The refugees

Written By: - Date published: 12:45 pm, July 13th, 2011 - 50 comments
Categories: aid, crosby textor, Ethics, human rights - Tags: ,

Screen grab from 3 News web site last night:

50 comments on “The refugees ”

  1. Lanthanide 1

    Their signs are made out of paper and what looks to be bed sheets.

    Coleman is entirely correct that they’re not made from concrete.

  2. infused 2

    Who cares…

    Yeah, I said it.

    • Tigger 2.1

      I care.

      • dupdedo 2.1.1

        Like HS said, go do some work at the redcross then. As soon as you start letting people like this in it will be a never ending problem. We have our own issues without supporting these guys.

    • freedom 2.2

      i sincerely hope that on the day you most need a stranger’s assistance,
      you get the help you most desperately need

      • higherstandard 2.2.1

        you fuckwit – if a boat load of destitute Kiwis tried this trick they be of the first boat/plane back home iwth a kick up the arse

        • freedom

          how sweet you jump in to defend infused.
          Like two little flea bitten kittens stuck in the wheel rim of a jack-knifing semi.

          there is no comparison,( detailed facts of these individuals’ cases notwithstanding ) because a boat load of kiwis would not qualify for assistance under international law protecting people escaping from persecution and oppression, not quite yet anyway.
          Another term of this curent bunch and that will probably change.

          • higherstandard

            Freedom if you are so concerned about the rest of the world and their plight why don’t you volunteer for the red cross, one of the UN aid groups or indeed many of the excellent providers out there helping people in their own countries rather than volunteering NZ as an open country for every man and his dog.

            • freedom

              i am more concerned with the plight of New Zealand and the rampant plague of diseased minds that have populated this country in the last few decades. The sufferrers generally present with faux-educated tendencies whilst gorging on any and every resource available.

              Usually charging whatever they can and paying only what they must. Many of those sufferring its affects appear to have been born here which makes identifying the source of infection very difficult. The good news is by applying ten pound hammers combined with a swift downward motion upon the skull, the infection seems to stop spreading. The bad news is i have an unnerving faith in non-violence so i cannot employ this remedy.

              Also, who the fuck do you think you are denying assistance to another Human Being.
              The sooner you and the nefarious gimps you associate with are removed from your rubber rooms of power then the more likely it is that the response from one person to another when strangers ask for help will be seen for what it is, human decency.

              • higherstandard

                “Also, who the fuck do you think you are denying assistance to another Human Being.
                The sooner you and the nefarious gimps you associate with are removed from your rubber rooms of power then the more likely it is that the response from one person to another when strangers ask for help will be seen for what it is, human decency.”

                You are deluded, neither I nor this country of 4 and a bit million are responsible for offering assistance to this boat load of people wanting to go to newseeland.

                What I and this country of 4 and a bit million are responsible for is providing assistance to our own people and country, I do however note we do provide considerable support to the UN in terms of personnel and money.

                As I said before if you are so concerned about the rest of the world and their plight why don’t you volunteer for the red cross, one of the UN aid groups or indeed many of the excellent providers out there helping people in their own countries.

                • freedom

                  What you are obviously having trouble with is the concept of humanity.
                  We are, despite what i suspect you believe, the same species.
                  The sooner you realise you do not exist in isolation the more opportunities your life will provide you and the need to hate another’s choices will be diffused.

                  • higherstandard

                    Learn basic comprehension skills freedom.

                    Neither I nor this country of 4 and a bit million are responsible for offering assistance to this boat load of people wanting to go to newseeland.

                    What I and this country of 4 and a bit million are responsible for is providing assistance to our own people and country, I do however note we do provide considerable support to the UN in terms of personnel and money.

                    As I said before if you are so concerned about the rest of the world and their plight why don’t you volunteer for the red cross, one of the UN aid groups or indeed many of the excellent providers out there helping people in their own countries.

                    • freedom

                      Hold onto the isolating nationalism and the fervent prejudices you value so strongly. Hold dear the falacy that to help others you must put on an orange vest and wave a clipboard, and remember to keep one eye locked on the charity rebate widget you downloaded. Enjoy it whilst you can because i am confident the irrefutable fact that the world is actually one large interconnected entity will hit home to you soon enough

                      by the way, helping another person is not about responsibility

                      it is about the right thing to do

                    • higherstandard

                      Neither I nor this country of 4 and a bit million are responsible for offering assistance to this boat load of people wanting to go to newseeland.

                      What I and this country of 4 and a bit million are responsible for is providing assistance to our own people and country, I do however note we do provide considerable support to the UN in terms of personnel and money.

                      As I said before if you are so concerned about the rest of the world and their plight why don’t you volunteer for the red cross, one of the UN aid groups or indeed many of the excellent providers out there helping people in their own countries.

