What’s so important about 15 September?

Written By: - Date published: 11:55 am, July 17th, 2014 - 46 comments
Categories: election 2014, internet party - Tags: ,

I’m intrigued by Kim Dotcom’s announcement of earth-shattering revelations to be made on 15 September – just 5 days out from the last voting day of this general election.

Many people have expressed their doubts – though Laila Harre does have a point when she says KDC hasn’t really been proven wrong so far (that mysterious “sitting electorate MP” story notwithstanding.)  But until we know for sure – and only KDC and possibly John Key really know for sure – there’s definitely potential for his announcement to shift things just that tiny amount required to dethrone the National-led government.

However, the timing is really odd. If Dotcom really has a gamechanging revelation on his hands, why leave it so late?

It’s especially weird in an election year where multiple campaigns are underway to maximise early voting and voter turnout. The September 15 town hall meeting will happen 12 days in to the voting period, at a time when – if everything goes to plan – a large number of people will already have cast their ballots.

Admittedly, the Get Out and Vote and RockEnrol turnout campaigns are focused on progressive/leftwing and young voters (categories which overlap with each other to some extent.) Perhaps the target of Dotcom’s revelations are softer National-leaning voters who won’t be getting doorknocked or called and prompted to vote early.

But if there is a big smoking gun, and National know it, and they now know that they have until 15 September to get those soft voters out before their minds can be changed – well, we can expect to see them ramping up a turnout campaign of their own fairly shortly. So why give them the chance?

It could be that there are practical restraints on the timing. Perhaps some  legal injunction expires on the 14th, or the data’s encrypted with an Agents of SHIELD-style time-locked code, or the sun has to rise in the exact spot for its light to pass through an ancient crystal and reveal the location of the Ark.

The devious option is that there isn’t much there, and the long buildup to a short finale is designed to maximise the amount of media time Dotcom and the Internet Party get, and minimise the amount of time for the revelations to be debunked before the last voting day.

The absurdist option is that 15 September was the only free date they could get the Auckland Town Hall.

Whichever it is, Kim Dotcom is back in the news again, and I’m determined to see this as a good thing – because we know that interesting election races get higher turnout, and high turnouts are good for democracy.

(And yes, they’re also good for the left.)

46 comments on “What’s so important about 15 September? ”

  1. Enough is Enough 1

    I am going with your devious option. I don’t think there is much there.

    The left is in desperate need of momentum now. If this revelation is a real game changer (and something which may cause Key to resign) it needs to come out now.

    If however it is going to be a fizzer then it is best to string out the suspense and media attention until a week before the election.

    • mickysavage 1.1

      I am getting more and more convinced that the Dotcom emphasis is not helpful. He is dominating valuable media time and although I believe he has been mistreated we need to be discussing the big issues such as child poverty, the state of the economy and climate change.

      • shorts 1.1.1


        We risk losing any discussion on policy to be sidetracked by the dotcom story – this elections teapot tape (distraction from the very important issues at hand)

        I’d suggest dotcom has something, possibly not conclusive nor damning enough for it to be as Gower would say a Game Changer, so the later the release the potential more harm the threat is. With five days til the close of voting it also means there is little time for the govt or key or whomever this bomb points at has to defend themselves or refute the evidence

      • lprent 1.1.2

        More importantly he turns people off the left as a whole. I keep running across people who look at a government with Colin Craig and the Conservatives OR DotCom with the Internet party with complete equal levels of disdain.

      • Ross 1.1.3

        I don’t think it’s an either or situation. Why not discuss the lot, but with emphasis on the big issues?

      • Mary 1.1.4

        It’s the separation between IMP and Dotcom’s personal case with the government that IMP isn’t managing very well, and which of course Dotcom has to take some responsibility for, too. Dotcom is essentially nothing more than a financial backer of a political party. You don’t see the likes of characters from the BRT fronting media alongside key and english. Given the particular circumstances Mana have found themselves in I would’ve hoped a huge effort would’ve been made to ensure that separation occurred as much as possible.

        • phillip ure

          that..given the high public interest in dotcom..is kinda counterintuitive mary..

          ..harawira/harre/dotcom are currently doing a ‘roadtrip’..

          ..holding public meetings in towns all over the country..

          ..they are in kerikeri 2nite..whangarei 2morrow(fri) nite..

          ..and in auckland on sunday at 2 pm at the kelston community hall..

          ..and after that places sth…

          ..so you will be able to go and see for yrslf..

