mars 3.1.2

        jeeze ad wtf is wrong with you

        Are you unaware of the suicide statistics in this country – the youth rates, the 12 year old killing himself, the underreporting because someone killing themselves isn’t considered suicide, the high rate of Māori suicide – youth and adult.

        here is some fucking facts for you

        read it and weep

        • Ad

          Just a simple tracker overtime is what I asked for.

          Plenty of health ngo’s bleat but honestly make little measurable difference.

          • marty mars

            “Plenty of health ngo’s bleat but honestly make little measurable difference”

            so says you – and what would you know? 0:0

        • Rosie

          Thanks marty. Ad’s comment was callous. I’m surprised that an intelligent person is unaware of just how high our rates of suicide are here in NZ.

          Also insensitive given the high number, for Ad to not to consider how many people reading may have been suicidal at a point in their lives or lost someone to suicide.

          • marty mars

            Yes Rosie – not many of us unaffected. I work with people who struggle with suicide ideation daily so I’m a little sensitive on this subject 🙂

            • Rosie

              Understand you feel alert to the subject of suicide given your work – and you do valuable and worthy work, probably very tough some days. Big bless to you for the changes you may facilitate in people’s lives.

        • Gangnam Style

          Children between the ages of 5-9 commit suicide in NZ, imagine being that young & even knowing how to kill yourself! This is truly NZs deep dark shame.

          “Maria Bradshaw, whose 17-year-old son Toran Henry took his own life in 2008, said she was aware of a six-year-old girl and seven-year-old boy who had committed suicide in the past 12 months.”

          Interesting here too that more unemployed people kill themselves than those in work.

      • McFlock 3.1.3

        Let’s say I found a tracker in a 10second google.
        How would its information affect your position?
        What would you say if the suicide rate had been increasing over time, or decreasing, or was static?

        Because I don’t see how it’s relevant to whether lifeline is a valuable service.

  4. swordfish 4

    Latest UK Poll Stats

    YouGov (just released – via tweet from UK polling expert. Nothing on YouGov site yet)
    Corbyn should Resign ?
    Entire Sample………………49%………..30%………..21%
    Labour Voters……………..35%…………54%………..11%

    Second EU Referendum ?
    Entire Sample….Yes 31%….No 58%….Unsure 11%
    Those Opposed include not only 91% of Leave voters but also just under 30% of Remain supporters.
    A second question shows that even if Scotland left the UK, respondents still opposed a Second Referendum by 51% to 30%.

    Fun Brexit Stats

    A total of 9084 people voted for BOTH Remain and Leave on their ballot paper in the EU Referendum. Rates of double-voting were highest in the London borough of Brent (0.13%).
    I suspect they were just taking the piss.

    • I Feel Love 4.1

      “Labour Voters……………..35%…………54%………..11%” – Well that is interesting isn’t it?

      • Paul 4.1.1

        The 200 Labour party MPs who are pushing for Corbyn to go do not represent the country or their own party. They are Tony Blair’s creatures. It is they who should resign.

        • I Feel Love

          But all the right wing trolls say Corbyn should resign? They wouldn’t be speaking with forked tongues would they? I noticed they shut up pretty quick last night when Shewan was proven to be another disingenuous wanker. Little comes out smelling like roses again.

          I hope Corbyn will keep his leadership & let the cards fall where they may come election time, what are the right so scared about? Labour winning? But that’s impossible under Corbyn they say, then wouldn’t it be better for them to shut up about it? One would think so wouldn’t one (I couldn’t possibly comment).

          • Paul

            Almost impossible to hear the views of working class people in England such is the stranglehold of the corporate mainstream media. The Guardian has proven a lackey of Blairite interests ( its bias was also clear during Corbyn’s selection and also during the Scottish referendum last year. The independent has proved it is anything but.

            So here are some links for those of you wanting to hear the people’s voice, as opposed to the 200 career Labour MPs.





            • Rodel

              I feel love & Paul
              Corbyn won’t be the first J.C. To be crucified by selfish power brokers & self serving politicians who ignore the wishes of the silenced majority.

          • mary_a

            @I Feel Love ( you post “…. I noticed they shut up pretty quick last night when Shewan was proven to be another disingenuous wanker. Little comes out smelling like roses again.”

            Thanks for this info which I have missed. I am having trouble finding it and want to know what has come out about Shewan. Of course msm won’t have anything about it and if it does, it will be hidden away in the dark bowels of the publication!

            Do you have more details please?

            Ditto re Corbyn. Seems the ordinary people on the street want him to stay on as leader. It’s the dirty Blairites in Labour who want him gone! Dirty Politics!

