Weekend social 05/07/2013

Written By: - Date published: 2:00 pm, July 5th, 2013 - 31 comments
Categories: weekend social - Tags:

Christmas truce 1914Weekend social is for non political chat. What’s on for the weekend, gigs, film or book reviews, sports, or whatever.

No politics, no aggro, why can’t we all just get along?

31 comments on “Weekend social 05/07/2013 ”

  1. sleep and sleep and more sleep.

  2. Ianmac 2

    I don’t want to appear privileged but Zagreb in Croatia is magnificent in the summer. Not too many tourists, inexpensive accommodation and food, and a terrific tram system . Multiple destinations very frequent and go everywhere. Am keeping up with Standard reports on political matters. Thanks.

    • infused 2.1

      Rich prick

      • lprent 2.1.1

        More like retired. My parents are the same. Earlier this year, they went to China to see my brother, suzie and the gruesome toothsome who are teaching over there. Then (for some obviously logical reason that I haven’t figured out yet) went to Turkey for a wander around.

        This is what happens when you retire and finally sell off that Auckland house and move out to a smaller town (with a hospital).. You get to see how much you can (frugally) spend before you get immobile. 🙂

      • Ianmac 2.1.2

        Not really infused. Once I had served my 3 score years and ten, we thought by living frugally we could just afford a bit of travel. My wife is far keener than I am and is still a worker so there you are. Now in Slovenia and another beautiful little country though a few too many tourists for my taste. New Zealand is still the top of the list though.

      • ali 2.1.3


    • ali 2.2


  3. lprent 3

    Off to Samoa for a week to warm up, have a bit of a holiday, and see what the net is like there (for some reason Lyn doesn’t think that the latter is worth doing).

    First time out of the country since 1991. Then I’d seen all of the geology I wanted to see overseas already apart from antarctica. The net removed almost every other reason that I used in my travels prior to that – like business, conferences, and the like.

    These days I’m travelling with a nexus7 with a keyboard shell for the essential reading, music, video, and net. Loaded with keys to access the servers as required and iff there is network access…

    Rocky will keep an eye on the server.

    • Ianmac 3.1

      Enjoy the break Lynn. Fair maidens peeling coconuts while you laze in the warmth of their adoration. Wow!

      • TheContrarian 3.1.1

        I just got back from three weeks in Europe. Highlight was Berlin – amazing place with unparallelled nightlife and nightclubs.

        Though my jet-lag is the worst I have experienced (which is why I am up at 6:45am on a Saturday).

        • tc

          Ive heard many great things about berlin. Missed the doco on Maori TV about kiwi artists based there. Personally would love to do the poorer parts of southern europe in italy, spain etc and around where ianmac is currently as GOT kings landing scenes are shot in dubrovnik.

          • TheContrarian

            Berlin was certainly an eye-opener. What really struck me was that alcohol is readily available at all hours and for extremely cheap prices yet I saw no public drunkenness, fighting or vomit stained streets that you would see here if liquor were so readily available. The culture behind it is so different and adult despite having some of the laxest liquor laws in the Western world.

            Also Berlin has fantastic graffiti.

            • Ianmac

              Yes contrarian. In spite of the huge number of sidewalk bars I have seen no sign of drunkedness, just young and old sharing a few beers and a chat. Heaps of twenty somethings and no raucous or mean stuff. Where did we go wrong?

  4. vto 4

    do others of you get bored with socialising at times?

    talk talk rant rant drink drink talk talk yawn yawn think fish think fish instead instead……

  5. Rogue Trooper 6

    from The Editors:
    “you gotta learn to be thankful
    For the things you have
    Now bathe my idle soul…”
    (“I don’t trust the government”).

  6. Caught yup on my sleep, had a though for changes to my blog, took the dog for
    a walk, got posts deleted here, all in all a normal weekend.

    • QoT 7.1

      Because of course there’s nothing you could possibly do to avoid getting comments deleted like, oh, staying on topic. 🙄

      • Brett Dale 7.1.1


        Yeah having an opinion different than yours is going off topic, huh.

        • QoT

          Yes, Brett, that’s totally what happens. Every single time you’re asked to stop derailing, lying and trolling, it’s all just because the mean wimminz hate your freedom of speech. 🙄

          • Brett Dale


            where is my lie?

            Hate freedom of speech?

            I love freedom of speech, some just dont know the meaning of the word.

            But this weekend social, a place to be merry and cheery.

            Warriors play hard but lost, but great game to watch.

            • felix


              No-one hates your freedom to speak.

              We’re just not stupid enough to fall for what you do with it.

              • Felix:

                Fall for what i do??

                I dont do nothing, I post on this board, and the hand mirror, and I work
                on my blog, I mainly twitter to have discussions about the nba, because the
                trademe boards, are full of rugby union fans who get upset if you talk another

                Free Speech is great, it applies to everybody.

                weekend social should be a happy place.

                • felix

                  And you do lots of other stuff too.

                  Like just above, where you pretend to misunderstand what QoT said (hint: she said nothing about you hating freedom of speech you div) so we could have a stupid conversation about your stupid trool comments being modded.

                  And again, above, where you came into a social thread to complain about your trool comments being modded and then complain that we shouldn’t be having the conversation – which you started – in a social thread. Which is where you started it.

                • fender

                  “weekend social should be a happy place.”

                  So why did you come here to complain about having a comment deleted(?)
                  edit: felix beat me to the attempt to help you out.

                  • fender

                    it was an offhand comment i part of a comment where i listed what
                    i did with my weekend.

                    again sleepy time now.

                    • felix

                      Whatever Brett. Trool fail.

                    • fender

                      You must be joking if you expect anyone to believe that bit wasn’t the main motivation for the comment.

                      I’m surprised you think people are so stupid, but judging by your track record, I shouldn’t be.

  7. felix:

    I disagree, since the weekend is over now, im going to sleep and have peaceful
    happy dreams, i suggest you do the same.