                    • Bill


                      You obviously ascribe to the “We’ll break your legs and you’ll say ‘thankyou’ when we offer you crutches” school of thought.

                      The Red Cross and the plethora of aid groups are not a solution and merely serve to, if not salve ‘our’ conscience, then to obscure the historical roots of refugees and destroyed countries.

                      All us magnanimous whities and our aid agencies and programmes! Jeez.

                      It’s like colonialism never happened. It’s like the destruction of politico/social structures never happened. It’s like the social segregation and marginalisation, material exploitation, political annihilation and extermination of colonised peoples never happened.

                      And since those things never happened, there can be no intergenerational consequences arising from those things. Nope. Contemporary realities just kind of popped up out of nowhere. Nothing to do with ‘us’ and ‘our’ history.

                      Them’s problems is them’s problems. We got our own problenms to deal with. So fuck em. Ungrateful bastards that them is!

                    • higherstandard

                      Bill last time I looked we were a multicultural country which to my knowledge has not at any time invaded or done anything untoward in relation Sri Lanka or its former name of Ceylon.

                      If you are suffering from an acute or chronic case of anglo saxon liberal elite guilts I can only suggest you assuage the symptoms by offering your services in both time and money to one of the many excellent aid organisations.

                    • Ianupnorth

                      I feel  sorry for you HS, I really do; you sit in a position of privilege and have little concept of the real world. I agree that it should not be up to NZ to find them a home, in reality that should be the UN’s job, but whilst we may be a small country population wise, we have plenty of available land and we have the resources to support these people.
                      Remember, they are not risking their lives for fun, they are not coming here because they anticipate they will get a room in 5 start hotel, three meals a day and a Sky movie channel or three.
                      Just remember, when the next ChCh, or a real Tsunami happens here, you’ll be at the front of the queue looking for foreign assistance.

                    • Bill

                      That’s kind of funny HS.

                      I’m neither Anglo-saxon, liberal nor an elite. But anyway.

                      Meantime. Go back and read the part of my comment concerning aid agencies. See if you can comprehend what’s being said there rather than repeat your ‘advice’ to become active in one.

                    • higherstandard


                      I feel sorry for you – imagine having to support the sorry sacks of shite you call a football team.

                      And last time I looked the vast proportion of assistance for the our recent natural and man made disasters have come from our own resources as well as our close friends in Australia.

                      Bill sorry to have misunderstood you if you not suffering from the guilts it’s clearly the a case of the blames.

                    • Neither I nor this country of 4 and a bit million are responsible for offering assistance to this boat load of people wanting to go to newseeland.

                      Why not?

                      What I and this country of 4 and a bit million are responsible for is providing assistance to our own people and country

                      What is it about the arbitrary boundary of a nation state that circumscribes and determines your moral and practical commitments, HS? (e.g., why should I worry more about someone in Remuera who’s come on relatively hard times than I do about a poverty stricken Sri Lankan? I don’t know either of them.)

                      Modern nation states are basically just inventions forged out of quite artificial materials to facilitate a particular class of economic systems. There’s generally not much more to them (sure, there’s ‘sentiment’ – but people become sentimental about all sorts of arbitrary distinctions; nothing special there).

                      On the same point, I’ve often wondered why right wing libertarians and economists don’t more regularly fulminate about national boundaries – they are obviously artificial distortions to free markets. After all, if capital can move freely around the globe, why not labour? Or, to put it the other way, if labour can’t move freely around the globe, why can capital?

  3. hobbit 3

    “Labour attempts to import boat of supporters”

  4. policywonk 4

    looks to me like they really want to be journalists…. would probably raise the bar for media here in Newsland 🙂

  5. higherstandard 5

    How about we import legal immigrants before we start opening the door to all and sundry.

    • Lanthanide 5.1

      Turns out we have an annual quota of 750 refugees and most years only admit 200-250. So we could be taking on more.

      • higherstandard 5.1.1

        The let it be through the correct channels not via boat people.

        • Colonial Viper

          Yes because people fleeing persecution can always access the “correct channels”. How much an hour are immigration lawyers again?

          • vanakast

            By the same token, the wrong types of people, criminals and smugglers can get here through such methods. What’s wrong with obeying the law? If they can manage the difficulty of surviving a long boat trip and all the risks with that getting here, they can do the legal paper work required to get in legally. Stop making excuses.

            • Bill

              Obviously, you’ve never tried to immigrate, have you?

              Acceptance is overwhelmingly predicated on financial capital. Something that the poor…the most fucked over…don’t have.

        • Ianupnorth

          HS – which football team did you mean? The only I support in my home country or the one that is top of Fed 2 wuth four games in hand, or the one that is top of Bay one

  6. Bill 6

    Freedom of movement of people would fuck the ever downward pressures on people, their prospects, standards of living etc as delivered courtesy of the ‘free’ market.