            • I Feel Love


              “Until he produced that tiny piece of evidence it looked like he was lying. That’s something Mr Little calls the Prime Minister out on, and if Little’s a prime minister in waiting, then he needs to be able to show that he doesn’t lie.
              Today he did that, and I take my hat off to him.
              However, it shouldn’t have taken the public battle to get here, it was a simple case of “I did exactly what I was asked — here, let me show you.”
              But you can guarantee when there are lawyers involved, things get arduous.
              Anyway, it’s over now. Both parties seem happy. Case closed. “

              • mary_a

                @I Feel Love … Many thanks for the link 🙂

                • I Feel Love

                  Its a good report eh? Just lays out some facts. Seems surprised to be dealing with an honest politician, something she must not be used to when dealing with the Govt I suppose.

              • Greg

                Shewan claimed in a recent Herald editorial piece that there is no Australian money in zero rated company trusts. How does he know this! Does he have authority to request these trusts contents, or some inside network knowledge, or is he just parroting John Key.
                For a PM who rarely does not do much in details,
                Key seems to be right all over this report.

                It begs the question did he actually write it.
                People have a tell in how they write, and tone of style with their grammar.

                • Lanthanide

                  I don’t know what you’re talking about specifically, but the NZ law on foreign trusts has special carve-outs for foreign trusts owned/controlled/whatevered by Australians, due to the Australian government putting pressure on us to change our law just for them.

                  So that is likely what Shewan basis his claims on.

                  • Greg

                    hah so Aussies are banned from having trusts here.

                    How about John Key having written the report, Key usually doesnt do details, but he had the report down pat. Though, he has claimed not to be a expert in trusts.

                    • Lanthanide

                      No, they’re not banned, they just have extra rules that apply to them, that don’t apply to other countries.

        • seeker

          I approve the sign saying “Eton Mess”.

          Great clip thankyou Paul.

    • Pasupial 4.2

      This is a good YouGov chart that shows the demographics of the Brexit vote. I can’t find the original (too many charts to sift through!), this is a repost from a(n Italian?) facebook page:

  5. mary_a 5

    Despite what “public servants” John Key and Bill English say, ordinary working Kiwis are struggling to make ends meet. Yet the problems of inequality and impoverishment continue to be NZ’s fastest growing industry! Disgraceful and disturbing!

    Here is some evidence from RNZ.

  6. Muttonbird 6

    After yesterday throwing her own ministry under the bus, today she throws Housing New Zealand under the bus.

    The bus has now ground to a halt with the bodies of so many government agencies underneath.

  7. mary_a 7

    Here is Guyon Espiner’s interview with Bill English this morning re the growing inequality in NZ!

    It’s pure spun out arrogant, uncaring BS! I am so angry that someone like English is in such a prominent position where he and his government can do so much more for disadvantaged NZers. But he doesn’t and he won’t! Laugh or cry at his responses to the questioning, the choice is yours! I was close to tears listening to his cold hearted replies to Espiner!

  8. Puckish Rogue 8

    Does anyone else sometimes find that the open comments page won’t load, that it just sometimes goes straight to a blank screen?

    • Muttonbird 8.1

      It’s just you.

      Now that Andrew Little has proved John Shewan was happy with the statement Little made, would you like to offer an apology to Mr Little this morning for calling him a liar and political smearer?

      • Puckish Rogue 8.1.1

        I think he could have released this information at any time but he chose to try to make a big deal out of it for political gain

        Amateurish at best but ok he didn’t lie in this particular instance

        • Grant

          Sorry really is the hardest word eh Puckish?

        • Robert Guyton

          “Amateurish at best but ok he didn’t lie in this particular instance”

          When weasels speak, they use weasel words.

          • Puckish Rogue

            Andrew Little could have easily ended this right at the very beginning, he didn’t because he was trying to draw as much publicity as he could and to try to paint himself as the underdog

            Amateurish and cynical as well

            • adam

              You know when you try to spin other peoples lies, you look like an idiot Puckish Rouge, and we both know you are not.

              The problem was Paddy Gower, he is like a five year old demanding a toy, he stamps his feet and screams in the street. But really he is just a naughty little boy.

            • Muttonbird

              Ridiculous hypothesis. He’d want Shewan’s needy claim to go away as soon as possible.

              More likely Andrew Little is very busy trying to make New Zealand a better place by holding this government to account (something which they themselves do not do), and by planning strategy to change the government next election.

              He’s got better things to do than mollify over-sensitive trust accountants.

