Written By:
all_your_base - Date published:
2:22 pm, June 9th, 2009 - 19 comments
Categories: john key, richard worth, slippery -
Tags: audrey young, goff, herald, key
The Herald asked this morning whose word was more credible on the Worth issue, John Key or Phil Goff.
Their political editor Audrey Young has just answered the question for them.
“One politician was bound to be deeply embarrassed today, Phil Goff or John Key. One would be right and one would be wrong. And the answer is that John Key is wrong.”
Should we really be surprised though? Remember Key’s Tranz Rail share story? Remember his shifting position on the war in Iraq? Remember his tax cuts promise during the election campaign?
Oops. Posted this in the wrong place:
The “being on the plane’ comment to justify John’s claim that Phil was “wrong’ on so many levels, seems very strange. Why on earth would John say that knowing that it could easily be checked???? Luckily John is just another dad like us. OOPS! No he’s not. He is the Prime Minister for God’s sake!
The extended interview played on Maori TV last night recorded last Friday, was astounding for the dissembling John Key. I don’t think he answered any questions but blustered empty words. So do I when marking time trying to think of an answer but I am not the PM!
John Key is a filthy liar. The man has no credibility.
whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo.
Good grief.
All John Key had to do was stand up and say he had STOOD DOWN Worth as a result of a police complaint around unsavoury behaviour. Rather than bring up the Goff complaint he should have said nothing. Then if Goff raised the subject, say in hindsight he should of looked into it more thoroughly and arrange a meeting with the woman to apologise to her directly.
Easy peasy PR 101 – Be direct and tell the truth.
Instead, Key’s evasiveness has now become the story.
Tom- as always you are spot on.
This saga has dragged on for two weeks with everyone being unable decide if JK is stupid or just devious. And the Mt Albert by election is only 4 days away. All totally uneccessary and all self inflicted.
Until 4 weeks ago, the government had total control of the agenda and were virtually unchallenged. They were given a good chance of winning Mt Albert and inflicting mortal danger on Goff and had the budget to sell their message.
Since then we have had a stupid comment after stupid comment.
It will be interesting to watch the effect of all this later on after all the dust has settled. Worth is not the important issue. The respect for Key/Nat is. Will Guyon keep asking the questions? Will the MSM be willing to challenge? Watch this space for the next thrilling episod…………….
The media hasn’t even needed to ask anything. They just need to turn up to Key’s press conferences and Melissa Lee’s meetings.
Goff & Key are both (well documented) liars -and they both stuffed up.
@tommy Realistically you cannot become a PM being “direct and telling the truth”, how do you propose one can get the funding for an election campaign?????
Key pre election “Hi Mr Kerr I really want to tell the people of NZ the truth …”
Key’s PR/puppet team failed him, (and a pr team fight ensued so they sent him up to Lee (to be seen associating with a loser ), if Key was smarter he would have known this.
What is the big attraction to dr Worth, it was such a small unimportant event.
Undeserving of mention.
I’m interested to see some of these documented examples of Goff lying and how they relate to this issue, since Key has lied on this specific issue and has a long track record of lying.
You are funny Merlin.
I am sorry you are right lying does not relate to this specific issue.
You are right, I m wrong and I will “go suck it up”.
Go has no examples of Goff lying at all. Any fool should be able to find some. They must exist.
What a blow hard.
Thanks, couldn’t have said it better,
very nice satire Zet!
“no examples of Goff lying at all. Any fool should be able to find some. They must exist.”
Love Zet x
Key in his presser today “I am not Judge Judy”.
Did he mean ‘judge and jury’? Or is he simply confirming he isn’t the hard-nosed female American TV judge? I wasn’t aware he’d been mistaken for her before…
He’s been saying Judge Judy for the past few days. Probably wanted to use the line ‘judge, jury, and executioner’ but couldn’t get the whole way.
Note that someone’s told him to say text messages instead of textes. He even stopped himself on Sunrise.
this is what the upside was always gonna be following the rout and rort of the last election.
my constant chuckling is cutting down my need for heating.
cheap seats at this circus and smaller power bills.
all thanks to the Johnkey Government.
classic captcha: bennet by
Audrey will get kicked out of the VRWC for reporting such nonsence.
How come neither of the TV news channels didn’t carry this earth shattering bombshell?
>>>How come neither of the TV news channels didn’t carry this earth shattering bombshell?>>>
a double negative there – sounding more like PM speak every day.