Daily Review 21/10/2016

Written By: - Date published: 6:11 pm, October 21st, 2016 - 4 comments
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4 comments on “Daily Review 21/10/2016 ”

  1. Pasupial 1

    Has this happened anywhere else? The possibility of human error in deciphering ballot marks and tabulating results would seem to be quite sufficient reason for a recount:

    Michael Laws has secured his hold on an Otago Regional Council seat as his rival’s bid for a recount was rejected… polling five votes ahead of incumbent Gary Kelliher…

    In his written decision today, Judge Kellar said the closeness of the voting, by itself, was not reasonable grounds to believe the declaration of the voting numbers was incorrect and that on a recount, Mr Kelliher might be elected.


    I hope I’m not just speaking out of distaste for the prospect of Laws as an ORC. But if closeness of result is; “not reasonable grounds”, for a recount, then what is?

    • weka 1.1

      Weird (isn’t there a recount happening up north on a close result?), and depressing (Laws on the ORC, fuck).

      • Draco T Bastard 1.1.1

        And we had the Waitakere recount that first had Bennett win and the Carmel Sepuloni and then Bennett all of which was done on the closeness of the count.

        So, yeah, I’d say that the judge is wrong on this one.

  2. Takere 2

    She was useless at her job. She failed at everything she attempted to implement as well as a publicly humiliating herself & those involved in a few PG’s from staff along the way.
    Doing the dishes on the Marae & translation at hui (yet to be confirmed) is probably where she excels but other than that, good riddens. NoMorePay!