Daily review 01/09/2023

Written By: - Date published: 5:30 pm, September 1st, 2023 - 22 comments
Categories: Daily review - Tags:

Daily review is also your post.

This provides Standardistas the opportunity to review events of the day.

The usual rules of good behaviour apply (see the Policy).

Don’t forget to be kind to each other …

22 comments on “Daily review 01/09/2023 ”

  1. adam 1

    10 to 1 is the sign count out of Auckland coming north for the Tories over the parties of the left. Let alone how many Te Pāti Māori and Labour party signs have been defaced or knocked over.

    So it's a given, the Tories are trying to buy the election.

    Anyone else notice the adds on Facebook and Youtube from the act muppets.That is about 50 to 1 in my experience. I wonder if it's because I watch right wing and left wing media?

  2. SPC 2

    It looks like MSM needs to be fact checked, repeating National policy release talking points without nuance/context

    Labour and others have criticised National's plan, which could see families without children earning less than $120,000 getting an extra $100 in their pocket each fortnight, which extended to $250 every two weeks for those with children.


    Not all, only … if they have children under 5 and pay for child care, they qualify for the child care rebate and if they also qualify for the WFF tax credit.

  3. SPC 3

    Surprisingly for a party focused on affording a capacity to deliver tax cuts, National has decided that its administration cost savings programme will include IRD.

    Thus limiting the agency focused on ensuring full compliance with tax revenue gathering.

    Which would appear to run the risk of under performance in tax collection, outside of PAYE, …


  4. aj 4

    Behind the facade of modernity and inclusiveness in Queenstown, lurks homphobia and bigotry to rival anywhere in New Zealand.

    • Queenstown Winter Pride marred by vandalism and abuse


    • Visubversa 4.1

      Five years ago – you would not have seen that. Gays and Lesbians were pretty much free of that sort of bigotry, except for a few religious zealots.

      However, we now have Gender Ideology – fastened to the Gay Rights movement like a giant tick. It is a science denying ideology that force teams same sex attracted people with a collection of straight people – including people with paraphyllia, and fetishes.

      It is an ideology which demands that others constantly demonstrate their submission by using the required language such as "pregnant people" and "assigned at birth", and by displaying their acceptance of the ideology in the form of pronoun badges, email signatures etc.

      And that is before we get into the effects on children and young people.

      No wonder there is growing concern among the populace.

      • Ad 4.1.1

        Are you saying that homophobic attacks in Queenstown are occurring because the attackers are enraged by the passage of the law about the self-identification of gender?

        Do you know the attackers or something?

        • weka

          It's not the BDMRR. Its gender identity ideology that has been rolled out in central and local government, and NGOs, and commerce. This has split the left over concerns for women and child transitioning, and has been taken up hugely by the right. There is a major backlash gearing up. Liberals supportive of GII were warned by feminists about this but have largely ignored this dynamic in favour of terf=nazi sloganeering.

          What Visubversa is saying matches what I've been observing and hearing from many lesbian and gay people. That bigotry against them had declined massively until the push from GII started. Now it is on the rise again. It's not the only thing going on, obviously there is a racism backlash happening, an increase in climate denial and so on. It's a conservative shift and we ignore it at our peril.

    • Molly 4.2

      Well, a picture of a logo on a pavement requires a "slamming by the town's mayor".

      "“Whether it’s defacing or ripping down posters, trolling social media, hiding or stealing books that don’t align with your personal views, or spray-painting offensive statements on or around council facilities; these acts do not reflect the outlook shared by QLDC, myself or, I strongly believe, the vast majority of our community.”

      The vandalism included a spray-painted claim that one of the council’s Rainbow Reading sessions was ‘Child Grooming’.

      Mr Lewers described this as “bullying and bigotry masquerading as concern about the extreme sexualisation of children”."

      Strong words for some fairly mundane and everyday occurrences: trolling social media, as well as the poster removal etc.

      Let's see what Auckland Pride said about the ACTUAL violence and intimidation encouraged by them towards a group of women in Albert Park on March 25th:

      "In a statement responding to the cancellation, Auckland Pride said: "Tāmaki Makaurau demonstrated its values today and stood up to the vile anti-trans hatred of Posie Parker.

      "Parker's subsequent withdrawal from her Wellington event demonstrates the power of community organising and solidarity in showing her that her hateful views are not welcome here."

      The group said they had "taken lessons from today about our need to play a greater role to ensure future events remain peaceful and non-violent, especially in a time of rising hatred globally towards rainbow communities", but disputed Parker's version of events.

      "Auckland Pride unequivocally stands by peaceful protest as a means of counter protest, and does not endorse any physical violence, regardless of the extent of injury caused.

      "There is a narrative quickly taking hold amongst anti-trans groups and individuals that Parker abandoned her event because of violence from our community. We reject this narrative.

      "We are of the firm belief that the demonstration of unity, celebration, and acceptance alongside joyous music, chanting, and noise of 5000 supporters was too loud to overcome and the reason for her departure – and not the actions of any one individual."

      They were right in that it was not only one individual…

      And then let's have a look:


      • Ad 4.2.1

        So why in your view does your equivalence of one form of violence with another make either of them acceptable? Or is there some other rationality you have for the comparison.

        • weka

          The comparison is, imo, useful to point to two things.

