Written By:
notices and features - Date published:
7:48 pm, January 21st, 2016 - 92 comments
Categories: capitalism, class war, Globalisation -
Tags: Jane Kelsey, TPPA
‘Research argues Treaty of Waitangi conflict
Confirmation of the signing comes as research on the trade deal by senior law lecturers argues it fails to meet obligations to Maori and conflicts with the Treaty of Waitangi.
Report co-author Carwyn Jones of Victoria University said there was a treaty exception in the deal but it was open to interpretation and relied on the government’s good will.
He said Maori already have difficulty engaging with the government on matters like the environment and intellectual property and the TPP will only make that worse.
“You’re introducing these other parties who don’t have any Treaty of Waitangi obligations, don’t have any concerns about the New Zealand government fulfilling its Treaty of Waitangi obligations and so make it all that much less likely that the government will be willing to try to reform in a way that recognises Maori rights.”‘
‘TPP’s environmental chapter slammed
The environment will suffer under the final text of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP), according to the Sustainability Council.
Factory smoke and winter smog above Christchurch. IPCC scientists say greenhouse gas emissions must be virtually eliminated.
The Sustainability Council expressed particular concern about the possible impact of the TPP on efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
The council has released a paper on the environment chapter of the agreement, as part of a series supported by a New Zealand Law Foundation grant.
The council’s executive director, Simon Terry, said the text failed to protect the government from being sued by foreign investors if they believed that their future profits were at stake.
He said while there were provisions that protected governments from being sued for acting to reduce smoking, there were no similar protections for acting to protect the environment or tackle climate change.
That risk of being sued, according to Mr Terry, would have a chilling effect on a government’s willingness to undertake environmental reform in the first place.
“They’ll be much less willing to do that if they are concerned about being sued and that favours retaining low standards, when those standards need to rise markedly.”
Mr Terry said the threat applied across all forms of environmental protection but the Sustainability Council was particularly concerned about the possible impact on action to cut New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions.’
We should learn from Canada’s experience. David Suzuki, “Canada is trading away its environmental rights” http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/david-suzuki/canada-environmental-rights_b_6558654.html
“According to a study by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, more than 70 per cent of NAFTA claims since 2005 have been against Canada, with nine active cases totalling $6 billion outstanding. These challenge “a wide range of government measures that allegedly interfere with the expected profitability of foreign investments,” including the Quebec government’s moratorium on hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.
“Quebec imposed the moratorium in 2011 pending an environmental review of the controversial gas-and-oil drilling practice. A U.S. company headquartered in Calgary, Lone Pine Resources Inc., is suing the federal government under NAFTA for $250 million. A preliminary assessment by Quebec’s Bureau d’audiences publiques sur l’environnement found fracking would have “major impacts,” including air and water pollution, acrid odours and increased traffic and noise. Fracking can also cause seismic activity.”
The Public Health Association is criticising the government’s support for the signing of the Trans Pacific Partnership.
The advocacy group’s chief executive Warren Lindberg said despite the government’s claim those concerned about the trade deal were against free trade, it was worried about health issues – such as the cost of medicines.
“It is not the Public Health Association’s position that we are either for or against free trade per se, we have raised issues of concern to the impact of this agreement to the health of New Zealanders.”
These are important and useful posts, thank you Paul.
I was going to post this:
It is, among other things, an absolutely damning analysis of the so called “economic benefits” of the TPPA as claimed by the government (mostly MFAT). In fact, this INDEPENDENT expert analysis (By Prof Hazeldine, Rob Oram and others) shows quite clearly how most of the Government’s analysis of the so-called “benefits” is total crap.
(I was going top post it yesterday, but I think you had already done so. Anyway, its certainly worth posting again.)
Likewise, several other articles on that website are worth a careful “read”.
I’m commenting here ‘cos i think the original articles have more “gravitas” than the RNZ summaries.
Just to add some “Clickbait” here’s one line that caught my attention:
” . . . . .extrapolating from current growth rates, GDP would increase by
47% by 2030 without the TPPA or 47.9% with the TPPA.”
In other words the net gain in GDP from signing would be 0.9% by 2030 according to this expert analysis.
That is pretty much well inside the margin of error for “zero gain in GDP from signing the TPPA” in my opinion.
Bob oh boy, have Groser, Key et al been sold a lemon.
I shall be going to the Auckland event with others from the Coromandel. A must go event.
Yep… I’ll be going to Auckland from Wellington.
The Auckland Town Hall meeting will be live streamed on The Daily Blog 7pm Tuesday
Great service Bomber.
Thank you
Bomber’s post is a must read on this issue.
