Annette King’s valedictory

Written By: - Date published: 9:59 pm, August 10th, 2017 - 36 comments
Categories: Annette King - Tags:

An excellent account of her time as the longest serving woman MP in the NZ parliament.

(need to skip the first couple of minutes while everyone gets seated ready)

36 comments on “Annette King’s valedictory ”

  1. Bunji 1

    She’s been a good servant of the NZ public…

  2. Anne 2

    An highly entertaining speech. Her experience and wisdom will be missed inside the party.

  3. rhinocrates 3

    Bah humbug. Another Bride of Our Blessed Lord Roger. Another one of the Rogernomics generation goes – good!

    • Korero Pono 3.1


    • lurgee 3.2

      Is the left now cool with beating people up because of decades old actions or opinions?

      • rhinocrates 3.2.1

        If they still have consequences that they refuse to address, yes.

        • dukeofurl

          The labour party before Douglas wasnt socialist-left in policy, those of the hard left try to create the myth they live with to this day.

          Current labour party is centre left, so has a mix of policys from the left AND from the centre. Probably in government it would be even more centrist.

          These geriatric old socialist-left commentators are never happy because there isnt a well known party in NZ politics that is aligned with them. Socialist Unity Party is long gone.
          Oh dear … back to to voting for the various individuals running under ‘workers’ party labels.

          • Stuart Munro

            No it wasn’t.

            But we’re not looking for socialist left, but balanced Fabian socialism – and we are denied it by far too many non-performing neoliberals.

            If the neo-liberal thefts of public assets had indeed created savings, or the mythical growth – the ‘rising tide that lifts all boats’ we would not be complaining.

            Instead they were a vehicle for corruption. The same corruption that doomed the soviet experiment and has almost destroyed America.

            And it’s getting worse.

        • lurgee

          If they still have consequences that they refuse to address, yes.

          Turei hasn’t repaid the money she gained fraudulently. So I suppose you’re saying the attacks on her were justified.

          What did King do that offended you so much, other than be elected in 1984 (after joining the party in the early 70s)?

          She only became a Minister in 1989, lost her seat in 1990. So her reign of terror can’t have been that extreme.

      • Ross 3.2.2


        You could ask Peter Ellis that question. Phil Goff was Justice Minister and Annette King, too, in the previous Labour government. The Ellis case needs further enquiry because I, and I suspect many others, don’t believe justice has been done. Apart from a sham ministerial inquiry, Ellis didn’t receive a fair go under Labour. However, I note that Jacinda Ardern and Andrew Little both seem keen to establish a Criminal Cases Review Commission. An independent body to assess possible miscarriages of justice is well overdue. Indeed I think there is overwhelming consensus within the legal community about the need for such a body – with the notable exception of the Justice Ministry.

        • lurgee

          Ellis was imprisoned in 1993 and released in 2000. Labour lost power in 1989 and regained it in 1999.

          Goff was Minister of Justice in 2000 when the Eichelbaum was set up. King was only minister of Justice for just over a year (September 2007-November 2008) and I don’t think Ellis and his supporters (I consider myself one) made any moves to request an inquiry in that time. His supporters did write to Simon Power immediately after National’s 2008 election victory (letter dated 25th of November, 2008. King passed the portfolio on to Power on the 19th of that month).

          Ellis was badly served, but not on her watch.

    • Bunji 3.3

      Did you actually watch it? She certainly wasn’t defending Rogernomics.

  4. I’m inclined to agree with rhinocrates.

    Therefore ,… silence.

    Simon And Garfunkel – The Sound Of Silence (with lyrics) – YouTube
    you tube▶ 4:07

  5. Sumsuch 5

    Amazingly competent–the qualification for employment in the ’99 Labour Govt. 6 comments–what she did for the people.

    • McFlock 5.1

      Frankly, I felt she was a reasonably good minhealth, but I’m just to bloody tired to bother with an argument.

