Standard writer in shock agreement with KBR!

Written By: - Date published: 10:57 am, January 25th, 2009 - 35 comments
Categories: dpf, Media - Tags:

Over at Kiwiblog David and his rabid followers are screaming over the HoS’s treatment of National’s Social Development Minister Paula Bennett and the fact she has a defacto son in law who is a gang-member and who she took in while he was on bail.

Shockingly, I think the Kiwiblog Right are right on this one. Despite the fact I disagree with Bennet’s party, politics and actions as a minister, I have to say there is no reason the Herald should be beating up a story about her family and its claim her ministerial integrity could be compromised is nothing but an absurd and thinly veiled excuse to engage in some tabloid gutter press.

That said the KBR are dead wrong with their “damn liberal media” argument. This is a classic example of the reactionary right-wing crime-gossip beat up we’ve seen again and again in the NZ media.

A couple of points I will make on the matter (it would be a shame to bee seen as totally in agreement with such a disagreeable lot) are that I doubt that DPF would be so willing to so liberally interpret the situation if the MP in question wasn’t a member of his party and that it is immensely funny to watch the KBR twisting themselves into knots to tribally defend a situation they’d usual frothingly attack.

35 comments on “Standard writer in shock agreement with KBR! ”

  1. Ruth 1

    Fair comments IB. Most of the comments on KB are still very conservative in my view though. ‘Blame the parents’ and all that. People don’t seem to realise their kids are not just extensions of them.

  2. Rabid followers???????

    Name calling huh.

    Sticks and stones.

  3. gobsmacked 3

    Herald report: “The family hoped he would be up for parole this year.”

    Parole? Bloody PC limp-wristed crim-loving liberals …

    Anyone heard from the “Sensible” Sentencing Trust?

  4. Tim Ellis 4

    It is some quite sensationalist crap really. Not the HoS’ finest hour.

    I agree with you on all your points, IB. I don’t think the media has a liberal bias, but then I’d probably also disagree with some of the Standard’s commentators who seem to think that the media, and the Herald in particular, have a right-wing bias.

    I think the worst thing you can do when the press engage in sensationalist gutter journalism like this is pay it any attention. There seems to be a lot of howling and indignation over at KB, but if Paula Bennett is as tough as the media make out to be, then she will be taking the story with a grain of salt.

  5. principessa 5

    I don’t think Paula will be upset by this story at all- hell she probably leaked it herself. She’s fast gaining a reputation for being down with the kids- this boosts it.

  6. principessa – I don’t think this is a story that will have a positive effect on Bennett’s image. There is a massive PR narrative difference between being a white working-class kiwi battler made good and being someone with direct familial links with the scary brown underclass. Just look at the headline:

    “MP’s door open for mob thug”

    It’s got suburban-bigot hysteria written all over it…

  7. Scary BROWN underclass?

    Who gives a shit about the colour of someone’s skin?, its the fact that he was a violent person that has some people concern.

  8. Brett – there’s a strong latent racism in NZ. More than a few times I’ve heard white petty crims excused as larikins and brown crims remarked upon in terms of their otherness. You only need to look at the response to the murder of Pihema Cameron to see it in action…

  9. I think that is only a small percentage of society though, most people are too sensible to be racist.

  10. Janet 10

    Even if Paula Bennett has leaked this story herself to in increase her popularity with an electorate, many of whom can relate to the issues, it certainly raises her in my esteem. Shows she is prepared to see the humanity in people and support her family through tough times.
    Remind me why she is in the National Party?

  11. DeeDub 11

    “Remind me why she is in the National Party?”

    Because she isn’t bright enough to know the difference.

  12. higherstandard 12

    “Remind me why she is in the National Party?”

    Perhaps she looked at the alternative parties and decided they were even bigger sacks of shite.

    eDIT Deedub

    Two words ……. Judith Tizzard

  13. Janet 13

    I wonder how she will manage the Sensible Sentencing lobbyists, the rest of the Nats and other like David Garrett etc – now she is so obviously a soft on crime bleeding heart liberal.

    On the other hand she could be one of those Nats who use the ladder of privilege but then pull it up behind them.

  14. wil 14

    No I disagree.

    It is amusing reading the outraged drivel on this particular issue over at kiwibog and whalepaste… because they have already set their own low standard in publicising the private lives of labour and green mps, so with a their lot in govt why change the game plan now?

    I want to see a lot more exposés of these nact mps in the herald and online; opposition mps are not very interesting, it’s the government mps we want to see the stories about.

    More please!

    capcha: intent devore .. the right wing eat their young ha ha

  15. Tim Ellis 15

    Janet, unlike say, Michael Cullen, who got a full scholarship from the old boys of Christ’s College, and then ridiculed them for spending their money on him? Or Helen Clark, who boarded at Epsom Girls Grammar? Or are you referring to David Cunliffe, who happily resides in his multi-million dollar Herne Bay home rather than his own electorate? Or could you possibly mean Phil Goff, the present leader of the Labour Party, who famously slaved his way through jobs at the meat works to attend university, and then happily introduced tertiary fees as education Minister in the 1980s?