‘New papers show TPPA will threaten climate change laws AND rob Maori sovereignty rights’
The TPPA will be signed in Auckland on Feb 4th 2016.
The sky will not fall.
Enjoy the rhetoric of the meetings. Fill your boots with self righteous indignation and confirm your bias. After all we live in a democracy and you are allowed to have a wrong opinion.
Will there be T-shirts for sale at the meetings? T-shirt slogans really change hearts and minds.
Hope Key feels the full force of democracy right up close and personal at Waitangi. People are sick of a two-faced liar telling others that they are misguided.
So do I.
Guaranteed election win for National with a clear majority.
Northland thinking.
Thanks for reminding me Fisi. Got to go shopping tomorrow so might wear my anti-tppa t-shirt. When I do I meet some really nice people who come up and say they feel the same.
For those with undying faith in the utterly fucked system, then the TPPA might be worth fighting.
But at this extremely late stage in the scheme of things it doesn’t matter.
You will need to understand exactly how utterly fucked we all are, which means doing some research, and opening you eyes/brains.
The TPPA would be like the leaders on Easter Island agreeing to do X Y or Z to save their people from starving and reverting to cannibalism. Or the passengers in steerage on the Titanic agreeing not to push.
Global trade is about over, humans can’t do a bloody thing to reduce the inevitable extinction of most of life on this rock – Near Term Extinction … is NEAR )
We can not trade deal our way out of 402 – 700? ppm CO2e
The situation is so bad now, that even if we had a global nuclear war, the end result would be the same as if we all left the planet tonight, taking all our nuclear toys with us.
The Human asteroid hit the planet upwards of 10,000 years ago (when we went agricultural), we are just waiting for the inevitable.
Robert, whenever you put up one of these “we’re all fucked, assume the position” comments, I just get a mental image of GrumpyCat.
Lucky you Andre
Escapism is the only way to happiness at the moment )
Dream on beemer. Key has absolutely nothing to offer NZ except lies, deceptions and diversions. Even National supporters are seeing that. Why all the concealment re the TPPA signing, so that kiwis had to hear about it from Chile?
And Paula Bennett wanting to dump South/West Auckland beneficiaries in the regions? More crime, more drugs and more pressure on limited jobs and services, further lowering the tone of struggling regional towns while Auckland property owners get richer by the day….? Pull the other one. The rest of NZ does not want Auckland’s problems being dumped on them.
No mate, kiwis are not swallowing it any more. Dog tucker, that’s what Key & co are now, and let the dogs go for it.
Bit harsh on beneficiaries labeling them all as druggies and crims, not very “left” of you.
Anyway, I thought you guys would love an injection of new blood, no doubt the gene pool is getting rather stale.
The worm has turned, BM. People are seeing through the lies.
Did you organise Chile to send us the content of the TPPA, and also information about our Prime Minister’s actual date of TPPA release and signings? Did you also book his seedy Sky City gambling den as the venue. ?
Could you draw up a list of all the other nations that would let us know what our PM is doing?
many thanks
What will the speaker tour achieve? Will it stop the signing of the TPP?
Will it make National voters of 2014 change their vote in 2017? Of course not.
Will the message simply be seen as wrong headed opinion and another loss for the Left?
Can anyone explain what is the point of the speaker tour? What is the goal?
How about democracy for starters?
We already have democracy , but thank you.
Fisiani, you have no idea what democracy is. We have an elected dictatorship.
You make me laugh fisiani, you don’t even know what democracy is.
An ‘own goal’.
Fisiani – information. Educated “National voters”. Now that would be rather nice.
To affirm the purpose of economic activity is to serve human needs, not corporate greed.
Better attempt at an answer but surely the greatly increased trade it will produce means increased jobs and wages which help with human needs.
We have very different definitions of “human needs.”
Money is NOT a human need. Often money is the problem, not the solution.
Money will not buy our country the independence to legislate its own future.
Money will not buy a fairer distribution of wealth and income, ownership of descent housing for everyone, a healthy diet for everyone (banning propaganda by the fast food corporate merchants of sugar, fat, and alcohol).
Money will not end racial bias and discrimination or fix our criminal injustice system.
TPPA will not buy us less expensive access to the newest effective medicines.
TPPA will not help us protect what remains of our fragile environment or help us prepare for the effects of climate change.
These are human needs.
The rich create poverty. The rich hoard an unfair portion of the world’s goods and services.
As for your fantasy of increased jobs and wages, that will happen in low wage TPPA countries like Vietnam and Malaysia. We will import more from lesser developed countries, driving our country further and further into debt with overseas lenders and destroying what little remains of our manufacturing base.
