Operation Burnham

Written By: - Date published: 4:26 pm, March 30th, 2018 - 24 comments
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There is a great article by Gordon Campbell on the likelihood of an inquiry but more importantly what will or wont be covered and what will or wont be for the public eyes/ears

Read it here


24 comments on “Operation Burnham ”

  1. In Vino 1

    I agree it’s a great article. I also find it a little depressing. We have a chorus at present telling us what egregious liars the wicked Russians are (their autocratic regimes always have been, but apparently we must all be shocked as if it were a total novelty) and yet.. here we have a case where all our ‘open accountability’ may well turn out to be a smokescreen that gets swept under a carpet. How much better are we?
    (Yes,I do like mixing metaphors.)

    • One Anonymous Bloke 1.1

      The Kremlin’s perfidy does indeed appear to be news to some. Francesca and Mikesh, for example. Of course, the Kremlin would simply have Nicky Hager and Jon Stevenson accidentally killed during a totally coincidental mugging.

      • In Vino 1.1.1

        Whereas John Key neutralises them by calling them unreliable (+ other stuff), the media comply, and the majority care more about cricket balls. A struggling individual can have more freedom of thought here if he is quiet about it, but overall I don’t see us as very far ahead. Just more deviously corrupt.

    • tracey 1.2

      As someone replied to me the other day

      “We have outsourced outrage to the media”

      The media decide what annoys us.

      Labour or NZF or Greens ( but they get shouted down as looney conspiracists) should be turning the attention from Russia to this, to Finlayson. Turn it on the media. When they want to say more about Russia, ask the journo who asks the question why they areng asking finlayson about his appalling breach of the law or asking Bridges about the lying of the Defence Commander when he was in cabinet.

      Change. The. Narrative.

  2. Anne 2

    I suspect I might be guilty of mixing my metaphors but since I’ve never managed to fully understand what a mixed metaphor is… perhaps you could explain it to me In Vino. 🙂

    Haven’t had a chance to read Campbell’s article yet but, having taken a very close interest in the subject and read the all important book by Hager and Stephenson, I will be watching and listening very carefully. If the prospective inquiry turns about to be a government whitewash, then my faith in Labour could take a permanent dive – as in resigning my decades long membership of the party.

    • Carolyn_Nth 2.1

      Try sweeping a smokescreen under a carpet – and that’s the mixed metaphor.

      • In Vino 2.1.1

        Yes… or ‘He slipped on the banana skin, put his foot in his mouth, and landed flat on his face.’ That is 3 mixed at once.

        • Anne

          Getting the hang of it. Thanks both of you. 🙂

          • xanthe

            Carolyn_Nth gave a very good example of a mixed metaphor.
            In Vino I dont actually think thats a mixed metephor at all, just a series of conjoined metaphor…. IMHO

            BTW, what then is the collective noun for metaphore

    • tracey 2.2

      The review looks like it will be very narrow.

  3. adam 3

    Under the name of national security, our state can kill all the civilians it wants. In the name of revenge, it can even cover it up.

    The more things change, the more they stay the same. Just to remind people, that in 1916 the state, to stop a Christian leader opposing young men going to war, invaded his land, killed his son, then sent him to prison.

    Gotta love the monopoly on violence that the state holds.

    • patricia bremner 3.1

      They let the British shoot our shell shocked men as well, in World War 1.

    • gsays 3.2

      Hi Adam, in regards to the monopoly the state has it isn’t restricted to violence.
      Thompson and Clark are not allowed to snoop around us but the police are free to pry and be duplicitous amongst the public.

      • tracey 3.2.1

        But they were allowed. And Key allowed illegal search of Dotcom, and the police illegal raid of Hager, and tge blocking of evidence for someone on tril and and and… there is a pattern

  4. Whispering Kate 4

    The terms of reference will be more of the same old same old. Like Anne above my confidence is not good. Fudging is the name of the game – and bear this in mind every inquiry that the Government holds is just costing more valuable tax payers hard earned wages. History doesn’t bode well for this inquiry.

  5. francesca 5

    If the Inquiry turns out to be a patsy, does Deborah Manning still have the option of taking the case to the Hague?
    Anyone know?
    The book Hit and Run really clinched for me that the military has far too much autonomy and has developed a “culture” that is far from most New Zealander’s norms
    Shared operations with US troops has that American military culture spill over, with all its impunity and excessive love of might
    I’d love to see our foreign policy reviewed and the prospects of a more neutral or at least non aligned stance explored.
    Hanging on to the coat tails of an imploding empire doesn’t seem like a good idea to me.
    And surely we should be looking in to our participation in the use of white phosphorous in Mosul last year?

    • reason 5.1

      So many war crimes for so long in the middle east …. Does Falluja even exist any more in Iraq ? …. they took and lost it at least three times, … in just one of the re-takings allegedly 70 % of the buildings were damaged … many flattened…. Phosphorous and depleted uranium used in a civilian habitat…. 5 or 6 million refugees from Iraq

      Or the militant Zionists in Israel against the people of Palestine …100 tonnes of high explosive exploded in one day their corralled Gaza ghetto refugees … starting at a time of maximum children in the open
      approx 42 minute mark

      • reason 5.1.1

        ..100 tonnes of high explosive exploded in one day Against their corralled Gaza ghetto refugees.

  6. gsays 6

    Thanks Tracey for bringing my attention to this article.
    This issue really riles me for two reasons.
    First if all, the injustice of the civilians killed.
    The ensuing cover-up, lies and obfuscation from the prime minister, defence minister and chief of defence staff is arrogant and insulting.

    Hager, Stephenson and Manning show courage and integrity, values that used to be paramount in our defence force.

    • tracey 6.1

      Agree. Cover ups are supposed to be what damages but the Nats covered lots and when they have been uncovered, no damage. Key got fawning coverage for 2 days of golf as though he hadnt presided over all of the transgressions referred to above.

  7. patricia bremner 7

    Hager Stephenson and Manning may be further vindicated by the Inquiry, and to quote another, the rest was “A litany of lies” paraphrased to “A litany of Liars” would be a suitable epitaph for Key and C/O.

    • tracey 7.1

      Yes. The name of the village, if not tge position was always correct. The NZDF commander lied. And he was happy for Stephenson and Hager to be villified as conspiracy tgeorists. As looney socialists.

      He needs to be gone, along with his pension and any perks. Courts martial and dishonourable discharge, not a contrived resignation and an insincere mea culpa