    And that would fuck the peeps at the top who benefit enormously from the incremental impoverishment of the majority.

    So refugees become cynical and selfish bastards seeking to exploit the opportunity afforded them by nefarious people smugglers to access our god given, well deserved with no history of ever fucking people over and really just the result of our own hard work socio/political space.

    And the actual conditions they are seeking to escape are glossed over. And the contributions made to their various situations by our esteemed governments and their foreign policies are roundly ignored.

    • Draco T Bastard 6.1

      Although true there is one unsettling dynamic that you, and others, seem to miss.

      We can’t house, feed or clothe everyone from the entire world here in little NZ.

      Yes, we could probably take this one boatload but how many before we have to say no? It will happen and probably sooner than you think. I’m already of the opinion that NZ is over-populated but that’s probably because we’ve already trashed the environment well having such a small, in comparison to other similar states, population. Proper economic management may correct that but I don’t see such happening for a few years yet.

      • Colonial Viper 6.1.1

        New Zealand could absorb 10,000 refugees a year if we had systems in place to receive and integrate them.

        It’d barely replace our losses to Australia over that same time period.

  7. grumpy 7

    They look OK, can’t see any Burquas and they seem to be able to spell in English.

    Probably had other signs targetting Australia and Canada too – just looking for the softest touch.

    • Ianupnorth 7.1

      If you really want to be cynical they are coming here to get citizenship so they can get to Aussie.
      Actually at the rate people are heading for Aussie we need a fleet of boat people to redress those Key has scared away.

    • Colonial Viper 7.2

      Probably had other signs targetting Australia and Canada too – just looking for the softest touch.

      Yep – kind compassionate Kiwis who stood by their international obligations.

      Well, that’s what people used to think.

  8. Sookie 8

    Ahh NZ. Nasty little country of racists and xenophobes led by a smirking hypocrite who, let us not forget, is the child of parents who fled Nazi occupied Europe. My husband, who is an Afrikaaner, now has my blessing to punch the face of the next idiot who says to him ‘You’re from South Africa eh? You guys are really racist!’

    • Colonial Viper 8.1


      • higherstandard 8.1.1


        • Sookie

          HS’s ancestors weren’t immigrants, evidently. They just magically sprung out of the ground like Smurfs. Before those lazy, work shy brown people turned up of course. Are you a proponent of that batshit crazy theory from ACT weirdos that Vikings discovered NZ before the Maori, perchance? Seems like your style, given the drivel you’ve been spouting all day.

  9. seeker 9

    John Campell covered the plight of the Sri Lankan refugees on TV3 tonight, as well as displaying a letter they had written which revealed the reality of their situation and countermanded John Key’s cynical, unkind and unjust description of these people. (Tuesday night he said they were “criminals” which I thought was strange as I saw children on the ship)
    Apparently Cambell Live had twice asked John Key (and Jonathan Coleman ) to appear and comment. No answer came the reply and so they have now been added to “The Stonewall ” wall (of shame ?) together with Anne Tolley. What a place for the Prime Minister of my country to end up! Yuck. Good on Campell Live though.

    • grumpy 9.1

      You would think that if they really wanted to come to Nz, they could get the name right?

      • Colonial Viper 9.1.1

        ffs how good is your Sri Lankan?

        • grumpy

          If I had learnt enough about it to want to go and live there, I sure as hell would be able to spell it.

          Looks as if they are all made by the same person and with the same mistake.

          where the fuck is “Newsland”????

          • Ianupnorth

            Next door to Liquorland; anyway, don’t we live in Aotearoa?

          • Bill

            @ grumpy (fucktard) So an English person moving freely to France to live who speaks no French. hmm?

            And ‘our’ apparent unquestioning acceptance of english language protest signs (usually echoing ‘our’ governments’ official propaganda line and which of course weren’t handed out by media or other ‘interested’ parties) popping up in mid-east/N. African mass protests. When the people there don’t even use our fucking alphabet, never mind speak our language.

            And you might be surprised – or incapable – to understand that people fleeing shit are merely fleeing shit. They have no agenda beyond fleeing.

  10. Key is guilty of completly forgetting his past and heritage.
    Not only has he forgot his working class childhood by joining an anti-worker party but worse, he is now supporting a racist party.
    What makes this worse is the fact that his own mother was a refugee ,who was made welcome by the people of Aotearoa.
    He has abandoned his Jewish decent , his Jewish ancesters must be turning in their graves.
    No one should trust or vote for such a hypocritcal two faced creep.
    By backing Brash he is backing racism in Aoteroa. Let us all remember a vote for John is a vote for Don.

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