Fisiani, do you count your money because you have more than most people or because you have less than some of your neighbors?
Hard to know where to start with your misunderstandings but i’ll start at the beginning
Money is NOT a human need. Often money is the problem, not the solution.
Money is indeed not the solution to problems but it can be very helpful.
Money will not buy our country the independence to legislate its own future.
We have and will always have the independence to legislate our own future -this old canard is redolent of “New World Order Conspiracy Theory”
Money will not buy a fairer distribution of wealth and income, ownership of descent housing for everyone, a healthy diet for everyone (banning propaganda by the fast food corporate merchants of sugar, fat, and alcohol).
We have a progressive tax rate system
Hon BILL ENGLISH: Our tax and transfer system is highly redistributive, and the number of people paying income tax is surprisingly small. The lowest-income 43 percent of households currently receive more in income support than they pay in income tax. The 1.3 million households with incomes under $110,000 a year collectively pay no net tax—that is, their total income support payments match their combined income tax. The top 10 percent of households contribute over 70 percent of income tax, net of transfers—over 70 percent of income tax, net of transfers. This system is highly redistributive and we believe it is fair.
Rather than continue to fisk your entire tirade can you explain why you think our current tax system is unfair.
No, I won’t waste my time on someone who has a completely different reality. Enjoy Planet Key.
Paul, every time you post this wonderfully awesomely appropriate clip of the alternate Natzional Anthem I feel guilty…shouldn’t $$$ be changing hands????
Keep up the good work!
I think there are better ways of spending our energy than engaging with the trolls.
Fisiani isn’t going to be going to the talks.
agree there are better things to do….one of them is Not reading Sarah Palins speech however
I loved The New Yorkers comment:
“Palin endorsement widens Trump’s lead among idiots.”
60 million of them apparently….frightening
Agreed but I make the case for those who might be debating whether or not to go.
I also want people to know that TPPA is far from a “done deal.”
1. With every decline in the stock markets the chances increase the US Congress won’t approve it.
2. We should have an election before it is due to go into force. A change of government here might mean we withdraw before it can go into force. You and I can help determine that government’s TPPA stance.
3 reasons to go to the talks.
1. To learn more about how the TPP will affect our country’s ability to write laws to protect our health.
2. To learn more about how the TPP will affect our country’s ability to write laws to protect our environment.
3. To learn more about how the TPP will affect our country’s ability to write laws to protect the Treaty of Waitangi.
Are all political parties confirmed to attend?
Attending at Auckland Town Hall on 26th January at 7pm –
with a political panel including Andrew Little (Labour) tbc,
Metiria Turei (Greens),
Fletcher Tabuteau (NZ First)
and Marama Fox (Maori Party).
What’s Little doing there?
I thought he was pro TPPA ?
Helen Clarke has endorsed the TPPA Agreement Little is still fence sitting?
Professor Jane Kelsey’s invitation to attend includes this….
‘Want to know what Labour really thinks about the TPPA?
Grant Robertson, their economic spokesperson, will be flying straight up from Labour’s annual caucus retreat to tell us. Let’s hope we will hear something with a bit more guts than the parliamentary caucuses (not) red line ‘five principles’.
New Zealand First, Greens and the Maori Party have all been staunch. Winston’s got his state of the nation speech on Tuesday and sends his apologies, but trade spokesperson Fletcher Tabuteau will take his place.
Co-leader Marama Fox will front for the Maori Party, and Metiria Turei for the Greens. Two powerful Maori women from parties that have been stalwart critics of the deal.
Another wahine toa Moana Maniapoto will MC the event.
Trickle Down Theory?
TPP: Police undertake riot training
New Zealand Police have been undertaking mass riot training ahead of the signing of the Trans-Pacific Partnership in Auckland next month.
The trade agreement, that has sparked widespread controversy due to its closed-door negotiations, will be signed by international diplomats on February 4.
Dozens of large-scale protests have been held across the country as the five years of negotiations for the deal came to a close in the US last year.
The Herald understands that increased riot training – officially known as public order training – has been taking place ahead of the signing, as police prepare for more possible civil unrest.
Police Association vice-president Senior Sergeant Luke Shadbolt said that the TPP signing was the focus of annual public order training.
The Herald understands that the training goes over and above previous annual training, and involved more staff on a “mass” scale.
Police National Manager of Response and Operations, Chris Scahill, said police were responsible for all security aspects of the event.
He would not be drawn on any operational details for the event – including staff numbers.
“We can however say that we plan for every eventuality which can be anticipated, and the measures we take will be appropriate and thorough.”‘
Remember before the TPP protests in August we got this…
‘TPP protest could turn ‘confrontational’ US citizens told’
The United States is warning its citizens in Auckland that a TPP protest planned for Saturday could turn ugly, and they should stay away.