          1. the bizarre and large denial by many liberals that we have a new kind of violence against women

          2. the hypocrisy in the liberal position on this.

          • Ad

            It really is possible to condemn homophobia clearly expressed, without getting on your own hobbyhorse first to moan about some other apparent hypocrisy from a mythical liberal position.

            Give it a try.

        • Molly

          The degrees of violence are not the same, yet presented in reverse priority when it comes to reporting.

          The recognition of direct physical violence is missing.

          The response from authorities and media is not neutral.

          "So why in your view does your equivalence of one form of violence with another make either of them acceptable? "

          No, that clumsy interpretation is not my view. . However, the first article is so vague I would say anything that involves direct threats, intimidation, physical harms or violence is something that should be condemned.

          • Ad

            If it was not your view you should not have been so foolish as to make a vacuous false equivalence in the first place.

            It would not have been hard to just show just a mote of support for the gays in Queenstown who are being shamed.

            And before you launch another tiresome ‘ but look over here’, try saying something supportive. It will do you good.

    • SPC 4.3

      For years those opposed to end of discrimination (including penal and mental health incarceration) and then to same sex marriages said that they were concerned at the prospect of subsequent "grooming" of teens by adults.

      And American groups continue to campaign to have schools and libraries purged of all literature/books supportive of the place of homosexuals and lesbians in society – they now usually focus on books for children. Censorship – whether legal prohibition, or otherwise, being the social conformity way.

      Along with CRT censorship, this is part of the white race Christian nation dominionism project of the American culture wars.

      However I doubt its a local thing, this was done for nationwide media coverage for the election campaign.


      • Molly 4.3.1

        In the US – as in NZ – Queer Theory has infiltrated the school curriculum.

        One of the mainstays of Queer Theory is the breaking down of boundaries – which in some implementations includes breaking safeguarding boundaries for children.

        The RSE curriculum 2020, has the morphed from the sex education many of us would remember and has significantly changed with the addition of Sexuality and Relationships material.

        This material is often provided by third party providers, meaning there is no transparency or content provided when OIA requests are made.

        Sexuality does not mean introducing discussion of sexual orientation – which I understand was included in the previous curriculum.

        What it has meant in the USA is the discussion at age inappropriate levels of sexual acts, including sex aids, toys and some fetish practices. The explicit nature of these approaches has also occurred in children's publications.

        Which is why many US parents are demanding schools provide access to content, and are raising concerns.

        The school library is being asked to curate books so that children are not exposed to content that they are not developmentally ready for.

        How much time are you spending on researching this topic before you condemn those raising concerns as "white race Christians"?

        I'd suggest very little because there have been large demonstrations from Latini and Muslim communities on this very topic. Strangely enough, like the "white Christians" you deride, they too recognise the harms that come from safeguarding failures.

        If you can bring yourself – without prejudice – to actually go look at some of the concerns raised, you might garner some understanding into what is taking place.

        • SPC

          Given your obvious total denial of the relevance of the decades long activity by conservative religious groups against the social acceptance of homosexuality in society, opposition to same sex marriages and sex education (outside of chastity outside of marriage) in schools – such as orientation as per relationships – you would presumably regard their sponsorship of an extension of "moral concern" to gender identity ("queer theory") as nothing of note.

          Thus the effort to control the narrative whenever the topic comes up.

          Which is similar to the politics of those who chose an annual event in Queenstown to garner publicity for their own anti-government narrative at local and national level.

          The extension of the topic of sexual orientation to gender identity in relationships was inevitable since the DSM of 1980 (societal acceptance of both homosexuality and gender equality – as per women's rights, leading to the professions acceptance of difference in the psycho-sexual development of individuals). The white race nation GOP conservatives (read up about the GOP strategy to rebuild their power base in the south via "moral majority" back in the 1970's) stand by their obedience to Pauline gospel in opposition to same sex activity and feminism (preferring the promise keeper separate but equal roles for male leadership and female subordinate). That some Latino's and Moslems share these values does not make them right.

          To these conservatives the extension of issue, of variation in sexual orientation, as to relationship partnership, to variation of individuals as to identity (as per their psycho-sexual development) was/is an opportunity to garner support from those convinced there is a normal humanity and a standard of belief and behaviour to conform to (for them to please their God and for others to as they were born to be male or female and to have procreative sex and raise up children as father and mother – the natural order argument).

          You see the problem as "queer theory" and "their" threat to appropriate boundaries. Thus take a side (other women have to and some "secular society" men who see it as "protecting women from a bad actor threat – self ID exploitation – have as well). I tend to look at the wider picture.

          There can be normal political debate about the various specifics of what educational and gender identity affirming medical practice should be, but not so much between those who have taken a side in culture wars.

          [Please correct your username in your next comment, thanks – Incognito]

          • Incognito

            Mod note

            • SPC

              Sure, one should not type the message into the name required box – even if it is “super political correctness” on point.

          • Molly

            I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn't bother looking for yourself, before writing a longer version of your previous comment.

            Your choice.

  5. joe90 5

    Fun fact; Star Trek exists because Lucille Ball took a punt, twice.


  6. Muttonbird 6

    105s in the big house. Great to see NZ might be able to inflict a small amount of pain on Australia for once:

    The two Christchurch brothers convicted of almost 70 sex crime and drugging charges don't hold New Zealand passports and could be deported back to Australia when released from prison.
