Epsom has its finger on the pulse of the people

Written By: - Date published: 1:13 pm, May 25th, 2015 - 14 comments
Categories: capitalism, cost of living - Tags:

The Epsom Electorate which brought such parties as ACT into parliament gives us

David Seymour
Paul Goldsmith
Julie-Anne Genter

So what is important to the people of Epsom? Paul Goldsmith in his May Newsletter recently told us what is important to him and suggested what might be important to us.

What is apparent is that there are 2 New Zealands’.

Click the link to read about the one that Mr Seymour and Mr Goldsmith live in.

Goldsmith’s New Zealand – May 2015

Recently though Seymour did appear to have an epiphany about the two New Zealand’s and its unfairness.

He gave the Budget 2015 a standing ovation. Peter Dunne didn’t. Genter is consistent in her calls for better transport and planning for Auckland.

Forget changing the flag, let’s change New Zealand into a decent, fair and caring society for all.

14 comments on “Epsom has its finger on the pulse of the people ”

  1. Kiwiri 1

    Is there a heading for this post, here or particularly on The Standard’s home page?
    I clicked ‘No comment’ to get here.

  2. tracey 2

    Thanks just created one.

  3. dukeofurl 3

    I think Goldsmiths finger isnt on the pulse of NZ , but another body part.

  4. tracey 4

    When David Seymour made his maiden speech in parliament, he quoted (unattributed) a line from


    And did those feet in ancient time
    Walk upon England’s mountains green?
    And was the holy Lamb of God
    On England’s pleasant pastures seen?

    And did the Countenance Divine
    Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
    And was Jerusalem builded here
    Among these dark Satanic mills?

    Bring me my bow of burning gold:
    Bring me my arrows of desire:
    Bring me my spear: O clouds unfold!
    Bring me my chariot of fire.

    I will not cease from mental fight,
    Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
    Till we have built Jerusalem
    In England’s green and pleasant land.”

    William Blake

    The end of Seymour’s speech

    “…It is my hope that I will contribute here to improving public policy for all New Zealanders so that prosperous and free individuals may flourish in this green and pleasant land.


    Mr Goldsmith waxes lyrical about the new shoots of grass from where the ultra-fast broadband has been installed, the new apartments going up and the old house removed for new houses… how he whizzed along the motorway past Waterview (marvelling at the amounts of concrete that must have been used so he and others can whizz quickly to their new green destination but not before enjoying the “arcing” motorways and zooming round the bends…,

    This is Planet Key, comprised of Epsom, Mt Eden, Parnell, and Remuera, where motorways are things of beauty to behold on a Sunday drive with ones children, while zooming quickly past the poor areas to some lovely green expanse. Speaking of rose tinted “spectacles”.

  5. Charles 5

    Seems more fitting that the post had no title, or that the title was “no comments”. Because what can you say to that delight of a pamphlet.

    Exec. Summary:

    Grass grows. Old house finally got bowled. Stinking old stuff.
    Mt Eden’s looking a bit too hoi polloi. Ban ’em all.
    Bludgers. Integrity. Bludgers. Low wages, high wages. Bludgers.
    Ruining stuff is high-pressure work.
    Jacinda Adern.
    We should totes ruin more stuff ’cause someone said so.
    Pick what kind of bigotry you want me to spout over next 2 years.
    Chinese people.
    Wat up to the Parnell posse! oi!
    National are so, like, now, yeah?
    Some people delivered this pamphlet for free.

  6. mickysavage 6

    There is something interesting at the end of that newsletter. Looks like Maurice Williamson is going to jump ship.

    From the newsletter:

    “Where’s Maurice Williamson Going?
    Betting site iPredict has opened up stocks for a by-election in Pakuranga, and for incumbent Williamson to be the candidate by 2017. The interesting thing is the opening odds, respectively 30 and 25 percent likely. iPredict’s operators, who have deep political connections, set these odds. Something’s up.

    ACT’s Board has unanimously rejected an approach by the hapless Don Brash (no joking, this is too good for us to have made up) for Williamson to join ACT’s caucus. “My own party don’t want me no more” is not an attractive pitch. For similar reasons, what poor country would accept him as ambassador?”

    • dukeofurl 6.1

      What poor country would accept his as Ambassador ?

      Being unwanted by your party is usually the prime consideration for an ambassadors role.

      In ACTs case they even made Don Brash leader AFTER he was found wanting by national. Similar for Banks.

      Must be something behind this sudden outbreak of principle with ACT. Could it be Steven Joyce told the ACT board, Seymour would be out of whatever his job is in parliament quicker than you can say mac the knife.

      • mac1 6.1.1

        As mac1, I was all set to jump whimsically to the defence of all ‘macs’ who were calumniated by the “mac the knife” reference, when I googled it and found that Mack the Knife from the Threepenny Opera actually dated from a character called Macheath in the ‘Beggars’ Opera’ of the 1720s and was based on Sir Robert Walpole who was thrown out of parliament for corruption. So, all creds to dukeofurl for his knowledge of historical minutiae. Whooooar!

        • McFlock

          well, that led to an interesting jaunt through wikipedia, and I’m a better chap for it 🙂

      • repateet 6.1.2

        Sudden outbreak of principle? Was it Confucius who say “Before you break principles you must identify them so you know what you are breaking?”

  7. Mike S 7

    From Goldsmith’s article –

    “sustainable economic environment”

    Another idiot politician who uses the word sustainable yet has no clue about the first law of sustainability.

    • ropata 7.1

      Well the rest of his junk mail advertorial was all about super growth and raising productivity.

      I suppose the good villagers of Epsom can pat themselves on the back for “sustaining” dirty politics, inequality, a housing crisis, and child poverty.

  8. ropata 8

    One good thing that Paul Goldsmith mentioned was working on financial literacy. I sure hope he learns some.