In an email, the US Consulate General in Auckland urged any US citizens to avoid the march as “even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational.”
Riot training??
Police with batons?
Good grief!
Questions need to be asked of Judith Collins.
What is NZ becoming?
A police state?
Oh it’s happened before:
Post WW2 :
1) 1951 Waterfront dispute – under a National government.
2) 1960s and early 1970s Vietnam War protests- under a National government.
3) late 1970s and early 1980s sporting contacts with Apartheid Sth. Africa – under a National government.
4) late 1970s and early 1980s anti-nuclear protests – under a National Government.
All under fascist tending National governments. No surprise there.
How about the police start ‘batoning’ the actual culprits – the National-led government eh?
Edit: and isn’t it interesting… time proved the protestors right on every occasion. Time will do the same again over the anti TPPA sentiment.
“time proved the protestors right on every occasion.”
Yes, each of those were landmarks that helped define who we became, who we are today as the people of Aotearoa/ NZ.
And now this is the defining issue of our time: the Mega-Corporations’ power grab that overrides individual human rights, environmental protections, and nations’ sovereign rights to make their own laws and shape their own future.
Do we still have that strength of character as a nation, as a people, to stand up and say “NO”. Or have we become a nation of comfortable jellyfish. I guess only time will tell.
This is the time for the young ones to pick up the ‘baton’ and show their mettle like the young ones of the 60s,70s and early 80s. Many of those former young ones will be their parents/grandparents.
Given the likely presence of the usual rent-a-crowd rabble, I’m glad the police are getting ready to deal with it.
Back to National’s Whale Scum website
What a shame you wont be there Acrophobic. The cops could beat some sense into you.
TPP’s economic benefits challenged
‘New research on the Trans-Pacific Partnership argues the benefits do not outweigh the costs.
A group of researchers has released a paper that analyses the economics of the free trade deal, and they say the government should reconsider.
The report is part of a series of analyses – funded by the New Zealand Law Foundation and New Zealand Public Service Association – on the potential implications of the deal
An economist and co-author of the paper, Geoff Bertram, said the TPP would provide only modest economic benefits.
Mr Bertram said the government only spoke of the positives of the agreement but did not acknowledge the negatives, which were “significant”.
“If you are to accept the modelling work that the government prefers, it’s rather like saying ‘would you like a wage rise of 1 percent in 15 years’ time?
“It’s all expressed in terms of enormous numbers of dollars, billions of dollars, but the fact of the matter is it is a very small shift,” he said.
Mr Bertram said the TPP’s investor-state dispute provisions, which gave foreign investors the power to sue the government for introducing legislation that harmed their investments, would have a “chilling” effect.
He said the provisions would deter future governments from a raft of regulatory and industrial policies that would be in the public interest.’
“An economist and co-author of the paper, Geoff Bertram, said the TPP would provide only modest economic benefits.”
So the author has studied the TPP and deduced that it would produce modest economic benefits. So why is he opposed to signing?
“‘would you like a wage rise of 1 percent in 15 years’ time?”
That’s totally dishonest. The benefits are going to accrue long before 15 years, and even by the authors calculations are in the billions of $.
“Mr Bertram said the TPP’s investor-state dispute provisions, which gave foreign investors the power to sue the government for introducing legislation that harmed their investments, would have a “chilling” effect.
He said the provisions would deter future governments from a raft of regulatory and industrial policies that would be in the public interest.’”
Does he provide any evidence for that claim? For example has he any evidence of the same ISDS clause detering “future governments from a raft of regulatory and industrial policies that would be in the public interest”. In fact does he define ‘public interest’?
I have had a glance through the papers at your cite, and the pro-TPP lobby are going to have some fun at the authors expense.
Since I discovered your ridiculous and dangerous denier beliefs, I am unprepared to engage with you in debate. Feel free to continue commenting on any statements or links I provide.
You will not receive a response.
Oh so running away is the best response you have? The TPP will be signed in February. And you and your alarmists will be consigned to the dustbin of history.
For you to accuse others of “running away” is blatant hypocrisy. Like many cowards, you accuse others of your own failings.
Given that you spent over a week inventing bullshit about the grammatical use of the word “it” before forgetting your own bullshit and saying exacty the same thing youd been denying all that time, I’m not surprised some folks choose to ignore you. For them, any bullshit you invent will be less painful than actually trying to correct it.
So while you accuse others of running away, I’m still waiting for a response.
