A fair tax

Written By: - Date published: 9:28 am, February 13th, 2010 - 38 comments
Categories: class war, gst - Tags:

38 comments on “A fair tax ”

  1. Pat 1

    “Considering a tin of baked beans is at least half the price of a tin of pet food, then you must be pretty friggin stupid to be eating pet food, Madam. Are you part of the 7% still wanting Helen Clark as PM?”

    • Mac1 1.1

      When out collecting for charity in the sixties, I remember being greeted at one door by two huge dogs followed by their owner who said they (the owners) could not afford to give to charity.

      Since, Pat, as you say, baked beans are cheaper by half than pet food, this household must have spent enough for a person to live on just in dog food for their dogs.

      Charity and paying taxes, two hallmarks of a civilised person accepting personal responsibility for his or her part in society. Not like the mean-spiritedness shown in the comments such as yours or that from the bilious, blind to gender, one below.

      Anti-spam word ‘touches’. Some people are soft touches and allow human stories, or cartoons, to touch their hearts. I have read stories of the poor eating pet food for cheap animal protein. I prefer a soft heart to the other.

  2. simon coffey 2

    aaah,but no meaty juice-ness in a tin of baked beans!

    I don’t want Helen back I just want the men in grey suits gone

  3. RedLogix 3

    Of course GST is an unfair tax because the wealthy have a much larger portion of their cash flow directed towards financial transactions.. which is GST free.

    (And why of course FTT’s like Tobin Taxes never get mentioned.)

  4. Peter Bilson 4

    If a bum eating catfood cannot help himself, why should I help him?
    Clark voters prefer Chef.

    [lprent: and people like you prefer looking for table crumbs falling from Key and congratulating yourself on how lucky you are. Wee mutts with a very limited pack mentality quivering with pleasure in front of their ‘betters’ seems to describe most of the right.

    But I really didn’t hear a point in your comment – just some pathetic jerk being snide because he could sneer at someone else. ]

    • RedLogix 4.1

      If a prick making vile comments fails at being human, why should I not turn him into catfood?

      • Peter Bilson 4.1.1

        Making vile comments is being human wank wad.

        [lprent: Agreed – that does appear to be your trademark. When are you going to rectify your deficiencies? Or should I carry on enhancing your comments to express what you appear to be unable to do – having some substance rather than just being bilious. ]

    • ConorJoe 4.2

      i’m sorry P.B, did you see a ‘bum’ in scotts cartoon? you are doing the classic rightie move of MAKING SHIT UP

  5. Di 5

    John Key would be so proud of the quality of the comments of his supporter, Peter Bile. What generosity of spirit!

  6. Tiger Mountain 6

    A classic Tom Scott piece. Commenter Peter Bilious has mis-thunk. The cartoonist is pointing out a contradiction not suggesting what should be done about it.

  7. pointer 7

    I’m not economist, but I was flabbergasted at Key’s defense of GST as “not necessarily” a regressive tax when questioned by Sean Plunkett. He kept saying that high income earners would actually pay more in nominal terms, repeating that word: nominal. It was as if he really thought people don’t understand what that means.

    I fear he may be right.

    • felix 7.1

      It also suggests that he doesn’t know what “regressive” means. Which suggests that he doesn’t understand what percentages are.

      (or he thinks we don’t)

      • Fisiani 7.1.1

        I take you do understand percentages and that a GST rise of 2.5% is only a total price rise of 2.2%. ie 22 cents in 10 dollars.
        Balance that against the coming Budget tax cuts for the MANY with only a FEW wealthy landlords paying more.
        Not a Communist by 20 -no heart.
        Still a Communist by 30 -no brain.
        Obviously a blog written by teenagers!

        [lprent: Actually no. I’m the oldest at 50.

        And before you get off into the usual gormless wingnut troll idiocies. I’ve never worked for the civil service (apart from time in the army). Never worked for or been a member of union. Have always worked in export businesses except for my time in the army. Have pretty much always been taxed at the top rates. Have a degree in science, another in business, and dribs and drabs of several other disciplines. You’ll find this type of profile isn’t uncommon around here.

        Personally I think that they must issue idiotic stereotypes to the wingnut trolls like you when they punch you out of the frigging mold. Your ‘intelligence’ appears entirely framed in restating what someone else has said and shows virtually no signs of any creativity or innovation.

        You’re politically illiterate otherwise you’d realize that mis-quoting Winston Churchill is tantamount to swearing audibly at a wedding.

        Read the about and the policy so that you don’t look like such a tremendous teen-age dork. Even the teenage dorks around here (eh KT) look better prepared to live around this site than you do. ]

        • Marty G

          “Balance that against the coming Budget tax cuts for the MANY ”

          We’ll believe it when we see it

          Did you believe your hero when he promised you ‘North of $50’ in tax cuts each week? What about when he passed his last set of tax cuts, only to repeal them a couple of months later?

          • felix

            Straight down the memory hole I suspect Marty.

            Fisiani it sounds like you were a sucker thinking in platitudes at 20, and a sucker thinking in platitudes at 30, and I suspect you’ll die a sucker thinking in platitudes too.

            (probably from high blood pressure, angry about young people and that bloody music, it all sounds the same cos you stopped growing in your late teens)

        • Fisiani

          I humbly apologise for missing out the one word that was wrong in my post.
          I should have said “obviously a blog apparently written by teenagers”
          I sincerely concede You are not a teenager……………..

        • kiwiteen123

          @Lynn. Thanks. Age isn’t everything. 😉

          [lprent: It is good for giving perspective. You tend to grow out of your current habit of dealing with things as being absolutes. ]

  8. Anyone with a Rolls Royce – and probably anything even half the price – will have it owned by a company or partnership which reclaims the GST, and claims insurance, petrol etc. as business expenses.

  9. Luke.xensen 9

    Interestingly if the Rolls Royce was bought in Australia, it would be somewhat more expensive. In Aus there is a luxury car tax of 33% for the value of vehicles above $57,000.
    How about bringing that in here to help us catch up with australia.

  10. How do you define fair?

  11. Mac1 11

    That’s one definition, very popular with children, as teachers know.

    What about considerations of equity, need, opportunity as well?

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