National’s Epsom branch to back National in Northland

Written By: - Date published: 9:38 am, March 12th, 2015 - 15 comments
Categories: act, by-election, national - Tags: ,

ACT is trying to grab a few headlines by pretending to dither about Northland:

Northland by-election: ACT considers backing National

ACT is considering telling its supporters in Northland to vote National, even though the party has its own candidate in the field.

No doubt the decision will be made in due course, because:

David Seymour says he’ll do what he can to maintain a stable government. “Last weekend I was telling people they should vote for the ACT candidate,” he told reporters yesterday. “However, we are monitoring the situation very closely and it’s important people think about the strategic realities – that means retaining the seat for National.”

So that’s another half dozen votes for National’s Osborne in the bag right there.

No need for Mr Gower to get all hot and bothered over this “dirty deal”, it’s just National’s Epsom branch backing the National candidate.

15 comments on “National’s Epsom branch to back National in Northland ”

  1. swordfish 1

    162 of the buggers to be exact. ACT’s main rivals in Northland last Election were Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis and the, ahem,……Ban 1080 Party. They managed to successfully fight-off the latter to secure a highly creditable 10th place but, tragically enough, ended up trailing ALCP. (I believe there were some serious fisticuffs between the two parties over a couple of libertarian voters who could have swung either way).

    The thing is, a plurality of that little band of ACT Party-Voters went for Sabin (rather than the ACT candidate) anyway and I’m sure most were planning to do the same for Osborne.

  2. ghostwhowalksnz 2

    The shear sense of panic in national is delicious to watch.

  3. Capn Insano 3

    I wonder if Key will make the same incessant comments that ACT can’t decide who to vote for like he did with almost every ‘answer’ he gave yesterday for Q&A?

  4. Brutus Iscariot 4

    For the record ACT got 162 party votes in Northland in the 2014 election.

    Any contribution to National’s result this time around will be laughable at best.

  5. tracey 5

    ACT Party Leader pleads “Vote for the other guy”

  6. Epsom has already given the electorate a charter school at Whangaruru,. How’s that going?

    And the person on TDB suggested that there is a depiction of Seymour cosying up to Osbourne. Isn’t it JohnKey?

  7. Skinny 7

    Yeah I seen Seymour having one of these meetings at a cafe down the local water front.
    Great turn out too, an elderly couple and a fat cat.

    After watching the Nat’s patsy candidate Hoss Osbourne & ACT’s Robin (grief) Grieves on Q & A the other day, Grieves out shone the Nat pasty quite convincingly. Pretty sure Grieves will still get protest votes regardless of what the ACT kid recommends.

  8. Anne 8

    I’d like to give Paddy Gower a heads up about this latest “disgraceful” scandal. Anyone got his email address? I don’t do twitter.

  9. Lanthanide 9

    Seymour was apparently also saying that if Winston won the electorate, he would file a court case against him for rorting Parliament by changing proportionality (since he would resign his list seat, thus increasing NZ First to 13 MPs instead of 12 at the election).

    Andrew Geddis demolishes this publicity stunt here:

    ACT of course, had no problem with Melissa Lee running in Mt Albert, or Hekia Parata running in Mana, where had they won, exactly the same outcome would be taking place.

  10. felix 10

    #digrace !!

  11. Hami Shearlie 11

    I can’t help but laugh every time David Seymour opens his mouth – he’s just so earnest and he actually truly believes he wields real power! Don’t know if anyone else has noticed that he looks rather like Ruth Richardson sans the shoulderpads.

  12. Incognito 12

    If Winston wins Northland will Alan Gibbs move to Helensville? That will be 162 minus one party votes for ACT in the next General Elections. I have to confess that I do have a soft spot for Seymour; I actually think he’s a decent but misguided guy [no sarc]. He put a lot of honest & hard legwork into Epsom and I admire that.