              • Puckish Rogue

                If he wanted it to go away asap then he could have released everything right away rather then drip feed it out

                • North

                  What arrogance in you PR ! Not only do you reserve the right to tell everyone on the Left how they must ‘lose’, you also purport to tell Andrew Little how he should ‘win’. And when he wins in a way not approved of by you…….you’re down his throat. Who the fuck are you ? Concern troll.

                • The weasel, Puckish Rogue, I can smell it on your breath.

        • Draco T Bastard

          Actually, the only people being amateurish is Shewan and the RWNJs who jumped on the Attack AL bandwagon.

    • Pasupial 8.2

      I don’t agree with you about much (especially trusting Shewan’s word about anything), but yes; I’ve been having OM and older posts go blank on me too this past week. Worse than usual I mean, there’d always be the odd glitch (probably when you try to open a page at the same time a comment is being posted); but these are persistent for hours, even with reopening the browser (firefox).

  9. Rosemary McDonald 9

    Respect to Nanaia Mahuta and Kelvin Davis for challenging Te Ureroa Flavell on the efficacy and lack of accountability of the Maori Party flagship Whanau Ora.

    It is way past time that Whanau Ora was held to account….where the hell were the WO providers when Te Puea Marae was taking in homeless whanau???

    And yet….while here in NZ, Whanau Ora has completely failed to address any of the issues affecting struggling Maori (in real measurable terms) it is a program that is being exported….

    “Mr Keung, of Maniapoto and Ngāti Porou, said the idea was to share key documents and learnings that tāngata whenua had gained in order to bring better health and social outcomes for American Indians and Alaskan Natives.

    “It will be the things that have been developed with Waipareira, our owner, over 35 years of the work they’ve been doing, but more recently in the Whānau Ora space in delivering a more integrated and whānau-centric suite of services to our whānau.

    “They are looking to get more strategically developed in the way they deliver services and they see this as an opportunity to do something.””


    Again….Nanaia and Kelvin step up and do their job as elected representatives.

  10. Adrian Thornton 10

    ‘Confiscating the wealth’ a nice little Freudian slip from Bill English this morning during an interview with Guyon on RNZ’s morning report.

    • Bearded Git 10.1

      Thanks Adrian-worth a listen. English is actually a nasty bit of work behind the spin. What he fails to mention is that it is this government that got the family into the situation in the first place.

      There is billions for roading, billions for defence, billions in tax cuts for the better off, but peanuts for those in poverty.

      The top rate of tax in Denmark is 59%-it is one of the most successful and happy countries in the world.

      • Adrian 10.1.1

        Of course as we know, most economic debates or discussions will quickly become a debate about class war.
        What English essentially, and unwittingly said in that slip, was to deal with inequality in a real way, some wealth would need to be removed from those who own it now.
        A very rare albeit brief look at the ideology in it’s pure form, of National and enabled by a neo liberal left.

  11. Halfcrown 11

    I watched Henry this morning, for a change.

    Henry had Don Mc Kinnon talking about Brexit. Man did Don Mc Kinnon have his finger on the pulse. He gave a very good opinion without the usual bullshit we have come to expect these days.
    But there again Don Mc Kinnon is an officer and a gentleman, old school National who did care for NZ. Not like this shower of fucking incompetent crooks we have now who would sell their grandmothers for a quick Buck.

  12. whispering kate 13

    The Parliamentary Watchdog Dr Jan Wright is critical of the Government’s latest environmental report and says it doesn’t go far enough on climate change. As a subtle boot up the nether regions of the Government she has submitted her views on what should have been included in the report and she is very scathing about it.

    Somehow methinks there will be another early retirement or a slur against her professionalism by our useless government for the temerity of her to question their report. They will say she is straying beyond the brief of the report and treat her like they did the Canadian Judge over his findings on the Bain Affair by rubbishing her professionalism and reputation. It will be sickening as per usual.

    • ianmac 13.1

      And No Right Turn is even more explicit Kate. The Environmental Report:
      “The criticisms are serious. The report is poorly structured, which obfuscates key issues. The indicators are poorly chosen. There is no forecasting of future trends. But above all, there are no conclusions, and no assessment of the seriousness of problems.

      That, of course, was the point: National wanted people to think it cared about the environment, so it had to produce reporting – but forecasts, assessment of seriousness, and conclusions are the last things it wanted….”

  13. ianmac 14

    OOps! From Dimpost:
    “Te Papa has pulled the plug on the purchase of the singlet worn by Peter Snell in the 1964 Tokyo Olympics.

    They have questioned its authenticity saying it is not the singlet that the Olympian wore when he won his gold medals….”

