Written By:
James Henderson - Date published:
9:30 am, October 7th, 2013 - 12 comments
Categories: privatisation -
The asset sales costs just keep on rising. The tally so far is $124 million. The ‘buy now, pay later’ scheme for Meridian is going to cost $61 million. There will be tens of millions in other sales costs. Now, the Greens have calculated the lost net dividends from Meridian alone at $1.6 million per week. Makes the referendum seem like a good investment in telling Key this is not OK.
We’ve had a referendum already thanks and it is ok
There has been no referendum, you are an intentional liar, taking cue from dear leader no doubt.
That would be the 2011 election? Where there were numerous issues in play, not a single vote specifically on asset sales …. and a majority of Kiwis voted for parties that oppose asset sales?
The referendum happens soon.
Keep up
You mean the 2011 election?
… where more people voted for parties that expressed opposition to asset sales?
Why do you hate democracy Puckish Rogue?
except the campaign said money to debt paydown, schools and hospitals… IF there is a mandate it is for ALL those things.
@ Puckish – Can I “bet the ranch” on that?
Surprised to see in the advertising for the referendum that Air New Zealand is listed.
That wasnt originally on the governments must sell before the election list. But they seem to have word around that it will be sold down.
As its allready on the stock exchange its an easier process
No doubt the stockbroker in chief , John Key has been ‘ringing around’ the possible trade buyers.
He really loves being in on ‘the deal’, beats being …you know … Prime Minister
I wouldn’t mind a PM that does deals for the benefit of New Zealand citizens.
Trouble is, John Key time and again just gets bent over.
– Hobbit legislation and giveaways
– Sky City
– Tiwai Point
… the list goes on …
He really is crap at it.
Key is flogging off our nation’s commonwealth.
In the U$K They are far far down the road of destruction of the British people’s once loved Institutions and commonwealth. It’s heartbreaking as they give free gifts of wealth to City Spivs and Shysters and hedge fund bastards:
“Thousands will lose out in Royal Mail share sale frenzy: Small investors hit as City big boys cash in
Hedge funds and banks have right to vast majority of shares
They are predicted to make a killing as company may have been undervalued
Meanwhile small investors are fighting over the scraps”
“Royal Mail postal workers are furious about the share sale. Labour’s business spokesman, Chuka Umunna, said it looks like ‘a massive bonanza for City speculators'”
Speaking long term, this will lead to a drop in income for the future Labour government – which will force them to raise taxes. This will fall into a future National party election winning campaign as it always has.
This is what opposition parties must highlight even if the media put it as a mere after thought
“Net debt of $55.84 billion, or 26.3 per cent of gross domestic product, as at June 30 came in below the forecast $57.95 billion, or 27.1 per cent of GDP, as the cash deficits got smaller. Gross debt of $77.98 billion, or 36.7 per cent of GDP, was less than the forecast $78.64 billion, or 36.8 per cent of GDP”
its forecast to go up by another 5 billion in the next 12 months. Hammer that the surplus is a red herring.