      • miravox 5.1.1

        The lasting focus on population health and the primary healthcare strategy are thanks to King’s management of the health portfolio. I remember the change of focus was a pretty big deal back then.

        Also a safe pair of hands for problem portfolios. Her skills, dedication and ability to knit things together will be missed by Labour.

      • mosa 5.1.2

        Beddy byes time McFlock

  6. lurgee 6

    Should have been leader after Goff.

  7. Cinny 7

    Long Live The Queen aka Annette King.

    Thank you for being such an amazing MP, going to miss hearing you in the house.

    A little bird from the capital who see’s you around often (not politically related) told me you are all shades of awesome, super friendly and a whole lot of fun.

  8. Dot 8

    What a long and great contribution, your good humour has always been a winner.
    Annette never pushed to be leader although she would have been ideal
    and my choice.

  9. ianmac 9

    Who would like to cuddle? McCully or King?
    Annette is a warm funny competent person and could have been a great PM had not Helen’s time come.
    Thanks for your presence Annette.

  10. zuszsa 10

    Her valedictory speech was brilliant – it was funny, gracious, humble,very well delivered and I loved that her supporting waiata was Bread and Roses.

  11. RedLogix 11

    A fine speech and a bit of a history lesson. And good to see the House packed with family, friends, colleagues old and new. We both enjoyed watching it. AK may not have been another Helen Clark, she may not have had massive profile or charisma … but every govt, no matter how well led, needs loyal and competent Ministers who get the essential work done without fuss or overly many fumbles.

    I’m sure the PLP causas will miss her one way or another, 33 years is a long time in such a brutal, tough business. In that time any person will have made many friends and likely more than a few enemies. But these are the moments to set all that aside … these are the moments to celebrate a slice, however brief, of our shared humanity.

  12. John Stone 12

    One of the great characters. Sad to see her go.

  13. Dot 13

    I do not know how much of parliament that you have watched
    or whether you are not as old as I am but I cannot think of anyone in
    parliament with as much charisma as Annette. A really clever mimic has to be clever !

    • RedLogix 13.1

      Good … happy to accept your more informed point of view. I’ve never met Annette and I was just reflecting my impression via the media.

  14. savenz 14

    A loss.

  15. Treetop 15

    I have always liked King. I listened to her valedictory speech. I disagree with the praise she gave Broad (ex police commissioner) because she was misled under his watch. Her praise of how social housing is run in Wellington by the council annoyed me. I know of a housing complex which is not insulated, complaints by two tenants either side of a problem tenant are not being dealt with.

    There needs to be new legislation to sound proof walls so the sound of stereo bass, urinating in the toilet, physical and mental cries are not heard, stomping, loud TVs, electrical appliances being used).

    The noise act is a JOKE. A person can get noise notice after noise notice (usually only for a stereo). Everyone deserves a home. When a person is making life difficult for other tenants and they have addiction problems and the person may never be rehabilitated a property where they can do less harm is what is required.

    When it comes to a flatting situation a flatmate can be asked to leave. When a person has a separate tenancy and they are in a situation as if they are sharing a flat because sound goes through the walls a noise problem is hard to fix.

  16. Jenny Kirk 16

    Annette’s speech – warm, witty and personal. And yes to those who remember the years of Rogernomics, she was there too – and Annette acknowledged that, and the effects that has had on New Zealanders, even unto this day.
    But that does not degrade the work she has put in since – nor the work she did in support of Andrew Little as his deputy in recent years, and her leaving Parliament and the Labour caucus will leave a gap in knowledge, experience and wisdom.
    I hope she and Ray enjoy a good retirement together.

  17. mosa 17

    The last i think except for Mallard and Dunne from the infamous 1984 intake.

    I have always admired her and she has always been an outspoken advocate for health.

    End of an era.

  18. Pat 18

    She was the obvious and logical successor to Helen Clark and would have performed far better than Goff however i have long suspected she never got the role as Labour didn’t wish to present two consecutive female leaders….look where that got them.