McFlock there comes a time when humiliating you ceases to be enjoyable. Your final post cited above was a pathetic excuse for a concession. And when the moderators intervene, confusing mortgage rates with the OCR, it is clear you are being protected. But I don’t run away from anything.
Best you withdraw and apologise, acrophobic. No weaseling, no snivelling. Got it?
Sadly acrophobic just picked up a week ban on another thread, and is no longer able to comment here.
Heh! Karma’s such a cool concept.
lol [best Vivian Leigh impersonation] my hero, protecting me like that
Aww – shucks. T’wernt no big thing.
Barry Coates, Rod Oram, Dr Geoff Bertram and Professor
Tim Hazledine
Key Points: modelling the benefits of the TPPA; key issues for
agriculture and trade rules; implications for value chains; the
economic implications of regulatory restraints; a flawed model
for the 21st Century agreement.
National get people voting for them and against their childrens and countries best interest by keeping them misinformed ……
As more people learn what a corporate rights charter and attack on our environment and laws that the TPPA really is the political will to do something about it builds …..
And who knows …… one day if democracy took hold in the u.s.a, Britain, Austrailia and here they could amend the TPPA down to about 50 pages and do things like …..
Ban tax havens and have asset forfeiture for corporations and individuals who use them ………. this could pay for better public health care, free education etc
Ban the exploitation of cheap slave labor …………. Tax the cheap slave labor imported goods and send the money back to the exploited workers …… give them sanitation,health care and free education
Make it a criminal offense to degrade the environment for short term greed …..
Make housing and food a human right ………. not something greedy speculators and real estate agents get rich from while locking out or young and working poor from home ownership …..
Wouldn’t a TPPA like that be grand
“National get people voting for them and against their childrens and countries best interest by keeping them misinformed ……”
That sums up perfectly Key’s whole strategy. Then when people smell a rat, he gets the police all tooled up. There are no depths that this fiend will not stoop to.
23 January at 12-2pm: Rally at Base Shopping Centre, Te Rapa Rd.”
from Its Our Future site.
Does anyone have any more info about this event?
Bryan Bruce on Facebook
• Negotiate the TPPA deal in secret.
• Refuse to listen to legitimate concerns about the undemocratic process.
• Produce a document that allows multi-national corporations to override our health,environment,employment and copyright laws.
• Invite the co- conspirators to our country to sign the deal close to Waitangi Day ( when we celebrate the founding Treaty of our nation – now seriously undermined by the TPPA).
• Hold the signing in a Casino and not Parliament.
• Bring out the riot squad if anyone objects.
P.S. Oh- and while your at it , make sure you fly that new corporate logo flag on the day the foreign trade ministers get here. We don’t want people looking at our current flag and wondering what happened to the rule of law.
John Key’s in-depth explanation of what the TPPA is.
Winston Peters On The TPPA In Whangarei, March 7, 2015.
What is the TPPA, and what does it mean for New Zealand?
Prof Jane Kelsey on TPPA
The details are out on the the Trans-Pacific Partnership, and critics say the trade deal is worse than they feared.
The TPP’s full text was released Thursday, weeks after the United States and 11 other Pacific Rim nations—a group representing 40 percent of the world’s economy—reached an agreement.
Activists around the world have opposed the TPP, warning it will benefit corporations at the expense of health, the environment, free speech and labor rights. Congress now has 90 days to review the TPP before President Obama can ask for an up-or-down vote. Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch and a leading TPP critic speaks on Democracy Now.
Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
Hands off our medicines
TPP Grants Banks Terrifying Secret Powers
Bernie Sanders opposes the TPP
Elder backs report criticising TPP deal for Maori
‘A Ngapuhi elder threatening to block the Government from Te Tii Marae on Waitangi Day is not surprised by an academic report which criticises the TPP and the impact it will have on Maori rights.
The expert analysis titled ‘Maori rights, Te Tiriti o Waitangi and The Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement’ criticises a lack of consultation with Maori and shows how the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) limits the ability of tangata whenua to exercise control over their own affairs.
Ngapuhi kaumatua Kingi Taurua, who is considering blocking the Government from Te Tii Marae on Waitangi Day in protest to the TPP signing, said he was not surprised by the findings.
“Why did [the Government] not consult Maori about this? There are how many pages in this document and they did not talk to Maori,” he said.
Japanese chief TPP negotiator accused of taking $100,000 bribe
Minister slurped undisclosed gifts from biz, claim journos
Thomas Mulcair slams TPP as ‘attack on Canada’s manufacturing sector’
At least the British Government included some of the Maori Chiefs in the Treaty of Waitangi signing, however it was the early Settlor Governments that chose not to honour the Treaty, it appears we have a National Party PM with a similar modus operandi?