Written By:
mickysavage - Date published:
12:05 pm, October 24th, 2014 - 14 comments
Categories: labour, workers' rights -
If you are looking for something to do on Labour Day the Mangere Labour Electorate Committee is holding a remembrance event at Waikaraka Cemetery in Onehunga, Auckland. Within a couple of hundred metres of each other are graves of people who in their own distinct way played a significant role in the Labour Movement of Aotearoa.
First there is the grave of Frederick Evans, a Waihi miner who was loyal to his union and was killed in 1912 during the Waihi Miner’s strike. The Labour Party was formed in 1916 after workers realised after the events at Waihi that political action as much as industrial action would be required to improve the plight of ordinary people.
NZHistory Net says this about Evans:
Evans belonged to the Waihi Trade Union of Workers (WTUW), then led by future Labour Cabinet minister Bill Parry, who was also Australian-born. This union was affiliated to the militant New Zealand Federation of Labour (FOL, or ‘Red Feds’) and was bitterly opposed to the Waihi Goldmining Company. In April, encouraged by the company, a group of engine drivers formed their own union, and in June it was registered under the industrial arbitration system. The miners demanded these men be dismissed. When the company refused, the WTUW went on strike on 13 May. Refusing to join the breakaway union, Evans acted as provision storekeeper for the strikers, and was an occasional correspondent for the FOL newspaper, the Maoriland Worker.
In September the government sent extra police with horses, batons and firearms to Waihi. Almost 70 of the leading strikers were arrested, including Evans; he was found guilty then discharged. The strikers’ position worsened after the mine was reopened with ‘scab’ labour on 2 October. Violence escalated in early November. On Friday the 8th Evans was caught up in a street fight. His wife May – who, like many of the strikers’ wives, took a prominent role in the dispute – came to his defence, shaming a policeman into walking away rather than hitting her.
After further clashes on the Monday, strikers agreed with police to reduce their pickets at the miners’ hall. Early on Tuesday 12 November, Evans arrived at the hall to relieve one of the three or four men still on duty. Soon after, a crowd of strike-breakers, backed by police, stormed the hall. During a struggle at the door, strikebreaker Thomas Johnston was shot in the knee, possibly by Evans. As the unionists fled out the back of the hall, Constable Gerald Wade was shot in the stomach, but managed to strike Evans down with his baton. The striker collapsed under a barrage of boots and blows.
Evans was left for an hour and a half in police cells before being taken to hospital. He never regained consciousness and died the following day. Johnston’s and Wade’s injuries were slight.
Then there is the grave of Bill Andersen former Secretary of the feared Northern Driver’s Union and a staunch Communist. He was one of the traditional Trade Union leaders, tough, utterly dedicated, tactical and analytical. He did not hold back in criticising the system and described things the way he saw them. He referred to the US Democrats and Republicans as “the evil of two lessers“. His view of our democratic system is one that will strike a nerve with many, “Governments are not in power, they are in office – big business is in power.”
And last but not least is the grave of David Lange. Labour’s fifth Prime Minister’s grave is a remarkably modest thing. I have some personal history with him. My father was the swing vote that meant that he and not Mike Moore was the Labour candidate for Mangere in 1977. On the night of the selection Lange spoke last but he swept the crowd with his oratory and the rest was history. He was more than a match for the tyrant Rob Muldoon and in 1984 Labour won elected in a landslide. I cheered when Lange made New Zealand nuclear free and described the lunacy of the nuclear arms race as the refining of an existing ability to make the rubble bounce and bounce. I despaired at the Douglas Prebble reforms and let my membership lapse. I subsequently thought that Lange’s call for a cup of tea and a pause was the one thing that saved Labour from oblivion.
Some think that Lange should share responsibility for Rogernomics. I think we should appreciate that he had the decency to take a step back and try and stop it.
Speeches will be given by playwright Dean Parker about Frederick Evans, former Trade Unionist and Mangere Labour activist Vic Morrow on David Lange and Bill Andersen’s son Karl will say a few words about his father. There will also be a speech by Sua William Sio on current Labour relations and proposed law changes. Lunch will be served at the Mangere Cosmopolitan Club, Bader Drive Mangere at a cost of $15 per head.
The Facebook event is here. The event starts at 11 am. If you want to attend something historical, educational and inspiring then come along.
Sounds like a much more interesting event than kite flying with David Parker.
” Some think that Lange should share responsibility for Rogernomics. I think we should appreciate that he had the decency to take a step back and try and stop it.”
Thanks for this comment particularly, Mickey S. I totally agree. And being there, and trying (albeit in a minor way) to help Lange do this, was a privilege I will always remember.
Thanks Jenny they sure were interesting times!
Well done to all concerned Micky. Karl Andersen and Vic Morrow have been involved in commemorating FG Evans anniversary for many years. Nice to see something worth supporting on this Labour weekend.
While the zombie shopping shuffle will be a main activity for torys and those with “kick me harder” signs on their backs, at least there is no dirty Hobbitses rally from Weta this year.
An interesting little anecdote about Andersen mickysavage:
In the early to mid 1970s I was secretary of a Mt.Albert Labour Party branch. One of my jobs was to find an ‘interesting’ speaker for the monthly meetings. I decided to write to Bill Andersen and ask him to come and tell us “Why he joined the Communist Party”. It seemed like a good idea to hear his reasons so that I/we could better judge his motivations etc. He duly replied saying “he would be delighted to speak to us”. A few days later I was contacted by a Labour Party official and told in no uncertain terms to cancel the invitation. I duly contacted him with some fictitious story why the invitation had to be withdrawn. I have no doubt he guessed what had happened, but it was something that left me feeling annoyed and embarrassed.
The irony is… I also wrote to the northern branch of Federated Farmers and asked them to send a speaker. They did so, and it was a friendly and enjoyable meeting. That was okay, but listening to a Trade Unionist and Communist to boot? Oh dear no.
I am sure Bill would have guessed the reason. A highly intelligent man who managed to be gentle and kind as well as staunch.
His funeral service was held at the marae at Bastion Point where we all got to sing “The Red Flag” in Maori. Somehow I don’t think David Parker will be singing “the Red Flag” at his event at Bastion Point on Labour Day.
Actually I think it was the Internationale not the Red Flag – Bill was somewhat left of the Labour Party even in the days when Labour was left.
Bill Andersen is the great uncle of Ginny Andersen who stood in Ohariu.
She was a great candidate. let’s hope we see more of her.
Has that Cute Clever Communist Carouser Don Presland got a hand in organising any of this?
He deserves all the credit!
nz had mickey savage
aussie had gough whitlam
given how often national has been in power who is their fondly remembered leader for having the courage to reform for the vulnerable?
I see by the Facebook page that both Helen Kelly and Andrew little will be attending.
A pity we might not be properly settled back in New Zealand by Labour Day, it would have been great to bring the kids by to learn a bit about their heritage. It’s always good to see an event made out of our history rather than just a meaningless celebration. Everybody should bring out some of their patriotism from storage on this day and have a good go at the festivities!