          ..and there is the basic fact that together they are all greater than the sum of their parts..

          ..that much is becoming clearer day by day..

          ..and by all appearances..they all like each other..

          ..and there is high interest..in rural maori young..in dotcom..

          ..understandably they want some of that hi-tech makeover of nz around their parts..

          ..and why wouldn’t they..?

          ..the harawira/harre..backed by dotcom..political-grouping is the only party giving them any idea of politicians working for their future..

          ..and that is some very powerful medicine..

          • Mary

            I can see what you’re saying and, yes, I’ve seen what’s been happening hence my comments. Maybe you’re right? I don’t know. But intuition for me says keep all of Dotcom’s criminal prosecution stuff away from the party and that this includes all images of Dotcom in the same space as Laila and Hone. But as I say, maybe you’re right? This really is quite a unique situation we’re in here.

      • phillip ure 1.1.5

        “..we need to be discussing the big issues such as child poverty, the state of the economy and climate change…”

        well yes..aren’t we still waiting for labour to cough up on these..?

        ..and cd i ask why the discussion wd not be about ‘poverty’..in general..?

        ..by only child-poverty being mentioned as an area needing action..

        ..there is a disturbing subtext/perception here that the childless poor will just continued to be ignored..

        • Mary

          “well yes..aren’t we still waiting for labour to cough up on these..?”

          No, because they never will. Labour is a party for workers, and in the 21st century workers excludes beneficiaries and other citizens who make up the growing underclass in New Zealand – a group that Labour has permanently abandoned.

          • phillip ure

            @ mary..

            ..that’s why mana are so important..

            ..their policies on poverty are the ones u wish labour wd have…

            • Mary

              I agree entirely, and Mana’s policies on poverty are the ones Labour used to have. There’s nothing “whacky” or “far left” about them. I’d call them traditional Labour. The only point I’d add is that Labour will never re-adopt those policies. Those who believe that all citizens have a right to full participation but who still support Labour are supporting a party that does not stand for what they believe in. Hoping Labour will “change” or “come right” isn’t enough anymore.

      • Enough is Enough 1.1.6

        I agree Micky

        I was interpreting his tactics. Not what I wish was happening

      • TightyRighty 1.1.7

        just reading between the lines on this one. you’ve realised the imp is bad for labour now that the polls are this low. you’ve also realised KDC hasn’t got shit and won’t produce shit. another failed smear attempt on key and the associates of the perpetrators of the last one are distancing themselves from it as they know the blow back exceeds the blow.

        • phillip ure

          yr calling it a bit early there..righty..

          ..dotcom will have irrefutable evidence that key has lied to parliament/the nz people..repeatedly..

          ..and then there is the snowden-drop 2 look forward 2..eh..?

          ..much hand-rubbing/wringing to go yet…

          ..and there will be tears b4 bedtime…

  2. Mary 2

    Surely if there were much there key would have to resign so Dotcom waiting suggests, as you say, that there isn’t much at all, unfortunately. Would be nice to be wrong.

  3. Ross 3

    It’s worth reminding readers that the PM says he has no “recollection” of knowing Dotcom or hearing about him. If Dotcom has some evidence to the contrary, I am sure John Key will repeat that line.

    “Lying is that you knowingly and deceitfully mislead people. That’ll be impossible for Kim Dotcom to prove. I’ll tell you that for nothing because I have no recollection of hearing about the guy before the 19th of January….I’ve never lied about Kim Dotcom and I don’t lie about anything”. ~ John Key

    That last comment is a lie because, as we know, Key has lied about many things.

  4. Tracey 4

    How many people vote before election day and what is the criteria for posting an early date?

    Why would john key care? His machine has eroded truth to such a place many in the electorate dont think his lies matter. They can lie to us in the open cos they systematically worked on making lying unimportant. THAT is what they learned from Brash

  5. Tracey 5

    Earth shattering revelations are your words Mickey

    Bombshell is the Heralds

    What dotcom actually said is

    On September 15, I’m doing a Town Hall event in Auckland and I invite everyone to come there because that is going to be the day when I’m going to reveal my evidence…..my evidence around the political interference and my evidence that John Key lied,” Dotcom said.

    If the polls are to be believed catching our Pm in a lie is not regarded by the eletorate as earth shattering or a bombshell. By painting it as such, you and the media can go

    “shit it wasnt an earth shattering bombshell so nothing to see here.”