  14. Sans Cle 15

    BBC Radio 4’s Moral Maze is well worth a listen to. Discusses morality in context of winners and losers of Brexit. Raises some fundamental questions about belief sets in representative democracy.

  15. Muttonbird 16

    Slater standing down from his corrosive blog indefinitely.

    Perhaps he might find time to get a real job which contributes to society instead of destroying it.

    • ianmac 16.1

      I believe that the writers who actually write the Whaleoil stuff are continuing so they say.

    • Rodel 16.2

      North.relax…he believes he’s just fomenting happy mischief…as they do.

  16. Muttonbird 17

    John Key’s brighter future…

    Homeless man forced to find shelter in a rubbish skip bin crushed to death.

    There’s been an alarming increase in homelessness under John Key’s watch. Deaths will follow.

    • Rosie 17.1

      What a tragedy. I had wondered what the situation was with the man found crushed in the cardboard baling.
      From the article I got the impression that it was speculation that the man was homeless. If he was, then it is extremely sad – it means his death would have been avoided and entirely preventable if he were in safe warm accommodation.

  17. Lanthanide 18

    Amusing. Can easily be watched without sound:

  18. mary_a 19

    Lorde donates $20,000 to struggling Hutt Valley charity feeding impoverished hungry Kiwi children.

    Go Lorde. A star indeed in almost every respect.

  19. Rosie 20

    Did I entirely miss it or was Jo Cox’s funeral not covered in the media? Or did her family wish her funeral to remain private?

  20. ropata 21

    if the banks & corporate war machine decide there’s profit in it, anything is possible, but need an excuse like 9/11 first

    When somebody like Shirreff says he thinks Russia may go to war with Nato, people listen— New Zealand Listener (@nzlistener) June 30, 2016

  21. Sabine 22

    sad, just sad

    “When the dairy downturn started biting, Daniel Bindner’s world started unravelling.

    The Waikato father lost his job as a farm worker, broke up with the mother of his children and ended up homeless before he disappeared.

    It was almost a week after he was last seen that workers at a Hamilton recycling plant discovered the father of three’s body in a compressed bale of cardboard.”

    • Greg 22.1

      = its the ultimate risk men take with being in any relationship, why isnt it tragic…?

    • McFlock 22.2

      @ Sabine yeah.

      Hopefully they can figure out what happened pretty quickly.

      • Greg 22.2.1

        Federated Farmers union are sure helping kiwi dairy workers, during this downturn,, retaining experienced workforce and all that.
        Is John Key keeping the visa worker numbers high hoping for a dairy market swing upwards.

        • McFlock

          We don’t know what happened, yet.

          So from a certain perspective you might blame fed farmers, or the lack of income support, or whatever your comment about relationship risks meant.

          But really, it could be anything at this stage.

          • Greg

            He lost his farm job, and his relationship broke up, drawing a conclusion they had a farm house thrown in. she moved.

            Im just making a dig at Fed Far after Bill said kiwi’s didnt want to work hard.

            So what happens to experienced farm workers forced out of the industry,
            start importing foreign workers instead on the back of a recovery?

            • McFlock

              at the same time he couldn’t hold another job his previous boss had lined up, we don’t know why the relationship broke up, and so on.

              I get you were making a dig at a convenient target, but the guy is still in the morgue and we have no idea wtf happened. So, good for you.

    • Muttonbird 22.3

      Brighter Future, innit?

  22. Richardrawshark 23

    Any chance of an off topic, general, meeting place type hangout here, so some of us can offer things like fridges dryers, or arrange meetings, declare our love, get married, have kids, you know more us who love democracy and share a passion for all things wonderful great and small can small talk.

    As an idea.

    • Lanthanide 23.1

      There used to be Weekend Social posts where that sort of thing could be discussed. Haven’t seen one of those for quite a few months now, though. They were never particularly highly commented on, though.

      A long time ago now there was also a movement called Drinking Liberally which I think was mainly in Wellington, a frequent get-together for lefties to go to bars and drink together.

      Also The Standard has strict rules around pseudonymity, which puts a bit of a crimp on the sorts of things you list in this comment, although commentators are allowed to publicise their own identities if they choose to, in practice very few have chosen that.

      • McFlock 23.1.1

        The Drinking Liberally also happened in Dunedin for a while, but then they moved it from a bar to a vegan place and it became overly weighted with hippies for my taste so I stopped going.

        There were also a few gatherings of standardistas in the botanic gardens, some people outing their pseudonyms and others not. Those were ok for a bit.

    • Greg 23.2

      Im sure I’d score with love, it has to be better than nzdating, which has gone stale,
      I dont have a smarter phone for Tinder 🙁 cries.