  16. wil 16

    But Cullen, Clark, Cunliffe and Goff brought us Kiwibank, Kiwisaver, Kiwirail. They are not right wing politicians in it just to pump private sector profits or their own. Through enlightened policies they brought benefits to all New Zealanders not just your business interests which is why you still hate them.

  17. deemac 17

    liberal media? LIBERAL MEDIA?? where???

  18. monkey boy 18

    Stamp out this corruption before it takes hold for ever

  19. Janet 19


    A good example is John Key’s campaigning against state and mixed housing in his own electorate.

    Ruth Richardson wanted her own breastfeeding room but didn’t support a parliamentary creche.

    Those who benefited from the human rights campaigning of others eg through unions but deny it to others.

    Will Paula B spin this as one rule for her family, but another for the hoi polloi?

  20. wil 20

    re: monkey –

    Although queing side by side in McDonalds is acceptable, because they don’t want to involve the public in their ‘feuds’.

    Thank you for spotting this, reassuring.. and intrigueing; strong armed but limpwristed at the same time – a trend emerging among these nacts: tony ryall, paula bennett.. who’s next?

  21. Rex Widerstrom 21

    gobsmacked asks:

    Anyone heard from the “Sensible’ Sentencing Trust?

    I completely missed that angle. Oh please, somebody in the media call Garth McVicar (hint: #1 on your speed dial).

    I want to see what verbal gymnastics he undertakes trying not to criticise Paula Bennett while simultaneously condemning her proto-son-in-law.

    With any luck, his contortions will see him disappear up his own fundament.

  22. Paul Robeson 22

    From the HoS website:

    MP’s door open for mob thug

    Government Minister Paula Bennett looked after a violent gangster in her home while he awaited trial.

    Here was me thinking that this was the Herald doing a bit to build up this tough but fair image of Bennett after her wading into a bunch of kids fighting earlier in the week.

    I don’t see how compassion for criminals is something we can condemn at all. After all isn’t the gangs door open because no one elses is? Isn’t this what family are for? Do you stop reoffending by isolating prisoners?

    F**k off Herald. It is great to see that not all the National government are afraid of state houses in their neighbourhoods and live in mansions. It only remains to see if Bennett is able to bring her experience to caucus and be a positive force in this government.

  23. Bennett deserves flac over this.

  24. Felix 24

    I don’t see how lossless audio is going to help matters.

  25. Paul Robeson 25

    some full lossless audio…

  26. killinginthenameof 26

    Rex Widerstrom

    With any luck, his contortions will see him disappear up his own fundament.

    According to todays Sunday Star Times, you wish (and mine) may just have been granted. Odd, I always suspected that a good part of it with them was just in it to bash Labour.

  27. DeeDub 27

    Brilliant retort Felix, but only if you get little audio in-jokes…

    Personally, I reckon Paula Bennett will jumped or be pushed from cabinet within the first (and hopefully only!) term of this government.

    But it is an appalling article. Worthy of Sunday News in the 80s.

  28. Rex Widerstrom 28


    Oooo do tell. I can’t get a copy over here and I can’t find it on the Stuff website.

    Labour bashing, you say? But Labour happily indulges in the law-n-order auction with National, as Irish Bill so eloquently pleaded with them to stop doing recently.

  29. @ work 29

    “Rex Widerstrom
    January 26, 2009 at 3:28 am

    Oooo do tell. I can’t get a copy over here and I can’t find it on the Stuff website.”

    It said he is planning on standing down as head of the trust later this year at thier annual conferance (citing too many death threats, from various people including defence laywers apparently) he said “theres a few things to work through” but definately didnt deny it. I wonder how they will survive without him?

  30. That would explain why they’ve been running other speakers up over the last couple of months…

  31. Tigger 31

    So did she declare this as a security risk? It’s the sort of thing National would have beaten up Labour over.

    But really Bennett is again being lauded/derided for being human – most decent people would wade into a fight if necessary or offer a home to a family member who needed it. Bennett really is the ‘it’ girl du jour – she must be hoping that ends soon so she can get on with her job.

  32. insider 32

    “…I doubt that DPF would be so willing to so liberally interpret the situation if the MP in question wasn’t a member of his party…”

    Pretty unfair to DPF there based on his record. He tends not to play on politicians home lives to score political points. Can Standard writers say the same?

    “…and that it is immensely funny to watch the KBR twisting themselves into knots to tribally defend a situation they’d usual frothingly attack.”

    What you mean like The Standard on the EFB and Winston and such? How quickly you forget…

  33. Ari 33

    What you mean like The Standard on the EFB and Winston and such? How quickly you forget

    Liberal politics tends to view laws such as the EFB that declare that advertising isn’t free speech favourably. Just because something is against your principles doesn’t mean it’s against ours.

  34. Rabid like foaming at the mouth?

  35. 35

    Funniest part is the comments stating that Sarah Palin was somehow a rising star of the US right wing. Roftl, are things that bad amongst the right wing in the states. Amusing also how the KBR haven’t gotten over their bitterness of 9 years worth of Labour govt. Everything seems to be Labours fault. They leap to the defence of Bennett but act in the same manner they have for 9 years, blame Labour. They don’t seem to have figured out yet that National is in government. A more measured approach for them to apply is “how would a Labour MP have been treated in this situation” (and how would the KBR have reacted). Bennett warrants the exact same treatment. Rob