    • mickysavage 5.1

      Much as I want to see the PM squirm I would prefer the election campaign did not degenerate into a tea cup tape type incident like it did last time.

      • Tracey 5.1.1

        If he has something that makes the electorate give a shit about if our representatives are liars I am for it. Not quite the same as the tea debacle. I do take your point, I just feel differently about lying to get, or retain power, to then “do good”, than many do.

        • Naki man

          Lawyers spin as much bullshit as any politician, did you get all bent out of shape over that?

      • Tracey 5.1.2

        sorry mickey, for some reason i though you were the author, not stephanie

    • karol 5.2

      The evidence about political interference is the important one. If KDC has it, he should reveal it now.

  6. philj 6

    More like a Warner Bros. (Key) stone Cops movie.;-)

  7. Olwyn 7

    If Dotcom has solid evidence that Key has knowingly lied under oath in court, then surely he would face a possible charge of perjury. I am not sure how the rules about lying to parliament go, nor do I know whether the charge of perjury carries the sort of sentence that would oblige Key to stand down. Hence I am not sure just what kind of thing would constitute a bombshell revelation.

    • Tracey 7.1

      People lie in court all the time and dont get charged with perjury. When has key ever been in Court?

      Also, bombshell and revelation are not Dotcoms worda

      • Olwyn 7.1.1

        Didn’t he give evidence at the original hearing? I seem to remember him doing so, though I may have my wires crossed.

  8. hoom 8

    I’ve been kind of assuming KDC has something like a clearly datable prior to 19 Jan Selfie with a smiling Key at the DC mansion.

    & the Banks defense was found to be unworkable on that.

    • appleboy 8.1

      I’m thinking that a bunch of documents from Edward Snowden have reached KDC, showing the extent of US and NZ Govt strategy to have him in NZ and that key has been only too happy to help the US get him all along.

      Remember hundreds of thousands of docs have yet to be released from Greenwald / Snowden – and what really happened behind the scenes will be more explosive than the idea that Key lied.

      $5 million reward by KDC would be very appealing to Snowden!

      • yeshe 8.1.1

        like your perspicacity on this, apples. reasoned and highly probable; enormously public and unable to be defended by key. i do hope so.

        as they say on the north shore of auckland, vote national if you want nuclear ships back in the waitemata harbour.

  9. Dan 9

    In the immortal words of George Costanza, “Jerry [John], just remember. It’s not a lie… if you believe it”

  10. Jester 10

    It’s kind of a sad day when ones party’s hopes relies on the word of a convicted fraudster. I hope Mr Cunliffe is looking at what what he needs to do to win, not what National need to do to lose.

    Not a good strategy, even by Boston Constulting Group standards.

    • karol 10.1

      Who said it was Cunliffe’s strategy? It’s KDC’s strategy, and I would think that Labour strategists are not very keen on it.

    • McFlock 10.2

      this is after 5 years of a government that relied on an election fraudster…

  11. Jimc 11

    Has the town hall been booked.
    If it has will the show go on.
    Remember the party that never happend .
    Rember the the launch of the IP that was always being put back.
    What has that got to do with a country that is prospering.
    And don’t forget as is mentioned by some here by a left wing party whose leaders and senior mps keep blowing it.
    Do we want to governed by these people.
    Moa based thinking.

    • appleboy 11.1

      It’s not just about Key’s lies. It’s about a release of information that will show the truth of what has been going on between the US and NZ Govt all along with the plot to let KDC in ands then plan the raid.

  12. Rupert 12

    Maybe Dotcom has got Key’s birth certificate and he was born in Kenya.

  13. Treetop 13

    I have had to give the safety of Dotcom some thought. There would be a list of suspects and motives were Dotcom to be physically harmed. The Dotcom situation has gone septic and the PM is refusing to shut the matter down. Possibly Dotcom is giving Key until 15 September to state that Dotcom will not be extradited.

    The reaction of Key’s voters would be in two camps, Dotcom has the goods or Dotcoms case has been interfered with to such an extent that it cannot proceed further.

  14. Ant 14

    I really don’t think it will matter one bit even if there is evidence.

    Key lies all the damn time and nothing comes from it. He is constantly caught out, constantly dodgy.

    Unless the media turn on him and with “John Key Must Resign” and “Democracy Under Attack”, “Key Corrupt” it will make no difference.

    • Im begining to believe that if Key commited mass murder the great unwashed out there would think it was justified and the Herald’s headlines would be “Key saves the world”
      I just cannot understand how this conman can keep on fooling the public.